Пример #1
def test_spending_over_time(client, monkeypatch, elasticsearch_transaction_index, mock_tas_data):
    setup_elasticsearch_test(monkeypatch, elasticsearch_transaction_index)

    data = {"group": "fiscal_year", "filters": {"tas_codes": [{"aid": "028", "main": "8006"}]}, "subawards": False}
    resp = client.post("/api/v2/search/spending_over_time", content_type="application/json", data=json.dumps(data))
    assert resp.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
    earliest_fiscal_year_we_care_about = datetime.strptime(settings.API_SEARCH_MIN_DATE, "%Y-%m-%d").year
    assert len(resp.data["results"]) == FiscalDate.today().fiscal_year - earliest_fiscal_year_we_care_about
Пример #2
def test_create_fiscal_year_list():
    assert fyh.create_fiscal_year_list(
        start_year=2004, end_year=2008) == [2004, 2005, 2006, 2007]
    years = [
        x for x in range(2000,
    assert fyh.create_fiscal_year_list() == years
Пример #3
    def test_contains(self, a: FiscalQuarter, f: FiscalQuarter) -> None:
        assert a not in f
        assert f in f

        assert FiscalDateTime(2016, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert FiscalDate(2016, 8, 1) in a
        assert datetime.date(2016, 8, 1) in a
Пример #4
    def test_contains(self, a: FiscalMonth, b: FiscalMonth,
                      d: FiscalQuarter) -> None:
        assert b in b
        assert a not in d
        assert b in b

        assert FiscalDateTime(2015, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert FiscalDate(2015, 10, 1) in a
        assert datetime.date(2015, 10, 1) in a
Пример #5
    def test_contains(self, a: FiscalYear, b: FiscalYear, c: FiscalYear,
                      d: FiscalYear) -> None:
        assert b in b
        assert c not in a
        assert c in b
        assert d in b

        assert FiscalDateTime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) in a
        assert FiscalDate(2016, 1, 1) in a
        assert datetime.date(2016, 1, 1) in a
Пример #6
 def test_leap_year(self) -> None:
     assert FiscalDate(2016, 1, 1).fiscal_day == 93
     assert FiscalDate(2016, 2, 29).fiscal_day == 152
     assert FiscalDate(2017, 3, 1).fiscal_day == 152
     assert FiscalDate(2016, 9, 30).fiscal_day == 366
     assert FiscalDate(2017, 9, 30).fiscal_day == 365
     assert FiscalDate(2018, 9, 30).fiscal_day == 365
Пример #7
def create_fiscal_year_list(start_year=2000, end_year=None):
    return the list of fiscal year as integers
        start_year: int default 2000 FY to start at (inclusive)
        end_year: int default None: FY to end at (exclusive)
            if no end_date is provided, use the current FY
    if end_year is None:
        # to return the current FY, we add 1 here for the range generator below
        end_year = FiscalDate.today().next_fiscal_year.fiscal_year

    if start_year is None or start_year >= end_year:
        raise Exception("Invalid start_year and end_year values")

    return [year for year in range(start_year, end_year)]
Пример #8
    def test_complex(self) -> None:
        # Test defaults
        day = FiscalDate(2017, 12, 1)
        assert day.fiscal_year == 2018
        assert day.fiscal_quarter == 1

        # Change fiscal year settings
        fiscalyear.setup_fiscal_calendar("same", 1, 1)
        assert day.fiscal_year == 2017
        assert day.fiscal_quarter == 4

        # Restore defaults and re-test
        fiscalyear.setup_fiscal_calendar("previous", 10, 1)
        assert day.fiscal_year == 2018
        assert day.fiscal_quarter == 1
Пример #9
def generate_fiscal_quarter(date):
    """ Generate fiscal quarter based on the date provided """
    return FiscalDate(date.year, date.month, date.day).quarter
    def post(self, request):
        """Return all budget function/subfunction titles matching the provided search text"""
        valid_groups = ['quarter', 'fiscal_year', 'month', 'fy', 'q', 'm']
        models = [
            {'name': 'subawards', 'key': 'subawards', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False},
            {'name': 'group', 'key': 'group', 'type': 'enum', 'enum_values': valid_groups, 'optional': False}
        json_request = TinyShield(models).block(request.data)
        group = json_request['group']
        subawards = json_request['subawards']
        filters = json_request.get("filters", None)

        if filters is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException('Missing request parameters: filters')

        # define what values are needed in the sql query
        # we do not use matviews for Subaward filtering, just the Subaward download filters

        if subawards:
            queryset = subaward_filter(filters)
            queryset = spending_over_time(filters).values('action_date', 'generated_pragmatic_obligation')

        # build response
        response = {'group': group, 'results': []}
        nested_order = ''

        # list of time_period objects ie {"fy": "2017", "quarter": "3"} : 1000
        group_results = OrderedDict()

        # for Subawards we extract data from action_date
        if subawards:
            data_set = queryset \
                .values('award_type') \
                .annotate(month=ExtractMonth('action_date'), transaction_amount=Sum('amount')) \
                .values('month', 'fiscal_year', 'transaction_amount')
            # for Awards we Sum generated_pragmatic_obligation for transaction_amount
            queryset = queryset.values('fiscal_year')
            if group in ('fy', 'fiscal_year'):
                data_set = queryset \
                    .annotate(transaction_amount=Sum('generated_pragmatic_obligation')) \
                    .values('fiscal_year', 'transaction_amount')
                # quarterly also takes months and aggregates the data
                data_set = queryset \
                        transaction_amount=Sum('generated_pragmatic_obligation')) \
                    .values('fiscal_year', 'month', 'transaction_amount')

        for record in data_set:
            # generate unique key by fiscal date, depending on group
            key = {'fiscal_year': str(record['fiscal_year'])}
            if group in ('m', 'month'):
                # generate the fiscal month
                key['month'] = generate_fiscal_month(date(year=2017, day=1, month=record['month']))
                nested_order = 'month'
            elif group in ('q', 'quarter'):
                # generate the fiscal quarter
                key['quarter'] = FiscalDate(2017, record['month'], 1).quarter
                nested_order = 'quarter'
            key = str(key)

            # if key exists, aggregate
            if group_results.get(key) is None:
                group_results[key] = record['transaction_amount']
                group_results[key] = group_results.get(key) + record['transaction_amount']

        # convert result into expected format, sort by key to meet front-end specs
        results = []
        # Expected results structure
        # [{
        # 'time_period': {'fy': '2017', 'quarter': '3'},
        # 'aggregated_amount': '200000000'
        # }]
        sorted_group_results = sorted(
            key=lambda k: (
                int(ast.literal_eval(k[0])[nested_order])) if nested_order else (ast.literal_eval(k[0])['fiscal_year']))

        for key, value in sorted_group_results:
            key_dict = ast.literal_eval(key)
            result = {'time_period': key_dict, 'aggregated_amount': float(value) if value else float(0)}
        response['results'] = results

        return Response(response)
Пример #11
    def post(self, request):
        """Return all budget function/subfunction titles matching the provided search text"""
        json_request = request.data
        group = json_request.get('group', None)
        filters = json_request.get('filters', None)
        subawards = json_request.get('subawards', False)

        if group is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException('Missing one or more required request parameters: group')
        if filters is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException('Missing one or more required request parameters: filters')
        potential_groups = ['quarter', 'fiscal_year', 'month', 'fy', 'q', 'm']
        if group not in potential_groups:
            raise InvalidParameterException('group does not have a valid value')
        if type(subawards) is not bool:
            raise InvalidParameterException('subawards does not have a valid value')

        # define what values are needed in the sql query
        # we do not use matviews for Subaward filtering, just the Subaward download filters
        queryset = subaward_filter(filters) if subawards else spending_over_time(filters) \
            .values('action_date', 'federal_action_obligation', 'original_loan_subsidy_cost')

        # build response
        response = {'group': group, 'results': []}
        nested_order = ''

        # list of time_period objects ie {"fy": "2017", "quarter": "3"} : 1000
        group_results = OrderedDict()

        # for Subawards we extract data from action_date, for Awards we use sum_transaction_amount
        if subawards:
            data_set = queryset.values('award_type'). \
                annotate(month=ExtractMonth('action_date'), year=ExtractYear('action_date'),
                         transaction_amount=Sum('amount')). \
                values('month', 'year', 'transaction_amount')
            data_set = queryset.values('fiscal_year')
            if not (group == 'fy' or group == 'fiscal_year'):
                # quarterly also takes months and aggregates the data
                data_set = queryset.annotate(month=ExtractMonth('action_date')).values('fiscal_year', 'month')

            filter_types = filters['award_type_codes'] if 'award_type_codes' in filters else award_type_mapping
            data_set = sum_transaction_amount(data_set, filter_types=filter_types)

        for record in data_set:
            # create fiscal year data based on the action_date for Subawards
            if subawards:
                record['fiscal_year'] = generate_fiscal_year(date(record['year'], record['month'], 1))

            # generate unique key by fiscal date, depending on group
            key = {'fiscal_year': str(record['fiscal_year'])}
            if group == 'm' or group == 'month':
                # generate the fiscal month
                key['month'] = generate_fiscal_month(date(year=2017, day=1, month=record['month']))
                nested_order = 'month'
            elif group == 'q' or group == 'quarter':
                # generate the fiscal quarter
                key['quarter'] = FiscalDate(2017, record['month'], 1).quarter
                nested_order = 'quarter'
            key = str(key)

            # if key exists, aggregate
            if group_results.get(key) is None:
                group_results[key] = record['transaction_amount']
                group_results[key] = group_results.get(key) + record['transaction_amount']

        # convert result into expected format, sort by key to meet front-end specs
        results = []
        # Expected results structure
        # [{
        # 'time_period': {'fy': '2017', 'quarter': '3'},
        # 	'aggregated_amount': '200000000'
        # }]
        sorted_group_results = sorted(
            key=lambda k: (
                int(ast.literal_eval(k[0])[nested_order])) if nested_order else (ast.literal_eval(k[0])['fiscal_year']))

        for key, value in sorted_group_results:
            key_dict = ast.literal_eval(key)
            result = {'time_period': key_dict, 'aggregated_amount': float(value) if value else float(0)}
        response['results'] = results

        return Response(response)
Пример #12
 def b(self) -> FiscalDate:
     return FiscalDate(2017, 11, 15)
Пример #13
 def a(self) -> FiscalDate:
     return FiscalDate(2017, 1, 1)
Пример #14
 def today() -> FiscalDate:
     return FiscalDate(2016, 10, 1)
def test_current_fiscal_year():
    current_fiscal_year = FiscalDate.today().fiscal_year
    fiscal_year_list = fyh.create_fiscal_year_list(start_year=2010)
    assert fiscal_year_list[0] == 2010
    assert fiscal_year_list[-1] == current_fiscal_year
Пример #16
def generate_fiscal_year_and_quarter(date):
    quarter = FiscalDate(date.year, date.month, date.day).quarter
    year = generate_fiscal_year(date)
    return "{}-Q{}".format(year, quarter)
Пример #17
    def post(self, request):
        """Return all budget function/subfunction titles matching the provided search text"""
        json_request = request.data
        group = json_request.get('group', None)
        filters = json_request.get('filters', None)

        if group is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                'Missing one or more required request parameters: group')
        if filters is None:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                'Missing one or more required request parameters: filters')
        potential_groups = ['quarter', 'fiscal_year', 'month', 'fy', 'q', 'm']
        if group not in potential_groups:
            raise InvalidParameterException(
                'group does not have a valid value')

        queryset = spending_over_time(filters)
        filter_types = filters[
            'award_type_codes'] if 'award_type_codes' in filters else award_type_mapping

        # define what values are needed in the sql query
        queryset = queryset.values('action_date', 'federal_action_obligation',

        # build response
        response = {'group': group, 'results': []}
        nested_order = ''

        group_results = OrderedDict(
        )  # list of time_period objects ie {"fy": "2017", "quarter": "3"} : 1000

        if group == 'fy' or group == 'fiscal_year':

            fy_set = sum_transaction_amount(queryset.values('fiscal_year'),

            for trans in fy_set:
                key = {'fiscal_year': str(trans['fiscal_year'])}
                key = str(key)
                group_results[key] = trans['transaction_amount']

        elif group == 'm' or group == 'month':

            month_set = queryset.annotate(month=ExtractMonth('action_date')) \
                .values('fiscal_year', 'month')
            month_set = sum_transaction_amount(month_set,

            for trans in month_set:
                # Convert month to fiscal month
                fiscal_month = generate_fiscal_month(
                    date(year=2017, day=1, month=trans['month']))

                key = {
                    'fiscal_year': str(trans['fiscal_year']),
                    'month': str(fiscal_month)
                key = str(key)
                group_results[key] = trans['transaction_amount']
            nested_order = 'month'
        else:  # quarterly, take months and add them up

            month_set = queryset.annotate(month=ExtractMonth('action_date')) \
                .values('fiscal_year', 'month')
            month_set = sum_transaction_amount(month_set,

            for trans in month_set:
                # Convert month to quarter
                quarter = FiscalDate(2017, trans['month'], 1).quarter

                key = {
                    'fiscal_year': str(trans['fiscal_year']),
                    'quarter': str(quarter)
                key = str(key)

                # If key exists {fy : quarter}, aggregate
                if group_results.get(key) is None:
                    group_results[key] = trans['transaction_amount']
                    if trans['transaction_amount']:
                        group_results[key] = group_results.get(
                            key) + trans['transaction_amount']
                        group_results[key] = group_results.get(key)
            nested_order = 'quarter'

        # convert result into expected format, sort by key to meet front-end specs
        results = []
        # Expected results structure
        # [{
        # 'time_period': {'fy': '2017', 'quarter': '3'},
        # 	'aggregated_amount': '200000000'
        # }]
        sorted_group_results = sorted(
            key=lambda k: (ast.literal_eval(k[0])['fiscal_year'],
            if nested_order else (ast.literal_eval(k[0])['fiscal_year']))

        for key, value in sorted_group_results:
            key_dict = ast.literal_eval(key)
            result = {
                'time_period': key_dict,
                'aggregated_amount': float(value) if value else float(0)
        response['results'] = results

        return Response(response)