Пример #1
 def __init__(self, api_key):
     self.api_key = api_key
     self.workspace = fdc.Workspace(api_key)
     self.run_id = -1  # defaults to error value
     self.scenes = self.workspace.get_scenes()
     self.canceled = False
     self.scene_num = -1
Пример #2
def main():
    global workspace
    global strategy

    print("Enter the id of the scene you would like to test")
    strategies = ["multi", "natural"]
    scene_id = input("id? ")
    strategy = input("strategy? ")
    while not strategy in strategies:
        print("Invalid strategy\n")
        strategy = input("strategy? ")

    api_key = 'MaH!2iNyY1C3vfyusR%?FmDu@!mZMl9Ns8Syby?9ZPB*rJ&X$b^0fCduWj_$&9m7'

    workspace = fdc.Workspace(api_key)

    scenes = workspace.get_scenes()

    # Check if scene id is a valid scene
    for scene in scenes:
        if (scene['id'] == int(scene_id)):
Пример #3
import firedrone.client as fdc
from firedrone.client.errors import FireDroneClientHttpError
import os

api_key = 'MaH!2iNyY1C3vfyusR%?FmDu@!mZMl9Ns8Syby?9ZPB*rJ&X$b^0fCduWj_$&9m7'

workspace = fdc.Workspace(api_key)

scenes = workspace.get_scenes()
Пример #4
#run this file to get a runId
#insert runID into scene%d.py
import firedrone.client as fdc
from firedrone.client.errors import FireDroneClientHttpError

workspace = fdc.Workspace('')

#Insert scene number
    start_result = workspace.directrun_start(21)
except FireDroneClientHttpError as e:
Пример #5
import firedrone.client as fdc
from firedrone.client.errors import FireDroneClientHttpError
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import cv2
import json

RETRAINED_LABELS_TXT_FILE_LOC = os.getcwd() + "/" + "retrained_labels.txt"
RETRAINED_GRAPH_PB_FILE_LOC = os.getcwd() + "/" + "retrained_graph.pb"
DATA_DIR = os.getcwd() + "/drone"

workspace = fdc.Workspace(
runId = ''
classifications = ['fire', 'nofire']

# Move left once to get MOVE_RESULT in order to start the loop
move_result = workspace.directrun_move_left(runId)
# move drone to the bottom left corner
move_result['success'] = True
while move_result['success']:
    move_result = workspace.directrun_move_left(runId)
# ___________________________________________________________
#  Drone at the bottom left corner. Ready to start work
row = 0
move_result['success'] = True

# load the graph from file
with tf.gfile.FastGFile(RETRAINED_GRAPH_PB_FILE_LOC,
                        'rb') as retrainedGraphFile: