def jsonify(*args, **kwargs): status = 200 if __debug__: _assert_have_json() if "status" in kwargs: status = kwargs.pop("status", 200) return current_app.response_class( json.dumps(dict(*args, **kwargs), indent=None if request.is_xhr else 2, cls=CustomEncoder), status=status, mimetype="application/json", )
def json(self): """If the mimetype is `application/json` or `application/json-rpc` this will contain the parsed JSON data. Otherwise this will be `None`. This requires Python 2.6 or an installed version of simplejson. """ if __debug__: _assert_have_json() if self.mimetype in ['application/json', 'application/json-rpc']: request_charset = self.mimetype_params.get('charset') try: if request_charset is not None: return json.loads(, encoding=request_charset) return json.loads( except ValueError as E: return self.on_json_loading_failed(E)
def json(self): """If the mimetype is `application/json` or `application/json-rpc` this will contain the parsed JSON data. Otherwise this will be `None`. This requires Python 2.6 or an installed version of simplejson. """ if __debug__: _assert_have_json() if self.mimetype in ["application/json", "application/json-rpc"]: request_charset = self.mimetype_params.get("charset") try: if request_charset is not None: return json.loads(, encoding=request_charset) return json.loads( except ValueError as E: return self.on_json_loading_failed(E)
def mongo_jsonify(*args, **kwargs): if __debug__: _assert_have_json() return current_app.response_class(json.dumps(dict(*args, **kwargs), indent=None if request.is_xhr else 2, cls=MongoEngineEncoder), mimetype='application/json')