Пример #1
def get_content_from_response(http_out):

    response = None

    # Read a real flask response
    if isinstance(http_out, WerkzeugResponse):
            response = json.loads(http_out.get_data().decode())
        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Failed to load response:\n{}", e)
            raise ValueError("Malformed response: {}".format(http_out))
    # Or convert an half-way made response
    elif isinstance(http_out, ResponseElements):
        tmp = ResponseMaker(http_out).generate_response()
        response = tmp[0]

    # Check what we have so far
    # Should be {Response: DATA, Meta: RESPONSE_METADATA}
    if not isinstance(response, dict) or len(response) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Malformed response: {}".format(response))

    Response = response.get("Response")
    Meta = response.get("Meta")

    if Response is None or Meta is None:
        raise ValueError("Malformed response: {}".format(response))

    content = Response.get('data')
    err = Response.get('errors')
    code = Meta.get('status')

    return content, err, Meta, code