Пример #1
    def parse(self):
        Parse the NIST problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem

        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        equation, data, starting_values, name = self._parse_line_by_line()
        data = self._parse_data(data)

        fitting_problem.data_x = data[:, 1]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data[:, 0]
        if len(data[0, :]) > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data[:, 2]

        fitting_problem.name = name

        # String containing a mathematical expression
        fitting_problem.equation = self._parse_equation(equation)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = starting_values

        fitting_problem.function = \

        return fitting_problem
    def parse(self):
        Get data into a Fitting Problem via cutest.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        self.mastsif_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

        # set the MASTSIF environment variable so that pycutest
        # can find the sif files
        os.environ["MASTSIF"] = self.mastsif_dir.name

        self._num_params = None

        # get just the short filename (minus the .SIF)
        fp = FittingProblem(self.options)

        # Collect x and create new file with blank y
        fname, fp.data_x, fp.data_y, fp.data_e = self._setup_data()

        self._p = _import_problem(fname)

        fp.name = self._p.name

        fp.function = self._function  # self._p.objcons
        fp.jacobian = self._jacobian  # self._p.lagjac
        fp.equation = None
        fp.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()
        fp.start_x = None
        fp.end_x = None
        fp.format = "cutest"

        # Create a list of x and f (function evaluation) and x and g (Jacobian
        # evaluation).
        # If a new x is given we will create and parse a new file
        self._cache_f = [(fp.data_x, self._p.objcons)]
        self._cache_g = [(fp.data_x, self._p.lagjac)]

        return fp
Пример #3
    def parse(self):
        Parse the NIST problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem

        fitting_problem = FittingProblem(self.options)

        equation, data, starting_values, name = self._parse_line_by_line()
        data = self._parse_data(data)

        fitting_problem.data_x = data[:, 1]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data[:, 0]
        if len(data[0, :]) > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data[:, 2]

        fitting_problem.name = name

        # String containing a mathematical expression
        fitting_problem.equation = self._parse_equation(equation)

        fitting_problem.starting_values = starting_values

        fitting_problem.function = \
        fitting_problem.format = "nist"
            jacobian = self._parse_jacobian(name)
            fitting_problem.jacobian = \
        except NoJacobianError:
            LOGGER.warn("WARNING: Could not find analytic Jacobian "
                        "information for {} problem".format(name))

        return fitting_problem
Пример #4
    def parse(self):
        Parse the Fitbenchmark problem file into a Fitting Problem.

        :return: The fully parsed fitting problem
        :rtype: fitbenchmarking.parsing.fitting_problem.FittingProblem
        fitting_problem = FittingProblem()

        self._entries = self._get_data_problem_entries()
        software = self._entries['software'].lower()
        if not (software in import_success and import_success[software][0]):
            e = import_success[software][1]
            raise MissingSoftwareError('Requirements are missing for {} parser'
                                       ': {}'.format(software, e))

        self._parsed_func = self._parse_function()

        # NAME
        fitting_problem.name = self._entries['name']

        # DATA
        data_points = self._get_data_points()
        fitting_problem.data_x = data_points[:, 0]
        fitting_problem.data_y = data_points[:, 1]
        if data_points.shape[1] > 2:
            fitting_problem.data_e = data_points[:, 2]

        # FUNCTION
        if software == 'mantid':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_mantid_function()
        elif software == 'sasview':
            fitting_problem.function = self._create_sasview_function()

        # EQUATION
        equation_count = len(self._parsed_func)
        if equation_count == 1:
            fitting_problem.equation = self._parsed_func[0]['name']
            fitting_problem.equation = '{} Functions'.format(equation_count)

        if software == 'mantid':
            # String containing the function name(s) and the starting parameter
            # values for each function
            fitting_problem._mantid_equation = self._entries['function']

        fitting_problem.starting_values = self._get_starting_values()

        vr = self._parse_range('parameter_ranges')
        fitting_problem.value_ranges = vr if vr != {} else None

        # FIT RANGES
        fit_ranges = self._parse_range('fit_ranges')
            fitting_problem.start_x = fit_ranges['x'][0]
            fitting_problem.end_x = fit_ranges['x'][1]
        except KeyError:

        return fitting_problem