Пример #1
    def get_skip_and_limit(self, params=None):
        Perform validation and return sanitized values for _skip and _limit
        params of the request that's currently being processed.
        max_limit = self.get_max_limit()
        if params is None:
            params = self.params
        if self.paginate:
            # _limit and _skip validation
            if not isint(params.get('_limit', 1)):
                raise ValidationError({
                    '_limit must be an integer (got "%s" instead).' %
            if not isint(params.get('_skip', 1)):
                raise ValidationError({
                    '_skip must be an integer (got "%s" instead).' %
            if params.get('_limit') and int(params['_limit']) > max_limit:
                raise ValidationError({
                    "The limit you set is larger than the maximum limit for this resource (max_limit = %d)."
                    % max_limit
            if params.get('_skip') and int(params['_skip']) < 0:
                raise ValidationError({
                    '_skip must be a non-negative integer (got "%s" instead).'
                    % params['_skip']

            limit = min(int(params.get('_limit', self.default_limit)),
            # Fetch one more so we know if there are more results.
            return int(params.get('_skip', 0)), limit
            return 0, max_limit
Пример #2
    def get_skip_and_limit(self, params=None):
        Perform validation and return sanitized values for _skip and _limit
        params of the request that's currently being processed.
        max_limit = self.get_max_limit()
        if params is None:
            params = self.params
        if self.paginate:
            # _limit and _skip validation
            if not isint(params.get('_limit', 1)):
                raise ValidationError({'error': '_limit must be an integer (got "%s" instead).' % params['_limit']})
            if not isint(params.get('_skip', 1)):
                raise ValidationError({'error': '_skip must be an integer (got "%s" instead).' % params['_skip']})
            if params.get('_limit') and int(params['_limit']) > max_limit:
                raise ValidationError({'error': "The limit you set is larger than the maximum limit for this resource (max_limit = %d)." % max_limit})
            if params.get('_skip') and int(params['_skip']) < 0:
                raise ValidationError({'error': '_skip must be a non-negative integer (got "%s" instead).' % params['_skip']})

            limit = min(int(params.get('_limit', self.default_limit)), max_limit)
            # Fetch one more so we know if there are more results.
            return int(params.get('_skip', 0)), limit
            return 0, max_limit