def addToCart(product_id): try: current_user.get_username() except: return redirect(url_for('user.signin')) if 'cart' in session: cart = session['cart'] else: cart = [] conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute( " SELECT product_id, name, image, description, selling_price, category, status FROM products WHERE product_id=? ", (product_id, )) item = c.fetchone() # Check if product is inactive # If product not active, display error 404 page if item is None or item[6] == "inactive": abort(404) else: cart.append(item) session['cart'] = cart return redirect(url_for('shopping.ShoppingCart'))
def authorize(): ''' This method finds out if the current user is authorized to - - perform the action specified in 'method' header - on the resource specified in 'URI header' The request body and content_type are also required for ths purpose. Note: Because of the @login_required decorator authentication should be already complete using one of the supported methods by the time we reach this method. So, let's just worry about authorizaton. ''' user = current_user.get_username() actas = _find_actas_from_request(request) or current_user.get_username() resource = request.headers.get('URI','') data = request.get_data() content_type = request.headers.get('content-type', '') action = request.headers.get('method', '') if action.lower() in [ "get", "head", "connect", "trace" ]:"Received {} on {} with user acting as {}".format(action, resource, actas)) else: app.logger.warning("Received {} on {} with user acting as {}".format(action, resource, actas)) auth_result = FileAuthorizer().instance.authorize(user=user, act_as=actas, resource=resource, data=data, content_type=content_type, action=action) if not auth_result: if not auth_result.messages: abort(403) else: return json.dumps({'success':False, 'messages':auth_result.messages}), 403, {'ContentType':'application/json'} return json.dumps({'success':True}), 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'}
def reviews(productid): try: current_user.get_username() user = current_user except: user = None reviewsform = Reviews(request.form) conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id=?", (productid, )) product = c.fetchone() c.execute("SELECT * FROM reviews") reviews = c.fetchall() if request.method == "POST" and reviewsform.validate(): c.execute("""INSERT INTO reviews VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", (product[0], user.get_username(), conn.commit() return redirect(url_for('', productid=productid)) return render_template("main/Reviews.html", user=user, product=product, reviews=reviews, form=reviewsform)
def updateAccount(): query = UserAccount.query.filter_by( username=current_user.get_username()).first() form = UpdateAccountDetails(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': #and form.validate() # Update account UserAccount.query.filter_by( username=current_user.get_username()).update({ 'title': request.form['title'], 'firstName': request.form['firstName'], 'surName': request.form['surName'], 'email': request.form['email'], 'phone': request.form['phone'], }) # Commit to DB db.session.commit() # Close connection db.session.close() flash('You successfully updated your account', 'success') return redirect(url_for('call.CoveredCallsResults')) return redirect(url_for('account.myAccount'))
def login(): actas = request.cookies.get(ACTAS_COOKIE_NAME) or request.headers.get( "act_as_user") redirect_url = request.args.get('next', '/') if request.method == 'POST': redirect_url = request.form.get( 'redirect', redirect_url ) # Note: if auth succeeds we re-direct to this else we render it to index.html if auth fails username = request.form.get('user') passw = request.form.get('pass') if username and passw: if (FileAuthenticator().instance.authenticate(username, passw)): session_user = SessionUser.get(username) if session_user: login_user(session_user, remember=True) # if the user can act as only one user, auto update actas actaslist = FileAuthorizer().instance.get_canactas_list( current_user.get_username()) if len(actaslist) == 1: actas = actaslist[0] else: flash( 'Something didn\'t work! Please re-try with the right credentials.' ) return make_response( render_template('index.html', **locals())) else: flash('Authentication failed.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) else: actas = request.form.get('act_as') if current_user.is_authenticated: if not actas: actas = current_user.get_username() if actas in FileAuthorizer().instance.get_canactas_list( current_user.get_username()): # all's well, let's set cookie and redirect resp = make_response(redirect(redirect_url or '/')) resp.set_cookie(ACTAS_COOKIE_NAME, actas, domain=COOKIE_DOMAIN) return resp else: if actas: flash('Not authorized to act as {}.'.format(actas)) actas = None resp = make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) _clear_cookies(resp) return resp else: flash('Authentication required.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) if request.args.get('resetactas', 'false').lower() in ['true', '1', 'yes']: actas = None if not current_user.is_authenticated: flash('Please log in.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals()))
def vouchers(): try: current_user.get_username() user = current_user except: user = None return render_template("shopping/Vouchers.html", user=user)
def About(): try: current_user.get_username() user = current_user except: user = None return render_template("main/About.html", user=user)
def ensure_workspace_is_initialized(): available_workspaces = data_graph.workspaces_for_user( current_user.get_username()) if available_workspaces is None or len(available_workspaces) == 0: new_workspace = data_graph.create_workspace( current_user.get_username(), defaultWorkspaceName(), True) session['workspace_id'] = else: session['workspace_id'] = available_workspaces[0].id
def log_error(error): if current_user and hasattr(current_user, 'get_username'): logger.error(error, USER=current_user.get_username()) if hasattr(error, 'original_exception'): logger.error(error.original_exception, USER=current_user.get_username()) else: logger.error(error) if hasattr(error, 'original_exception'): logger.error(error.original_exception)
def Profile(): try: current_user.get_username() except: abort(404) user = current_user conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM paymentdetails WHERE user_id=? ", (, )) # self define paymentinformation and fetch one and return into payment information variable. paymentinformation = c.fetchone() if paymentinformation: payment_details = PaymentInfo(paymentinformation[1], paymentinformation[2], paymentinformation[3], int(paymentinformation[4])) else: payment_details = PaymentInfo("", "", "", "") payment_form = PaymentOptions(request.form) if request.method == "POST" and payment_form.validate(): conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM paymentdetails WHERE user_id=? ", (, )) result = c.fetchone() if not result: e1 = pyffx.Integer( b'12376987ca98sbdacsbjkdwd898216jasdnsd98213912', length=16) e2 = pyffx.Integer( b'12376987ca98sbdacsbjkdwd898216jasdnsd98213912', length=len(str( encrypted_card_no = e1.encrypt( encrypted_card_CVV = e2.encrypt( c.execute("INSERT INTO paymentdetails VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (,, encrypted_card_no,, encrypted_card_CVV)) conn.commit() conn.close() return redirect(url_for('user.Profile')) else: flash('Only can store 1 card detail') if payment_details.get_full_name() != '': cn = payment_details.get_credit_card_number() e1 = pyffx.Integer(b'12376987ca98sbdacsbjkdwd898216jasdnsd98213912', length=16) cn = e1.decrypt(cn) return render_template("user/Profile.html", user=user, payment_details=payment_details, form=payment_form, cn=str(cn)) return render_template("user/Profile.html", user=user, payment_details=payment_details, form=payment_form)
def edit_list_title(code): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return abort(404) if not List().update_list_title(current_user.get_username(), code, request.form.get('list_name')): return abort(404) return redirect( url_for('main.list_page', user=current_user.get_username(), link_code=code))
def add_many_list_items(code, id): if (not current_user.is_authenticated) or (not List().check_correct_user( current_user.get_username(), code)): return abort(404) Item(list_id=id).add_many(request.form.get('list_items')) return redirect( url_for('main.list_page', user=current_user.get_username(), link_code=code))
def add_list_item(code, id): if (not current_user.is_authenticated) or (not List().check_correct_user( current_user.get_username(), code)): return abort(404) if not Item(item=request.form.get('list_item'), list_id=id).add_item(): return 'Something went wrong' return redirect( url_for('main.list_page', user=current_user.get_username(), link_code=code))
def signInOTP(token): try: current_user.get_username() return redirect(url_for('main.home')) except: user = None s = Serializer('3d6f45a5fc12445dbac2f59c3b6c7cb1', 120) try: # Check if token is valid token = s.loads(token) username = token[0] otp = token[1] expired = False except: expired = True form = OTP(request.form) resetToken = '' if request.method == "POST" and not expired: if == otp: conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?", (username, )) user = c.fetchone() today = str( # Check if password has expired if datetime.strptime(today, "%Y-%m-%d").date() >= datetime.strptime( user[5], "%Y-%m-%d").date(): # Generate Token s = Serializer('3d6f45a5fc12445dbac2f59c3b6c7cb1', 300) # Store username in token for authentication resetToken = s.dumps(user[1]).decode('UTF-8') user = None flash("Your password has expired!", "reset") else: # Sign in user userObj = User(user[0], user[1], user[2], user[3], user[4]) if userObj.get_admin() == 'y': login_user(userObj) return redirect(url_for('admin.admin')) else: login_user(userObj) return redirect(url_for('main.home')) else: flash("Invalid OTP", "error") return render_template("user/OTP.html", user=user, form=form, expired=expired, token=resetToken)
def changeState(taskID): if request.method == 'GET': # Get tasks of the current user taskList = users[current_user.get_username()]["tasks"] # Make sure requested ID is in range if not the case, then redirect if taskID > len(taskList) or taskID < 1: return redirect("/") users[current_user.get_username()]["tasks"][taskID - 1][2] = not taskList[taskID - 1][2] return redirect("/")
def filter_response(): ''' This method filters the response (body) based on the access the current user has. Should typically be called by the proxy (internal) and not from outside. ''' user = current_user.get_username() actas = _find_actas_from_request(request) or current_user.get_username() resource = request.headers.get('URI', '') data = request.get_data() response = FileAuthorizer().instance.filter_response(resource, data, actas) return Response(response=response, status=200, mimetype="application/json")
def filter_response(): ''' This method filters the response (body) based on the access the current user has. Should typically be called by the proxy (internal) and not from outside. ''' user = current_user.get_username() actas = _find_actas_from_request(request) or current_user.get_username() resource = request.headers.get('URI','') data = request.get_data() response = FileAuthorizer().instance.filter_response(resource, data, actas) return Response(response=response, status=200, mimetype="application/json")
def login(): actas = request.cookies.get(ACTAS_COOKIE_NAME) or request.headers.get("act_as_user") redirect_url = request.args.get('next', '/') if request.method == 'POST': redirect_url = request.form.get('redirect', redirect_url) # Note: if auth succeeds we re-direct to this else we render it to index.html if auth fails username = request.form.get('user') passw = request.form.get('pass') if username and passw: if (FileAuthenticator().instance.authenticate(username, passw)): session_user = SessionUser.get(username) if session_user: login_user(session_user, remember=True) # if the user can act as only one user, auto update actas actaslist = FileAuthorizer().instance.get_canactas_list(current_user.get_username()) if len(actaslist) == 1: actas = actaslist[0] else: flash('Something didn\'t work! Please re-try with the right credentials.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) else: flash('Authentication failed.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) else: actas = request.form.get('act_as') if current_user.is_authenticated: if not actas: actas = current_user.get_username() if actas in FileAuthorizer().instance.get_canactas_list(current_user.get_username()): # all's well, let's set cookie and redirect resp = make_response(redirect(redirect_url or '/')) resp.set_cookie(ACTAS_COOKIE_NAME, actas, domain=COOKIE_DOMAIN) return resp else: if actas: flash('Not authorized to act as {}.'.format(actas)) actas = None resp = make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) _clear_cookies(resp) return resp else: flash('Authentication required.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals())) if request.args.get('resetactas', 'false').lower() in ['true', '1', 'yes']: actas = None if not current_user.is_authenticated: flash('Please log in.') return make_response(render_template('index.html', **locals()))
def index(): if current_user.is_authenticated: if session.get('workspace_id') is None: session['workspace_id'] = data_graph.default_workspace_for_user( current_user.get_username()).id session['workspaces'] = [{ 'name':, 'id': } for w in data_graph.workspaces_for_user(current_user.get_username())] return render_template('infrastructure_graph.html') else: return render_template('login.html', form=LoginForm())
def signin(): # Checks if user is logged in try: current_user.get_username() return redirect(url_for('main.home')) except: user = None signin = SignIn(request.form) if request.method == "POST" and signin.validate(): pw_hash = hashlib.sha512( conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?", (, )) user = c.fetchone() # Patched code: Gives ambiguous error message if user is None: flash("Incorrect username or password") else: if user[3] == pw_hash: # Generate OTP digits = "0123456789" otp = "" for i in range(8): otp += digits[math.floor(random.random() * 10)] s = Serializer('3d6f45a5fc12445dbac2f59c3b6c7cb1', 120) # Store username and OTP in token for authentication token = s.dumps([user[1], otp]).decode('UTF-8') # Send Email to user mail.send_message( 'Indirect Home Gym Sign In', sender='*****@*****.**', recipients=[user[2]], body= "Hi {},\n\nYour 8 digit OTP is {}. It will expire in 2 minutes.\n\n If you did not request for this OTP, please reset your password as soon as possible.\n\nCheers!\nIndirect Home Gym Team" .format(user[1], otp)) return redirect(url_for('user.signInOTP', token=token)) else: username = details = f"Failed login attempt with the username of {username}." Loggingtype = "Login" Logging(Loggingtype, details) user = None flash("Incorrect username or password") conn.close() return render_template("user/SignIn.html", form=signin, user=user)
def home(): try: current_user.get_username() user = current_user except: user = None conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(file_directory, "storage.db")) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM products") products = c.fetchall() conn.close() return render_template("main/Home.html", user=user, products=products)
def authorize(): ''' This method finds out if the current user is authorized to - - perform the action specified in 'method' header - on the resource specified in 'URI header' The request body and content_type are also required for ths purpose. Note: Because of the @login_required decorator authentication should be already complete using one of the supported methods by the time we reach this method. So, let's just worry about authorizaton. ''' user = current_user.get_username() actas = _find_actas_from_request(request) or current_user.get_username() resource = request.headers.get('URI', '') data = request.get_data() content_type = request.headers.get('content-type', '') action = request.headers.get('method', '') if action.lower() in ["get", "head", "connect", "trace"]:"Received {} on {} with user acting as {}".format( action, resource, actas)) else: app.logger.warning("Received {} on {} with user acting as {}".format( action, resource, actas)) auth_result = FileAuthorizer().instance.authorize( user=user, act_as=actas, resource=resource, data=data, content_type=content_type, action=action) if not auth_result: if not auth_result.messages: abort(403) else: return json.dumps({ 'success': False, 'messages': auth_result.messages }), 403, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' } return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, { 'ContentType': 'application/json' }
def about(): """Render the abount page for the project Returns: response: the flask response object representing the HTML page """ if current_user.is_anonymous: # redirect to login page if not logged in return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) username = current_user.get_username() email = current_user.get_email() address = current_user.get_address() auth_attributes = get_auth_attributes() auth_user_attributes = auth_attributes[0] if not address: address = auth_user_attributes.get('address', None) phone_number = current_user.get_phone() if not phone_number: phone_number = auth_user_attributes.get('phone_number', None) policies = [] for p in current_user.get_policy(): cur = {'uid': p.get_uid(), 'location': p.get_location(), 'policy_json': p.get_policy_json()} policies.append(cur) print(policies) print(current_user.get_policy()) return render_template("home/about.html", username=username, email=email, address=address, phone_number=phone_number, policies=policies)
def get_jwt(): """Generate jwt of the requested thing with minimal inforamtion in the payload` Args: This method receive arguments from HTTP request body, which must be JSON format containing following properties thing_id (str): uniquely identify the thing description to be deleted Also, user must be logged in for username attribute. Returns: HTTP Response: The response is a jwt in JSON format with corresponding HTTP status code indicating the result if the deletion is performed succesfully, or there is no such thing description in the target directory, the deletion is complete with HTTP status code 200 being returned. Otherwise HTTP status code 400 is returned. """ thing_id = request.args.get('thing_id') username = user.get_username() timestamp = payload = { "thing_id": thing_id, "username": username, "timestamp": timestamp } if not thing_id: return "Invalid input", 400 if not username: return "Please login", 400 encoded_jwt, priv_key, pub_key = generate_jwt(payload) # TODO: save priv_key and pub_key in server jwt_json = payload.copy() jwt_json['encoding'] = str(encoded_jwt) return jsonify(jwt_json), 200
def post_likes(item_id): conn = pymysql.connect(**dbparams) try: with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = 'SELECT likes FROM items WHERE id=%s' cursor.execute(query, (item_id,)) app.logger.debug(cursor._last_executed) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: abort(404) username = current_user.get_username() likes = result['likes'] or '' if len(likes) == 0: likes_str = username else: current_likes_list = likes.split(',') if username not in current_likes_list: current_likes_list.append(username) likes_str = ','.join(list(current_likes_list)) else: likes_str = likes query = 'UPDATE items SET likes=%s WHERE id=%s' cursor.execute(query, (likes_str, item_id,)) app.logger.debug(cursor._last_executed) conn.commit() finally: conn.close() return '', 204
def add_list(): form = CreateListForm() if not form.validate_on_submit(): flash(list(form.errors.values())[0]) return redirect(url_for('main.create_list')) add = List(name=request.form.get('list_name'), user=current_user.get_username(), explore=request.form.get('exploreable'), link_code=List.generate_link_code()).add_list( request.form.get('list_items')) return redirect( url_for('main.list_page', user=current_user.get_username(), link_code=add))
def contact(): form = ContactForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if current_user.is_authenticated: user_id = ObjectId(current_user.get_id()) user_name = current_user.get_username() else: user_id = "Anonymous" user_name = "Anonymous" user_id = ObjectId(current_user.get_id()) send_to_admin(user_name, contact_dict = { "username": user_name, "user_id": user_id, "message":, "datelogged": } db.reports.insert_one(contact_dict) flash(u"You have successfully contacted the website admin", "success") return redirect(url_for("latest")) elif form.errors: print(form.errors) error_message = "You have errors on the form" flash(u"You have errors on the form", "danger") return render_template('contact.html', form=form)
def ledgers_savenew_document(): print("*** ledgers_savenew_document() ***") ledgerdocumentform = LedgerDocumentForm(request.form) print("Yritetään tallentaa uusi tosite tietokantaan") docnum = LedgerDocument.nextDocumentNumber( current_user.get_entity_id(), doc = LedgerDocument(, docnum,,, current_user.get_username(), None, current_user.get_entity_id()) try: db.session().add(doc) db.session().commit() print("Tallennus onnistui") except: ## TÄHÄN VIRHETILANTEEN KÄSITTELY print("Tapahtui virhe lisättäessä tositetta tietokantaan") pass return redirect(url_for("ledgers_index"))
def index(): name = "" if current_user.is_anonymous else current_user.get_username() user_list = [t[0] for t in va_query(db_name, "select username from user")] return render_template('index.html', user_list=user_list, logging=not current_user.is_anonymous, name=name)
def route_get_cascaders_info(): uun = current_user.get_username() return jsonify({ "enabled": flask_redis.sismember("cascaders.users", uun), "tagline": flask_redis.hget("cascaders.taglines", uun), })
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: flash(current_user.get_username() + ', you are already logged in...') return redirect(url_for('home.index')) # Process POST form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): domain = # Never None user_dn = 'uid=' + + ',' + Config.DOMAINS[domain] password = user = None auth_token = User.authenticate(user_dn=user_dn, password=password) if auth_token is not None: user = User(auth_token=auth_token) login_user(user) initialize_user_data() next_page = request.args.get('next') if not next_page or url_parse(next_page).netloc != '': current_packageid = get_active_packageid() if current_packageid: next_page = url_for('home.title', packageid=current_packageid) else: next_page = url_for('home.index') return redirect(next_page) flash('Invalid username or password') return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) # Process GET return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=form)
def delete_list_item(code, list_id, item): if (not current_user.is_authenticated) or (not List().check_correct_user( current_user.get_username(), code)): return abort(404) if not Item().delete_item(list_id, item): return ('', 400) return ('', 204)
def log_usage(action, *args): args = handle_special_cases(action, args) date ='%Y-%m-%d') time ='%H:%M:%S') if current_user and hasattr(current_user, 'get_username'): username = current_user.get_username() current_document = current_user.get_filename() if not current_document: current_document = '' else: username = '' current_document = '' NUM_DATA_COLS = 5 data_cols = [] for i in range(NUM_DATA_COLS): data_cols.append('') i = 0 if args: for arg in args: data_cols[i] = str(arg) i += 1 with open(USAGE_LOG_FILE, 'a') as log: data = ','.join(data_cols) line = f"{date},{time},{username},{action},{current_document},{data}\n" log.write(line)
def get_profile(): info = dict() info["Status"] = 1 info["username"] = current_user.get_username() info["email"] = current_user.get_email() info["age"] = current_user.get_age() info["gender"] = current_user.get_gender() return jsonify(info)
def test_2_login(self): print '' print 'test login/logout process' with print 'get login page' rv ='/login') assert '<form id="login"' in print 'login refused - credentials' rv = self.login('admin', 'default') assert 'Invalid credentials: username is unknown or password is invalid.' in print 'login refused - credentials' rv = self.login('admin', '') assert 'Invalid credentials: username is unknown or password is invalid.' in print 'login accepted - home page' rv = self.login('admin', 'admin') assert '<title>Home page</title>' in print 'login accepted - user attributes' assert current_user.username == 'admin' print 'user:'******'user name:', current_user.get_name() print 'token:', current_user.get_auth_token() print 'username:'******'user role:', current_user.get_role() print 'user picture:', current_user.get_picture() print 'admin:', current_user.can_admin() print 'action:', current_user.can_action() print 'reload home page' rv ='/') assert '<title>Home page</title>' in print 'reload home page' rv ='/?search=test') assert '<title>Home page</title>' in print 'reload home page' rv ='/index') assert '<title>Home page</title>' in print 'refresh header' rv ='/refresh_header') assert 'html_livesynthesis' in print 'refresh livestate' rv ='/refresh_livestate') assert 'livestate' in print 'refresh livesynthesis' rv ='/livesynthesis') assert 'livesynthesis' in print 'logout - go to login page' rv = self.logout() assert '<form id="login"' in
def before_request(): print "IN FILTER WITH PATH %s" % request.path print "CURRENT USER %s" % current_user.get_username() print "ANONYMOUS? %r" % current_user.is_anonymous() banned = Banned.query.filter_by(poster_ip=request.remote_addr) if banned.count() > 0 and not request.path == '/banned' : banned = return redirect(url_for('banned', reason=banned.reason)) return
def register(): form = RegisterForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = User(,, ) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() login_user(user) return redirect(url_for('index')) if current_user.get_id() != None: if (current_user.get_username() == 'don'): return render_template('register.html', current_user=current_user, register_form=form) else: return render_template('permission.html') else: return render_template('permission.html')
def user_details(): username = '' if current_user.is_authenticated: username = current_user.get_username() return jsonify({ 'username': username })