Пример #1
def test_copy(sinusoid):
    y1 = Signal1D(sinusoid)
    y2 = y1.copy()

    y2._z *= 0
    assert np.all(y2._z == 0)
    assert not (np.all(y1._z == 0))
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, x, snr=np.inf, dist=np.random.normal):
        """ self(x) will give a Signal1D of the parametric model evaluate at x
            x:      the points to evaluate expr over. can be a pint array
            snr:    signal to noise ratio in dB
            dist:   noise distribution

            Signal1D:   the parametric model evaluated for parameter setpoints and
                        x, with noise added if snr is specified. noise is useful
                        for algorithm testing
        parameters = [k for k in self.v]
        values = [self.v[k] for k in self.v]

        if not (hasattr(x, '__iter__')):
            x = np.array([x])  # make x look iterable if it isn't for Signal1D

        f = sympy.lambdify(parameters + [self._free_var], self.expr, "numpy")
        z = f(*(values + [x]))

        if not (hasattr(z, '__iter__')):
            # we have unintentionally simplified self.expr to a constant
            z = np.array(len(x) * [z])

        z = z.astype('complex128')

        if snr < np.inf:
            noise = dist(size=len(z)) + 1j * dist(size=len(z))
            noise *= 10**(-snr / 10) * np.std(z)**2 / np.std(noise)**2
            z += noise

        return Signal1D(z, xraw=x)
Пример #3
def decimate_by_derivative(sig1d, N, tform = lambda z : np.abs(z)):
    """ [EXPERIMENTAL] draws N random samples from sig1d about points of change

        sig1d:      the input Signal1D type to decimate
        N:          the number of points to sample
        tform:      a transformation to apply to the sig1d to generate real
                    sample values used in the decimation procedure. np.abs is
                    applied by default
        sig1d:      a Signal1D type of length N containing samples that occur
                    in the input sig1d
    if N > len(sig1d):
        return sig1d

    real = np.array(tform(sig1d.values), dtype = np.float64)

    # the thinking here is that if we increase sparsity between points where the
    # derrivative is 0, then we can safely interpolate between them
    probs = np.abs(np.diff(real))**.5
    probs /= np.sum(probs)

    # NOTE: the last sample can never be chosen since probs is derrived from a diff
    idxs = np.random.choice(range(len(probs)), size = N, p = probs, replace = False)
    return Signal1D(sig1d.values[idxs], xraw = sig1d.x[idxs])
Пример #4
def test_fft(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(0 * ureg('s'), 0.1 * ureg('s')))
    fft = y.fft()

    # make sure that the peak frequency is at 1kHz as specified
    assert np.abs(fft.abs().idxmax()).to('kHz').magnitude == pytest.approx(1.0)

    assert y.pwr == pytest.approx(fft.pwr)
Пример #5
def test_samples_above_below(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid)

    y1 = y.samples_above(0.5, tform='real')
    y2 = y.samples_below(0.5, tform='abs')

    assert np.all(y1.real().values > 0.5)
    assert np.all(y2.abs().values < 0.5)
    assert len(y1.samples_below(0.5)) == 0
Пример #6
def test_arithmetic(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid)

    assert np.all((y + 5)._z == y._z + 5)
    assert np.all((5 + y)._z == y._z + 5)
    assert np.all((y - 6)._z == y._z - 6)
    assert np.all((7 - y)._z == y._z - 7)
    assert np.all((y * 20)._z == y._z * 20)
    assert np.all((15 * y)._z == y._z * 15)
    assert np.all((y / .1)._z == y._z / .1)
    assert np.all((.1 / (y + 3))._z == .1 / (y._z + 3))

    # test equality operator
    assert np.all(6 * y + 4 != y)
Пример #7
def resonators_w_line_delays():
    fc = 5 * ureg('GHz')
    nch = ideal_notch(b_fr=(fc, fc, fc))
    env = pm_line_delay()

    resonances, taus = [], []
    x = np.linspace(fc - 50 * ureg('MHz'), fc + 50 * ureg('MHz'), 1000)
    for (s21, m1), (ld, m2) in zip(sample(nch, 5, x), sample(env, 5, x)):
        # sample each resonance with centre frequency fc and span 20*fwhm
        fwhm_samples = s21.samples_below(s21.min() + np.ptp(s21.values) / 2)
        fwhm = np.ptp(fwhm_samples.x)
        f = np.linspace(fc - 10 * fwhm, fc + 10 * fwhm, 1000)
        model = nch(f).values * env(f).values

        # inject some magnitude only noise. XXX: build this into fitkit
        mags = np.abs(model) + np.random.normal(scale=2e-3, size=len(f))
        resonances += [Signal1D(mags * np.exp(1j * np.angle(model)), xraw=f)]
        taus += [env.v['tau']]

    return zip(taus, resonances)
Пример #8
def test_correct_init(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid)
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(-1 * ureg('us'), 10 * ureg('us')))
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xcentspan=(0 * ureg('Hz'), 10 * ureg('Hz')))
Пример #9
def sinusoid():
    fs = 20e3
    t = np.arange(0, 0.1, 1 / fs)
    return Signal1D(np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1e3 * t),
                    xlims=(0 * ureg('s'), 1 * ureg('s')))
Пример #10
def test_bad_xdef(sinusoid):
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(0, 50), xcentspan=(25, 10))

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info:
        y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(50, 0))
Пример #11
def test_plot(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(0 * ureg('s'), 1 * ureg('s')))
Пример #12
def test_plotz(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid)
Пример #13
def test_metric(sinusoid, dc):
    y1 = Signal1D(sinusoid[:len(dc)])
    y2 = Signal1D(dc)

    assert y1 @ y1 == pytest.approx(0.0)
    assert y1 @ y2 == pytest.approx(1500)
Пример #14
def test_fs(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(0 * ureg('s'), 0.1 * ureg('s')))
    assert y.fs.to('Hz').magnitude == pytest.approx(20e3)
Пример #15
def test_pwr(dc):
    y = Signal1D(dc)
    assert y.pwr == pytest.approx(len(dc))
Пример #16
def test_len(dc):
    y = Signal1D(dc)
    assert len(y) == len(dc)
Пример #17
def test_x_init(sinusoid):
    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xlims=(0 * ureg('s'), 1 * ureg('s')))
    assert np.all(y.x == np.linspace(0, 1, len(y), endpoint=False) * ureg('s'))

    y = Signal1D(sinusoid, xcentspan=(0, 2))
    assert np.all(y.x == np.linspace(-1, 1, len(y)))