Пример #1
    def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany):
        if not g.get('req_start_sent'):
            g.req_start_sent = True
            logger.debug('Request started', extra={'sql_log_type': 'start_request',
                                                   'req_verb': request.method if has_request_context() else None,
                                                   'req_path': request.path if has_request_context() else None,
                                                   'req_url': request.url if has_request_context() else None})

        context._query_start_time = time.time()
        source_line = _get_sql_line()
        if source_line:
            log_msg = 'Start Query:\n    {0[file]}:{0[line]} {0[function]}\n\n{1}\n{2}'.format(
                _prettify_params(parameters) if parameters else ''
            # UPDATEs can't be traced back to their source since they are executed only on flush
            log_msg = 'Start Query:\n{0}\n{1}'.format(
                _prettify_params(parameters) if parameters else ''
        # psycopg2._psycopg.Binary objects are extremely weird and don't work in isinstance checks
        if hasattr(parameters, 'iteritems'):
            parameters = {k: _fix_param(v) for k, v in parameters.iteritems()}
            parameters = tuple(_fix_param(v) for v in parameters)
                     extra={'sql_log_type': 'start',
                            'req_path': request.path if has_request_context() else None,
                            'sql_source': source_line['items'] if source_line else None,
                            'sql_statement': statement,
                            'sql_verb': statement.split()[0],
                            'sql_params': parameters})
Пример #2
def share_on_facebook():
    from .twitter import collect_images

    if request.method == "GET":
        post = Post.load_by_id(request.args.get("id"))

        message, link, name, picture = guess_content(post)
        imgs = [urljoin(get_settings().site_url, img) for img in collect_images(post)]

        albums = []
        if imgs:
            current_app.logger.debug("fetching user albums")
            resp = requests.get(
                params={"access_token": get_settings().facebook_access_token},
            current_app.logger.debug("user albums response %s: %s", resp, resp.text)
            albums = resp.json().get("data", [])

        return render_template(

        post_id = request.form.get("post_id")
        preview = request.form.get("preview")
        img_url = request.form.get("img")
        is_photo = request.form.get("post_type") == "photo"
        album_id = request.form.get("album")
        link = request.form.get("link")

        if album_id == "new":
            album_id = create_album(request.form.get("new_album_name"), request.form.get("new_album_message"))

        post = Post.load_by_id(post_id)
        facebook_url = handle_new_or_edit(
            post, message=preview, link=link, name=None, picture=img_url, is_photo=is_photo, album_id=album_id

        if has_request_context():
                'Shared on Facebook: <a href="{}">Original</a>, '
                '<a href="{}">On Facebook</a><br/>'.format(post.permalink, facebook_url)
            return redirect(post.permalink)

    except Exception as e:
        if has_request_context():
            current_app.logger.exception("posting to facebook")
            flash("Share on Facebook Failed! Exception: {}".format(e))
        return redirect(url_for("views.index"))
Пример #3
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        from pony.orm import db_session
        from pony.orm.core import local
        from flask import after_this_request, current_app, has_app_context, \
        from flask.signals import appcontext_popped

        register = local.db_context_counter == 0
        if register and (has_app_context() or has_request_context()):

        result = f(*args, **kwargs)

        if register:
            if has_request_context():
                def pop(request):
                    return request
            elif has_app_context():
                def pop(sender, *args, **kwargs):
                    while local.db_context_counter:
                raise RuntimeError('Needs app or request context')
        return result
Пример #4
def configure_app(app):
    log_msg_format = app.config['API_LOG_MSG_FORMAT']
    log_date_format = app.config['API_LOG_DATE_FORMAT']

    sqla_logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy')
    pool_logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.pool')

    # Set the message formatter for the default log handler
    current_handlers = app.logger.handlers
    default_handler = current_handlers[0] if current_handlers else None
    if default_handler:
        # A newline is included before the log message to visually separate them better
        default_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("\n" + log_msg_format, datefmt=log_date_format))

    # Setup the log handlers if not testing
    if not app.testing:
        # Rotating file handler
        file_handler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
            maxBytes=1 * 1024 * 1024,
        file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_msg_format, datefmt=log_date_format))

        # Add handlers to loggers
        loggers = [app.logger, sqla_logger]
        for logger in loggers:

    # Set the log level
    if 'LOG_LEVEL' in app.config:
        # Log at the level specified in the app config
        # Log at the DEBUG level when testing/debugging, otherwise log INFO and above
        if app.debug or app.testing:

    # Configure connection pool debug logging
    if app.config.get('POOL_DEBUG_LOGGING'):

    # Include this extra information in all log messages (lambda functions get executed at log time)
    if app.config.get('API_LOG_VERBOSE_DEV_MESSAGES', False):
        extra_info = lu.ExtraInfo()
        extra_info['ip'] = lambda: has_request_context() and ah.get_remote_addr() or None
        extra_info['uid'] = lambda: str(g.user.id).upper() if hasattr(g, 'user') and g.user.id else None
        extra_info['ua'] = lambda: has_request_context() and ah.get_user_agent_summary() or None
        extra_info['url'] = lambda: has_request_context() and request.url or None

        app._logger = lu.ExtraInfoLogger(app.logger, extra_info)

    # Connect the exception logging functions to the `got_request_exception` signal
    got_request_exception.connect(lu.log_api_exception, app)
    got_request_exception.connect(lu.log_api_exception_to_browser_console, app)
Пример #5
def test_context_test(app):
    assert not flask.request
    assert not flask.has_request_context()
    ctx = app.test_request_context()
        assert flask.request
        assert flask.has_request_context()
Пример #6
def share_on_facebook():
    from .twitter import collect_images

    if request.method == 'GET':
        post = Post.load_by_id(request.args.get('id'))

        message, link, name, picture = guess_content(post)
        imgs = [urllib.parse.urljoin(get_settings().site_url, img)
                for img in collect_images(post)]

        albums = []
        if imgs:
            current_app.logger.debug('fetching user albums')
            resp = requests.get(
                params={'access_token': get_settings().facebook_access_token})
                'user albums response %s: %s', resp, resp.text)
            albums = resp.json().get('data', [])

        return render_template('admin/share_on_facebook.jinja2', post=post,
                               preview=message, link=link, name=name,
                               picture=picture, imgs=imgs, albums=albums)

        post_id = request.form.get('post_id')
        preview = request.form.get('preview')
        img_url = request.form.get('img')
        is_photo = request.form.get('post_type') == 'photo'
        album_id = request.form.get('album')
        link = request.form.get('link')

        if album_id == 'new':
            album_id = create_album(

        post = Post.load_by_id(post_id)
        facebook_url = handle_new_or_edit(
            post, message=preview, link=link, name=None, picture=img_url,
            is_photo=is_photo, album_id=album_id)

        if has_request_context():
            flash('Shared on Facebook: <a href="{}">Original</a>, '
                  '<a href="{}">On Facebook</a><br/>'
                  .format(post.permalink, facebook_url))
            return redirect(post.permalink)

    except Exception as e:
        if has_request_context():
            current_app.logger.exception('posting to facebook')
            flash('Share on Facebook Failed! Exception: {}'.format(e))
        return redirect(url_for('views.index'))
Пример #7
 def on_request_tearing_down(sender, **kwargs):
     query_count = g.get('sql_query_count', 0)
     if not query_count:
     duration = (time.time() - g.req_start_ts) if 'req_start_ts' in g else 0
     logger.debug('Request finished', extra={'sql_log_type': 'end_request',
                                             'sql_query_count': query_count,
                                             'req_verb': request.method if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_url': request.url if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_path': request.path if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_duration': duration})
Пример #8
def test_context_test():
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    assert not flask.request
    assert not flask.has_request_context()
    ctx = app.test_request_context()
        assert flask.request
        assert flask.has_request_context()
Пример #9
 def test_context_test(self):
     app = flask.Flask(__name__)
     self.assert_(not flask.request)
     self.assert_(not flask.has_request_context())
     ctx = app.test_request_context()
Пример #10
def share_on_facebook():
    from .twitter import collect_images

    if request.method == 'GET':
        post = Post.load_by_id(request.args.get('id'))

        preview = post.title + '\n\n' if post.title else ''
        preview += format_markdown_as_facebook(post.content)
        imgs = [urllib.parse.urljoin(get_settings().site_url, img)
                for img in collect_images(post)]

        albums = []
        if imgs:
            app.logger.debug('fetching user albums')
            resp = requests.get(
                params={'access_token': get_settings().facebook_access_token})
            app.logger.debug('user albums response %s: %s', resp, resp.text)
            albums = resp.json().get('data', [])

        return render_template('share_on_facebook.html', post=post,
                               preview=preview, imgs=imgs, albums=albums)

        post_id = request.form.get('post_id')
        preview = request.form.get('preview')
        img_url = request.form.get('img')
        post_type = request.form.get('post_type')
        album_id = request.form.get('album')

        if album_id == 'new':
            album_id = create_album(

        post = Post.load_by_id(post_id)
        facebook_url = handle_new_or_edit(post, preview, img_url,
                                          post_type, album_id)
        if has_request_context():
            flash('Shared on Facebook: <a href="{}">Original</a>, '
                  '<a href="{}">On Facebook</a><br/>'
                  .format(post.permalink, facebook_url))
            return redirect(post.permalink)

    except Exception as e:
        if has_request_context():
            app.logger.exception('posting to facebook')
            flash('Share on Facebook Failed! Exception: {}'.format(e))
        return redirect(url_for('index'))
Пример #11
 def on_tearing_down(sender, **kwargs):
     if g.get('req_end_sent'):
     g.req_end_sent = True
     stats = get_request_stats()
     if not stats['query_count']:
     logger.debug('Request finished', extra={'sql_log_type': 'end_request',
                                             'sql_query_count': stats['query_count'],
                                             'repl': app.config.get('REPL'),
                                             'req_verb': request.method if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_url': request.url if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_path': request.path if has_request_context() else None,
                                             'req_duration': stats['req_duration'],
                                             'req_query_duration': stats['query_duration']})
Пример #12
    def get_allowed_sender_emails(self, include_current_user=True, include_creator=True, include_managers=True,
                                  include_support=True, include_chairs=True, extra=None):
        Return the emails of people who can be used as senders (or
        rather Reply-to contacts) in emails sent from within an event.

        :param include_current_user: Whether to include the email of
                                     the currently logged-in user
        :param include_creator: Whether to include the email of the
                                event creator
        :param include_managers: Whether to include the email of all
                                 event managers
        :param include_support: Whether to include the "event support"
        :param include_chairs: Whether to include the emails of event
                               chairpersons (or lecture speakers)
        :param extra: An email address that is always included, even
                      if it is not in any of the included lists.
        :return: An OrderedDict mapping emails to pretty names
        emails = {}
        # Support
        if include_support:
            support = self.as_legacy.getSupportInfo()
            emails[support.getEmail()] = support.getCaption() or support.getEmail()
        # Current user
        if include_current_user and has_request_context() and session.user:
            emails[session.user.email] = session.user.full_name
        # Creator
        if include_creator:
            emails[self.creator.email] = self.creator.full_name
        # Managers
        if include_managers:
            emails.update((p.principal.email, p.principal.full_name)
                          for p in self.acl_entries
                          if p.type == PrincipalType.user and p.full_access)
        # Chairs
        if include_chairs:
            emails.update((pl.email, pl.full_name) for pl in self.person_links if pl.email)
        # Extra email (e.g. the current value in an object from the DB)
        if extra:
            emails.setdefault(extra, extra)
        # Sanitize and format emails
        emails = {to_unicode(email.strip().lower()): '{} <{}>'.format(to_unicode(name), to_unicode(email))
                  for email, name in emails.iteritems()
                  if email and email.strip()}
        own_email = session.user.email if has_request_context() and session.user else None
        return OrderedDict(sorted(emails.items(), key=lambda x: (x[0] != own_email, x[1].lower())))
Пример #13
    def translator(data):
        # Replace refs when we are in request context.
        context = dict(replace_refs=has_request_context())

        # DOI validation context
        if request and request.view_args.get('pid_value'):
            managed_prefix = current_app.config['PIDSTORE_DATACITE_DOI_PREFIX']

            _, record = request.view_args.get('pid_value').data
            context['recid'] = record['recid']
            if record.has_minted_doi() or record.get('conceptdoi'):
                context['required_doi'] = record['doi']
            elif not record.is_published():
                context['allowed_dois'] = [doi_generator(record['recid'])]
                # Ensure we cannot change to e.g. empty string.
                context['doi_required'] = True

            context['managed_prefixes'] = [managed_prefix]
            context['banned_prefixes'] = \
                ['10.5072'] if managed_prefix != '10.5072' else []

        # Extra context

        # Load data
        result = schema_class(context=context).load(data)
        if result.errors:
            raise MarshmallowErrors(result.errors)
        return result.data
Пример #14
def get_request_info(hide_passwords=True):
    """Gets various information about the current HTTP request.

    This is especially useful for logging purposes where you want
    as many information as possible.

    :param hide_passwords: Hides the actual value of POST fields
                           if their name contains ``password``.

    :return: a dictionary containing request information, or ``None``
             when called outside a request context
    if not has_request_context():
        return None
    return {
        "id": request.id,
        "url": request.url,
        "endpoint": request.url_rule.endpoint if request.url_rule else None,
        "method": request.method,
        "rh": g.rh.__class__.__name__ if "rh" in g else None,
        "user": repr(session.user),
        "ip": request.remote_addr,
        "user_agent": unicode(request.user_agent),
        "referrer": request.referrer,
        "data": {
            "url": _format_request_data(request.view_args, False),
            "get": _format_request_data(request.args, False),
            "post": _format_request_data(request.form, hide_passwords),
            "json": request.get_json(silent=True),
            "headers": _format_request_data(request.headers, False),
Пример #15
def _transaction_ended(session, transaction):
    # The zope transaction system closes the session (and thus the
    # transaction) e.g. when calling `transaction.abort()`.
    # in this case we need to clear the memoization cache to avoid
    # accessing memoized objects (which are now session-less)

    if transaction._parent is not None:
        # we don't care about sub-transactions

    if has_app_context():
        if 'memoize_cache' in g:
            del g.memoize_cache
        if 'settings_cache' in g:
            del g.settings_cache
        if 'global_settings_cache' in g:
            del g.global_settings_cache
        if 'event_notes' in g:
            del g.event_notes
        if 'event_attachments' in g:
            del g.event_attachments
        if 'relationship_cache' in g:
            del g.relationship_cache
    if has_request_context() and hasattr(flask_session, '_user'):
        delattr(flask_session, '_user')
Пример #16
    def validate_doi(self, value):
        """Validate if doi exists."""
        if value and has_request_context():
            required_doi = self.context.get('required_doi')
            if value == required_doi:

            err = ValidationError(_('DOI already exists in Zenodo.'),

                doi_pid = PersistentIdentifier.get('doi', value)
            except PIDDoesNotExistError:

            # If the DOI exists, check if it's been assigned to this record
            # by fetching the recid and comparing both PIDs record UUID
                recid_pid = PersistentIdentifier.get(
                    'recid', self.context['recid'])
            except PIDDoesNotExistError:
                # There's no way to verify if this DOI belongs to this record
                raise err

            doi_uuid = doi_pid.get_assigned_object()
            recid_uuid = recid_pid.get_assigned_object()

            if doi_uuid and doi_uuid == recid_uuid:
            else:  # DOI exists and belongs to a different record
                raise err
Пример #17
def set_best_lang(check_session=True):
    Get the best language/locale for the current user. This means that first
    the session will be checked, and then in the absence of an explicitly-set
    language, we will try to guess it from the browser settings and only
    after that fall back to the server's default.
    from indico.core.config import Config

    if not has_request_context():
        return 'en_GB' if current_app.config['TESTING'] else Config.getInstance().getDefaultLocale()
    elif 'lang' in g:
        return g.lang
    elif check_session and session.lang is not None:
        return session.lang

    # try to use browser language
    preferred = [x.replace('-', '_') for x in request.accept_languages.values()]
    resolved_lang = negotiate_locale(preferred, list(get_all_locales()), aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES)

    if not resolved_lang:
        if current_app.config['TESTING']:
            return 'en_GB'

        # fall back to server default
        resolved_lang = Config.getInstance().getDefaultLocale()

    # As soon as we looked up a language, cache it during the request.
    # This will be returned when accessing `session.lang` since there's code
    # which reads the language from there and might fail (e.g. by returning
    # lazy strings) if it's not set.
    g.lang = resolved_lang
    return resolved_lang
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, cls=None):

        # check for the presence of a request context
        if not has_request_context():

        self._data = []

        # If we're loading a view and have not yet loaded its static dependencies, asynchronously load them
        if cls.__class__.__name__.find('View') != -1:
            folder = cls.__class__.__name__.replace('View', '').lower()

            # if its not in loaded, it hasn't been loaded
            if folder not in session['sajax']['loaded_dep']:
                # css first, /static/css/obt_folder.css
                filepath = self.root+'/static/css/%s%s%s.css' % (self.inc_file_prefix, folder, self.inc_file_suffix)
                if os.path.isfile(filepath):
                    self._data.append({'action': 'load', 'data': url_for('static', filename='css/%s.css' % folder)})

                # first the js file at /static/js/folder/folder.js if it exists
                if os.path.isfile(self.root+'/static/js/%s/%s.js' % (folder, folder)):
                    self._data.append({'action': 'load', 'data': url_for('static', filename='js/%s/%s.js' % (folder, folder))})

                # then all the rest of the js files in /static/js/folder/
                if os.path.isdir(self.root+'/static/js/'+folder):
                    for file in os.listdir(self.root+'/static/js/'+folder):
                        if (file != folder+'.js'):
                            self._data.append({'action': 'load', 'data': url_for('static', filename='js/%s/%s' % (folder, file))})

                # this folder's js files might have defined an object
                self._data.append({'action': 'js', 'data': "if (typeof %s != 'undefined') window.%s = new %s()" % (folder, folder, folder)})
                # The files will be loaded, mark them as such
Пример #19
def get_request_info(hide_passwords=True):
    """Gets various information about the current HTTP request.

    This is especially useful for logging purposes where you want
    as many information as possible.

    :param hide_passwords: Hides the actual value of POST fields
                           if their name contains ``password``.

    :return: a dictionary containing request information, or ``None``
             when called outside a request context
    if not has_request_context():
        return None
    return {
        'id': request.id,
        'url': request.url,
        'endpoint': request.url_rule.endpoint if request.url_rule else None,
        'method': request.method,
        'rh': g.rh.__class__.__name__ if 'rh' in g else None,
        'user': repr(session.user),
        'ip': request.remote_addr,
        'user_agent': unicode(request.user_agent),
        'referrer': request.referrer,
        'data': {
            'url': _format_request_data(request.view_args, False),
            'get': _format_request_data(request.args, False),
            'post': _format_request_data(request.form, hide_passwords),
            'json': request.get_json(silent=True),
            'headers': _format_request_data(request.headers, False),
Пример #20
def _can_access(cls, obj, user, authorized, **kwargs):
    # Grant full access to attachments/folders to certain networks
    if not has_request_context() or not request.remote_addr or authorized is not None:
    ip = unicode(request.remote_addr)
    if any(net.contains_ip(ip) for net in IPNetworkGroup.query.filter_by(attachment_access_override=True)):
        return True
Пример #21
 def filter(self, record):
     if not record.exc_info or not has_request_context():
         return True
     ex = record.exc_info[1]
     if not isinstance(ex, HTTPException):
         return True
     return ex.code in self.include_codes
Пример #22
 def before_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(IndicoSentry, self).before_request()
     if not has_request_context():
     self.client.extra_context({'Endpoint': str(request.url_rule.endpoint) if request.url_rule else None,
                                'Request ID': request.id})
     self.client.tags_context({'locale': set_best_lang()})
Пример #23
 def get_locale(self):
     if has_request_context():
         locale = session.get('locale')
         if locale:
             return locale
         session['locale'] = self.babel_default_locale
         return session['locale']
Пример #24
def _get_current_auth():
    # 1. Do we have a request?
    if has_request_context():
        # 2. Does this request already have current_auth? If so, return it
        if hasattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'current_auth'):
            return _request_ctx_stack.top.current_auth

        # 3. If not, does it have a known user (Flask-Login protocol)? If so, construct current_auth
        if hasattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user'):
            _request_ctx_stack.top.current_auth = CurrentAuth(_request_ctx_stack.top.user)
        # 4. If none of these, construct a blank one and probe for content
            ca = CurrentAuth(None)
            # If the login manager below calls :func:`add_auth_attribute`,
            # we'll have a recursive entry into :func:`_get_current_auth`, so make sure
            # the stack has an empty :class:`CurrentAuth` on it
            _request_ctx_stack.top.current_auth = ca
            # 4.1. Now check for a login manager and call it
            # Flask-Login, Flask-Lastuser or equivalent must add a login_manager
            if hasattr(current_app, 'login_manager') and hasattr(current_app.login_manager, '_load_user'):
            # 4.2. In case the login manager did not call :func:`add_auth_attribute`, we'll
            # need to copy the user symbol manually
            if ca.user is None:
                object.__setattr__(ca, 'user', getattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user', None))

        # Return the newly constructed current_auth
        return _request_ctx_stack.top.current_auth
    # Fallback if there is no request context. Return a blank current_auth
    # so that ``current_auth.is_authenticated`` remains valid for checking status
    return CurrentAuth(None)  # Make this work even when there's no request
    def _add_permissions_filter(self, query, model_class):
        """Filter by the users present in either the `viewers` or `owners`
        # not used from a request handler - no relevant user
        if not has_request_context():
            return query

        # Queries of elements that aren't resources (tenants, users, etc.),
        # shouldn't be filtered
        if not model_class.is_resource:
            return query

        # For users that are allowed to see all resources, regardless of tenant
        is_admin = is_administrator(self.current_tenant)
        if is_admin:
            return query

        # Only get resources that are public - not private (note that ~ stands
        # for NOT, in SQLA), *or* those where the current user is the creator
        user_filter = sql_or(
            model_class.visibility != VisibilityState.PRIVATE,
            model_class.creator == current_user
        return query.filter(user_filter)
Пример #26
def set_best_lang():
    Get the best language/locale for the current user. This means that first
    the session will be checked, and then in the absence of an explicitly-set
    language, we will try to guess it from the browser settings and only
    after that fall back to the server's default.

    if not has_request_context():
        return 'en_GB' if current_app.config['TESTING'] else HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getLang()
    elif session.lang is not None:
        return session.lang

    # try to use browser language
    preferred = [x.replace('-', '_') for x in request.accept_languages.values()]
    resolved_lang = negotiate_locale(preferred, list(get_all_locales()), aliases=LOCALE_ALIASES)

    if not resolved_lang:
        if current_app.config['TESTING']:
            return 'en_GB'

        with DBMgr.getInstance().global_connection():
            # fall back to server default
            minfo = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance()
            resolved_lang = minfo.getLang()

    session.lang = resolved_lang
    return resolved_lang
Пример #27
def after_execute(conn, elt, multiparams, params, result):
    duration = 1000 * (time.time() - conn.info['query_start_time'].pop(-1))
    action = elt.__class__.__name__

    if action == 'Select':
        name = 'unknown'
            name = _table_name_from_select_element(elt)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception('Failed finding table name.')
    elif action in ['Update', 'Insert', 'Delete']:
        name = elt.table.name
        # create/drop tables, sqlalchemy internal schema queries, etc

    action = action.lower()

    statsd_client.timing('db.{}.{}'.format(name, action), duration)
    metrics_logger.debug("table=%s query=%s duration=%.2f", name, action,

    if has_request_context():
        g.setdefault('queries_count', 0)
        g.setdefault('queries_duration', 0)
        g.queries_count += 1
        g.queries_duration += duration

    return result
Пример #28
def get_info_from_file_number(file_number, privileged=False, filename=None):
    if current_user and current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.has_role('admin', 'developer', 'advocate', 'trainer'):
        privileged = True
        if has_request_context() and 'uid' in session:
            uid = session['uid']
            uid = docassemble.base.functions.get_uid()
    #logmessage("get_info_from_file_number: privileged is " + str(privileged) + " and uid is " + str(uid))
    result = dict()
    if privileged:
        upload = Uploads.query.filter_by(indexno=file_number).first()
        upload = Uploads.query.filter(and_(Uploads.indexno == file_number, or_(Uploads.key == uid, Uploads.private == False))).first()
    if upload:
        if filename is None:
            result['filename'] = upload.filename
            result['filename'] = filename
        result['extension'], result['mimetype'] = get_ext_and_mimetype(result['filename'])
        sf = SavedFile(file_number, extension=result['extension'], fix=True)
        result['path'] = sf.path
        result['fullpath'] = result['path'] + '.' + result['extension']
        result['private'] = upload.private
        result['persistent'] = upload.persistent
        #logmessage("fullpath is " + str(result['fullpath']))
    if 'path' not in result:
        logmessage("get_info_from_file_number: path is not in result for " + str(file_number))
        return result
    final_filename = result['path'] + '.' + result['extension']
    if os.path.isfile(final_filename):
        add_info_about_file(final_filename, result)
    # else:
    #     logmessage("Filename " + final_filename + "did not exist.")
Пример #29
def get_request_information():
    Returns a dictionary of contextual information about the user at the time of logging.

        The dictionary.

    information = {}

    if has_request_context():
        information["request"] = {
            "api_endpoint_method": request.method,
            "api_endpoint": request.path,
            "ip": request.remote_addr,
            "platform": request.user_agent.platform,
            "browser": request.user_agent.browser,
            "browser_version": request.user_agent.version,

        if api.auth.is_logged_in():

            user = api.user.get_user()
            team = api.user.get_team()
            groups = api.team.get_groups()

            information["user"] = {
                "username": user["username"],
                "email": user["email"],
                "team_name": team["team_name"],
                "groups": [group["name"] for group in groups]

    return information
Пример #30
def logout_user():
    """Remove the user from the session."""

    #TODO: invalidate token with api
    if has_request_context():
        session.pop('user_id', None)

    g.current_user = AnonymousUser()
Пример #31
 def get_acc_key(self):
     """Generate key for caching authorizations."""
     remote_ip = str(request.remote_addr) if has_request_context() else '0'
     return 'current_user::' + str(self.uid) + '::' + remote_ip
Пример #32
 def _get_request_id(self):
     empty_guid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
     if flask.has_request_context() and hasattr(request, 'environ'):
         return request.environ.get('REQUEST_ID', empty_guid)
         return empty_guid
Пример #33
 def _clear_cache():
     if has_request_context():
         g.pop('global_settings_cache', None)
Пример #34
    'ModelView',  # View base classes
    'requires_roles',  # View decorators
    'InstanceLoader',  # Mixin classes

#: A proxy object that holds the currently executing :class:`ClassView` instance,
#: for use in templates as context. Exposed to templates by
#: :func:`coaster.app.init_app`. Note that the current view handler method within the
#: class is named :attr:`~current_view.current_handler`, so to examine it, use
#: :attr:`current_view.current_handler`.
current_view = LocalProxy(lambda: has_request_context() and getattr(
    _request_ctx_stack.top, 'current_view', None))

# :func:`route` wraps :class:`ViewHandler` so that it can have an independent __doc__
def route(rule, **options):
    Decorator for defining routes on a :class:`ClassView` and its methods.
    Accepts the same parameters that Flask's ``app.``:meth:`~flask.Flask.route`
    accepts. See :class:`ClassView` for usage notes.
    return ViewHandler(rule, rule_options=options)

def viewdata(**kwargs):
Пример #35
def get_form_data(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    slice_id: Optional[int] = None, use_slice_data: bool = False
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Optional[Slice]]:
    form_data: Dict[str, Any] = {}

    if has_request_context():  # type: ignore
        # chart data API requests are JSON
        request_json_data = (
            if request.is_json and "queries" in request.json
            else None


        request_form_data = request.form.get("form_data")
        request_args_data = request.args.get("form_data")
        if request_json_data:
        if request_form_data:
            parsed_form_data = loads_request_json(request_form_data)
            # some chart data api requests are form_data
            queries = parsed_form_data.get("queries")
            if isinstance(queries, list):
        # request params can overwrite the body
        if request_args_data:

    # Fallback to using the Flask globals (used for cache warmup and async queries)
    if not form_data and hasattr(g, "form_data"):
        form_data = getattr(g, "form_data")
        # chart data API requests are JSON
        json_data = form_data["queries"][0] if "queries" in form_data else {}

    if has_request_context():  # type: ignore
        url_id = request.args.get("r")
        if url_id:
            saved_url = db.session.query(models.Url).filter_by(id=url_id).first()
            if saved_url:
                url_str = parse.unquote_plus(
                    saved_url.url.split("?")[1][10:], encoding="utf-8"
                url_form_data = loads_request_json(url_str)
                # allow form_date in request override saved url
                form_data = url_form_data

    form_data = {k: v for k, v in form_data.items() if k not in REJECTED_FORM_DATA_KEYS}

    # When a slice_id is present, load from DB and override
    # the form_data from the DB with the other form_data provided
    slice_id = form_data.get("slice_id") or slice_id
    slc = None

    # Check if form data only contains slice_id, additional filters and viz type
    valid_keys = ["slice_id", "extra_filters", "adhoc_filters", "viz_type"]
    valid_slice_id = all(key in valid_keys for key in form_data)

    # Include the slice_form_data if request from explore or slice calls
    # or if form_data only contains slice_id and additional filters
    if slice_id and (use_slice_data or valid_slice_id):
        slc = db.session.query(Slice).filter_by(id=slice_id).one_or_none()
        if slc:
            slice_form_data = slc.form_data.copy()
            form_data = slice_form_data


    if app.config["SIP_15_ENABLED"]:
        form_data["time_range_endpoints"] = get_time_range_endpoints(
            form_data, slc, slice_id

    return form_data, slc
Пример #36
def _get_user():
    if has_request_context() and not hasattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, _get_endpoint()):
    return getattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, _get_endpoint(), None)
Пример #37
 def save(self, commit=True):
     if has_request_context():
         self._set_user(getattr(request, 'user', None))
     if commit:
Пример #38
def _get_user():
    if has_request_context() and session.avatar:
        return session.avatar
        return AvatarHolder().getById(Config.getInstance().getJanitorUserId())
Пример #39
def trace_id_header_dict() -> Dict[str, str]:
    if has_request_context():
        trace_id = trace_id_header()
        return {Auditor.TRACE_ID_HEADER: str(trace_id)}
    return {}
Пример #40
 def display_full_name(self):
     """Return the full name using the user's preferred name format."""
     if has_request_context():
         return format_display_full_name(session.user, self)
         return format_display_full_name(None, self)
Пример #41
def _event_deleted(event, **kwargs):
    user = session.user if has_request_context(
    ) and session.user else User.get(Config.getInstance().getJanitorUserId())
    for event_vc_room in VCRoomEventAssociation.find_for_event(
            event, include_hidden=True, include_deleted=True):
Пример #42
def get_current_flask_request_id_or_none():
    if flask.has_request_context():
        return flask.request.correlation_id
Пример #43
 def __init__(self, event, management=False, user=None):
     self.management = management
     self.user = user if user is not None or not has_request_context() else session.user
     self.event = event
     self.can_manage_event = self.event.can_manage(self.user)
Пример #44
 def to_python(self, value):
     assert has_request_context()
     return value
Пример #45
 def layout_fn(*args, **kwargs):
     if flask.has_app_context() and flask.has_request_context():
         dash_app._cached_layout = None  # pylint: disable=protected-access
         return layout(dashboards, DASHBOARD_PREFIX)
 def _wrap(*args, **kwargs):
     if not _flask.has_request_context():
         raise RuntimeError('`{0}` method needs a flask/dash request'
                            ' context to run. Make sure to run '
                            '`{0}` from a callback.'.format(func.__name__))
     return func(*args, **kwargs)
Пример #47
def serve_layout():
    if flask.has_request_context():
        return layout_for_page['url_bar_and_content_div']
    return html.Div(list(layout_for_page.values()))
    def emit(self, event, *args, **kwargs):
        """Emit a server generated SocketIO event.

        This function emits a SocketIO event to one or more connected clients.
        A JSON blob can be attached to the event as payload. This function can
        be used outside of a SocketIO event context, so it is appropriate to
        use when the server is the originator of an event, outside of any
        client context, such as in a regular HTTP request handler or a
        background task. Example::

            def ping():
                socketio.emit('ping event', {'data': 42}, namespace='/chat')

        :param event: The name of the user event to emit.
        :param args: A dictionary with the JSON data to send as payload.
        :param namespace: The namespace under which the message is to be sent.
                          Defaults to the global namespace.
        :param to: Send the message to all the users in the given room. If
                   this parameter is not included, the event is sent to all
                   connected users.
        :param include_self: ``True`` to include the sender when broadcasting
                             or addressing a room, or ``False`` to send to
                             everyone but the sender.
        :param skip_sid: The session id of a client to ignore when broadcasting
                         or addressing a room. This is typically set to the
                         originator of the message, so that everyone except
                         that client receive the message. To skip multiple sids
                         pass a list.
        :param callback: If given, this function will be called to acknowledge
                         that the client has received the message. The
                         arguments that will be passed to the function are
                         those provided by the client. Callback functions can
                         only be used when addressing an individual client.
        namespace = kwargs.pop('namespace', '/')
        to = kwargs.pop('to', kwargs.pop('room', None))
        include_self = kwargs.pop('include_self', True)
        skip_sid = kwargs.pop('skip_sid', None)
        if not include_self and not skip_sid:
            skip_sid = flask.request.sid
        callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
        if callback:
            # wrap the callback so that it sets app app and request contexts
            sid = None
            if has_request_context():
                sid = getattr(flask.request, 'sid', None)
            original_callback = callback

            def _callback_wrapper(*args):
                return self._handle_event(original_callback, None, namespace,
                                          sid, *args)

            if sid:
                # the callback wrapper above will install a request context
                # before invoking the original callback
                # we only use it if the emit was issued from a Socket.IO
                # populated request context (i.e. request.sid is defined)
                callback = _callback_wrapper
Пример #49
def patron_owner_permission(record):
    """Return permission to allow owner and librarian to access the record."""
    if not has_request_context():
        # allows performing the actions out of the request context f.e. CLI
        return allow_all()
    return PatronOwnerPermission(record)
Пример #50
 def filter(self, record):
     # Ensure the proxied request is our locked request
     # And the record is created in a request context to begin with
     if not f.has_request_context():
         return False
     return f.request == self._request
Пример #51
 def filter(self, record):
     if not logging.Filter.filter(self, record):
         return False
     # Add request ID if available
     record.request_id = request.id if has_request_context() else '0' * 12
     return True
Пример #52
def request_ip_address():
    assert has_request_context()
    return request.remote_addr
Пример #53
 def filter(self, record) -> bool:
     record.request_id = request_id() if flask.has_request_context() else "-"
     return True
Пример #54
 def _get_api_name(self):
     default = ''
     if flask.has_request_context() and getattr(flask.g, 'apiName', None):
         return flask.g.apiName
         return default
Пример #55
def get_user():
    if has_request_context() and not hasattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user'):

    return getattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user', None)
Пример #56
 def _add_request_id_header(headers):
     if not has_request_context():
         return headers
     headers['X-B3-TraceId'] = request.request_id
     headers['X-B3-SpanId'] = request.span_id
     return headers
Пример #57
        def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
            if has_request_context():
                record.src_ip = request.remote_addr

            return super().format(record)
Пример #58
def circulation_transaction_user_validator(transaction_user_pid):
    """Validate that the given transaction user PID is valid."""
    if has_request_context():
        return transaction_user_pid == str(current_user.id)
        return True
Пример #59
 def filter(self, record):
     # Add our request ID if available
     record.request_id = request.id if has_request_context() else '0' * 16
     return True
Пример #60
 def _add_request_id_header(headers):
     if not has_request_context():
         return headers
     headers['NotifyRequestID'] = request.request_id
     return headers