def validate_recaptcha(self, field): if 'need_verify' not in session or not session['need_verify']: return if 'verify' not in session or session['verify'] != str( raise ValidationError, gettext("This captcha is not matching")
def validate_nickname(self, field): # todo # # 昵称不允许重复 # if not UserService.count_by_nickname( # raise ValidationError, gettext("This nickname is taken") if not WordReservedService.word_allowed( raise ValidationError, gettext("This nickname is taken")
def add_contacts(self): if request.method == 'POST': if not request.form.get('conference') or not request.form.get( 'profile'): flash('You must select Conference and Profile') if current_user.has_role('admin'): return redirect(url_for('contact_admin.index_view')) else: return redirect(url_for('contact_user.index_view')) conference = Conference.query.filter_by( id=request.form['conference']).first_or_404() profile = ParticipantProfile.query.filter_by( id=request.form['profile']).first_or_404() contacts = Contact.query.filter(['ids'].split(','))) for c in contacts: if Participant.query.filter_by(, conference=conference).first(): flash(gettext('%(contact)s is already there.', contact=c)) continue p = Participant(,, user=current_user, profile=profile, conference=conference) flash(gettext('%(contact)s added.', contact=c)) db.session.add(p) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.edit_view',
def delete(self, pid, user): """ Delete photo Params: user: the User instance that pass authentication (logged user) Request params: Response: { "id": 111, } """ # Update photo photo = Photo.findById(pid) if not photo: abort(404, message=gettext("NOT_FOUND")) if photo.isOwner( abort(403, message=gettext("PERMISSION_DENIE")) # Commit query and write to db db.session.delete(photo) db.session.commit() return {"id": pid}
def error_404(e): g.lang_code = get_locale() return render_template('error.html', page={'title' : 'Page not found'}, title=gettext('Page not found (404)'), message=gettext('The page you are looking for does not exist. Maybe you made a mistake while typing the URL') ), 404
def error_500(e): g.lang_code = get_locale() return render_template('error.html', page={'title' : 'Server Error'}, title=gettext('Something went wrong (500)'), message=gettext('An error happened while processing your request. This should not happen, we are very sorry. Please tell us about the this problem by sending a mail to [email protected] and include the URL you were trying to access.') ), 500
def add_contacts(self): if request.method == 'POST': if not request.form.get('conference') or not request.form.get( 'profile'): flash( 'You must select Conference and Profile') if current_user.has_role('admin'): return redirect(url_for('contact_admin.index_view')) else: return redirect(url_for('contact_user.index_view')) conference = Conference.query.filter_by( id=request.form['conference']).first_or_404() profile = ParticipantProfile.query.filter_by( id=request.form['profile']).first_or_404() contacts = Contact.query.filter(['ids'].split(','))) for c in contacts: if Participant.query.filter_by(, conference=conference).first(): flash(gettext( '%(contact)s is already there.', contact=c)) continue p = Participant(,, user=current_user, profile=profile, conference=conference) flash(gettext( '%(contact)s added.', contact=c)) db.session.add(p) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.edit_view',
def index(self): form = CredentialForm(request.form) ttl = get_option("credential_code.ttl", 20, gettext("Durée de validité en minutes d'un code" " d'authentification.")) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate() and : try: user = User.objects(credential_code = delta = - user.credential_code_date if delta < timedelta(minutes = ttl) : login.login_user(user) return redirect(url_for('account.index')) else: flash(gettext("Le code saisi n'est plus valide, vous" " devez recommencer la procédure."), "error") return redirect("/") except labresult.model.db.DoesNotExist:"Invalid credential code") flash(gettext("Le code saisi n'est pas valide"), 'error') except : flash(gettext("Le système à rencontrer un problème, veuillez" " recommencer la procédure."), 'error') return redirect("/") return self.render("credential/form.html", form=form, ttl=ttl)
def inaccessible_callback(self, name, **kwargs): if not login.current_user.is_authenticated: flash(gettext("Vous devez vous identifier pour accéder à la ressource" " demandée."), "error") else: flash(gettext("Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour accéder à" " la page demandée."), "error") return redirect(url_for("admin.index"), 307)
def test_as_default(self): app = flask.Flask(__name__) b = babel.Babel(app, default_locale='de_DE') domain = babel.Domain(domain='test') with app.test_request_context(): assert babel.gettext('first') == 'first' domain.as_default() assert babel.gettext('first') == 'erste'
def func(value): try: id = int(value) instance = cls.query.filter(getattr(cls, field) == id).first() if instance is not None: return True, instance return False, gettext("VALIDATION_INVALID_MODEL %(model)s %(id)s", model=str(cls), id=value) except ValueError: return False, gettext("VALIDATION_INVALID_INTEGER %(type)s", type=type(value))
def password_check(form, field): if not return min = get_option('password_min_lenth', 8, gettext('Nombre de caractères minimum pour un mot de passe')) if len( < min: msg = gettext('Le mot de passe doit faire plus de %s caractères') raise WTFValError(msg.format(min)) if != : raise WTFValError(gettext('La confirmation du mot de passe ne' ' correspond pas'))
def doAuth(*args, **kwargs): access_token = request.headers.get("X-Access-Token") device_id = request.headers.get("X-Device-Id") if not access_token or not device_id: abort(404, message=gettext("NOT_FOUND")) token = UserToken.findByTokenAndDevice(access_token, device_id) if not token or not token.user: abort(403, message=gettext("PERMISSION_DENIE")) return token.user
def legend_formatter(view, context, model, name): """Formatter for legend columns for profiles""" glyph = '<span title="%s" class="glyphicon glyphicon-%s"></span> ' legend = '' if isinstance(model, ParticipantProfile): if model.admin: legend += (glyph % (gettext('Admin'), 'text-color')) if model.marked: legend += (glyph % (gettext('Marked'), 'king')) if legend += (glyph % (gettext('PIN is set'), 'lock')) if model.startmuted: legend += (glyph % (gettext('PIN is set'), 'volume-off')) if model.wait_marked: legend += (glyph % (gettext('Wait for marked user to join'), ' glyphicon-log-in')) if model.end_marked: legend += (glyph % (gettext('End when marked user leaves'), ' glyphicon-log-out')) elif isinstance(model, Conference): if model.is_public: legend += (glyph % (gettext('Guests (not from participant ' 'list) can join'), 'plus-sign')) else: legend += (glyph % (gettext('Only for participants ' 'specified'), 'ban-circle')) return Markup(legend)
def kick(self, conf_id, channel=None): conf = Conference.query.filter_by(id=conf_id).first_or_404() if channel: confbridge_kick(conf.number, channel) msg = gettext('Channel %(channel)s is kicked.', channel=channel) flash(msg) conf.log(msg) else: confbridge_kick_all(conf.number) msg = gettext('All participants have been kicked from the conference.') conf.log(msg) flash(msg) sse_notify(, 'update_participants') time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view',
def __init__(self): # Validation rules for params self.postParser = reqparse.RequestParser() self.postParser.add_argument( "username", required=True, type=unicode, location="form", help=gettext("%(field)s VALIDATION_REQUIRED_ERROR", field="username")) self.postParser.add_argument( "password", required=True, type=unicode, location="form", help=gettext("%(field)s VALIDATION_REQUIRED_ERROR", field="password")) self.postParser.add_argument( "device_id", required=True, type=unicode, location="form", help=gettext("%(field)s VALIDATION_REQUIRED_ERROR", field="device_id"))
def kick(self, conf_id, channel=None): conf = Conference.query.filter_by(id=conf_id).first_or_404() if channel: confbridge_kick(conf.number, channel) msg = gettext('Channel %(channel)s is kicked.', channel=channel) flash(msg) conf.log(msg) else: confbridge_kick_all(conf.number) msg = gettext( 'All participants have been kicked from the conference.') conf.log(msg) flash(msg) sse_notify(, 'update_participants') time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view',
def datetime(value): try: dt.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000") result = parse_time(value) return True, result except ValueError: return False, gettext("VALIDATION_INVALID_DATETIME I.E: 2014-12-11T08:23:01+0000")
def is_participant_uniq(form, field): p = Participant.query.filter_by(['conference'],['phone']).first() if p: raise ValidationError( gettext('Participant with phone number %(num)s already there.',['phone']))
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('id', likp = len(self.inner_kwarg_prefix) inner_kwargs = {fix_param_name(k[likp:]):v for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() if k.startswith(self.inner_kwarg_prefix)} outer_kwargs = {fix_param_name(k):v for k,v in kwargs.iteritems() if not k.startswith(self.inner_kwarg_prefix)} return HTMLString(u'<%s %s data-status_unknown="%s" data-status_loading="%s" data-status_processing="%s">%s</%s>' % ( self.html_tag, html_params(**outer_kwargs), gettext("admin_status_unknown"), gettext("admin_status_loading"), gettext("admin_status_processing"), u''.join(u'<li><span>%s%s</span></li>' % ( subfield(**inner_kwargs), subfield.label ) for subfield in field), self.html_tag))
def record_stop(self, conf_id): conf = Conference.query.get_or_404(conf_id) confbridge_record_stop(conf.number) msg = gettext('The conference recording has been stopped.') flash(msg) conf.log(msg) return redirect(url_for('.details_view', id=conf_id))
def invite_participants(self, conf_id): conf = Conference.query.get_or_404(conf_id) conf.invite_participants() flash(gettext( 'All the participants where invited to the conference')) time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view',
def frmt_doc_type(v,c,m,n): """ Callback function for BaseModelView column_formatters technique. Create a link to edit user and set a return url. :param v: current administrative view :param c: instance of jinja2.runtime.Context :param m: model instance :param n: property name """ mapping = {} if "User.Administrator" in login.current_user._cls : mapping = dict( CR_DOCTOR = 'Compte rendu médecin', CR_PATIENT = 'Compte rendu patient', CR_CORRES = 'Compte rendu correspondant', ) if m.signed : icon = ' <span class="itemic {}" title="{}"></span>'.format( 'flaticon-verified9', gettext("Document signé numériquement") ) mapping = { k : Markup(v + icon) for k, v in mapping.items()} else : mapping = dict( CR_DOCTOR = "Compte rendu d'analyse", CR_PATIENT = "Compte rendu d'analyse", CR_CORRES = "Compte rendu d'analyse", ) return mapping.get(m.doc_type, m.doc_type)
def collection(id): coll = repo.collections[id] names = [] for name, in repo.iternames(filter_collection=coll): names.append({ 'name' :, 'id' : name.get_id(), 'description' : name.description }) standards = [] for std, in repo.iterstandards(filter_collection=coll): standards.append({ 'standard' : std.standard.get_nice(), 'id' : std.get_id(), 'description' : std.description }) page = {"title" : "Part list"} #Properties props = [] props.append(format_author_prop(coll.author_names)) props.append((gettext('License'),html.a(coll.license_name,href=coll.license_url))) props.append(('ID', return render_template("parts/collection.html", page=page, coll=coll, standards=standards, names=names, )
def configure_logging(app): context_provider = ContextualFilter() app.logger.setLevel(app.config['LOG_LEVEL']) app.logger.addFilter(context_provider) del app.logger.handlers[:] handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_format = "%(asctime)s %(ip)s %(levelname)s %(user_name)s(%(user_id)s) %(method)s %(url)s %(reqargs)s %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) handler.setFormatter(formatter) app.logger.addHandler(handler) #smtp option smtp_login = get_option('smtp_login', '*****@*****.**', visible=False) smtp_password = get_option('smtp_password','pacman9732', visible=False) smtp_port = get_option('smtp_port', 587) smtp_server = get_option('smtp_server', '', gettext("Serveur SMTP"), visible=False) smtp_error_sender = get_option('smtp_error_sender', '*****@*****.**', gettext("Email envoyeur pour les erreurs.")) smtp_error_recipients = get_option("smtp_error_recipients", "['*****@*****.**']", gettext("Emails destinataires pour l'envoi des erreurs du" " serveur")) if not app.debug: logging.getLogger('werkzeug').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Use a multi-line format for this logger, for easier scanning mail_formatter = logging.Formatter(""" Time: %(asctime)s IP: %(ip)s User: %(user_name)s (%(user_id)s) Level: %(levelname)s Method: %(method)s Path: %(url)s Args: %(reqargs)s Message: %(message)s ---------------------""") mail_handler = SMTPHandler_unicode((smtp_server, smtp_port), smtp_error_sender, smtp_error_recipients, gettext('Anomalie serveur LabResult'), (smtp_login, smtp_password), secure=(), ) mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) mail_handler.setFormatter(mail_formatter) app.logger.addHandler(mail_handler)
def unmute_request(conf_number, callerid): if not asterisk_is_authenticated(): return 'NOTAUTH' message = gettext('Unmute request from number %(num)s.', num=callerid) conference = Conference.query.filter_by(number=conf_number).first_or_404() conference.log(message) sse_notify(, 'unmute_request', callerid) return 'OK'
def is_participant_uniq(form, field): # p = Participant.query.filter_by(['conference'],['phone']).first() if p: raise ValidationError( gettext('Participant with phone number %(num)s already there.',['phone']))
def unmute(self, conf_id, channel=None): conf = Conference.query.get_or_404(conf_id) if channel: confbridge_unmute(conf.number, channel) msg = gettext('Participant %(channel)s unmuted.', channel=channel) flash(msg) conf.log(msg) else: # Mute all for p in confbridge_list_participants(conf.number): confbridge_unmute(conf.number, p['channel']) msg = gettext('Conference unmuted.') flash(msg) conf.log(msg) sse_notify(, 'update_participants') time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view', id=conf_id))
def leave_conference(conf_number, callerid): if not asterisk_is_authenticated(): return 'NOTAUTH' message = gettext('Number %(num)s has left the conference.', num=callerid) conference = Conference.query.filter_by(number=conf_number).first_or_404() conference.log(message) sse_notify(, 'update_participants') return 'OK'
def test_basics(self): app = flask.Flask(__name__) b = babel.Babel(app, default_locale='de_DE') with app.test_request_context(): assert gettext(u'Hello %(name)s!', name='Peter') == 'Hallo Peter!' assert ngettext(u'%(num)s Apple', u'%(num)s Apples', 3) == u'3 Äpfel' assert ngettext(u'%(num)s Apple', u'%(num)s Apples', 1) == u'1 Apfel'
def dial_status(conf_number, callerid, status): if not asterisk_is_authenticated(): return 'NOTAUTH' message = gettext('Could not invite number %(num)s: %(status)s', num=callerid, status=status.capitalize()) conference = Conference.query.filter_by(number=conf_number).first_or_404() conference.log(message) return 'OK'
def fruits_json(number=1): # duplicating the strings already set in the first view, to test how babel handles duplication # NOTE: this is a comment the translators will see; directing them to not translate the replacement string singular = gettext(u'Here is a basic string to translate') # however comments without the 'NOTE:' comment tag will not be processed into the POT file # notice that singular strings that use gettext() are aliased to _() for brevity singular_replacement = _(u'Here is a string that has a %(replacement)s string', replacement=u'replacement') # when we have a plural, we have to use ngettext() num_pears = random.randint(1, 10) plural = ngettext(u'Here is %(num)s pear', u'Here are %(num)s pears', num=num_pears) # we can also send a context to the translator to give them more info on what they are translating singular_context = pgettext(u'This text is part of a button used for exiting a pop-up', u'Cancel') plural_context = npgettext(u'This is part of a spinner on a fruit wheel', u'%(num)s orange', u'%(num)s oranges', num=(number or 1)) data = { 'fruits': [ { 'fruit': _(u'lime'), 'type': _(u'continental') }, { 'fruit': _(u'starfruit'), 'type': _(u'exotic') }, { 'fruit': _(u'strawberry'), 'type': _(u'native') } ], 'list': [ { 'string': singular }, { 'string': singular_replacement }, { 'string': plural }, { 'string': singular_context }, { 'string': plural_context } ] } # JSON Response return jsonify(data)
def unlock(self, conf_id): conf = Conference.query.get_or_404(conf_id) confbridge_unlock(conf.number) msg = gettext('The conference has been unlocked.') flash(msg) conf.log(msg) sse_notify(, 'update_participants') time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view', id=conf_id))
def _update_access(self, access, rules, fails): """ :param access: HealthWorkerAccess :param rules: rules applied :param fails: rules who failed """ = True role = access.role if hasattr(access, "role") else "patient" if not rules : access.comment = gettext("No rules for %s").format(gettext(role)) = False return for rule in fails: = False if not access.comment : access.comment = rule.msg_error else : access.comment += '\n' + rule.msg_error
def fruits_json(number=1): # duplicating the strings already set in the first view, to test how babel handles duplication # NOTE: this is a comment the translators will see; directing them to not translate the replacement string singular = gettext(u'Here is a basic string to translate') # however comments without the 'NOTE:' comment tag will not be processed into the POT file # notice that singular strings that use gettext() are aliased to _() for brevity singular_replacement = _( u'Here is a string that has a %(replacement)s string', replacement=u'replacement') # when we have a plural, we have to use ngettext() num_pears = random.randint(1, 10) plural = ngettext(u'Here is %(num)s pear', u'Here are %(num)s pears', num=num_pears) # we can also send a context to the translator to give them more info on what they are translating singular_context = pgettext( u'This text is part of a button used for exiting a pop-up', u'Cancel') plural_context = npgettext(u'This is part of a spinner on a fruit wheel', u'%(num)s orange', u'%(num)s oranges', num=(number or 1)) data = { 'fruits': [{ 'fruit': _(u'lime'), 'type': _(u'continental') }, { 'fruit': _(u'starfruit'), 'type': _(u'exotic') }, { 'fruit': _(u'strawberry'), 'type': _(u'native') }], 'list': [{ 'string': singular }, { 'string': singular_replacement }, { 'string': plural }, { 'string': singular_context }, { 'string': plural_context }] } # JSON Response return jsonify(data)
def install(self): flask_cron = CronTab(user=True) flask_cron.remove_all() for conference_schedule in ConferenceSchedule.query.all(): job = dirname(__file__), ' %s' % conference_schedule.conference.number), comment='%s' % conference_schedule.conference) job.setall(conference_schedule.entry) flask_cron.write_to_user() flash(gettext('Crontab has been installed successfully.')) return redirect(url_for('.index_view'))
def is_crontab_valid(form, field): item = CronItem( + ' /bin/echo # Just a test', cron=CronTab()) # May be I will refactor to this: #item ='/bin/echo', comment='Aaaaa') #item.hour.every(4) #item.minute.during(5,50).every(2),5,6) #item.dow.on(1) #item.month.during(1,2) if not item.is_valid(): raise ValidationError(gettext('%(job)s is not a correct crontab entry.',
def test_multiple_apps(self): app1 = flask.Flask(__name__) b1 = babel.Babel(app1, default_locale='de_DE') app2 = flask.Flask(__name__) b2 = babel.Babel(app2, default_locale='de_DE') with app1.test_request_context(): assert babel.gettext('Yes') == 'Ja' assert 'de_DE' in b1._default_domain.cache with app2.test_request_context(): assert 'de_DE' not in b2._default_domain.cache
def invite_guest(self, conf_id): conf = Conference.query.get_or_404(conf_id) phone = request.args.get('phone', None) if phone and phone.isdigit(): originate(conf.number, phone, bridge_options=conf.conference_profile. get_confbridge_options(), user_options=conf.public_participant_profile. get_confbridge_options()) flash( gettext('Number %(phone)s is called for conference.', phone=phone)) time.sleep(1) return redirect(url_for('.details_view', id=conf_id))
def validate_username(self, field): # todo # 用户名不允许重复 if UserService.count_by_username( > 0: raise ValidationError, gettext("This username is taken") # 不能有敏感词、保留词 if not WordReservedService.word_allowed( raise ValidationError, gettext("This username is taken") if not WordForbiddenService.word_allowed( raise ValidationError, gettext("This username is taken")
def check(conf_number, callerid): if not asterisk_is_authenticated(): return 'NOTAUTH' conf = Conference.query.filter_by(number=conf_number).first() if not conf: return 'NOCONF' elif callerid not in [ for k in conf.participants] and not conf.is_public: message = gettext( 'Attempt to enter non-public conference from %(phone)s.', phone=callerid) conf.log(message) return 'NOTPUBLIC' else: return 'OK'
def import_contacts(self): form = ContactImportForm() if request.method == 'GET': return self.render('contact_import.html', form=form) else: form = ContactImportForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): data = imported = 0 for line in data: line = line.split(',') c = Contact() = line[0] = line[1].decode('utf-8') c.user = current_user db.session.add(c) imported += 1 db.session.commit() flash(gettext('Imported %(num)s contacts.', num=imported)) return redirect(url_for('.index_view')) else: return self.render('contact_import.html', form=form)
def index(): page = {"title": gettext("Home")} return render_template("home.html", page=page, stats=stats.get_statistics())
def test_non_initialized(self): app = flask.Flask(__name__) with app.test_request_context(): assert babel.gettext('first') == 'first'
def is_number(form, field): if and not raise ValidationError(gettext('Must be a number!'))
def validate_password_old(self, field): # 验证旧密码是否正确 if not UserService.check_pwd_by_id(int(, raise ValidationError, gettext("This old password is error")
def fruits(number=1): # some server side data (analogous to title strings in card_generators) # NOTE: this is a comment the translators will see; directing them to not translate the replacement string singular = gettext(u'Here is a basic string to translate') # however comments without the 'NOTE:' comment tag will not be processed into the POT file # notice that singular strings that use gettext() are aliased to _() for brevity singular_replacement = _( u'Here is a string that has a %(replacement)s string', replacement=u'replacement') # when we have a plural, we have to use ngettext() num_pears = random.randint(1, 10) plural = ngettext(u'Here is %(num)s pear', u'Here are %(num)s pears', num=num_pears) # we can also send a context to the translator to give them more info on what they are translating singular_context = pgettext( u'This text is part of a button used for exiting a pop-up', u'Cancel') plural_context = npgettext(u'This is part of a spinner on a fruit wheel', u'%(num)s orange', u'%(num)s oranges', num=(number or 1)) # NOTE: part a comment_test = _(u'first part') # NOTE: part b comment_test_2 = _(u'second part') context_test = pgettext(u'One', u'first part') context_test2 = pgettext(u'Two', u'second part') data = { 'fruits': [{ 'fruit': _(u'lime'), 'type': _(u'continental') }, { 'fruit': _(u'starfruit'), 'type': _(u'exotic') }, { 'fruit': _(u'strawberry'), 'type': _(u'native') }], 'list': [{ 'string': singular }, { 'string': singular_replacement }, { 'string': plural }, { 'string': singular_context }, { 'string': plural_context }] } return render_template('fruits.html', number=number, data=data)