def put(self, taxi_id): hj = request.json t, last_update_at = self.get_descriptions(taxi_id) new_status = hj['data'][0]['status'] if new_status != t[0]['vehicle_description_status'] or\ t[0]['taxi_last_update_at'] is None or\ t[0]['taxi_last_update_at'] <= ( - timedelta(hours=4)): cur = current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.\ connection().connection.cursor() cur.execute("UPDATE vehicle_description SET status=%s WHERE id=%s", (new_status, t[0]['vehicle_description_id']) ) cur.execute("UPDATE taxi set last_update_at = %s WHERE id = %s", (, t[0]['taxi_id']) ) current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.commit() taxis_models.RawTaxi.flush(taxi_id) t[0]['vehicle_description_status'] = new_status taxi_id_operator = "{}:{}".format(taxi_id, if t[0]['vehicle_description_status'] == 'free': redis_store.srem(current_app.config['REDIS_NOT_AVAILABLE'], taxi_id_operator) else: redis_store.sadd(current_app.config['REDIS_NOT_AVAILABLE'], taxi_id_operator) taxi_m = marshal({'data':[ taxis_models.RawTaxi.generate_dict(t,] }, taxi_model) taxi_m['data'][0]['operator'] = taxi_m['data'][0]['last_update'] = last_update_at return taxi_m
def post_json(self): json = request.get_json() if "data" not in json: abort(400, message="No data field in request") if len(json['data']) > 250: abort(413, message="You can only pass 250 objects") edited_ads_id = [] new_ads = [] for ads in json['data']: if ads['vehicle_id'] and\ not taxis_models.Vehicle.query.get(ads['vehicle_id']): abort(400, message="Unable to find a vehicle with the id: {}"\ .format(ads['vehicle_id'])) try: ads_db = create_obj_from_json(taxis_models.ADS, ads) except KeyError as e: abort(400, message="Missing key: "+str(e)) except AssertionError as e: abort(400, message='Bad owner_type value, can be: {}'.format( taxis_models.owner_type_enum )) zupc = administrative_models.ZUPC.query.filter_by(insee=ads_db.insee).first() if zupc is None: abort(400, message="Unable to find a ZUPC for insee: {}".format( ads_db.insee)) ads_db.zupc_id = zupc.parent_id db.session.add(ads_db) if edited_ads_id.append( new_ads.append(ads) db.session.commit() return marshal({"data": new_ads}, ads_post), 201
def post_json(self): json = request.get_json() if "data" not in json: abort(400, message="You need data a data object") if len(json['data']) > 250: abort(413, message="You've reach the limits of 250 objects") edited_drivers_id = [] new_drivers = [] for driver in json['data']: departement = None if 'numero' in driver['departement']: departement = administrative_models.Departement.\ filter_by_or_404(numero=driver['departement']['numero']) elif 'nom' in driver['departement']: departement = administrative_models.Departement.\ filter_by_or_404(nom=driver['departement']['nom']) try: driver_obj = create_obj_from_json(taxis_models.Driver, driver) driver_obj.departement_id = except KeyError as e: abort(400, message="Key error") db.session.add(driver_obj) if edited_drivers_id.append( new_drivers.append(driver_obj) db.session.commit() return marshal({'data': new_drivers}, driver_fields), 201
def test_marshal_nested_property(self): class TestObject(object): @property def fee(self): return {'blah': 'cool'} model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('fee', fields.Nested( OrderedDict([ ('fye', fields.String), ('blah', fields.String) ]), allow_null=True)) ]) obj = TestObject() = 'bar' obj.bat = 'baz' output = marshal([obj], model) expected = [OrderedDict([ ('foo', 'bar'), ('fee', OrderedDict([ ('fye', None), ('blah', 'cool') ])) ])] self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def get(self, taxi_id): t, last_update_at = self.get_descriptions(taxi_id) taxi_m = marshal({'data':[ taxis_models.RawTaxi.generate_dict(t,]}, taxi_model) taxi_m['data'][0]['operator'] = taxi_m['data'][0]['last_update'] = last_update_at return taxi_m
def export_taxis(filename='/tmp/taxis.tar.gz'): model_ads = make_model('taxis', 'ADS', True) model_driver = make_model('taxis', 'Driver') model_vehicle = make_model('taxis', 'Vehicle', filter_id=True) tar =, 'w:gz') users = set() for taxi in Taxi.query.all(): if taxi.vehicle_id is None or taxi.ads_id is None or taxi.driver_id is None: continue vehicle = Vehicle.query.get(taxi.vehicle_id) for vehicle_description in VehicleDescription.query.filter_by( users.add(vehicle_description.added_by) login_user(user_datastore.get_user(vehicle_description.added_by)) json_vehicle = json.dumps(marshal({"data":[vehicle]}, model_vehicle)) tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('{}/vehicle_{}_{}.json'.format(,,vehicle_description.added_by)) tarinfo.size = len(json_vehicle) tar.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(json_vehicle)) ads = ADS.query.get(taxi.ads_id) json_ads = json.dumps(marshal({"data":[ads]}, model_ads)) tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('{}/ads.json'.format( tarinfo.size = len(json_ads) tar.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(json_ads)) driver = Driver.query.get(taxi.driver_id) json_driver = json.dumps(marshal({"data":[driver]}, model_driver)) tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('{}/driver.json'.format( tarinfo.size = len(json_driver) tar.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(json_driver)) users_dict = dict() for user_id in users: user = user_datastore.get_user(user_id) users_dict[user_id] = users_json = json.dumps(users_dict) tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('users.json') tarinfo.size = len(users_json) tar.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(users_json)) tar.close()
def test_marshal_list(self): model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('fee', fields.List(fields.String)) ]) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz'), ('fee', ['fye', 'fum'])]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) expected = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('fee', (['fye', 'fum']))]) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def get(self, hail_id): hail = HailModel.get_or_404(hail_id) self.filter_access(hail) return_ = marshal({"data": [hail]},hail_model) return_['data'][0]['taxi']['crowfly_distance'] = vincenty( (return_['data'][0]['taxi']['position']['lat'], return_['data'][0]['taxi']['position']['lon']), (return_['data'][0]['customer_lat'], return_['data'][0]['customer_lon']) ).kilometers return return_
def get(self, taxi_id): taxi = taxis_models.Taxi.cache.get(taxi_id) if not taxi: abort(404, message="Unable to find this taxi") description = taxi.vehicle.description if not description: abort(403, message="You're not authorized to view this taxi") taxi_m = marshal({'data':[taxi]}, taxi_model) taxi_m['data'][0]['operator'] = op, timestamp = taxi.get_operator( taxi_m['data'][0]['last_update'] = timestamp if op == current_user else None return taxi_m
def post(self, event_id): from helpers.tasks import export_event_task task = export_event_task.delay( event_id, marshal(self.api.payload, EXPORT_SETTING)) if current_app.config.get('CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER'): TASK_RESULTS[] = { 'result': task.get(), 'state': task.state } return jsonify( task_url=url_for('api.extras_celery_task', )
def import_event_task_base(task_handle, file_path, source_type='json', creator_id=None): new_event = None if source_type == 'json': new_event = import_event_json(task_handle, file_path) elif source_type == 'pentabarf': new_event = PentabarfImporter.import_data(file_path=file_path, task_handle=task_handle, creator_id=creator_id) elif source_type == 'ical': new_event = ICalImporter.import_data(file_path=file_path, task_handle=task_handle, creator_id=creator_id) if new_event: record_activity('import_event', return marshal(new_event, EVENT) else: return None
def test_marshal_list_of_nesteds(self): model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('fee', fields.List(fields.Nested({ 'fye': fields.String }))) ]) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz'), ('fee', {'fye': 'fum'})]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) expected = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('fee', [OrderedDict([('fye', 'fum')])])]) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def test_marshal_nested_with_null(self): model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('fee', fields.Nested( OrderedDict([ ('fye', fields.String), ('blah', fields.String) ]), allow_null=True)) ]) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz'), ('fee', None)]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) expected = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('fee', None)]) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def test_marshal_nested_dict(self): model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('bar', OrderedDict([ ('a', fields.Raw), ('b', fields.Raw), ])), ]) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'foo-val'), ('bar', 'bar-val'), ('bat', 'bat-val'), ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) expected = OrderedDict([('foo', 'foo-val'), ('bar', OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]))]) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def zupc_search(): parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('lon', type=float, required=True, location='args') parser.add_argument('lat', type=float, required=True, location='args') try: args = parser.parse_args() except BadRequest as e: return json.dumps(, 400 id_list = index_zupc.intersection(args['lon'], args['lat']) to_return = [] if id_list: ZUPC = administrative_models.ZUPC zupc_list = ZUPC.query.filter( #Level is one, because we don't want to have parent in the response to_return = marshal(zupc_list, ZUPC.marshall_obj(filter_id=True, level=1)) return json.dumps({"data": to_return})
def post_json(self): json = request.get_json() if "data" not in json: abort(400, message="No data field in request") if len(json['data']) > 250: abort(413, message="You can only pass 250 objects") edited_ads_id = [] new_ads = [] db = current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db for ads in json['data']: if not ads.get('vehicle_id', None) or ads['vehicle_id'] == 0: ads['vehicle_id'] = None if ads['vehicle_id'] and\ not taxis_models.Vehicle.query.get(ads['vehicle_id']): abort(400, message="Unable to find a vehicle with the id: {}"\ .format(ads['vehicle_id'])) try: ads_db = create_obj_from_json(taxis_models.ADS, ads) except KeyError as e: abort(400, message="Missing key: "+str(e)) except AssertionError as e: abort(400, message='Bad owner_type value, can be: {}'.format( taxis_models.owner_type_enum )) zupc = administrative_models.ZUPC.query.filter_by(insee=ads_db.insee).first() if zupc is None: abort(400, message="Unable to find a ZUPC for insee: {}".format( ads_db.insee)) ads_db.zupc_id = zupc.parent_id db.session.add(ads_db) if edited_ads_id.append( new_ads.append(ads_db) db.session.commit() for ads in new_ads: cur = db.session.connection().connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" UPDATE taxi set ads_id = %s WHERE ads_id IN ( SELECT id FROM "ADS" WHERE numero = %s AND insee = %s )""", (, ads.numero, ads.insee) ) db.session.commit() return marshal({"data": new_ads}, ads_post), 201
def test_allow_null_presents_data(self): model = OrderedDict([ ('foo', fields.Raw), ('fee', fields.Nested( OrderedDict([ ('fye', fields.String), ('blah', fields.String) ]), allow_null=True)) ]) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz'), ('fee', {'blah': 'cool'})]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) expected = OrderedDict([ ('foo', 'bar'), ('fee', OrderedDict([('fye', None), ('blah', 'cool')])) ]) self.assertEquals(output, expected)
def send_request_operator(hail_id, endpoint, operator_header_name, operator_api_key, operator_email): operator_api_key = operator_api_key.encode('utf-8') operator_header_name = operator_header_name.encode('utf-8') hail = Hail.cache.get(hail_id) if not hail: current_app.logger.error('Unable to find hail: {}'.format(hail_id)) return False r = None try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} if operator_header_name is not None and operator_header_name != '': headers[operator_header_name] = operator_api_key data = json.dumps(marshal({"data": [hail]}, hail_model)) hail_log = HailLog('POST to operator', hail, data) r =, data=data, headers=headers ) except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: pass, redis_store) if not r or r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code >= 300: hail.status = 'failure' current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.commit() current_app.logger.error("Unable to reach hail's endpoint {} of operator {}"\ .format(endpoint, operator_email)) return False r_json = None try: r_json = r.json() except ValueError: pass if r_json and 'data' in r_json and len(r_json['data']) == 1\ and 'taxi_phone_number' in r_json['data'][0]: hail.taxi_phone_number = r_json['data'][0]['taxi_phone_number'] hail.status = 'received_by_operator' current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.commit() return True
def post(self, event_id): from helpers.tasks import export_event_task # queue task task = export_event_task.delay( event_id, marshal(self.api.payload, EXPORT_SETTING)) # create Job try: create_export_job(, event_id) except Exception: pass # in case of testing if current_app.config.get('CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER'): send_export_mail(event_id, task.get()) TASK_RESULTS[] = { 'result': task.get(), 'state': task.state } return jsonify( task_url=url_for('api.extras_celery_task', )
def send_request_operator(hail_id, operateur_id, env): hail = Hail.cache.get(hail_id) if not hail: current_app.logger.error('Unable to find hail: {}'.format(hail_id)) return False operateur = User.query.get(operateur_id) if not operateur: current_app.logger.error('Unable to find operateur: {}'.format(operateur_id)) return False r = None endpoint = operateur.hail_endpoint(env) try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} if operateur.operator_header_name is not None and operateur.operator_header_name != '': headers[operateur.operator_header_name] = operateur.operator_api_key r =, data=json.dumps(marshal({"data": [hail]}, hail_model)), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: pass if not r or r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code >= 300: hail.status = 'failure' db.session.commit() current_app.logger.error("Unable to reach hail's endpoint {} of operator {}"\ .format(endpoint, return False r_json = None try: r_json = r.json() except ValueError: pass if r_json and 'data' in r_json and len(r_json['data']) == 1\ and 'taxi_phone_number' in r_json['data'][0]: hail.taxi_phone_number = r_json['data'][0]['taxi_phone_number'] hail.status = 'received_by_operator' db.session.commit() return True
def post_json(self): json = request.get_json() if "data" not in json: abort(400, message="You need data a data object") if len(json['data']) > 250: abort(413, message="You've reach the limits of 250 objects") edited_drivers_id = [] new_drivers = [] db = current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db for driver in json['data']: departement = None if 'numero' in driver['departement']: departement = administrative_models.Departement.\ filter_by_or_404(numero=driver['departement']['numero']) elif 'nom' in driver['departement']: departement = administrative_models.Departement.\ filter_by_or_404(nom=driver['departement']['nom']) try: driver_obj = create_obj_from_json(taxis_models.Driver, driver) driver_obj.departement_id = except KeyError as e: abort(400, message="Key error") db.session.add(driver_obj) if edited_drivers_id.append( new_drivers.append(driver_obj) db.session.commit() for driver in new_drivers: cur = db.session.connection().connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" UPDATE taxi set driver_id = %s WHERE driver_id IN ( SELECT id FROM driver WHERE professional_licence = %s AND departement_id = %s )""", (, driver.professional_licence, driver.departement_id) ) db.session.commit() return marshal({'data': new_drivers}, driver_fields), 201
def get(self): if not request_wants_json(): abort(400, message="request needs JSON") parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('lon', type=float, required=True, location='args') parser.add_argument('lat', type=float, required=True, location='args') try: args = parser.parse_args() except BadRequest as e: return json.dumps(, 400, {"Content-Type": "application/json"} cur = current_app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db.session.connection()\ .connection.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) cur.execute("""SELECT active, nom, insee FROM "ZUPC" WHERE ST_Intersects(shape, ST_POINT(%s, %s)::geography)""", (args['lon'], args['lat'])) to_return = [] ZUPC = administrative_models.ZUPC for zupc in cur.fetchall(): if any(map(lambda z: zupc['insee'] == z['insee'], to_return)): continue to_return.append(marshal(zupc, ZUPC.marshall_obj(filter_id=True, level=1, api=api))) return {"data": to_return}, 200
def test_marshal_tuple(self): model = OrderedDict({'foo': fields.Raw}) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz')]) output = marshal((marshal_fields,), model) self.assertEquals(output, [{'foo': 'bar'}])
def test_marshal_field(self): model = OrderedDict({'foo': fields.Raw()}) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz')]) output = marshal(marshal_fields, model) self.assertEquals(output, {'foo': 'bar'})
def get(self): return marshal({"foo": 3.0}, self.fields)
def test_marshal_with_envelope(self): model = OrderedDict([('foo', fields.Raw)]) marshal_dict = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz')]) output = marshal(marshal_dict, model, envelope='hey') self.assertEquals(output, {'hey': {'foo': 'bar'}})
def post(self): file = get_file_from_request(['zip']) new_event = import_event_json(file) return marshal(new_event, EVENT)
def get(self, **kwargs): '''Get a given object''' obj = self.get_or_404(**kwargs) return marshal(obj, self.fields)
def post(self): file = get_file_from_request(['zip']) new_event = import_event_json(file) record_activity('import_event', return marshal(new_event, EVENT)
def post(self): '''Create a new object''' form = api.validate(self.form) return marshal(, self.fields), 201
def put(self, **kwargs): '''Update a given object''' obj = self.get_or_404(**kwargs) form = api.validate(self.form, obj) return marshal(, self.fields)
def get(self, event_id): """Fetch an event given its id. Alternate endpoint for fetching an event. """ includes = parse_args(self.event_parser).get('include', '').split(',') return marshal(DAO.get(event_id), get_extended_event_model(includes))
def test_marshal_tuple_with_envelope(self): model = OrderedDict({'foo': fields.Raw}) marshal_fields = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz')]) output = marshal((marshal_fields,), model, envelope='hey') self.assertEquals(output, {'hey': [{'foo': 'bar'}]})
def test_marshal(self): model = OrderedDict([('foo', fields.Raw)]) marshal_dict = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('bat', 'baz')]) output = marshal(marshal_dict, model) self.assertEquals(output, {'foo': 'bar'})
def get(self): """List all events""" parsed_args = parse_args(self.event_parser) includes = parsed_args.get('include', '').split(',') erase_from_dict(parsed_args, 'include') return marshal(DAO.list(**parsed_args), get_extended_event_model(includes))
def import_event_task_base(task_handle, file): new_event = import_event_json(task_handle, file) record_activity('import_event', return marshal(new_event, EVENT)