Пример #1
    def ReproduceWith(self, other, specs, mutation_rate):
        """Reproduce with other FlagSet.

      other: A FlagSet to reproduce with.
      specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
      mutation_rate: one in mutation_rate flags will be mutated (replaced by a
        random version of the same flag, instead of one from either of the
        parents).  Set to 0 to disable mutation.

      A GA task made by mixing self with other.

        # Get the flag dictionary.
        father_flags = self.GetFlags().GetFlags()
        mother_flags = other.GetFlags().GetFlags()

        # Flags that are common in both parents and flags that belong to only one
        # parent.
        self_flags = []
        other_flags = []
        common_flags = []

        # Find out flags that are common to both parent and flags that belong soly
        # to one parent.
        for self_flag in father_flags:
            if self_flag in mother_flags:

        for other_flag in mother_flags:
            if other_flag not in father_flags:

        # Randomly select flags that belong to only one parent.
        output_flags = [
            father_flags[f] for f in self_flags if random.randint(0, 1)
        others = [mother_flags[f] for f in other_flags if random.randint(0, 1)]
        # Turn on flags that belong to both parent. Randomly choose the value of the
        # flag from either parent.
        for flag in common_flags:
                CrossoverWith(father_flags[flag], mother_flags[flag]))

        # Mutate flags
        if mutation_rate:
            return RandomMutate(specs, FlagSet(output_flags), mutation_rate)

        return GATask(FlagSet(output_flags))
def _GenerateAllFlagsTasks(specs):
    """Generate a task that all the flags are enable.

  All the boolean flags in the specs will be enabled and all the numeric flag
  with have the largest legal value.

    specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.

    A set containing a task that has all flags enabled.

    flag_set = []

    for spec in specs:
        numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)

        if numeric_flag_match:
            value = (int(numeric_flag_match.group('end')) - 1)
            value = -1
        flag_set.append(Flag(spec, value))

    return set([Task(FlagSet(flag_set))])
def _GenerateRandomRasks(specs):
    """Generate a task that has random values.

    specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.

    A set containing a task that has random values.

    flag_set = []

    for spec in specs:
        numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)
        if numeric_flag_match:
            # Numeric flags.
            start = int(numeric_flag_match.group('start'))
            end = int(numeric_flag_match.group('end'))

            value = random.randint(start - 1, end - 1)
            if value != start - 1:
                # If the value falls in the range, this flag is enabled.
                flag_set.append(Flag(spec, value))
            # Boolean flags.
            if random.randint(0, 1):

    return set([Task(FlagSet(flag_set))])
def GenerateRandomGATasks(specs, num_tasks, num_trials):
    """Generate a set of tasks for the Genetic Algorithm.

    specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
    num_tasks: number of tasks that should be generated.
    num_trials: the maximum number of tries should be attempted to generate the
      set of tasks.

    A set of randomly generated tasks.

    tasks = set([])

    total_trials = 0
    while len(tasks) < num_tasks and total_trials < num_trials:
        new_flag = FlagSet(
            [Flag(spec) for spec in specs if random.randint(0, 1)])
        new_task = GATask(new_flag)

        if new_task in tasks:
            total_trials += 1
            total_trials = 0

    return tasks
    def Next(self, cache):
        """Calculate the next generation.

    The best neighbor b of the current task is the parent of the next
    generation. The neighbors of b will be the set of tasks to be evaluated

      cache: A set of tasks that have been generated before.

      A set of new generations.

        # The best neighbor.
        current_task = self._next_task
        flag_set = current_task.GetFlags()

        # The neighbors of the best neighbor.
        children_tasks = set([])
        for spec in self._specs:
            for next_flag in flags_util.ClimbNext(flag_set.GetFlags(), spec):
                new_task = Task(FlagSet(next_flag.values()))

                if new_task not in cache:

        return [
            HillClimbingBestBranch(children_tasks, set([current_task]),
  def testFormattedForUse(self):
    """Test the FormattedForUse method of the Class FlagSet.

    The output should be a sorted list of strings.

    flag_names = range(NUM_TESTS)
    flags = []
    result = []

    # Construct the flag set.
    for flag_name in flag_names:
      spec = '%s' % flag_name

    flag_set = FlagSet(flags)

    # The results string should be sorted.
    assert sorted(result) == flag_set.FormattedForUse()
  def testEqual(self):
    """Test the equal method of the Class FlagSet.

    Two FlagSet instances are equal if all their flags are equal.

    flag_names = range(NUM_TESTS)

    # Two flag sets having the same flags should be equivalent.
    for flag_name in flag_names:
      spec = '%s' % flag_name

      assert FlagSet([Flag(spec)]) == FlagSet([Flag(spec)])

    # Two flag sets having different flags should be different.
    for flag_name in flag_names:
      spec = '%s' % flag_name
      flag_set = FlagSet([Flag(spec)])
      other_flag_sets = [other for other in flag_names if flag_name != other]
      for other_name in other_flag_sets:
        other_spec = '%s' % other_name
        assert flag_set != FlagSet([Flag(other_spec)])
Пример #8
def RandomMutate(specs, flag_set, mutation_rate):
    """Randomly mutate the content of a task.

    specs: A list of spec from which the flag set is created.
    flag_set: The current flag set being mutated
    mutation_rate: What fraction of genes to mutate.

    A Genetic Task constructed by randomly mutating the input flag set.

    results_flags = []

    for spec in specs:
        # Randomly choose whether this flag should be mutated.
        if random.randint(0, int(1 / mutation_rate)):

        # If the flag is not already in the flag set, it is added.
        if spec not in flag_set:

        # If the flag is already in the flag set, it is mutated.
        numeric_flag_match = flags.Search(spec)

        # The value of a numeric flag will be changed, and a boolean flag will be
        # dropped.
        if not numeric_flag_match:

        value = flag_set[spec].GetValue()

        # Randomly select a nearby value of the current value of the flag.
        rand_arr = [value]
        if value + 1 < int(numeric_flag_match.group('end')):
            rand_arr.append(value + 1)

        rand_arr.append(value - 1)
        value = random.sample(rand_arr, 1)[0]

        # If the value is smaller than the start of the spec, this flag will be
        # dropped.
        if value != int(numeric_flag_match.group('start')) - 1:
            results_flags.append(Flag(spec, value))

    return GATask(FlagSet(results_flags))
  def testContain(self):
    """Test the contain method of the Class FlagSet.

    The flag set is also indexed by the specs. The flag set should return true
    for spec if it contains a flag containing spec.

    true_tests = range(NUM_TESTS)
    false_tests = range(NUM_TESTS, NUM_TESTS * 2)

    specs = [str(spec) for spec in true_tests]

    flag_set = FlagSet([Flag(spec) for spec in specs])

    for spec in specs:
      assert spec in flag_set

    for spec in false_tests:
      assert spec not in flag_set
  def testGetItem(self):
    """Test the get item method of the Class FlagSet.

    The flag set is also indexed by the specs. The flag set should return the
    appropriate flag given the spec.

    tests = range(NUM_TESTS)

    specs = [str(spec) for spec in tests]
    flag_array = [Flag(spec) for spec in specs]

    flag_set = FlagSet(flag_array)

    # Created a dictionary of spec and flag, the flag set should return the flag
    # the same as this dictionary.
    spec_flag = dict(zip(specs, flag_array))

    for spec in spec_flag:
      assert flag_set[spec] == spec_flag[spec]
def _GenerateNoFlagTask():
    return set([Task(FlagSet([]))])