Пример #1
class Resource():
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db
        self.findex = Findex(db=self.db)

    def overview(self, env):
        data = {
            "resources": self.findex.get_resource_objects()

        return jinja2_template('main/resources_overview', env=env, data=data)
Пример #2
class Searcher:
    def __init__(self, cfg, db, env):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.db = db
        self.env = env
        self.findex = Findex(self.db)

    def _key_check(self, keyword):
        if isinstance(keyword, dict):
            if not "key" in keyword or not keyword["key"]:
                raise SearchException("Search query must contain 4 characters or more")

            keyword = keyword["key"][0]

        block = ["-", ",", "+", "_", "%"]
        for b in block:
            keyword = keyword.replace(b, " ")

        if len(keyword) < 4:
            raise SearchException("Search query must contain 4 characters or more")

        return keyword

    def search(self, vars):
        val = self._key_check(vars)
        val = val.lower()

        filtered = False
        start_dbtime = datetime.now()

        # to-do: move this to API (or make api.py use this class)
        q = self.db.query(Files)

        # if this is later set with Files.<column_name>, it will be sorted on this.
        sort = ""

        sdata = {"protocols": [], "hosts": [], "exts": [], "cats": [], "fsize": 0}

        if "protocols" in vars:
            protocols = [z.lower() for z in vars["protocols"]]
            plookup = {"ftp": 0, "http": 1, "smb": 2}

            protocols_ids = []
            if isinstance(protocols, list):
                protocols = [z.lower() for z in protocols]

                for p in protocols:
                    if p in plookup and not plookup[p] in protocols_ids:

            if protocols_ids:
                sdata["protocols"] = protocols_ids

            sdata["protocols"] = [0, 1, 2]

        if "hosts" in vars:
            dhosts = vars["hosts"]

            if isinstance(dhosts, list):
                if not dhosts[0] == "*":
                    host_ids = []
                    for host in dhosts:
                        host_results = (
                            .filter(Resources.address == host)

                        for host_result in host_results:

                    if host_ids:
                        sdata["hosts"] = host_ids
                        raise SearchException("Could not find any host entries for specified host(s)")

        if sdata["hosts"]:
            q = q.filter(Files.resource_id.in_(sdata["hosts"]))
            filtered = True

        if "cats" in vars:
            clookup = {"unknown": 0, "documents": 1, "movies": 2, "music": 3, "pictures": 4}

            dformats = []
            for cat in [z.lower() for z in vars["cats"]]:
                if cat in clookup:

            if isinstance(dformats, list):
                q = q.filter(Files.file_format.in_(dformats))

                for dformat in dformats:
            sdata["cats"] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

        for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            if not i in sdata["cats"]:
                filtered = True

        if "exts" in vars:
            exts = vars["exts"]

            if isinstance(exts, list):
                exts = [z.replace(".", "") for z in exts if z]

                q = q.filter(Files.file_ext.in_(exts))
                filtered = True

                for ext in exts:
        elif "." in val:
            spl = val.split(".", 1)
            ext = spl[1].replace(",", "").strip()
            q = q.filter(Files.file_ext == ext)

            val = self._key_check(spl[0])
            filtered = True

        if "size" in vars:
            fsize = vars["size"]

            if isinstance(fsize, list):
                fsize = int(fsize[0])

                sizes = {
                    0: "*",
                    1: (0, 8388600),
                    2: (8388600, 134220000),
                    3: (134220000, 536870912),
                    4: (536870912, 2147483648),
                    5: (2147483648, 8589934592),
                    6: (8589934592),

                if fsize == 0:
                elif 1 <= fsize <= 5:
                    q = q.filter(Files.file_size > sizes[fsize][0], Files.file_size < sizes[fsize][1])
                    filtered = True
                elif fsize == 6:
                    q = q.filter(Files.file_size > sizes[fsize])
                    filtered = True

                sdata["fsize"] = fsize
                sort = "file_size"

        if "path" in vars:
            path = vars["path"]

            if isinstance(path, list):
                path = path[0]

                if len(path) > 3:
                    path = quote_plus(path)
                    q = q.filter(Files.file_path.like(path + "%"))
                    filtered = True

        if "host" in vars:
            host = vars["host"]

            if isinstance(host, list):
                host = int(host[0])
                q = q.filter(Files.resource_id == host)
                filtered = True

        q = q.filter(Files.searchable.like("%" + val + "%")).limit(600)

        results = {}
        results["data"] = q.all()
        results["load_dbtime"] = (datetime.now() - start_dbtime).total_seconds()

        if sort:
            results["data"] = sorted(results["data"], key=lambda k: k.file_size, reverse=True)

        # to-do: dont do this here
        for r in results["data"]:
            host = self.findex.get_resource_objects(r.resource_id)
            setattr(r, "resource", host)

        results["data"] = self.findex.set_humanize(results["data"])
        results["data"] = self.findex.set_icons(env=self.env, files=results["data"])
        sdata["filtered"] = filtered

        return {"sdata": sdata, "results": results, "key": jinja2.escape(vars["key"][0])}