Пример #1
      def add_crs_this_slice( self):
            """ Add all GCR/SPs to the current slice

            verb = self._verb

            if ( verb > 1): print(' Start of add_crs_this_slice() for slice number: ' ,  self._slice)
                  pix_val = self.fh_data_cube[0].data[self._slice,:,:]  # do all pixels in this slice
                  input_data = pix_val.copy()

                  if ( self._slice > 0): # add cr/sp for all but 0th slice
                        tot_nz_gcr_and_sp = N.where(self._tot_gcr_and_sp > 0.0)
                        pix_val += self._tot_gcr_and_sp

                        if ( verb  > 0 ):
                              print(' the number of pixels affected by gcr and sp for slice', self._slice,' = ' , len(tot_nz_gcr_and_sp[0] ))
                        if ( verb  > 1 ):
                              print(' the amplitudes of CR/SP added for this slice: ' ,  self._tot_gcr_and_sp[ tot_nz_gcr_and_sp])

            except Exception as errmess:
                  print('Fatal ERROR in add_crs_this_slice() : ', errmess)
                  sys.exit( ERROR_RETURN)

                  prihdr = self.fh_data_cube[0].header
            except Exception as errmess:
                  print('Fatal ERROR : unable to open primary header of data cube')
                  sys.exit( ERROR_RETURN)

            #  generate number of  crs in this pixel
            total_gcr = 0  # total number of cosmic rays hitting array
            tot_pix_done = 0  # number of pixels looped over

            asize_1 = self._asize_1; asize_2 = self._asize_2

            for ii_pix in range(0, self._asize_1 ):
                  for jj_pix in range(0, self._asize_2 ):

                        tot_pix_done += 1

                        if ( verb >1 ):
                              print('Pixel [', ii_pix,',', jj_pix, '] initially has value:',  pix_val[ ii_pix, jj_pix ])

                        # generate CRs
                        got_num = 0 # 0 for not yet generated number of  crs, reset to 1 when generated
                        prob = random.uniform( 0.0, 1.0 )
                        ii_cr = 0

                        while (ii_cr < MAX_CR) and (got_num == 0) :
                              if (prob < self._cumul_pois_g[ ii_cr]) :
                                    num_gcr = ii_cr
                                    got_num = 1
                              ii_cr += 1

                        if (verb >1 and  num_gcr >0 ):  print(' The number of cosmic rays incident on this pixel will be ' , num_gcr)

                        # for each cr for this pixel, determine energy deposited in primary and secondary affected pixels
                        for each_cr in range( num_gcr ):
                              total_gcr += 1
                              self._grand_total_gcr += 1

                              # Get energy and template from library for CR affecting this primary pixel (ii_pix, jj_pix), and
                              #    through interpixel capacitance coupling, neighboring pixels. First generate random file.
                              file_num = int(10*random.uniform( 0.0, 1.0 ))

                              # use 'raw' (not interpixel coupling) version of files
                              fname = self._cr_lib_dir + "_0" + str(file_num) + ".fits"

                              if ( verb >1 ):
                                    print('  ... a cosmic ray will be grabbed from file : ',fname)

                              fh = fits.open( fname )
                              cr_cube_data = fh[1].data
                              cr_cube_energy = fh[3].data

                              slice_num = int( 1000*random.uniform( 0.0, 1.0 ) )  # 1000 slices in library file

                              if ( verb >1 ):
                                    print(' ... the energy deposited by this cosmic ray :',  cr_cube_energy[slice_num],' MeV')

                              cr_slice_data = cr_cube_data[slice_num,:,:]

                              x_ctr_pix = int(cr_slice_data.shape[0]/2); y_ctr_pix = int(cr_slice_data.shape[0]/2) # center pixel of CR template

                              if ( verb >1 ):
                                    print('  The CR template at its center is cr_slice_data[ y_ctr_pix, x_ctr_pix] =', cr_slice_data[ y_ctr_pix, x_ctr_pix])
                                    print('  The CR max deposited energy  =',  cr_slice_data.max())

                              wh_nz = N.where( cr_slice_data > 0.0 )
                              num_pix_affected = len(cr_slice_data[ wh_nz ])

                              if ( verb >1 ):
                                    print(' The number of secondary pixels potentially affected by this cosmic ray', num_pix_affected)
                                    print(' ... and the energies deposited in these neighboring pixels : ',cr_slice_data[ wh_nz ])

                              num_2nd_aff = 0 # number of 2ndary pixels affected (including edge effects)
                              for qq in range (0,num_pix_affected-0): # loop over affected secondary pixels
                                    if ( verb >1 ):
                                          print('   ')
                                          print('  For secondary potentially affected pixel: ',qq)

                                    x_tpl = wh_nz[0][qq]  # template-centered coordinates
                                    y_tpl = wh_nz[1][qq]  # template-centered coordinates

                                    if ( verb >1 ):
                                          print(' The template-centered coordinates for this secondary affected pixel are (',x_tpl,',',y_tpl,')')

                              # the secondary pixel coordinates to which energy is added are xval, yval, which are :
                                    xval = ii_pix - x_ctr_pix + x_tpl
                                    yval = jj_pix - y_ctr_pix + y_tpl

                                    # start check that xval, yval are within array
                                    beyond_edge = False  # not beyond edge
                                    if (( xval >= asize_1 ) or ( yval >= asize_2) or ( xval < 0 ) or ( yval < 0 )):
                                          if ( verb >1 ):
                                                print('  this 2ndary pixel is beyond the array edge so this 2ndary pixel does not exist')
                                          beyond_edge = True

                                    if ( beyond_edge == False ):  # include this 2ndary pixel
                                          num_2nd_aff += 1 # number of 2ndary pixels affected (including edge effects)
                                          if ( verb >1 ):
                                                print(' the pixel coordinates to which energy is added are xval, yval, which are :', xval, yval)
                                                print('    will include this secondary pixel, just incremented num_2nd_aff to be', num_2nd_aff)
                                          delta_e_mev = cr_slice_data[ wh_nz][ qq ]  # energy deposited in this pixel in MeV

                                    # convert this delta_e_mev from MeV to ADU before adding it to pix_val which is in ADU
                                          delta_e_adu = (delta_e_mev*1E6/E_BAND)/(self._electron_per_adu) # ... in ADU

                                          if ( verb >1 ):
                                                print('  the energy deposited by this GCR into this pixels is' , delta_e_mev, ' MeV, which is' , delta_e_adu, ' ADU')
                                                print('  ')

                                    # add energy deposit to arrays for this pixel
                                          self._new_gcr_and_sp[ yval, xval ] += delta_e_adu
                                          self.cr_and_sp_only_cube[ self._slice, yval, xval] += delta_e_adu # to compare to detections in a later program
                                          if ( verb >1 ): print(' will *NOT* include this 2ndary pixel - beyond edge')

                              if ( verb >1 ): print(' for this CR each_cr = ' , each_cr,' the number of secondary  pixels affected (including edge effects) = num_2nd_aff =', num_2nd_aff)

            if ( verb >1 ):
                  print(' just before adding the latest GCR and SP, the min, mean, and max (over the slice) of the cumulative total of the amplitudes of GCR and SP for the current slice: ' ,  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.min(),  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.mean(),  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.max())

            self._tot_gcr_and_sp += self._new_gcr_and_sp  #  add all pixels of this slice to total

            if ( verb >1 ):
                  print(' just after adding the latest GCR and SP, the min, mean, and max (over the slice) of the cumulative total of the amplitudes of GCR and SP for the current slice: ' ,  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.min(),  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.mean(),  self._tot_gcr_and_sp.max())
                  print('         ')
                  print(' original pix_val in ADU = ' , input_data)
                  print(' final pix_val in ADU : ' , pix_val)

            if ( verb >1 ):
                  final_minus_original_data = pix_val-input_data
                  print(' final minus original in ADU for this slice (slice number', self._slice,'): ' ,  final_minus_original_data)
                  print(' ... final minus original has min, mean, max : ' ,final_minus_original_data.min(),final_minus_original_data.mean(),final_minus_original_data.max())

            if ( verb >1 ):
                  print(' the total number of gcr hitting this slice (slice number', self._slice,'): ' , total_gcr)
                  print(' the final array values for this slice : ', self.fh_data_cube[0].data[ self._slice,:,:])

            if ( verb > 1 ) : print(' end of add crs for this slice')
Пример #2
      def add_crs_all_slices( self ):
            """ Generate and add GCR/SPs for all slices in cube

            verb = self._verb
            self.fh_data_cube = fits.open( self._data_cube_file, mode='update' )
            prihdr = self.fh_data_cube[0].header

            total_slices = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[0]
            asize_1 = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[1]
            asize_2 = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[2]

            self._asize_1 = asize_1; self._asize_2 = asize_2

            if (verb > 0):
                  print('   ')
                  print(' Data cube info: ', self.fh_data_cube.info())
                  print(' Array dimensions :', asize_1, asize_2)
                  print(' Number of slices :', total_slices)
                        print(' READMODE specified in the input header : ', prihdr['READMODE'])
                  except Exception as errmess:
                        print('WARNING: unable to determine readmode from header ')

            # read 'NAVGIMAG'] from input header to later output to output header
                  self._navg = self.fh_data_cube[0].header['NAVGIMAG']
                  if ( verb >0 ):
                        print(' From the input header keyword NAVGIMAG, navg = ' , self._navg)
                        print('  ')
            except Exception as errmess:
                  print('WARNING: unable to access NAVGIMAG from primary header of data cube, so assuming that the number of samples averaged over is 1 - which may not be what you want ! ')
                  self._navg = 1

            self.fh_data_cube[0].data = ( self.fh_data_cube[0].data).astype(N.float64)

            if (self._old_cr_file == None): # generate new GCRs and SPs
                  if (verb > 0): print(' Generating GCRs and SPs...')

                        self._instrume = prihdr['INSTRUME']
                        print(' This data cube is for instrument : ' , self._instrume)
                  except Exception as errmess:
                        print('WARNING: unable to determine the instrument from header, will default to NIRCAM ')
                        self._instrume = 'NIRCAM'

                  if (self._instrume == 'NIRCAM' ):
                        self._electron_per_adu = 1.3
                        self._pix_length = 18.
                  elif (self._instrume == 'MIRI' ):
                        self._electron_per_adu = 2.2
                        self._pix_length = 25.
                        print('Fatal ERROR - unsupported instrument : ', errmess)

                  self._half_pix_length = self._pix_length/2.
                  self._pix_area = self._pix_length**2.  # area in micron2

                  self._grand_total_gcr = 0

                  self._tot_gcr_and_sp = N.zeros((asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)

                  # data cube of created crs and sps :
                  self.cr_and_sp_only_cube = N.zeros((total_slices, asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)

                  # generate number of cosmic rays
                  exp_gcr = self._cr_flux * self._pix_area * EXP_TIME  # expected number of cosmic rays
                  self._cumul_pois_g = calc_poisson( exp_gcr ) # generate distribution of number of CR

                  if ( verb > 0 ):
                        print('Instrument: ' , self._instrume)
                        print(' cosmic ray flux = ' , self._cr_flux,'/micron^2/sec')
                        print('Expected number of  cosmic rays per pixel = ' , exp_gcr)
                        print('Pixel length = ', self._pix_length ,' microns ')
                        print('Pixel area = ' , self._pix_area, 'microns^2')
                        print('Exposure time = ' ,  EXP_TIME, 'seconds')
                        print('  ')

                  for ii_slice in range( total_slices):
                        if (verb > 0):
                              print('   ')
                              print('  ... beginning this slice:  ', ii_slice)
                        self._new_gcr_and_sp = N.zeros((asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)
                        self._slice = ii_slice
                        self.add_crs_this_slice()  # add all GCRs for this slice

                  self.write_file( self.fh_data_cube[0].data[:,:,:] , 'new_cube.fits')
                  self.write_file( self.cr_and_sp_only_cube[ :,:,:], 'cr_and_sp.fits')

                  if (verb > 0):
                        print(' Wrote data cube of sources plus CRs to new_cube.fits')
                        print(' Wrote cube of created CRs to cr_and_sp.fits')
                        print(' Total number of GCRs summed over all slices = ',  self._grand_total_gcr)

            else:  #  self._old_cr_file <> None  so will use previously generated CR/SP file
                  self.fh_old_cr = fits.open( self._old_cr_file)

                  if (verb > 0):
                        print(' Will be using previously generated GCRs and SPs from the specified file: ')
                        print(' ... with info: ' , self.fh_old_cr.info())

                  for ii_slice in range(1, total_slices):     # add cr slice 0 to data slice 1, etc
                        self._slice = ii_slice

                        slice_old_cr = self.fh_old_cr[0].data[self._slice-1,:,:]  # note -1
                        if (verb > 1):
                              print(' processing slice: ', slice_old_cr)

                  #  need to add this old cr slice to all later data slices
                        for jj_slice in range(ii_slice, total_slices):
                              self.fh_data_cube[0].data[ jj_slice,:,: ] +=  slice_old_cr

                  self.write_file( self.fh_data_cube[0].data[:,:,:] , 'new_cube.fits')
                  print(' Wrote data cube of sources plus GCRs and SPs to new_cube.fits')
Пример #3
    def add_crs_all_slices(self):
        """ Generate and add GCR/SPs for all slices in cube

        verb = self._verb
        self.fh_data_cube = fits.open(self._data_cube_file, mode='update')
        prihdr = self.fh_data_cube[0].header

        total_slices = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[0]
        asize_1 = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[1]
        asize_2 = self.fh_data_cube[0].data.shape[2]

        self._asize_1 = asize_1; self._asize_2 = asize_2

        if (verb > 0):
            print('   ')
            print(' Data cube info: ', self.fh_data_cube.info())
            print(' Array dimensions :', asize_1, asize_2)
            print(' Number of slices :', total_slices)
                print(' READMODE specified in the input header : ', prihdr['READMODE'])
            except Exception as errmess:
                print('WARNING: unable to determine readmode from header ')

        # read 'NAVGIMAG'] from input header to later output to output header
            self._navg = self.fh_data_cube[0].header['NAVGIMAG']
            if (verb > 0):
                print(' From the input header keyword NAVGIMAG, navg = ', self._navg)
                print('  ')
        except Exception as errmess:
            print('WARNING: unable to access NAVGIMAG from primary header of data cube, so assuming that the number of samples averaged over is 1 - which may not be what you want ! ')
            self._navg = 1

        self.fh_data_cube[0].data = (self.fh_data_cube[0].data).astype(N.float64)

        if (self._old_cr_file == None): # generate new GCRs and SPs
            if (verb > 0): print(' Generating GCRs and SPs...')

                self._instrume = prihdr['INSTRUME']
                print(' This data cube is for instrument : ', self._instrume)
            except Exception as errmess:
                print('WARNING: unable to determine the instrument from header, will default to NIRCAM ')
                self._instrume = 'NIRCAM'

            if (self._instrume == 'NIRCAM'):
                self._electron_per_adu = 1.3
                self._pix_length = 18.
            elif (self._instrume == 'MIRI'):
                self._electron_per_adu = 2.2
                self._pix_length = 25.
                print('Fatal ERROR - unsupported instrument : ', errmess)

            self._half_pix_length = self._pix_length / 2.
            self._pix_area = self._pix_length**2.  # area in micron2

            self._grand_total_gcr = 0

            self._tot_gcr_and_sp = N.zeros((asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)

            # data cube of created crs and sps :
            self.cr_and_sp_only_cube = N.zeros((total_slices, asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)

            # generate number of cosmic rays
            exp_gcr = self._cr_flux * self._pix_area * EXP_TIME  # expected number of cosmic rays
            self._cumul_pois_g = calc_poisson(exp_gcr) # generate distribution of number of CR

            if (verb > 0):
                print('Instrument: ', self._instrume)
                print(' cosmic ray flux = ', self._cr_flux, '/micron^2/sec')
                print('Expected number of  cosmic rays per pixel = ', exp_gcr)
                print('Pixel length = ', self._pix_length, ' microns ')
                print('Pixel area = ', self._pix_area, 'microns^2')
                print('Exposure time = ', EXP_TIME, 'seconds')
                print('  ')

            for ii_slice in range(total_slices):
                if (verb > 0):
                    print('   ')
                    print('  ... beginning this slice:  ', ii_slice)
                self._new_gcr_and_sp = N.zeros((asize_2, asize_1), dtype=N.float64)
                self._slice = ii_slice
                self.add_crs_this_slice()  # add all GCRs for this slice

            self.write_file(self.fh_data_cube[0].data[:, :, :], 'new_cube.fits')
            self.write_file(self.cr_and_sp_only_cube[:, :, :], 'cr_and_sp.fits')

            if (verb > 0):
                print(' Wrote data cube of sources plus CRs to new_cube.fits')
                print(' Wrote cube of created CRs to cr_and_sp.fits')
                print(' Total number of GCRs summed over all slices = ', self._grand_total_gcr)

        else:  #  self._old_cr_file <> None  so will use previously generated CR/SP file
            self.fh_old_cr = fits.open(self._old_cr_file)

            if (verb > 0):
                print(' Will be using previously generated GCRs and SPs from the specified file: ')
                print(' ... with info: ', self.fh_old_cr.info())

            for ii_slice in range(1, total_slices):     # add cr slice 0 to data slice 1, etc
                self._slice = ii_slice

                slice_old_cr = self.fh_old_cr[0].data[self._slice - 1, :, :]  # note -1
                if (verb > 1):
                    print(' processing slice: ', slice_old_cr)

            #  need to add this old cr slice to all later data slices
                for jj_slice in range(ii_slice, total_slices):
                    self.fh_data_cube[0].data[jj_slice, :, :] += slice_old_cr

            self.write_file(self.fh_data_cube[0].data[:, :, :], 'new_cube.fits')
            print(' Wrote data cube of sources plus GCRs and SPs to new_cube.fits')
Пример #4
    def add_crs_this_slice(self):
        """ Add all GCR/SPs to the current slice

        verb = self._verb

        if (verb > 1): print(' Start of add_crs_this_slice() for slice number: ', self._slice)
            pix_val = self.fh_data_cube[0].data[self._slice, :, :]  # do all pixels in this slice
            input_data = pix_val.copy()

            if (self._slice > 0): # add cr/sp for all but 0th slice
                tot_nz_gcr_and_sp = N.where(self._tot_gcr_and_sp > 0.0)
                pix_val += self._tot_gcr_and_sp

                if (verb > 0):
                    print(' the number of pixels affected by gcr and sp for slice', self._slice, ' = ', len(tot_nz_gcr_and_sp[0]))
                if (verb > 1):
                    print(' the amplitudes of CR/SP added for this slice: ', self._tot_gcr_and_sp[tot_nz_gcr_and_sp])

        except Exception as errmess:
            print('Fatal ERROR in add_crs_this_slice() : ', errmess)

            prihdr = self.fh_data_cube[0].header
        except Exception as errmess:
            print('Fatal ERROR : unable to open primary header of data cube')

        #  generate number of  crs in this pixel
        total_gcr = 0  # total number of cosmic rays hitting array
        tot_pix_done = 0  # number of pixels looped over

        asize_1 = self._asize_1; asize_2 = self._asize_2

        for ii_pix in range(0, self._asize_1):
            for jj_pix in range(0, self._asize_2):

                tot_pix_done += 1

                if (verb > 1):
                    print('Pixel [', ii_pix, ',', jj_pix, '] initially has value:', pix_val[ii_pix, jj_pix])

                # generate CRs
                got_num = 0 # 0 for not yet generated number of  crs, reset to 1 when generated
                prob = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
                ii_cr = 0

                while (ii_cr < MAX_CR) and (got_num == 0):
                    if (prob < self._cumul_pois_g[ii_cr]):
                        num_gcr = ii_cr
                        got_num = 1
                    ii_cr += 1

                if (verb > 1 and num_gcr > 0): print(' The number of cosmic rays incident on this pixel will be ', num_gcr)

                # for each cr for this pixel, determine energy deposited in primary and secondary affected pixels
                for each_cr in range(num_gcr):
                    total_gcr += 1
                    self._grand_total_gcr += 1

                    # Get energy and template from library for CR affecting this primary pixel (ii_pix, jj_pix), and
                    #    through interpixel capacitance coupling, neighboring pixels. First generate random file.
                    file_num = int(10 * random.uniform(0.0, 1.0))

                    # use 'raw' (not interpixel coupling) version of files
                    fname = self._cr_lib_dir + "_0" + str(file_num) + ".fits"

                    if (verb > 1):
                        print('  ... a cosmic ray will be grabbed from file : ', fname)

                    fh = fits.open(fname)
                    cr_cube_data = fh[1].data
                    cr_cube_energy = fh[3].data

                    slice_num = int(1000 * random.uniform(0.0, 1.0))  # 1000 slices in library file

                    if (verb > 1):
                        print(' ... the energy deposited by this cosmic ray :', cr_cube_energy[slice_num], ' MeV')

                    cr_slice_data = cr_cube_data[slice_num, :, :]

                    x_ctr_pix = int(cr_slice_data.shape[0] / 2); y_ctr_pix = int(cr_slice_data.shape[0] / 2) # center pixel of CR template

                    if (verb > 1):
                        print('  The CR template at its center is cr_slice_data[y_ctr_pix, x_ctr_pix] =', cr_slice_data[y_ctr_pix, x_ctr_pix])
                        print('  The CR max deposited energy  =', cr_slice_data.max())

                    wh_nz = N.where(cr_slice_data > 0.0)
                    num_pix_affected = len(cr_slice_data[wh_nz])

                    if (verb > 1):
                        print(' The number of secondary pixels potentially affected by this cosmic ray', num_pix_affected)
                        print(' ... and the energies deposited in these neighboring pixels : ', cr_slice_data[wh_nz])

                    num_2nd_aff = 0 # number of 2ndary pixels affected (including edge effects)
                    for qq in range(0, num_pix_affected - 0): # loop over affected secondary pixels
                        if (verb > 1):
                            print('   ')
                            print('  For secondary potentially affected pixel: ', qq)

                        x_tpl = wh_nz[0][qq]  # template-centered coordinates
                        y_tpl = wh_nz[1][qq]  # template-centered coordinates

                        if (verb > 1):
                            print(' The template-centered coordinates for this secondary affected pixel are (', x_tpl, ',', y_tpl, ')')

                    # the secondary pixel coordinates to which energy is added are xval, yval, which are :
                        xval = ii_pix - x_ctr_pix + x_tpl
                        yval = jj_pix - y_ctr_pix + y_tpl

                        # start check that xval, yval are within array
                        beyond_edge = False  # not beyond edge
                        if ((xval >= asize_1) or (yval >= asize_2) or (xval < 0) or (yval < 0)):
                            if (verb > 1):
                                print('  this 2ndary pixel is beyond the array edge so this 2ndary pixel does not exist')
                            beyond_edge = True

                        if (beyond_edge == False):  # include this 2ndary pixel
                            num_2nd_aff += 1 # number of 2ndary pixels affected (including edge effects)
                            if (verb > 1):
                                print(' the pixel coordinates to which energy is added are xval, yval, which are :', xval, yval)
                                print('    will include this secondary pixel, just incremented num_2nd_aff to be', num_2nd_aff)
                            delta_e_mev = cr_slice_data[wh_nz][qq]  # energy deposited in this pixel in MeV

                        # convert this delta_e_mev from MeV to ADU before adding it to pix_val which is in ADU
                            delta_e_adu = (delta_e_mev * 1E6 / E_BAND) / (self._electron_per_adu) # ... in ADU

                            if (verb > 1):
                                print('  the energy deposited by this GCR into this pixels is', delta_e_mev, ' MeV, which is', delta_e_adu, ' ADU')
                                print('  ')

                        # add energy deposit to arrays for this pixel
                            self._new_gcr_and_sp[yval, xval] += delta_e_adu
                            self.cr_and_sp_only_cube[self._slice, yval, xval] += delta_e_adu # to compare to detections in a later program
                            if (verb > 1): print(' will *NOT* include this 2ndary pixel - beyond edge')

                    if (verb > 1): print(' for this CR each_cr = ', each_cr, ' the number of secondary  pixels affected (including edge effects) = num_2nd_aff =', num_2nd_aff)

        if (verb > 1):
            print(' just before adding the latest GCR and SP, the min, mean, and max (over the slice) of the cumulative total of the amplitudes of GCR and SP for the current slice: ', self._tot_gcr_and_sp.min(), self._tot_gcr_and_sp.mean(), self._tot_gcr_and_sp.max())

        self._tot_gcr_and_sp += self._new_gcr_and_sp  #  add all pixels of this slice to total

        if (verb > 1):
            print(' just after adding the latest GCR and SP, the min, mean, and max (over the slice) of the cumulative total of the amplitudes of GCR and SP for the current slice: ', self._tot_gcr_and_sp.min(), self._tot_gcr_and_sp.mean(), self._tot_gcr_and_sp.max())
            print('         ')
            print(' original pix_val in ADU = ', input_data)
            print(' final pix_val in ADU : ', pix_val)

        if (verb > 1):
            final_minus_original_data = pix_val - input_data
            print(' final minus original in ADU for this slice (slice number', self._slice, '): ', final_minus_original_data)
            print(' ... final minus original has min, mean, max : ', final_minus_original_data.min(), final_minus_original_data.mean(), final_minus_original_data.max())

        if (verb > 1):
            print(' the total number of gcr hitting this slice (slice number', self._slice, '): ', total_gcr)
            print(' the final array values for this slice : ', self.fh_data_cube[0].data[self._slice, :, :])

        if (verb > 1): print(' end of add crs for this slice')
Пример #5
def Num(x) :
    hdu = None

    if type(x) == list :
	return ( map(num, x), None )

    if type(x) == str  :
	    return ( int(x), None )
	except ValueError:

	    return ( float(x), None )
	except ValueError:

	if x[:4] == "ds9:" :
	    (target, frame) = extparse(x[4:], "ds9", 0)

	    if ( frame != 0 ) :
		xpa.xpa(target).set("frame " + frame)

	    x = xpa.xpa(target).get("file").strip()

	    if x == "" :
		print "imrpn: cannot get file name from ds9: " + target + "," + str(frame)

	    if x == "stdin" :
	        hdu = fits.open(xpa.xpa(target).get("fits", xpa.xpa.fp))[0]
		return ( hdu.data, hdu )

	if x == "stdin" :
	        hdu = fits.open(sys.stdin)[0]
		x   = hdu.data
	    except IOError:
	        sys.stderr.write("Error opening fits from stdin.\n")

	    (file, extn) = extparse(x)

		x = fits.open(file)

		if type(extn) == list or type(extn) == slice:
		    x = numpy.dstack([hdu.data for hdu in x[extn]])
		else :
		    found = 0

			x = x[int(extn)].data
			for hdu in x[1:]:
				if hdu.EXTNAME == extn:
				    found = 1
			    except IndexError:
			if not found :
			    print "imrpn: hdu has no EXTNAME : " + file + " " + extn
			else :
			    x = hdu.data

		if x == None :
		    print "imrpn: hdu has no data : " + file + " " + str(extn)

	    except IOError:
		print "imrpn: cannot read file: " + x

    return ( x, hdu )