def TickerInsideTrader(self): """Get insider information table. Returns: df(pandas.DataFrame): insider information table """ inside_trader = self.soup.find('table', class_='body-table') rows = inside_trader.findAll('tr') table_header = [i.text for i in rows[0].findAll('td')] table_header += ['Insider_id'] df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=table_header) rows = rows[1:] num_col = ['Cost', '#Shares', 'Value ($)', '#Shares Total'] num_col_index = [ table_header.index(i) for i in table_header if i in num_col ] for row in rows: cols = row.findAll('td') info_dict = {} for i, col in enumerate(cols): if i not in num_col_index: info_dict[table_header[i]] = col.text else: info_dict[table_header[i]] = numberCovert(col.text) info_dict['Insider_id'] = cols[0].a['href'].split('oc=')[1].split( '&tc=')[0] df = df.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True)['inside trader'] = df return df
def getInsider(self): """Get insider information table. Returns: df(pandas.DataFrame): insider information table """ insider_trader = self.soup.findAll('table')[5] rows = insider_trader.findAll('tr') table_header = [i.text.strip() for i in rows[0].findAll('td')] df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=table_header) rows = rows[1:] num_col = ['Cost', '#Shares', 'Value ($)', '#Shares Total'] num_col_index = [ table_header.index(i) for i in table_header if i in num_col ] for row in rows: cols = row.findAll('td') info_dict = {} for i, col in enumerate(cols): if i not in num_col_index: info_dict[table_header[i]] = col.text else: info_dict[table_header[i]] = numberCovert(col.text) df = df.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True) self.df = df return df
def ScreenerView(self, group='Sector', order='Name'): """Get screener table. Args: group(str): choice of group option. order(str): sort the table by the choice of order. Returns: df(pandas.DataFrame): group information table. """ if group not in self.group_dict: raise ValueError() if order not in self.order_dict: raise ValueError() self.url = self.BASE_URL.format( group=self.group_dict[group]) + '&' + self.order_dict[order] soup = webScrap(self.url) table = soup.findAll('table')[5] rows = table.findAll('tr') table_header = [i.text for i in rows[0].findAll('td')][1:] df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=table_header) rows = rows[1:] num_col_index = [i for i in range(2, len(table_header))] for row in rows: cols = row.findAll('td')[1:] info_dict = {} for i, col in enumerate(cols): # check if the col is number if i not in num_col_index: info_dict[table_header[i]] = col.text else: info_dict[table_header[i]] = numberCovert(col.text) df = df.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True) return df
def TickerFundament(self, raw=True): """Get ticker fundament. Args: raw(boolean): if True, the data is raw. Returns: fundament(dict): ticker fundament. """ fundament_info = {} table = self.soup.findAll('table')[5] rows = table.findAll('tr') fundament_info['Company'] = rows[1].text fundament_info['Sector'], fundament_info['Industry'], fundament_info[ 'Country'] = rows[2].text.split(' | ') fundament_table = self.soup.find('table', class_='snapshot-table2') rows = fundament_table.findAll('tr') for row in rows: cols = row.findAll('td') cols = [i.text for i in cols] header = '' for i, value in enumerate(cols): if i % 2 == 0: header = value else: if header == 'Volatility': fundament_info = self._parse_volatility( header, fundament_info, value, raw) elif header == '52W Range': fundament_info = self._parse_52w_range( header, fundament_info, value, raw) elif header == 'Optionable' or header == 'Shortable': if raw: fundament_info[header] = value elif value == 'Yes': fundament_info[header] = True else: fundament_info[header] = False else: if raw: fundament_info[header] = value else: try: fundament_info[header] = numberCovert(value) except ValueError: fundament_info[header] = value['fundament'] = fundament_info return fundament_info
def _parse_value(self, header, fundament_info, value, raw, info_header, info_value): try: value = value.split() if raw: for i, value_index in enumerate(info_value): fundament_info[info_header[i]] = value[value_index] else: for i, value_index in enumerate(info_value): fundament_info[info_header[i]] = numberCovert( value[value_index]) except: fundament_info[header] = value return fundament_info
def _get_table(self, rows, df, num_col_index, table_header, limit=-1): """Get screener table helper function. Returns: df(pandas.DataFrame): screener information table """ rows = rows[1:] if limit != -1: rows = rows[0:limit] for index, row in enumerate(rows): cols = row.findAll('td')[1:] info_dict = {} for i, col in enumerate(cols): # check if the col is number if i not in num_col_index: info_dict[table_header[i]] = col.text else: info_dict[table_header[i]] = numberCovert(col.text) df = df.append(info_dict, ignore_index=True) return df