Пример #1
def test_physics_recovery_kernels(boundary):

    m = IntervalMesh(3, 3)
    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=3, layer_height=1.0)

    cell = m.ufl_cell().cellname()
    hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    vert_elt = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 1)
    theta_elt = TensorProductElement(hori_elt, vert_elt)
    Vt = FunctionSpace(mesh, theta_elt)
    Vt_brok = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_elt))

    initial_field = Function(Vt)
    true_field = Function(Vt_brok)
    new_field = Function(Vt_brok)

    initial_field, true_field = setup_values(boundary, initial_field,

    kernel = kernels.PhysicsRecoveryTop(
    ) if boundary == "top" else kernels.PhysicsRecoveryBottom()
    kernel.apply(new_field, initial_field)

    tolerance = 1e-12
    index = 11 if boundary == "top" else 6
    assert abs(true_field.dat.data[index] - new_field.dat.data[index]) < tolerance, \
        "Value at %s from physics recovery is not correct" % boundary
Пример #2
def mesh(geometry):

    L = 3.0
    n = 3

    if geometry == "1D":
        m = IntervalMesh(n, L)
    elif geometry == "2D":
        m = RectangleMesh(n, n, L, L, quadrilateral=True)

    return m
Пример #3
def setup_form():
    # Create mesh and function space
    L = 3.0
    n = 3
    mesh = IntervalMesh(n, L)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    f = Function(V)
    g = TestFunction(V)
    form = f * g * dx

    return f, form
Пример #4
def mesh(geometry):

    Lx = 100.
    deltax = Lx / 5.
    ncolumnsx = int(Lx/deltax)

    if geometry == "periodic":
        m = PeriodicIntervalMesh(ncolumnsx, Lx)
    elif geometry == "non-periodic":
        m = IntervalMesh(ncolumnsx, Lx)

    return m
Пример #5
def mesh(geometry):

    L = 100.
    H = 100.

    deltax = L / 5.
    deltaz = H / 5.
    nlayers = int(H / deltaz)
    ncolumns = int(L / deltax)

    if geometry == "periodic":
        m = PeriodicIntervalMesh(ncolumns, L)
    elif geometry == "non-periodic":
        m = IntervalMesh(ncolumns, L)

    extruded_mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=nlayers, layer_height=deltaz)

    return extruded_mesh
Пример #6
if '--running-tests' in sys.argv:
    deltax = 1000.
    tmax = 5.
    deltax = 100.
    tmax = 1000.

degree = 0
dirname = 'dry_bryan_fritsch'

# make mesh
L = 10000.
H = 10000.
nlayers = int(H / deltax)
ncolumns = int(L / deltax)
m = IntervalMesh(ncolumns, L)
mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=nlayers, layer_height=H / nlayers)

output = OutputParameters(dirname=dirname,
                          dumpfreq=int(tmax / (5 * dt)),

params = CompressibleParameters()

state = State(mesh, dt=dt, output=output, parameters=params)

u_transport_option = "vector_advection_form"

eqns = CompressibleEulerEquations(state,
Пример #7
def test_label_map():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Set up labelled forms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Some basic labels
    foo_label = Label("foo")
    bar_label = Label("bar", validator=lambda value: type(value) == int)

    # Create mesh, function space and forms
    L = 3.0
    n = 3
    mesh = IntervalMesh(n, L)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    f = Function(V)
    g = Function(V)
    test = TestFunction(V)
    form_1 = f * test * dx
    form_2 = g * test * dx
    term_1 = foo_label(Term(form_1))
    term_2 = bar_label(Term(form_2), 5)

    labelled_form = term_1 + term_2

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test all_terms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Passing all_terms should return the same labelled form
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form.label_map(all_terms)
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == len(labelled_form), \
        'new_labelled_form should be the same as labelled_form'
    for new_term, term in zip(new_labelled_form.terms, labelled_form.terms):
        assert new_term == term, 'terms in new_labelled_form should be the ' + \
            'same as those in labelled_form'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test identity and drop
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Get just the first term, which has the foo label
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form.label_map(
        lambda t: t.has_label(foo_label),
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'new_labelled_form should be length 1'
    for new_term in new_labelled_form.terms:
        assert new_term.has_label(foo_label), 'All terms in ' + \
            'new_labelled_form should have foo_label'

    # Give term_1 the bar label
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form.label_map(
        lambda t: t.has_label(bar_label),
        map_if_false=lambda t: bar_label(t, 0))
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 2, 'new_labelled_form should be length 2'
    for new_term in new_labelled_form.terms:
        assert new_term.has_label(bar_label), 'All terms in ' + \
            'new_labelled_form should have bar_label'

    # Test with a more complex filter, which should give an empty labelled_form
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form.label_map(
        lambda t: (t.has_label(bar_label) and t.get(bar_label) > 10),
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 0, 'new_labelled_form should be length 0'
Пример #8
def test_labelled_form():

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Set up labelled forms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Some basic labels
    lorem_label = Label("lorem", validator=lambda value: type(value) == str)
    ipsum_label = Label("ipsum", validator=lambda value: type(value) == int)

    # Create mesh, function space and forms
    L = 3.0
    n = 3
    mesh = IntervalMesh(n, L)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    f = Function(V)
    g = Function(V)
    test = TestFunction(V)
    form_1 = f * test * dx
    form_2 = g * test * dx
    term_1 = lorem_label(Term(form_1), 'i_have_lorem')
    term_2 = ipsum_label(Term(form_2), 5)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test labelled forms have the correct number of terms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Create from a single term
    labelled_form_1 = LabelledForm(term_1)
    assert len(labelled_form_1) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Create from multiple terms
    labelled_form_2 = LabelledForm(*[term_1, term_2])
    assert len(labelled_form_2) == 2, 'LabelledForm should have 2 terms'

    # Trying to create from two LabelledForms should give an error
        labelled_form_3 = LabelledForm(labelled_form_1, labelled_form_2)
        # If we get here something has gone wrong
        assert False, 'We should not be able to create LabelledForm ' + \
            'from two LabelledForms'
    except TypeError:

    # Create from a single LabelledForm
    labelled_form_3 = LabelledForm(labelled_form_1)
    assert len(labelled_form_3) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test getting form
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    assert type(labelled_form_1.form) is Form, 'The form belonging to the ' + \
        f'LabelledForm must be a Form, and not {type(labelled_form_1.form)}'

    assert type(labelled_form_2.form) is Form, 'The form belonging to the ' + \
        f'LabelledForm must be a Form, and not {type(labelled_form_2.form)}'

    assert type(labelled_form_3.form) is Form, 'The form belonging to the ' + \
        f'LabelledForm must be a Form, and not {type(labelled_form_3.form)}'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test addition and subtraction of labelled forms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Add a Form to a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 + form_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 2, 'LabelledForm should have 2 terms'

    # Add a Term to a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 + term_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 2, 'LabelledForm should have 2 terms'

    # Add a LabelledForm to a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 + labelled_form_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 3, 'LabelledForm should have 3 terms'

    # Adding None to a LabelledForm should give the same LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 + None
    assert new_labelled_form == labelled_form_1, 'Two LabelledForms should be equal'

    # Subtract a Form from a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 - form_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 2, 'LabelledForm should have 2 terms'

    # Subtract a Term from a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 - term_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 2, 'LabelledForm should have 2 terms'

    # Subtract a LabelledForm from a LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 - labelled_form_2
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 3, 'LabelledForm should have 3 terms'

    # Subtracting None from a LabelledForm should give the same LabelledForm
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 - None
    assert new_labelled_form == labelled_form_1, 'Two LabelledForms should be equal'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test multiplication and division of labelled forms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Multiply by integer
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 * -4
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Multiply by float
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 * 12.4
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Multiply by Constant
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 * Constant(5.0)
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Divide by integer
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 / (-8)
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Divide by float
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 / (-6.2)
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'

    # Divide by Constant
    new_labelled_form = labelled_form_1 / Constant(0.01)
    assert len(new_labelled_form) == 1, 'LabelledForm should have 1 term'
def test_limit_midpoints(profile):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Set up meshes and spaces
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    m = IntervalMesh(3, 3)
    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=1, layer_height=3.0)

    cell = m.ufl_cell().cellname()
    DG_hori_elt = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 1, variant='equispaced')
    DG_vert_elt = FiniteElement("DG", interval, 1, variant='equispaced')
    Vt_vert_elt = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 2)
    DG_elt = TensorProductElement(DG_hori_elt, DG_vert_elt)
    theta_elt = TensorProductElement(DG_hori_elt, Vt_vert_elt)
    Vt_brok = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_elt))
    DG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, DG_elt)

    new_field = Function(Vt_brok)
    init_field = Function(Vt_brok)
    DG1_field = Function(DG1)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Initial conditions
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    _, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    if profile == 'undershoot':
        # A quadratic whose midpoint is lower than the top and bottom values
        init_expr = (80. / 9.) * z**2 - 20. * z + 300.
    elif profile == 'overshoot':
        # A quadratic whose midpoint is higher than the top and bottom values
        init_expr = (-80. / 9.) * z**2 + (100. / 3) * z + 300.
    elif profile == 'linear':
        # Linear profile which must be unchanged
        init_expr = (20. / 3.) * z + 300.
        raise NotImplementedError

    # Linear DG field has the same values at top and bottom as quadratic
    DG_expr = (20. / 3.) * z + 300.


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Apply kernel
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    kernel = kernels.LimitMidpoints(Vt_brok)
    kernel.apply(new_field, DG1_field, init_field)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Check values
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    tol = 1e-12
    assert np.max(new_field.dat.data) <= np.max(init_field.dat.data) + tol, \
        'LimitMidpoints kernel is giving an overshoot'
    assert np.min(new_field.dat.data) >= np.min(init_field.dat.data) - tol, \
        'LimitMidpoints kernel is giving an undershoot'

    if profile == 'linear':
        assert np.allclose(init_field.dat.data, new_field.dat.data), \
            'For a profile with no maxima or minima, the LimitMidpoints ' + \
            'kernel should leave the field unchanged'
Пример #10
def setup_2d_recovery(dirname):

    L = 5.
    H = 5.

    deltax = L / 5.
    deltay = H / 5.
    nlayers = int(H / deltay)
    ncolumns = int(L / deltax)

    m = IntervalMesh(ncolumns, L)
    mesh = ExtrudedMesh(m, layers=nlayers, layer_height=H / nlayers)
    x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    # horizontal base spaces
    cell = mesh._base_mesh.ufl_cell().cellname()
    u_hori = FiniteElement("CG", cell, 1)
    w_hori = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)

    # vertical base spaces
    u_vert = FiniteElement("DG", interval, 0)
    w_vert = FiniteElement("CG", interval, 1)

    # build elements
    u_element = HDiv(TensorProductElement(u_hori, u_vert))
    w_element = HDiv(TensorProductElement(w_hori, w_vert))
    theta_element = TensorProductElement(w_hori, w_vert)
    v_element = u_element + w_element

    # spaces
    VDG0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    VCG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    VDG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
    Vt = FunctionSpace(mesh, theta_element)
    Vt_brok = FunctionSpace(mesh, BrokenElement(theta_element))
    Vu = FunctionSpace(mesh, v_element)
    VuCG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    VuDG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)

    # set up initial conditions
    expr = np.random.randn() + np.random.randn() * x + np.random.randn(
    ) * y + np.random.randn() * x * y

    # our actual theta and rho and v
    rho_CG1_true = Function(VCG1).interpolate(expr)
    theta_CG1_true = Function(VCG1).interpolate(expr)
    v_CG1_true = Function(VuCG1).interpolate(as_vector([expr, expr]))
    rho_Vt_true = Function(Vt).interpolate(expr)

    # make the initial fields by projecting expressions into the lowest order spaces
    rho_DG0 = Function(VDG0).interpolate(expr)
    rho_CG1 = Function(VCG1)
    theta_Vt = Function(Vt).interpolate(expr)
    theta_CG1 = Function(VCG1)
    v_Vu = Function(Vu).project(as_vector([expr, expr]))
    v_CG1 = Function(VuCG1)
    rho_Vt = Function(Vt)

    # make the recoverers and do the recovery
    rho_recoverer = Recoverer(rho_DG0,
    theta_recoverer = Recoverer(theta_Vt,
    v_recoverer = Recoverer(v_Vu,
    rho_Vt_recoverer = Recoverer(rho_DG0,


    rho_diff = errornorm(rho_CG1, rho_CG1_true) / norm(rho_CG1_true)
    theta_diff = errornorm(theta_CG1, theta_CG1_true) / norm(theta_CG1_true)
    v_diff = errornorm(v_CG1, v_CG1_true) / norm(v_CG1_true)
    rho_Vt_diff = errornorm(rho_Vt, rho_Vt_true) / norm(rho_Vt_true)

    return (rho_diff, theta_diff, v_diff, rho_Vt_diff)
Пример #11
def test_term(initialise):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Set up terms
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Some basic labels
    foo_label = Label("foo", validator=lambda value: type(value) == bool)
    lorem_label = Label("lorem", validator=lambda value: type(value) == str)
    ipsum_label = Label("ipsum", validator=lambda value: type(value) == int)

    # Dict for matching the label names to the label objects
    all_labels = [foo_label, lorem_label, ipsum_label]
    all_label_dict = {label.label: label for label in all_labels}

    # Create mesh, function space and forms
    L = 3.0
    n = 3
    mesh = IntervalMesh(n, L)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    f = Function(V)
    g = Function(V)
    h = Function(V)
    test = TestFunction(V)
    form = f*test*dx

    # Declare what the labels will be
    label_dict = {'foo': True, 'lorem': 'etc', 'ipsum': 1}

    # Make terms
    if initialise == "from_dicts":
        term = Term(form, label_dict)
        term = Term(form)

        # Apply labels
        for label_name, value in label_dict.items():
            term = all_label_dict[label_name](term, value)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test Term.get routine
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    for label in all_labels:
        if label.label in label_dict.keys():
            # Check if label is attached to Term and it has correct value
            assert term.get(label) == label_dict[label.label], \
                f'term should have label {label.label} with value equal ' + \
                f'to {label_dict[label.label]} and not {term.get(label)}'
            # Labelled shouldn't be attached to Term so this should return None
            assert term.get(label) is None, 'term should not have ' + \
                f'label {label.label} but term.get(label) returns ' + \

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test Term.has_label routine
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Test has_label for each label one by one
    for label in all_labels:
        assert term.has_label(label) == (label.label in label_dict.keys()), \
            f'term.has_label giving incorrect value for {label.label}'

    # Test has_labels by passing all labels at once
    has_labels = term.has_label(*all_labels, return_tuple=True)
    for i, label in enumerate(all_labels):
        assert has_labels[i] == (label.label in label_dict.keys()), \
            f'has_label for label {label.label} returning wrong value'

    # Check the return_tuple option is correct when only one label is passed
    has_labels = term.has_label(*[foo_label], return_tuple=True)
    assert len(has_labels) == 1, 'Length returned by has_label is ' + \
        f'incorrect, it is {len(has_labels)} but should be 1'
    assert has_labels[0] == (label.label in label_dict.keys()), \
        f'has_label for label {label.label} returning wrong value'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test Term addition and subtraction
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    form_2 = g*test*dx
    term_2 = ipsum_label(Term(form_2), 2)

    labelled_form_1 = term_2 + term
    labelled_form_2 = term + term_2

    # Adding two Terms should return a LabelledForm containing the Terms
    assert type(labelled_form_1) is LabelledForm, 'The sum of two Terms ' + \
        f'should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_1)}'
    assert type(labelled_form_2) is LabelledForm, 'The sum of two Terms ' + \
        f'should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_1)}'

    # Adding a LabelledForm to a Term should return a LabelledForm
    labelled_form_3 = term + labelled_form_2
    assert type(labelled_form_3) is LabelledForm, 'The sum of a Term and ' + \
        f'Labelled Form should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_3)}'

    labelled_form_1 = term_2 - term
    labelled_form_2 = term - term_2

    # Subtracting two Terms should return a LabelledForm containing the Terms
    assert type(labelled_form_1) is LabelledForm, 'The difference of two ' + \
        f'Terms should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_1)}'
    assert type(labelled_form_2) is LabelledForm, 'The difference of two ' + \
        f'Terms should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_1)}'

    # Subtracting a LabelledForm from a Term should return a LabelledForm
    labelled_form_3 = term - labelled_form_2
    assert type(labelled_form_3) is LabelledForm, 'The differnce of a Term ' + \
        f'and a Labelled Form should be a LabelledForm, not {type(labelled_form_3)}'

    # Adding None to a Term should return the Term
    new_term = term + None
    assert term == new_term, 'Adding None to a Term should give the same Term'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # Test Term multiplication and division
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

    # Multiplying a term by an integer should give a Term
    new_term = term*3
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Multiplying a Term by an integer ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Multiplying a term by a float should give a Term
    new_term = term*19.0
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Multiplying a Term by a float ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Multiplying a term by a Constant should give a Term
    new_term = term*Constant(-4.0)
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Multiplying a Term by a Constant ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Dividing a term by an integer should give a Term
    new_term = term/3
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Dividing a Term by an integer ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Dividing a term by a float should give a Term
    new_term = term/19.0
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Dividing a Term by a float ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Dividing a term by a Constant should give a Term
    new_term = term/Constant(-4.0)
    assert type(new_term) is Term, 'Dividing a Term by a Constant ' + \
        f'give a Term, not a {type(new_term)}'

    # Multiplying a term by a Function should fail
        new_term = term*h
        # If we get here we have failed
        assert False, 'Multiplying a Term by a Function should fail'
    except TypeError:
Пример #12
#  The boundary surfaces are numbered as follows: (except for Periodic Mesh)
#  * 1: plane x == 0
#  * 2: plane x == Lx
#  * 3: plane y == 0
#  * 4: plane y == Ly
#  * 5: plane z == 0
#  * 6: plane z == Lz

# OneDimensional Meshes

# -> IntervalMesh
# ---------------
# 1D mesh support ncells, Length (left coords), right coords (opt.)
#  m= IntervalMesh(nx,-L,L)
m = IntervalMesh(nx, L)
xIM = m.coordinates.dat.data

# -> UnitIntervalMesh
# -------------------
m = UnitIntervalMesh(nx)
xUIM = m.coordinates.dat.data

# -> PeriodicInternalMesh
# -----------------------
m = PeriodicIntervalMesh(nx, L)
xPIM = m.coordinates.dat.data

y = np.ones([nx+1, ])