from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('https://<example-app-id>', None) data = { 'Name': 'Hawlette Packard', 'RollNo': '4su15cs023', 'Percentage': 85.02, 'Phone': 7451231412 } result ='/<example-app-id>-<app-number>/Student', data) print(result)
''' this code is to detect the red color paste on the thymio and write it in the firebase''' # some part of the code is from sendtex import cv2 import numpy as np from firebase import firebase url = "" # URL to Firebase database token = "PdWOHUtcScXODzmm8b3pSoFY78dxZQXVSpynXx1n" # unique token used for authentication firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url, token) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) # this output the video capture from the web camera ''' a simple state machine ''' state = 'car_no' # the initial state is there is no_car while(1): # the camera keeps updating new information _, frame = hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # this is using opencv to convert the normal BGR lower_red = np.array([30,150,50]) # the upper bond of red color get it by trying and error upper_red = np.array([255,255,180]) # the lower bond of red color 255 is the biggest and zero is the smallest. (255,255,255) is bright and (0,0,0) is dark mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red) # if the pixel is the 'red color range' res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame,frame, mask= mask) # then we add the mask to the frame # state machine # if there is no car, the camera continueslly checking whether there is car, if there is the state change to 'car_yes' and upload the inp1 into the firebase for thymio if state == 'car_no': threshold = len(np.nonzero(res)[0]) # this output how many red pixel there is # if there is no red object, the output should from 0 to 5, if there is a red object, the value is above 1000 # we change the threshold value to 800 here to see whether there is any car
score += 1 scoreRange[3] = 1 if result['temperatura'] > 39: score += 3 scoreRange[0] = 3 elif result['temperatura'] >= 38: score += 1 scoreRange[0] = 1 elif result['temperatura'] < 35: score += 2 scoreRange[0] = 2 return score fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) place = '/info' device = '/dev/ttyUSB0' data = {} while True: while True: CPF = getCPF() if len(str(CPF)) != 11: print("Insira um CPF valido.") else: break data = dataTreatment(CPF, place) #getFirebase(place)
import json import math from collections import defaultdict from flask_restful import Api, Resource import firebase_admin from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, redirect, render_template, make_response from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore, initialize_app from firebase import firebase app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None) # Ignore the config dict its useless config = { "apiKey": "AIzaSyCOyYtjVoddu_v0wuE90AlUO5ZYvIwe1iI", "authDomain": "", "projectId": "login-auth-42458", "storageBucket": "", "messagingSenderId": "642686191238", "appId": "1:642686191238:web:74ba8c7a94671f0d447307", "measurementId": "G-9L1VJ04JS7" } # ------------------------------ #Initialize trails DB cred1 = credentials.Certificate('firebase-sdk.json') app2 = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from firebase import firebase import sys import random import subprocess import os.path import requests from datetime import datetime random.seed() from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication('') class Example(QWidget): def resource_path(self, relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ try: # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS base_path = sys._MEIPASS except Exception: base_path = os.path.abspath(".") return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) def closeEvent(self, event): result = QMessageBox.question(self, "Confirm Exit...",
from firebase import firebase url = '' fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url, None) dict1 ='/test', {"name": "David"}) print(dict1["name"]) # -KTMkuwiNbE18j9zpzko
from flask import Flask from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape import json from firebase import firebase app = Flask(__name__) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None) env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(__name__, 'templates'), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'])) @app.route('/') def index(): data = firebase.get("my-project-1511258558859-default-rtdb") template = env.get_template('posts.html') res = json.loads(data) return template.render(data=res) @app.route('/post/<int:post_id>/') def user_profile(post_id): data = firebase.get("my-project-1511258558859-default-rtdb", post_id) template = env.get_template('single.html') return template.render(item=json.loads(data)) if __name__ == "__main__":
def delete_user(user): firebase = fb.FirebaseApplication(database.firebase_link, None) delete_result = firebase.delete("/NEW", user) return delete_result
from firebase import firebase from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '') result = firebase.get('/estado/login', None) print(result)
sql = ''' INSERT INTO Log(CustomerName,MacAdress,InsertDate) VALUES(?,?,?) ''' cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, bl_log_data) def insert_anon_log(bl_log_data): sql = ''' INSERT INTO Log_Anonymus(Mac,InsertedDate) VALUES(?,?) ''' cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql, bl_log_data) #firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) # database customers = firebase.get('/', None) # tum macler for k, v in customers.iteritems(): print k, v #bluetooth dev_id = 0 # varsayilan bl modulu try: sock = bluez.hci_open_dev(dev_id) print "ble thread started" except: print "ERROR BLUETOOTH MODULE NOT FOUND!" sys.exit(1)
def push_to_new(user, url, category): firebase = fb.FirebaseApplication(database.firebase_link, None) data = {'url': url, 'category': category} response ="NEW/" + user, data) return response
import pyrebase from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) data = {'Name': 'Vivek', 'RollNo': 1, 'Percentage': 76.02} result ='/djangoplaces/Places', data) print(result)
JSON_FILE_NAME = 'TESTING.json' od = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(final_dict_new.items())) with open(JSON_FILE_NAME, 'w') as g: json.dump(od, g) print("DONE!") # ## Upload processed data into Firebase # In[ ]: from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) new_user = '******'.format(idx) idx += 1 destination_path = '/Module/{}/Assessments'.format( real_wanted_file_name) result = firebase.put(destination_path, new_user, final_dict_new) print(result) print("REALTIME DATABASE UPDATED!!!") # ## Remove audio file from local/Firebase storage # In[ ]:
from tkinter import * import os from chat_firebase import Rocket_Chat, receive from firebase import firebase clear=lambda:os.system('cls') Logins = [] import PIL FIREBASE_URL = "" fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication(FIREBASE_URL, None) from tkinter.colorchooser import * ## CLASSE CRIAR CHAT ## class Chat(Rocket_Chat) : def __init__(self, Logins,assunto): self.assunto=assunto self.Chat = Tk() self.Chat.title("Rocket Chat") self.Chat.geometry("500x600+40+40") self.Chat['bg'] = 'gray' user = Rocket_Chat(Logins[0], Logins[1]) ## Widgets ## self.opcoes = Frame(self.Chat, bg= "light blue") self.opcoes.pack(fill=BOTH) self.input_user = StringVar()
StickerSendMessage, TemplateSendMessage, ButtonsTemplate, ConfirmTemplate, CarouselTemplate, CarouselColumn, PostbackTemplateAction, MessageTemplateAction, URITemplateAction, ) app = Flask(__name__) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) # get channel_secret and channel_access_token from your environment variable channel_secret = os.getenv('LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET', None) channel_access_token = os.getenv('LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN', None) port = os.getenv('PORT', None); if channel_secret is None: print('Specify LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET as environment variable.') sys.exit(1) if channel_access_token is None: print('Specify LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN as environment variable.') sys.exit(1) line_bot_api = LineBotApi(channel_access_token) parser = WebhookParser(channel_secret)
w.writelines([item for item in lines[:-1]]) w.close() # This finishes writing the remainder of the .json file mlh_json = open("mlh.json", "a") mlh_json.write("\t\t}") mlh_json.write("\n]") mlh_json.close() with open('mlh.json') as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) @app.route('/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def index(): result ='/hackathons', data) #end of argument for key, value in result.items(): print(key, value) return value @app.route('/get/', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def getHack():
from gtts import gTTS import serial import smtplib, ssl import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from firebase import firebase import datetime from time import sleep import speech_recognition as sr import facerecognition GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) Motor1A = 16 Motor1B = 18 #Motor1E = 22 GPIO.setup(Motor1A, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(Motor1B, GPIO.OUT) FBConn = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) time = flagr = 0 flags = 0 #function for text to speech def TextToSpeech(text): mytext = text myobj = gTTS(text=mytext, lang='en', slow=False)"text.mp3") os.system("mpg321 text.mp3") os.system("sudo rm -rf ~/Desktop/project/opencv/facerecg/text.mp3") return
import serial from firebase import firebase arduino = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0',9600); firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('') while(1): result = firebase.get('/User1/D1', None) arduino.write(result.encode())
import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Load Training data numbers = [] from firebase import firebase # firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) one = firebase.get('/message', 'Symptom1') two = firebase.get('/message', 'Symptom2') three = firebase.get('/message', 'Symptom3') four = firebase.get('/message', 'Symptom4') five = firebase.get('/message', 'Symptom5') n = 2 for i in range(n): df = pd.read_csv('data/clean/Training.csv') df.head() X = df.iloc[:, :-1] y = df['prognosis'] # Train, Test split from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=20)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json from scipy.stats import poisson import statsmodels.api as sm import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import firestore from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '') #dataset = pd.read_csv("") dataset = pd.read_csv("") #dataset = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col=0) dataset = dataset[['HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG']] dataset = dataset.rename(columns={'FTHG': 'HomeGoals', 'FTAG': 'AwayGoals'}) mean = dataset.mean() print(mean) #BPL Teams Teams = [ "Man City", "Liverpool", "Tottenham", "Man United", "Arsenal", "Chelsea", "Wolves", "Watford", "Everton", "West Ham", "Bournemouth", "Leicester", "Crystal Palace", "Brighton", "Burnley", "Newcastle", "Cardiff", "Southampton", "Fulham", "Huddersfield" ] #Teams = ["Norwich", "Sheffield United", "Leeds", "West Brom", "Middlesbrough", "Bristol City", # "Derby", "Birmingham", "Nott'm Forest", "Preston", "Hull", "Sheffield Weds", # "Aston Villa", "Swansea", "Blackburn", "Brentford", "QPR",
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import pymysql from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None) def exit(): window.destroy() def click(): oname = t1.get() mob = t2.get() block = t3.get() block = block.upper() flat_no = t4.get() uid = t5.get() data = { 'owner_name': oname, 'mob': mob, 'block': block, 'flat_no': flat_no, 'uid': uid } try:
import tkinter as tk import time from Pedidos import cPedido from firebase import firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('') class cInicio: def __init__(self): self.window=tk.Tk() self.window.title ('Inicio') def iniciar(self): self.frame = tk.Frame(self.window, width=500, height=500, bd=175) self.frame.pack() self.botaomapa = tk.Button(self.frame,text ='Mapa',height=8 ,width= 20 ,bd=20,padx=20) self.botaomapa.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.botaomapa.configure(command = mesa.iniciar) self.botaocozinha = tk.Button(self.frame,text ='Cozinha',height=8 ,width=20 ,bd=20,padx=20) self.botaocozinha.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) self.botaocozinha.configure(command = cozinha.iniciar) self.window.mainloop() class cCozinha: def __init__(self): self.variavel = 1
from geopy.distance import great_circle from firebase_admin import credentials from firebase_admin import db import datetime t = t = t.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") send_url = "" geo_req = requests.get(send_url) geo_json = json.loads(geo_req.text) latitude = geo_json['latitude'] longitude = geo_json['longitude'] city = geo_json['city'] # open database firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) #TODO: Check if time is more than 24 hours #what to add to each database data = { 'Longitude':longitude, 'Latitude':latitude, 'Time':t, 'Picture Location':'PUTGOOGLECLOUDSPACE', 'Caption':'HEREWITHMYGIRLS', 'Likes':'Count', 'Dislikes':0 } #where to POST IT (CHANGE '/testUser' to something more better)
#ml from firebase import firebase import pandas as pd import numpy as np import json import time from datetime import timedelta from sklearn.neighbors import DistanceMetric, BallTree from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN firebase_db = firebase.FirebaseApplication('your-firebase-endpoint', authentication=None) # Constants EARTH_RAD = 6371.0 EPS_CARTESIAN = 0.2 / EARTH_RAD MINPTS_CARTESIAN = 10 EPS_RAD = 30 / (24 * 60.0) * (2 * np.pi) MINTPTS_RAD = 10 RADIUS_DEFAULT = 0.5 / EARTH_RAD # 500m def invert(x): return abs(int(x)) def getBitesDF(): # Retrieve records from FB result = firebase_db.get('/bites/', None) # Extract timestamp df_timestamp = pd.DataFrame(result.keys(), columns=['timestamp'])
from time import sleep import datetime from firebase import firebase import urllib2, urllib, httplib import json import os from functools import partial import time; firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('ใส่ URL Firebase ที่นี่', None) # URL Firebase def update_Status(): stat = "Good" # สถานะแสดงอินเทอร์เน็ต firebase.put('Network 001','status',{'status':stat}) print('Update Status') def sent_Location(): link = "ใส่ URL Google Location ที่นี่" # Google Location firebase.put('Network 001','location',{'link':link}) print('Sent Location') def update_timestamp(): ts = time.time() # อัพเดทค่าเวลา หมายเหตุ ค่าเวลาขึ้นอยู่กับเครื่อง Raspberry pi3 ที่ใช้ปัจจุบัน ts = int(ts)*1000 print(ts) firebase.put('Network 001','timestamp',{'now':ts}) #ค่าเวลาที่ส่งขึ้นไปยัง firebase while True: try: sent_Location() update_timestamp() update_Status() except: print("Error Network, Can't sent data to Firebase.")
if attrs: recipeData['Course'] = attrs.get('course') recipeData['Cuisine'] = attrs.get('cuisine') recipeData ['Name'] = data.get('name') for nutrition in data['nutritionEstimates']: if nutrition['attribute'] == "ENERC_KCAL": nutritionData['Calories'] = str(nutrition['value']) + " " + nutrition['unit']['pluralAbbreviation'] if nutrition['attribute'] == "SUGAR": nutritionData['Sugar'] = str(nutrition['value']) + " " + nutrition['unit']['pluralAbbreviation'] if nutrition['attribute'] == "CHOCDF": nutritionData['Carbohydrates'] = str(nutrition['value']) + " " + nutrition['unit']['pluralAbbreviation'] recipeData['Nutrients'] = nutritionData recipeData['allowedDiet'] = 'Ovo vegetarian' recipeData['allowedAllergy'] = 'Soy-Free' recipeData['sugarLevel'] = 'High' #recipeData['allowedIngredient'] = 'pork' print(recipeData ['Name']) result ='/foodData', recipeData) print("RESULT IS:") print(result) firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', authentication=None) getRecipeData()
from firebase import firebase max_id = '' #target hashtag explore page # base_url = "" base_url = "" #header for scraping headers = { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Mobile Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.57", "cookie": "sessionid = 45781691217%3Ao2vnqwsRftb4Dx%3A9" } #setup firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) #target list of keywords Target = [ '#adventurous', '#backpacking', '#budget', '#chillout', '#cruise', '#culturevulture', '#exotic', '#foodie', '#golocal', '#nature', '#luxurious', '#photography', '#rail', '#train', '#roadtrip', '#romantic', '#shopaholic', '#spontaneous', '#sporty', '#thrilling', '#vegan', '#youngwildandfree', '#ars', '#nightlife', '#biking', '#cycling', '#cafehopping', '#camping', '#extremesports', '#festivals', '#flying', '#gliding', '#hiking', '#historical', '#hotspring', '#museums', '#galleries', '#outdooradventure', '#scubadiving', '#shopping', '#sightseeing', '#snorkelling', '#snowsports', '#skiing', '#snowboarding', '#spa', '#themeparks', '#winetasting', '#zoo', '#aquariums', '#sunshine', '#beach', '#sports', '#motorcycling', '#DIY', '#chillout' ]
def __init__(self, searchData): self.baseURL = '' self.searchData = searchData self.instance = firebase.FirebaseApplication(self.baseURL, None)
from firebase import firebase firebase=firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) lojas=firebase.get('/Lojas', None) if lojas == None: lojas={} opcoes = ["\nControle do estoque", "0 - Voltar ao controle de lojas",\ "1 - Adicionar item", "2 - Remover item",\ "3 - Alterar item (Quantidade ou Valor)", "4 - Imprimir estoque",\ "5 - Imprimir saldo total do estoque"] controle_de_lojas = ["\nControle de loja", "0 - Sair", "1 - Adicionar loja", \ "2 - Editar estoque da loja", "3 - Remover loja", "4 - Imprimir lojas cadastradas"] for i in controle_de_lojas: print(i) opcao = input("O que deseja fazer? ") while opcao != "0": if opcao == "1": loja = input("Escreva o nome da loja: ") if loja in lojas: print("Loja já cadastrada.") for i in controle_de_lojas:
def tempToDeg(temp): if temp in range(0,20): return "40" if temp in range(20,40): return "80" if temp in range(40,60): return "120" return "160" myDevice='d001' firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) ser = serial.Serial( port='\\\\.\\COM4', baudrate=9600, timeout=3 ) if ser.isOpen(): ser.close() ser.isOpen() #constantly check if a user activates the shower while(True):