def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state H = state.parameters.H g = state.parameters.g beta = state.timestepping.dt*state.timestepping.alpha # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, D_in = split(state.xrhs) W = state.W w, phi = TestFunctions(W) u, D = TrialFunctions(W) eqn = ( inner(w, u) - beta*g*div(w)*D - inner(w, u_in) + phi*D + beta*H*phi*div(u) - phi*D_in )*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.uD = Function(W) # Solver for u, D uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.state.dy) self.uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(uD_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, options_prefix='SWimplicit')
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state H = state.parameters.H g = state.parameters.g beta = state.timestepping.dt*state.timestepping.alpha # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, D_in = split(state.xrhs) W = state.W w, phi = TestFunctions(W) u, D = TrialFunctions(W) eqn = ( inner(w, u) - beta*g*div(w)*D - inner(w, u_in) + phi*D + beta*H*phi*div(u) - phi*D_in )*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.uD = Function(W) # Solver for u, D uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.state.dy) self.uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(uD_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='SWimplicit')
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.timestepping.dt beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha mu = # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1])) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.bbar # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u,k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*div(w)*p*dx - beta*inner(w,k)*b*dx + phi*div(u)*dx ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0] bc = ("0.0",)*dim bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")] # preconditioner equation L = self.L Ap = ( inner(w,u) + L*L*div(w)*div(u) + phi*p/L/L )*dx # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs, aP=Ap) nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(M, [M.sub(0), VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)]) self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, nullspace=nullspace) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(state.V[2]) gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2]) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(state.V[2]) b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in + dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(bbar))*beta)*dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
# Create functions u0 = Function(V) u1 = Function(V) p1 = Function(Q) # Define coefficients k = Constant(dt) f = Constant((0, 0)) # Tentative velocity step F1 = (1.0/k)*inner(u - u0, v)*dx + inner(grad(u0)*u0, v)*dx + \ (1.0/Re)*inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx - inner(f, v)*dx a1 = lhs(F1) L1 = rhs(F1) # Pressure update a2 = inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx L2 = -(1 / k) * div(u1) * q * dx # Velocity update a3 = inner(u, v) * dx L3 = inner(u1, v) * dx - k * inner(grad(p1), v) * dx # Assemble matrices A1 = assemble(a1) A2 = assemble(a2) A3 = assemble(a3) # Create files for storing solution
uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * v('+') + s(u)('-') * v('-')) if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2: perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) p_uw = lambda u, v: perp(uw(u, v)) else: perp = lambda u: cross(CellNormal(mesh), u) out_n = CellNormal(mesh) p_uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * cross(out_n('+'), v('+')) + s(u) ('-') * cross(out_n('-'), v('-'))) # Initial solve for vorticity for output eta = TestFunction(W2) q_ = TrialFunction(W2) q_eqn = eta * q_ * Dn * dx + inner(perp(grad(eta)), un) * dx - eta * f * dx q_p = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(q_eqn), rhs(q_eqn), qn) q_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(q_p, solver_parameters={ "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu" }) q_solver.solve() # Build advection, forcing forms K = inner(un, un) / 3. + inner(un, unk) / 3. + inner(unk, unk) / 3. Prhs = g * (0.5 * (Dn + Dp) + b) + 0.5 * K # D advection solver v, psi = TestFunctions(M) F_, D_ = TrialFunctions(M) D_bar = 0.5 * (Dn + D_)
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit Dt = state.timestepping.dt beta_ = Dt*state.timestepping.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp mu = Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vtheta = state.spaces("HDiv_v") Vrho = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants dt = Constant(Dt) beta = Constant(beta_) beta_cp = Constant(beta_ * cp) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,rho M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vrho)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, rho = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.fields("thetabar") rhobar = state.fields("rhobar") pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_rho = thermodynamics.pi_rho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_theta = thermodynamics.pi_theta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical # component of the gradient # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u, k) # specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) # add effect of density of water upon theta if self.moisture is not None: water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0) for water in self.moisture: water_t += self.state.fields(water) theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t) thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t) else: theta_w = theta thetabar_w = thetabar eqn = ( inner(w, (state.h_project(u) - u_in))*dx - beta_cp*div(theta_w*V(w))*pibar*dxp # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical). # + beta_cp*jump(theta*V(w), n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v - beta_cp*div(thetabar_w*w)*pi*dxp + beta_cp*jump(thetabar_w*w, n)*avg(pi)*dS_vp + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h) ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.urho = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), 0.0, "top")] # Solver for u, rho urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs) self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta) gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta) u, rho = self.urho.split() self.theta = Function(Vtheta) theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in + dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution')
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.dt beta_ = dt * self.alpha Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vb = state.spaces("theta") Vp = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants beta = Constant(beta_) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) self.xrhs = Function(self.equations.function_space) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(self.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.fields("bbar") # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k * inner(u, k) eqn = (inner(w, (u - u_in)) * dx - beta * div(w) * p * dx - beta * inner(w, k) * b * dx + phi * div(u) * dx) if hasattr(self.equations, "mu"): eqn += dt * * inner(w, k) * inner(u, k) * dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) # BCs are declared for the plain velocity space. As we need them in # a mixed problem, we replicate the BCs but for subspace of M bcs = [ DirichletBC(M.sub(0), bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain) for bc in self.equations.bcs['u'] ] # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs) # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system def trace_nullsp(T): return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True) appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp} self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( up_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, appctx=appctx) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(Vb) gamma = TestFunction(Vb) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(Vb) b_eqn = gamma * (b - b_in + dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(bbar)) * beta) * dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
def _setup_solver(self): import numpy as np state = self.state dt = state.dt beta_ = dt * self.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vu_broken = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, BrokenElement(Vu.ufl_element())) Vtheta = state.spaces("theta") Vrho = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants beta = Constant(beta_) beta_cp = Constant(beta_ * cp) h_deg = Vrho.ufl_element().degree()[0] v_deg = Vrho.ufl_element().degree()[1] Vtrace = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "HDiv Trace", degree=(h_deg, v_deg)) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) self.xrhs = Function(self.equations.function_space) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(self.xrhs)[0:3] # Build the function space for "broken" u, rho, and pressure trace M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu_broken, Vrho, Vtrace)) w, phi, dl = TestFunctions(M) u, rho, l0 = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.fields("thetabar") rhobar = state.fields("rhobar") exnerbar = thermodynamics.exner_pressure(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) exnerbar_rho = thermodynamics.dexner_drho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) exnerbar_theta = thermodynamics.dexner_dtheta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k, u) * dot(k, grad(thetabar)) * beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than exner') in the vertical # component of the gradient # The exner prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) exner = exnerbar_theta * theta + exnerbar_rho * rho # Vertical projection def V(u): return k * inner(u, k) # hydrostatic projection h_project = lambda u: u - k * inner(u, k) # Specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_hp = dS_h(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_vp = ds_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_tbp = (ds_t(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) + ds_b(degree=(self.quadrature_degree))) # Add effect of density of water upon theta if self.moisture is not None: water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0) for water in self.moisture: water_t += self.state.fields(water) theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t) thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t) else: theta_w = theta thetabar_w = thetabar _l0 = TrialFunction(Vtrace) _dl = TestFunction(Vtrace) a_tr = _dl('+') * _l0('+') * ( dS_vp + dS_hp) + _dl * _l0 * ds_vp + _dl * _l0 * ds_tbp def L_tr(f): return _dl('+') * avg(f) * ( dS_vp + dS_hp) + _dl * f * ds_vp + _dl * f * ds_tbp cg_ilu_parameters = { 'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu' } # Project field averages into functions on the trace space rhobar_avg = Function(Vtrace) exnerbar_avg = Function(Vtrace) rho_avg_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(a_tr, L_tr(rhobar), rhobar_avg) exner_avg_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(a_tr, L_tr(exnerbar), exnerbar_avg) rho_avg_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( rho_avg_prb, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='rhobar_avg_solver') exner_avg_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( exner_avg_prb, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='exnerbar_avg_solver') with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectRhobar"): rho_avg_solver.solve() with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectExnerbar"): exner_avg_solver.solve() # "broken" u, rho, and trace system # NOTE: no ds_v integrals since equations are defined on # a periodic (or sphere) base mesh. if any([t.has_label(hydrostatic) for t in self.equations.residual]): u_mass = inner(w, (h_project(u) - u_in)) * dx else: u_mass = inner(w, (u - u_in)) * dx eqn = ( # momentum equation u_mass - beta_cp * div(theta_w * V(w)) * exnerbar * dxp # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical). # + beta_cp*jump(theta_w*V(w), n=n)*exnerbar_avg('+')*dS_vp + beta_cp * jump(theta_w * V(w), n=n) * exnerbar_avg('+') * dS_hp + beta_cp * dot(theta_w * V(w), n) * exnerbar_avg * ds_tbp - beta_cp * div(thetabar_w * w) * exner * dxp # trace terms appearing after integrating momentum equation + beta_cp * jump(thetabar_w * w, n=n) * l0('+') * (dS_vp + dS_hp) + beta_cp * dot(thetabar_w * w, n) * l0 * (ds_tbp + ds_vp) # mass continuity equation + (phi * (rho - rho_in) - beta * inner(grad(phi), u) * rhobar) * dx + beta * jump(phi * u, n=n) * rhobar_avg('+') * (dS_v + dS_h) # term added because u.n=0 is enforced weakly via the traces + beta * phi * dot(u, n) * rhobar_avg * (ds_tb + ds_v) # constraint equation to enforce continuity of the velocity # through the interior facets and weakly impose the no-slip # condition + dl('+') * jump(u, n=n) * (dS_vp + dS_hp) + dl * dot(u, n) * (ds_tbp + ds_vp)) # contribution of the sponge term if hasattr(self.equations, "mu"): eqn += dt * * inner(w, k) * inner(u, k) * dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Function for the hybridized solutions self.urhol0 = Function(M) hybridized_prb = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.urhol0) hybridized_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( hybridized_prb, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') self.hybridized_solver = hybridized_solver # Project broken u into the HDiv space using facet averaging. # Weight function counting the dofs of the HDiv element: shapes = { "i": Vu.finat_element.space_dimension(), "j":, dtype=int) } weight_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<{i}; ++i) for (int j=0; j<{j}; ++j) w[i*{j} + j] += 1.0; """.format(**shapes) self._weight = Function(Vu) par_loop(weight_kernel, dx, {"w": (self._weight, INC)}) # Averaging kernel self._average_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<{i}; ++i) for (int j=0; j<{j}; ++j) vec_out[i*{j} + j] += vec_in[i*{j} + j]/w[i*{j} + j]; """.format(**shapes) # HDiv-conforming velocity self.u_hdiv = Function(Vu) # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta) gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta) self.theta = Function(Vtheta) theta_eqn = gamma * (theta - theta_in + dot(k, self.u_hdiv) * dot(k, grad(thetabar)) * beta) * dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( theta_problem, solver_parameters=cg_ilu_parameters, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution') # Store boundary conditions for the div-conforming velocity to apply # post-solve self.bcs = self.equations.bcs['u']
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit Dt = state.timestepping.dt beta_ = Dt*state.timestepping.alpha mu = Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vb = state.spaces("HDiv_v") Vp = state.spaces("DG") # Store time-stepping coefficients as UFL Constants dt = Constant(Dt) beta = Constant(beta_) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, p_in, b_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,p M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vp)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, p = TrialFunctions(M) # Get background fields bbar = state.fields("bbar") # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector b = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta + b_in # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u, k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*div(w)*p*dx - beta*inner(w, k)*b*dx + phi*div(u)*dx ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u p solver self.up = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) bcs = None if len(self.state.bcs) == 0 else self.state.bcs # Solver for u, p up_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(aeqn, Leqn, self.up, bcs=bcs) # Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system def trace_nullsp(T): return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True) appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp} self.up_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(up_problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, appctx=appctx) # Reconstruction of b b = TrialFunction(Vb) gamma = TestFunction(Vb) u, p = self.up.split() self.b = Function(Vb) b_eqn = gamma*(b - b_in + dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(bbar))*beta)*dx b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), self.b) self.b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)
# Plot source # rr = np.logspace(-5, np.log(Delta_x*Nx),100) # ff = np.exp(-rr**2/eps)/eps**0.5 # plt.loglog(rr, ff) # # We can now define the bilinear and linear forms for the left and right dx = fd.dx TdivU = fd.as_vector( (Tx_facet * u.dx(0), Ty_facet * u.dx(1), Tz_facet * u.dx(2))) # F = (u - u_n)/dt*w*v*dx + (, fd.grad(v)))*dx + f*v*dx F = w * u * v * dx + dt * ( TdivU, fd.grad(v))) * dx - (w * u_n + dt * f) * v * dx a = fd.lhs(F) L = fd.rhs(F) # a = inner(u,v)*dx+ dt*(, fd.grad(v)))*dx # L = (u_n + dt*f)*v*dx # m = u * v * w * dx u = fd.Function(V) print('Start solver') t = [] pwf = [] pavg = [] q = [] # t =0 t.append(0.)
def __init__(self, state, V): super(EulerPoincareForm, self).__init__(state) dt = state.timestepping.dt w = TestFunction(V) u = TrialFunction(V) self.u0 = Function(V) ustar = 0.5*(self.u0 + u) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) Upwind = 0.5*(sign(dot(self.ubar, n))+1) if state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3: if V.extruded: surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v) else: surface_measure = dS # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)> # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar> # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> - # <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>> both = lambda u: 2*avg(u) Eqn = ( inner(w, u-self.u0)*dx + dt*inner(ustar, curl(cross(self.ubar, w)))*dx - dt*inner(both(Upwind*ustar), both(cross(n, cross(self.ubar, w))))*surface_measure - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar)*dx ) # define surface measure and terms involving perp differently # for slice (i.e. if V.extruded is True) and shallow water # (V.extruded is False) else: if V.extruded: surface_measure = (dS_h + dS_v) perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*perp(ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*perp(ustar('-')) else: surface_measure = dS outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh) perp = lambda u: cross(outward_normals, u) perp_u_upwind = Upwind('+')*cross(outward_normals('+'),ustar('+')) + Upwind('-')*cross(outward_normals('-'),ustar('-')) Eqn = ( (inner(w, u-self.u0) - dt*inner(w, div(perp(ustar))*perp(self.ubar)) - dt*div(w)*inner(ustar, self.ubar))*dx - dt*inner(jump(inner(w, perp(self.ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind)*surface_measure + dt*jump(inner(w, perp(self.ubar))*perp(ustar), n)*surface_measure ) a = lhs(Eqn) L = rhs(Eqn) self.u1 = Function(V) uproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.u1) self.usolver = LinearVariationalSolver(uproblem, options_prefix='EPAdvection')
def solver_CG(mesh, el, space, deg, T, dt=0.001, warm_up=False): """Solve the scalar wave equation on a unit square/cube using a CG FEM formulation with several different element types. Parameters ---------- mesh: Firedrake.mesh A utility mesh from the Firedrake package el: string The type of element either "tria" or "quad". `tria` in 3d implies tetrahedra and `quad` in 3d implies hexahedral elements. space: string The space of the FEM. Available options are: "CG": Continuous Galerkin Finite Elements, "KMV": Kong-Mulder-Veldhuzien higher-order mass lumped elements "S" (for Serendipity) (NB: quad/hexs only) "spectral": spectral elements using GLL quad points (NB: quads/hexs only) deg: int The spatial polynomial degree. T: float The simulation duration in simulation seconds. dt: float, optional Simulation timestep warm_up: boolean, optional Warm up symbolics by running one timestep and shutting down. Returns ------- u_n: Firedrake.Function The solution at time `T` """ sd = mesh.geometric_dimension() V = _build_space(mesh, el, space, deg) quad_rule1, quad_rule2 = _build_quad_rule(el, V, space) params = _select_params(space) # DEBUG # outfile = fd.File(os.getcwd() + "/results/simple_shots.pvd") # END DEBUG tot_dof = COMM_WORLD.allreduce(V.dof_dset.total_size, op=MPI.SUM) # if COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: # print("------------------------------------------") # print("The problem has " + str(tot_dof) + " degrees of freedom.") # print("------------------------------------------") nt = int(T / dt) # number of timesteps u = fd.TrialFunction(V) v = fd.TestFunction(V) u_np1 = fd.Function(V) # n+1 u_n = fd.Function(V) # n u_nm1 = fd.Function(V) # n-1 # constant speed c = Constant(1.5) m = ( (1.0 / (c * c)) * (u - 2.0 * u_n + u_nm1) / Constant(dt * dt) * v * dx(rule=quad_rule1) ) # mass-like matrix a = dot(grad(u_n), grad(v)) * dx(rule=quad_rule2) # stiffness matrix # injection of source into mesh ricker = Constant(0.0) source = Constant([0.5] * sd) coords = fd.SpatialCoordinate(mesh) F = m + a - delta_expr(source, *coords) * ricker * v * dx(rule=quad_rule2) a, r = fd.lhs(F), fd.rhs(F) A, R = fd.assemble(a), fd.assemble(r) solver = fd.LinearSolver(A, solver_parameters=params, options_prefix="") # timestepping loop results = [] t = 0.0 for step in range(nt): with PETSc.Log.Stage("{el}{deg}".format(el=el, deg=deg)): ricker.assign(RickerWavelet(t, freq=6)) R = fd.assemble(r, tensor=R) solver.solve(u_np1, R) snes = _get_time("SNESSolve") ksp = _get_time("KSPSolve") pcsetup = _get_time("PCSetUp") pcapply = _get_time("PCApply") jac = _get_time("SNESJacobianEval") residual = _get_time("SNESFunctionEval") sparsity = _get_time("CreateSparsity") results.append( [tot_dof, snes, ksp, pcsetup, pcapply, jac, residual, sparsity] ) if warm_up: # Warm up symbolics/disk cache solver.solve(u_np1, R) sys.exit("Warming up...") u_nm1.assign(u_n) u_n.assign(u_np1) t = step * float(dt) # if step % 10 == 0: # outfile.write(u_n) # print("Time is " + str(t), flush=True) results = np.asarray(results) if mesh.comm.rank == 0: with open( "data/scalar_wave.{el}.{deg}.{space}.csv".format( el=el, deg=deg, space=space ), "w", ) as f: np.savetxt( f, results, fmt=["%d"] + ["%e"] * 7, delimiter=",", header="tot_dof,SNESSolve,KSPSolve,PCSetUp,PCApply,SNESJacobianEval,SNESFunctionEval,CreateSparsity", comments="", ) return u_n
uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * v('+') + s(u)('-') * v('-')) if mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2: perp = lambda u: as_vector([-u[1], u[0]]) p_uw = lambda u, v: perp(uw(u, v)) else: perp = lambda u: cross(CellNormal(mesh), u) out_n = CellNormal(mesh) p_uw = lambda u, v: (s(u)('+') * cross(out_n('+'), v('+')) + s(u) ('-') * cross(out_n('-'), v('-'))) # Initial solve for vorticity for output eta = TestFunction(W2) q_ = TrialFunction(W2) q_eqn = eta * q_ * Dn * dx + inner(perp(grad(eta)), un) * dx - eta * f * dx q_p = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(q_eqn), rhs(q_eqn), qn) q_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(q_p, solver_parameters={ "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu" }) q_solver.solve() q0.assign(qn) # Build advection, forcing forms M_ext = MixedFunctionSpace((W1, W0, W0)) xp_ext = Function(M_ext) u_, D_, P_ = TrialFunctions(M_ext) v, psi, chi = TestFunctions(M_ext)
# full weak form F = F_t + F_a + F_d # %% # 4) Solve problem # ----------------- wave_speed = fd.conditional(, tol), h_E / tol, h_E / vnorm) # CFL dt = 0.1 * fd.interpolate(wave_speed, DG1) Dt.assign(dt) outfile = fd.File("plots/adr_dg.pvd") limiter = fd.VertexBasedLimiter(DG1) # Kuzmin slope limiter c_ = fd.Function(DG1, name="c") problem = fd.LinearVariationalProblem(fd.lhs(F), fd.rhs(F), c_, bcs=bc) solver = fd.LinearVariationalSolver(problem) # initialize timestep t = 0.0 it = 0 p = 0 while t < sim_time: # check dt dt = np.min([sim_time - t, dt]) if (t + dt > ptimes[p]): dt = ptimes[p] - t Dt.assign(dt) # move next time step
def setup(self, state): space = state.spaces("HDiv") super(SawyerEliassenU, self).setup(state, space=space) u = state.fields("u") b = state.fields("b") v = inner(u, as_vector([0., 1., 0.])) # spaces V0 = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", 2) Vu = u.function_space() # project b to V0 self.b_v0 = Function(V0) btri = TrialFunction(V0) btes = TestFunction(V0) a = inner(btes, btri) * dx L = inner(btes, b) * dx projectbproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.b_v0) self.project_b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( projectbproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'}) # project v to V0 self.v_v0 = Function(V0) vtri = TrialFunction(V0) vtes = TestFunction(V0) a = inner(vtes, vtri) * dx L = inner(vtes, v) * dx projectvproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.v_v0) self.project_v_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( projectvproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'}) # stm/psi is a stream function self.stm = Function(V0) psi = TrialFunction(V0) xsi = TestFunction(V0) f = state.parameters.f H = state.parameters.H L = state.parameters.L dbdy = state.parameters.dbdy x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(state.mesh) bcs = [DirichletBC(V0, 0., "bottom"), DirichletBC(V0, 0., "top")] Mat = as_matrix([[b.dx(2), 0., -f * self.v_v0.dx(2)], [0., 0., 0.], [-self.b_v0.dx(0), 0., f**2 + f * self.v_v0.dx(0)]]) Equ = (inner(grad(xsi), dot(Mat, grad(psi))) - dbdy * inner(grad(xsi), as_vector([-v, 0., f * (z - H / 2)]))) * dx # fourth-order terms if state.parameters.fourthorder: eps = Constant(0.0001) brennersigma = Constant(10.0) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) deltax = Constant(state.parameters.deltax) deltaz = Constant(state.parameters.deltaz) nn = as_matrix([[sqrt(brennersigma / Constant(deltax)), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., sqrt(brennersigma / Constant(deltaz))]]) mu = as_matrix([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., H / L]]) # anisotropic form Equ += eps * ( div(dot(mu, grad(psi))) * div(dot(mu, grad(xsi))) * dx - (avg(dot(dot(grad(grad(psi)), n), n)) * jump(grad(xsi), n=n) + avg(dot(dot(grad(grad(xsi)), n), n)) * jump(grad(psi), n=n) - jump(nn * grad(psi), n=n) * jump(nn * grad(xsi), n=n)) * (dS_h + dS_v)) Au = lhs(Equ) Lu = rhs(Equ) stmproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(Au, Lu, self.stm, bcs=bcs) self.stream_function_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( stmproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'}) # solve for sawyer_eliassen u self.u = Function(Vu) utrial = TrialFunction(Vu) w = TestFunction(Vu) a = inner(w, utrial) * dx L = (w[0] * (-self.stm.dx(2)) + w[2] * (self.stm.dx(0))) * dx ugproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.u) self.sawyer_eliassen_u_solver = LinearVariationalSolver( ugproblem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg'})
def _setup_solver(self): state = self.state # just cutting down line length a bit dt = state.timestepping.dt beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp mu = # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the reduced function space for u,rho M = MixedFunctionSpace((state.V[0], state.V[1])) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, rho = TrialFunctions(M) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.thetabar rhobar = state.rhobar pibar = exner(thetabar, rhobar, state) pibar_rho = exner_rho(thetabar, rhobar, state) pibar_theta = exner_theta(thetabar, rhobar, state) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical # component of the gradient # the pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho # vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u,k) eqn = ( inner(w, (u - u_in))*dx - beta*cp*div(theta*V(w))*pibar*dx # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical. # + beta*cp*jump(theta*V(w),n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v - beta*cp*div(thetabar*w)*pi*dx + beta*cp*jump(thetabar*w,n)*avg(pi)*dS_v + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx + beta*jump(phi*u, n)*avg(rhobar)*(dS_v + dS_h) ) if mu is not None: eqn += dt*mu*inner(w,k)*inner(u,k)*dx aeqn = lhs(eqn) Leqn = rhs(eqn) # Place to put result of u rho solver self.urho = Function(M) # Boundary conditions (assumes extruded mesh) dim = M.sub(0).ufl_element().value_shape()[0] bc = ("0.0",)*dim bcs = [DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "bottom"), DirichletBC(M.sub(0), Expression(bc), "top")] # Solver for u, rho urho_problem = LinearVariationalProblem( aeqn, Leqn, self.urho, bcs=bcs) self.urho_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(urho_problem, solver_parameters=self.params, options_prefix='ImplicitSolver') # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(state.V[2]) gamma = TestFunction(state.V[2]) u, rho = self.urho.split() self.theta = Function(state.V[2]) theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in + dot(k,u)*dot(k,grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution')
def _setup_solver(self): from firedrake.assemble import create_assembly_callable import numpy as np state = self.state dt = state.timestepping.dt beta = dt*state.timestepping.alpha cp = state.parameters.cp mu = Vu = state.spaces("HDiv") Vu_broken = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, BrokenElement(Vu.ufl_element())) Vtheta = state.spaces("HDiv_v") Vrho = state.spaces("DG") h_deg = state.horizontal_degree v_deg = state.vertical_degree Vtrace = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, "HDiv Trace", degree=(h_deg, v_deg)) # Split up the rhs vector (symbolically) u_in, rho_in, theta_in = split(state.xrhs) # Build the function space for "broken" u and rho # and add the trace variable M = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu_broken, Vrho)) w, phi = TestFunctions(M) u, rho = TrialFunctions(M) l0 = TrialFunction(Vtrace) dl = TestFunction(Vtrace) n = FacetNormal(state.mesh) # Get background fields thetabar = state.fields("thetabar") rhobar = state.fields("rhobar") pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_rho = thermodynamics.pi_rho(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) pibar_theta = thermodynamics.pi_theta(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar) # Analytical (approximate) elimination of theta k = state.k # Upward pointing unit vector theta = -dot(k, u)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta + theta_in # Only include theta' (rather than pi') in the vertical # component of the gradient # The pi prime term (here, bars are for mean and no bars are # for linear perturbations) pi = pibar_theta*theta + pibar_rho*rho # Vertical projection def V(u): return k*inner(u, k) # Specify degree for some terms as estimated degree is too large dxp = dx(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_vp = dS_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) dS_hp = dS_h(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_vp = ds_v(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) ds_tbp = ds_t(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) + ds_b(degree=(self.quadrature_degree)) # Mass matrix for the trace space tM = assemble(dl('+')*l0('+')*(dS_v + dS_h) + dl*l0*ds_v + dl*l0*(ds_t + ds_b)) Lrhobar = Function(Vtrace) Lpibar = Function(Vtrace) rhopi_solver = LinearSolver(tM, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'}, options_prefix='rhobarpibar_solver') rhobar_avg = Function(Vtrace) pibar_avg = Function(Vtrace) def _traceRHS(f): return (dl('+')*avg(f)*(dS_v + dS_h) + dl*f*ds_v + dl*f*(ds_t + ds_b)) assemble(_traceRHS(rhobar), tensor=Lrhobar) assemble(_traceRHS(pibar), tensor=Lpibar) # Project averages of coefficients into the trace space with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectRhobar"): rhopi_solver.solve(rhobar_avg, Lrhobar) with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectPibar"): rhopi_solver.solve(pibar_avg, Lpibar) # Add effect of density of water upon theta if self.moisture is not None: water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0) for water in self.moisture: water_t += self.state.fields(water) theta_w = theta / (1 + water_t) thetabar_w = thetabar / (1 + water_t) else: theta_w = theta thetabar_w = thetabar # "broken" u and rho system Aeqn = (inner(w, (state.h_project(u) - u_in))*dx - beta*cp*div(theta_w*V(w))*pibar*dxp # following does nothing but is preserved in the comments # to remind us why (because V(w) is purely vertical). # + beta*cp*dot(theta_w*V(w), n)*pibar_avg('+')*dS_vp + beta*cp*dot(theta_w*V(w), n)*pibar_avg('+')*dS_hp + beta*cp*dot(theta_w*V(w), n)*pibar_avg*ds_tbp - beta*cp*div(thetabar_w*w)*pi*dxp + (phi*(rho - rho_in) - beta*inner(grad(phi), u)*rhobar)*dx + beta*dot(phi*u, n)*rhobar_avg('+')*(dS_v + dS_h)) if mu is not None: Aeqn += dt*mu*inner(w, k)*inner(u, k)*dx # Form the mixed operators using Slate # (A K)(X) = (X_r) # (K.T 0)(l) (0 ) # where X = ("broken" u, rho) A = Tensor(lhs(Aeqn)) X_r = Tensor(rhs(Aeqn)) # Off-diagonal block matrices containing the contributions # of the Lagrange multipliers (surface terms in the momentum equation) K = Tensor(beta*cp*dot(thetabar_w*w, n)*l0('+')*(dS_vp + dS_hp) + beta*cp*dot(thetabar_w*w, n)*l0*ds_vp + beta*cp*dot(thetabar_w*w, n)*l0*ds_tbp) # X = A.inv * (X_r - K * l), # 0 = K.T * X = -(K.T * A.inv * K) * l + K.T * A.inv * X_r, # so (K.T * A.inv * K) * l = K.T * A.inv * X_r # is the reduced equation for the Lagrange multipliers. # Right-hand side expression: (Forward substitution) Rexp = K.T * A.inv * X_r self.R = Function(Vtrace) # We need to rebuild R everytime data changes self._assemble_Rexp = create_assembly_callable(Rexp, tensor=self.R) # Schur complement operator: Smatexp = K.T * A.inv * K with timed_region("Gusto:HybridAssembleTraceOp"): S = assemble(Smatexp) S.force_evaluation() # Set up the Linear solver for the system of Lagrange multipliers self.lSolver = LinearSolver(S, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix='lambda_solve') # Result function for the multiplier solution self.lambdar = Function(Vtrace) # Place to put result of u rho reconstruction self.urho = Function(M) # Reconstruction of broken u and rho u_, rho_ = self.urho.split() # Split operators for two-stage reconstruction _A = A.blocks _K = K.blocks _Xr = X_r.blocks A00 = _A[0, 0] A01 = _A[0, 1] A10 = _A[1, 0] A11 = _A[1, 1] K0 = _K[0, 0] Ru = _Xr[0] Rrho = _Xr[1] lambda_vec = AssembledVector(self.lambdar) # rho reconstruction Srho = A11 - A10 * A00.inv * A01 rho_expr = Srho.solve(Rrho - A10 * A00.inv * (Ru - K0 * lambda_vec), decomposition="PartialPivLU") self._assemble_rho = create_assembly_callable(rho_expr, tensor=rho_) # "broken" u reconstruction rho_vec = AssembledVector(rho_) u_expr = A00.solve(Ru - A01 * rho_vec - K0 * lambda_vec, decomposition="PartialPivLU") self._assemble_u = create_assembly_callable(u_expr, tensor=u_) # Project broken u into the HDiv space using facet averaging. # Weight function counting the dofs of the HDiv element: shapes = (Vu.finat_element.space_dimension(), weight_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<%d; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<%d; ++j) { w[i][j] += 1.0; }}""" % shapes self._weight = Function(Vu) par_loop(weight_kernel, dx, {"w": (self._weight, INC)}) # Averaging kernel self._average_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<%d; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<%d; ++j) { vec_out[i][j] += vec_in[i][j]/w[i][j]; }}""" % shapes # HDiv-conforming velocity self.u_hdiv = Function(Vu) # Reconstruction of theta theta = TrialFunction(Vtheta) gamma = TestFunction(Vtheta) self.theta = Function(Vtheta) theta_eqn = gamma*(theta - theta_in + dot(k, self.u_hdiv)*dot(k, grad(thetabar))*beta)*dx theta_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(theta_eqn), rhs(theta_eqn), self.theta) self.theta_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(theta_problem, solver_parameters={'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'pc_sub_type': 'ilu'}, options_prefix='thetabacksubstitution') self.bcs = [DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "bottom"), DirichletBC(Vu, 0.0, "top")]