Пример #1
def predict_on_structure_en(
    structure: Structure,
    gp: GaussianProcess,
    n_cpus: int = None,
    write_to_structure: bool = True,
    selective_atoms: List[int] = None,
) -> ("np.ndarray", "np.ndarray", "np.ndarray"):
    Return the forces/std. dev. uncertainty / local energy associated with each
    individual atom in a structure. Forces are stored directly to the
    structure and are also returned.

    :param structure: FLARE structure to obtain forces for, with N atoms
    :param gp: Gaussian Process model
    :param n_cpus: Dummy parameter passed as an argument to allow for
        flexibility when the callable may or may not be parallelized
    :return: N x 3 array of forces, N x 3 array of uncertainties,
        N-length array of energies
    :rtype: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray)
    # Set up local energy array
    forces = np.zeros((structure.nat, 3))
    stds = np.zeros((structure.nat, 3))
    local_energies = np.zeros(structure.nat)

    if selective_atoms:
        selective_atoms = []

    # Loop through atoms in structure and predict forces, uncertainties,
    # and energies
    for n in range(structure.nat):

        if selective_atoms and n not in selective_atoms:

        chemenv = AtomicEnvironment(structure, n, gp.cutoffs, cutoffs_mask=gp.hyps_mask)

        for i in range(3):

            force, var = gp.predict_force_xyz(chemenv)
            std = np.sqrt(np.abs(var))

            forces[n] = force
            stds[n] = std

            if write_to_structure and structure.forces is not None:
                structure.forces[n] = force
                structure.stds[n] = std

        local_energies[n] = gp.predict_local_energy(chemenv)

    return forces, stds, local_energies
Пример #2
def predict_on_structure(
    structure: Structure,
    gp: GaussianProcess,
    n_cpus: int = None,
    write_to_structure: bool = True,
    selective_atoms: List[int] = None,
) -> ("np.ndarray", "np.ndarray"):
    Return the forces/std. dev. uncertainty associated with each
    individual atom in a structure. Forces are stored directly to the
    structure and are also returned.

    :param structure: FLARE structure to obtain forces for, with N atoms
    :param gp: Gaussian Process model
    :param write_to_structure: Write results to structure's forces,
                            std attributes
    :param selective_atoms: Only predict on these atoms; e.g. [0,1,2] will
                                only predict and return for those atoms
    :param skipped_atom_value: What value to use for atoms that are skipped.
            Defaults to 0 but other options could be e.g. NaN. Will NOT
            write this to the structure if write_to_structure is True.
    :return: N x 3 numpy array of foces, Nx3 numpy array of uncertainties
    :rtype: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray)

    forces = np.zeros((structure.nat, 3))
    stds = np.zeros((structure.nat, 3))

    if selective_atoms:
        selective_atoms = []

    for n in range(structure.nat):

        # Skip the atoms which we aren't predicting on if
        # selective atoms is on.
        if n not in selective_atoms and selective_atoms:

        chemenv = AtomicEnvironment(structure, n, gp.cutoffs, cutoffs_mask=gp.hyps_mask)

        force, var = gp.predict_force_xyz(chemenv)
        std = np.sqrt(np.abs(var))

        forces[n] = force
        stds[n] = std

        if write_to_structure:
            structure.forces[n] = force
            structure.stds[n] = std

    return forces, stds