def resample_msg(h5files, gribfiles, outdir='./'): #,accstep=1,acc = True, start = 0): '''Finds SAF MSG data in a hdf5 file, resamples it to fc grid and puts it in a grib message ''' if h5files == [] or gribfiles == []: print 'resample_msg: Files not found' return 0 import find_date, gribtools, config # make dir to output files config.mkdir_p(outdir) # get necessary lats,lons ONCE: glats, glons = gribtools.get_latlon(gribfiles[0]) rlats, rlons = init_MSG_h5data(h5files[0]) def tofile(gfile, date, data, param=71, level=0): '''take grib file and hdf5 data, resample and insert into new grib file''' resampled_data = resample_radar(data, rlats, rlons, glats, glons) dtg = dt.datetime.strftime(date, '%Y%m%d%H') newfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'msg_' + str(dtg) + '+000.grib') gribtools.insert_grib(gfile, newfile, resampled_data, parameter=param, level=level, force=True) #gribtools.insert_grib(gfile, newfile, resampled_data,parameter = 0, level = level) return newfile msgfiles = set() #[] for gfile in gribfiles: alreadythere = 0 # check below if accumulated observations have been made already dtg, ltg = find_date.datetest(gfile, pattern='fc') gdate = dtg + ltg print 'In resample_msg', os.path.split(gfile)[1], dtg, ltg, gdate #check if corresponding file already exists! resampled_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(outdir, 'msg*grib')) for rf in resampled_files: dtr, ltr = find_date.datetest(rf, pattern='fc') if dtr == None: print 'not a valid filename ', os.path.split(rf)[1] alreadythere = 1 break elif dtr + ltr == gdate: print 'MSG file available', rf alreadythere = 1 #radfiles.append(rf) msgfiles.add(rf) break if not alreadythere: # do matching, resampling, write to file for afile in h5files: hdate = find_date.datetest(afile, pattern='hdf')[0] if hdate == gdate: # unlike radar, just take instantaneous cloud mask wa = get_h5data(afile, h5source={'model': 'MSG'}) # sometimes file is corrupt or something if wa == None: break msgfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, wa) print msgfile msgfiles.add(msgfile) return msgfiles
def accumulate_radar(h5files, gribfiles, outdir='./', accstep=1, acc=True, start=0): '''Finds reflectivity(!) data in a hdf5 file, resamples it to fc grid and puts it in a grib message ''' if h5files == [] or gribfiles == []: print 'Accumulate radar: Files not found' return 0 import find_date, gribtools, config config.mkdir_p(outdir) glats, glons = gribtools.get_latlon(gribfiles[0]) rlats, rlons = init_h5data(h5files[0]) def tofile(gfile, date, data, step, param=61, level=457): resampled_data = resample_radar(data, rlats, rlons, glats, glons) #print 'now resampled: ',resampled_data.max(), resampled_data.mean(), resampled_data.min() dtg = dt.datetime.strftime(date, '%Y%m%d%H') newfile = os.path.join( outdir, 'rad_' + str(int(step)) + '_' + str(dtg) + '+000.grib') gribtools.insert_grib(gfile, newfile, resampled_data, parameter=param, level=level) #gribtools.insert_grib(gfile, newfile, resampled_data,parameter = 0, level = level) return newfile def accumulate(gfile, h5files): w = None #? for afile in h5files: hdate = find_date.datetest(afile, pattern='hdf')[0] print 'files:', os.path.split(gfile)[1], os.path.split(afile)[1] print gdate, hdate, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3, gdate - acctime < hdate <= gdate if gdate - acctime < hdate <= gdate: # obs time between fctime and an accumulation time before wa = get_h5data(afile) if acc: try: w = w + wa nr += 1 except: # first w = wa nr = 1 print 'now: nr, max, mean, min: ', nr, w.max(), w.mean( ), w.min() else: # for the RACfiles: 3h accumulation every hour available! #print 'now tot: ',wa.max(), wa.min() if gdate - dt.timedelta(hours=1) < hdate <= gdate: accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, wa, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) #radfiles.append( accfile ) return accfile else: pass elif hdate > gdate or hdate <= gdate - acctime: # time to write to file if acc: #try: if w not in [ [], None ]: # check if data to write to file is not None accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, w / nr, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) #reset: (obsolete?) w = [] nr = 0 #radfiles.append( accfile ) return accfile else: #except: pass #pass else: # do nothing pass else: # date strange print 'strange, obdate, fcdate: ', hdate, gdate wa = get_h5data(afile) accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, wa, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) return accfile #last bit, check... if acc: try: if w not in [[], None]: print 'eh ', afile, gfile, hdate, gdate accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, w / nr, int(acctime.seconds / 3.6e3)) return accfile except: print 'Not in accumulated file: ', gfile print('strange, obdate, fcdate: ', hdate, gdate) return None #accfile #(Done?) acctime = dt.timedelta(hours=accstep) dtg0, lt0 = find_date.datetest(gribfiles[0], pattern='fc') dtg1, lt1 = find_date.datetest(gribfiles[1], pattern='fc') deltime = (dtg1 + lt1) - (dtg0 + lt0) if deltime > acctime: acctime = deltime #sdate = find_date.datetest(h5files[0],pattern='hdf')[0] # start at first file #sdate = dt.datetime(1900,1,1,12,0) # arbitrary date in far history radfiles = set() #[] for gfile in sorted(gribfiles): alreadythere = 0 # check below if accumulated observations have been made already dtg, ltg = find_date.datetest(gfile, pattern='fc') gdate = dtg + ltg #print 'In accumulate radar',os.path.split(gfile)[1], dtg,ltg,gdate #check if corresponding file already exists! resampled_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(outdir, 'rad*grib')) for rf in sorted(resampled_files): dtr, ltr = find_date.datetest(rf, pattern='fc') if dtr == None: print 'not a valid filename ', os.path.split(rf)[1] alreadythere = 1 break elif dtr + ltr == gdate: #print 'radar file available' alreadythere = 1 radfiles.add(rf) break if not alreadythere: accfile = accumulate(gfile, h5files) print accfile radfiles.add(accfile) return radfiles
def accumulate(gfile, h5files): w = None #? for afile in h5files: hdate = find_date.datetest(afile, pattern='hdf')[0] print 'files:', os.path.split(gfile)[1], os.path.split(afile)[1] print gdate, hdate, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3, gdate - acctime < hdate <= gdate if gdate - acctime < hdate <= gdate: # obs time between fctime and an accumulation time before wa = get_h5data(afile) if acc: try: w = w + wa nr += 1 except: # first w = wa nr = 1 print 'now: nr, max, mean, min: ', nr, w.max(), w.mean( ), w.min() else: # for the RACfiles: 3h accumulation every hour available! #print 'now tot: ',wa.max(), wa.min() if gdate - dt.timedelta(hours=1) < hdate <= gdate: accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, wa, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) #radfiles.append( accfile ) return accfile else: pass elif hdate > gdate or hdate <= gdate - acctime: # time to write to file if acc: #try: if w not in [ [], None ]: # check if data to write to file is not None accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, w / nr, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) #reset: (obsolete?) w = [] nr = 0 #radfiles.append( accfile ) return accfile else: #except: pass #pass else: # do nothing pass else: # date strange print 'strange, obdate, fcdate: ', hdate, gdate wa = get_h5data(afile) accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, wa, acctime.seconds / 3.6e3) return accfile #last bit, check... if acc: try: if w not in [[], None]: print 'eh ', afile, gfile, hdate, gdate accfile = tofile(gfile, gdate, w / nr, int(acctime.seconds / 3.6e3)) return accfile except: print 'Not in accumulated file: ', gfile print('strange, obdate, fcdate: ', hdate, gdate) return None #accfile #(Done?)
h5files = glob.glob('./RAD_NL23*h5') print 'h5: ', h5files gfiles = glob.glob('./acc20120307*grib') print 'grib:', gfiles radfiles = accumulate_radar(sorted(h5files), sorted(gfiles), outdir='./test', acc=False, accstep=3) print radfiles sys.exit(1) h5file = './RAD_NL23_PCP_NA_201203071400.h5' h5data = get_h5data(h5file) print 'retrieve: in ', find_date.datetest( h5file, pattern='hdf'), '\n max,min:', h5data.max(), h5data.min() rlats, rlons = init_h5data(h5file) grib_file = 'fc2012030700+014.grb' grbs = hlats, hlons = grbs[1].latlons() grbs.close() newdata = resample_radar(h5data, rlats, rlons, hlats, hlons) print 'resample: in ', find_date.datetest( grib_file, pattern='fc'), '\n max,min:', newdata.max(), newdata.min() h5files = glob.glob('./RAD*h5') gfiles = glob.glob('./fc*grb') radfiles = accumulate_radar(sorted(h5files), sorted(gfiles),