Пример #1
    def test_sparse_features(self):
        data = [
            'How are you? I Am fine. blar blar blar blar blar Thanks.',
            'How are you i am fine. blar blar blar blar blar than',
            'This is simhash test.',
            'How are you i am fine. blar blar blar blar blar thank1'
        vec = TfidfVectorizer()
        D = vec.fit_transform(data)
        voc = dict((i, w) for w, i in vec.vocabulary_.items())

        # Verify that distance between data[0] and data[1] is < than
        # data[2] and data[3]
        shs = []
        for i in range(D.shape[0]):
            Di = D.getrow(i)
            # features as list of (token, weight) tuples)
            features = zip([voc[j] for j in Di.indices], Di.data)
        self.assertNotEqual(shs[0].distance(shs[1]), 0)
        self.assertNotEqual(shs[2].distance(shs[3]), 0)
        self.assertLess(shs[0].distance(shs[1]), shs[2].distance(shs[3]))

        # features as token -> weight dicts
        D0 = D.getrow(0)
        dict_features = dict(zip([voc[j] for j in D0.indices], D0.data))
        self.assertEqual(Simhash(dict_features).value, 17583409636488780916)

        # the sparse and non-sparse features should obviously yield
        # different results
Пример #2
    def test_equality_comparison(self):
        a = Simhash('My name is John')
        b = Simhash('My name is John')
        c = Simhash('My name actually is Jane')

        self.assertEqual(a, b, 'A should equal B')
        self.assertNotEqual(a, c, 'A should not equal C')
Пример #3
    def test_distance(self):
        sh = Simhash('How are you? I AM fine. Thanks. And you?')
        sh2 = Simhash('How old are you ? :-) i am fine. Thanks. And you?')
        self.assertTrue(sh.distance(sh2) > 0)

        sh3 = Simhash(sh2)
        self.assertEqual(sh2.distance(sh3), 0)

        self.assertNotEqual(Simhash('1').distance(Simhash('2')), 0)
Пример #4
    def test_short(self):
        shs = [
            for s in ('aa', 'aaa', 'aaaa', 'aaaab', 'aaaaabb', 'aaaaabbb')

        for i, sh1 in enumerate(shs):
            for j, sh2 in enumerate(shs):
                if i != j:
                    self.assertNotEqual(sh1, sh2)
Пример #5
    def test_chinese(self):
        self.maxDiff = None

        sh1 = Simhash(u'你好 世界!  呼噜。')
        sh2 = Simhash(u'你好,世界 呼噜')

        sh4 = Simhash(
            u'How are you? I Am fine. ablar ablar xyz blar blar blar blar blar blar blar Thanks.'
        sh5 = Simhash(
            u'How are you i am fine.ablar ablar xyz blar blar blar blar blar blar blar than'
        sh6 = Simhash(
            u'How are you i am fine.ablar ablar xyz blar blar blar blar blar blar blar thank'

        self.assertEqual(sh1.distance(sh2), 0)

        self.assertTrue(sh4.distance(sh6) < 3)
        self.assertTrue(sh5.distance(sh6) < 3)
Пример #6
    def test_get_near_dup(self):
        s1 = Simhash(
            u'How are you i am fine.ablar ablar xyz blar blar blar blar blar blar blar thank'
        dups = self.index.get_near_dups(s1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dups), 3)

        self.index.delete('1', Simhash(self.data[1]))
        dups = self.index.get_near_dups(s1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dups), 2)

        self.index.delete('1', Simhash(self.data[1]))
        dups = self.index.get_near_dups(s1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dups), 2)

        self.index.add('1', Simhash(self.data[1]))
        dups = self.index.get_near_dups(s1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dups), 3)

        self.index.add('1', Simhash(self.data[1]))
        dups = self.index.get_near_dups(s1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dups), 3)
Пример #7
 def test_int_value(self):
     self.assertEqual(Simhash(0).value, 0)
         Simhash(4390059585430954713).value, 4390059585430954713)
         Simhash(9223372036854775808).value, 9223372036854775808)
Пример #8
 def test_value(self):
     self.assertEqual(Simhash(['aaa', 'bbb']).value, 57087923692560392)
Пример #9
 def setUp(self):
     objs = [(str(k), Simhash(v)) for k, v in self.data.items()]
     self.index = SimhashIndex(objs, k=10)