Пример #1
def test_permissions_all_accounts_groups():
  from models.account import Account
  title = 'Testing | Permissions | Listed per-account-role permissions'
  data = '<table class="table" width="100%">'
  employees = [employee for employee in Account.all()]
  roles = g._var(name='roles', scope='permissions', default={}).keys()
  data = data + '<tr>'
  data = data + '<th>&nbsp;</th>'
  for role in roles:
    data = data + '<th>'+role+'</th>'
  data = data + '</tr>'
  for employee in employees:
    data = data + '<tr>'
    data = data + '<th>'+employee+'</th>'
    for role in roles:
      is_permitted = app.access('role', account=employee, role_id=role)
      data = data + (is_permitted and '<td class="alert alert-success">yes</td>' or '<td class="alert alert-danger">no</td>')
    data = data + '</tr>'
  data = data + '</table>'
  data = Markup(data)
  return render_template( 'test/index.html', title=title, data=data )
Пример #2
def translation_edit(name=None):
    from models.translation import Translation
    import urllib

    localeList = g._var("languages", scope="translation", default=[])
    translationList = {}

    for language in localeList:
        translation = None
        if name:
            name = urllib.unquote_plus(name)
            translation = Translation.query.filter_by(
                name=urllib.unquote_plus(name), language=language
            ).first() or Translation(name=urllib.unquote_plus(name), language=language)
        if not translation:
            translation = Translation(language=language)
        translationList[language] = translation

    if request.method == "POST" and request.form.get("csrf_token", None):
        for language in localeList:
            translationList[language].name = request.form.get("translation_name", None)
            translationList[language].value = request.form.get("translation_language_" + language, None)
        flash(g._t("translation submit success"))
        return redirect(url_for("translation_index"))

    if name:
        title = g._t("edit")
        title = g._t("add")
    breadcrumbs = (
        (g._t("administration"), url_for("administration_index")),
        (g._t("translations"), url_for("translation_index")),
        (title, "#"),

    return render_template(
Пример #3
def translation_index():
    from models.translation import Translation

    title = g._t("translations")
    breadcrumbs = ((g._t("administration"), url_for("administration_index")), (title, "#"))

    translationList = {}
    for translation in Translation.query.all():
        if not translationList.has_key(translation.name):
            translationList[translation.name] = {}
        translationList[translation.name][translation.language] = translation.value
    localeList = g._var("languages", scope="translation", default=[])
    return render_template(
Пример #4
def test_data_projects():
  from models.account import Account
  from models.project import Project
  title = 'Testing | Data | Listed per-account-project membership'
  employees = [account for account in Account.all() if account.id.startswith('test.')]
  projects = [project for project in Project.all() if project.id.startswith('TEST/')]
  data = _test_data_menu()
  data = data + '<table class="table" width="100%">'
  roles = g._var(name='roles', scope='permissions', default={}).keys()
  data = data + '<tr>'
  data = data + '<th>&nbsp;</th>'
  for project in projects:
    data = data + '<th>'+project.id+'</th>'
  data = data + '</tr>'
  for employee in employees:
    data = data + '<tr>'
    data = data + '<th>'+employee.id+'</th>'
    for project in projects:
      #data = data + (project.hasMember(employee.id) and '<td class="alert alert-success">'+project.members.get(employee.id, '---')+'</td>' or '<td class="alert alert-danger">no</td>')
      details = {}
      details['class'] = project.hasMember(employee.id) and 'success' or 'danger'
      details['label'] = project.hasMember(employee.id) and project.members.get(employee.id, '?') or '-'
      details['label'] = details['label'] + '<div class="pull-right">'
      details['label'] = details['label'] + (app.access('project', action='read', project=project, account=employee) and '<i class="icon icon-eye-open text-info"></i> | ' or '<i style="opacity:0.2" class="icon icon-eye-open muted"></i> | ')
      details['label'] = details['label'] + (app.access('project', action='update', project=project, account=employee) and '<i class="icon icon-edit text-info"></i> | ' or '<i style="opacity:0.2" class="icon icon-edit muted"></i> | ')
      details['label'] = details['label'] + (app.access('project', action='delete', project=project, account=employee) and '<i class="icon icon-trash text-info"></i>' or '<i style="opacity:0.2" class="icon icon-trash muted"></i>')
      details['label'] = details['label'] + '</div>'
      data = data + '<td class="alert alert-'+details['class']+'">'+details['label']+'</td>'
    data = data + '</tr>'
  data = data + '</table>'
  data = Markup(data)
  return render_template('test/index.html', title=title, data=data)