Пример #1
def bind(app, schedule=True):
        Binding the app to this object should happen before importing the routing-
        methods below. Thus, the importing statement is part of this function.
        :param app: the app for which the performance has to be tracked
        :param schedule: flag telling if the background scheduler should be started
    config.app = app
    # Provide a secret-key for using WTF-forms
    if not app.secret_key:
        log('WARNING: You should provide a security key.')
        app.secret_key = 'my-secret-key'

    # Add all route-functions to the blueprint
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.views import deployment, custom, endpoint, outlier, request, profiler, version, auth
    import flask_monitoringdashboard.views

    # Add wrappers to the endpoints that have to be monitored
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.measurement import init_measurement
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core import custom_graph

    if schedule:

    # register the blueprint to the app
    app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/' + config.link)
Пример #2
def parse_version(parser, header, version):
    Parse the version given in the config-file.
    If both GIT and VERSION are used, the GIT argument is used.
    :param parser: the parser to be used for parsing
    :param header: name of the header in the configuration file
    :param version: the default version
    version = parse_string(parser, header, 'APP_VERSION', version)
    if parser.has_option(header, 'GIT'):
        git = parser.get(header, 'GIT')
            # current hash can be found in the link in HEAD-file in git-folder
            # The file is specified by: 'ref: <location>'
            git_file = (open(os.path.join(git, 'HEAD')).read().rsplit(
                ': ', 1)[1]).rstrip()
            # read the git-version
            version = open(git + '/' + git_file).read()
            # cut version to at most 6 chars
            return version[:6]
        except IOError:
            log("Error reading one of the files to retrieve the current git-version."
    return version
    def run(self):
        # sleep for average * ODC ms
        average = get_avg_endpoint(
            self._endpoint.name) * config.outlier_detection_constant
        self._exit.wait(average / 1000)
        if not self._exit.is_set():
            stack_list = []
                frame = sys._current_frames()[self._current_thread]
            except KeyError:
                log('Can\'t get the stacktrace of the main thread.')
            in_endpoint_code = False
            # filename, line number, function name, source code line
            for fn, ln, fun, line in traceback.extract_stack(frame):
                if self._endpoint.name == fun:
                    in_endpoint_code = True
                if in_endpoint_code:
                        'File: "{}", line {}, in "{}": "{}"'.format(
                            fn, ln, fun, line))

            # Set the values in the object
            self._stacktrace = '<br />'.join(stack_list)
            self._cpu_percent = str(
                psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None, percpu=True))
            self._memory = str(psutil.virtual_memory())
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        """Sets the default values for the project."""
        # dashboard
        self.version = '1.0'
        self.blueprint_name = 'dashboard'
        self.link = 'dashboard'
        self.monitor_level = 1
        self.outlier_detection_constant = 2.5
        self.sampling_period = 5 / 1000.0
        self.enable_logging = False

        # database
        self.database_name = 'sqlite:///flask_monitoringdashboard.db'
        self.table_prefix = ''

        # authentication
        self.username = '******'
        self.password = '******'
        self.security_token = 'cc83733cb0af8b884ff6577086b87909'

        # visualization
        self.colors = {}
            self.timezone = pytz.timezone(str(get_localzone()))
        except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
            log('Using default timezone, which is UTC')
            self.timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC')

        # define a custom function to retrieve the session_id or username
        self.group_by = None

        # store the Flask app
        self.app = None
Пример #5
def parse_version(parser, header, version):
    Parse the version given in the config-file.
    If both GIT and VERSION are used, the GIT argument is used.
    :param parser: the parser to be used for parsing
    :param header: name of the header in the configuration file
    :param version: the default version
    version = parse_string(parser, header, 'APP_VERSION', version)
    if parser.has_option(header, 'GIT'):
        git = parser.get(header, 'GIT')
            # current hash can be found in the link in HEAD-file in git-folder
            # The file is specified by: 'ref: <location>'
            git_head = os.path.join(git, 'HEAD')
            if os.path.isfile(git_head):
                git_file = (open(git_head).read().rsplit(': ', 1)[1]).rstrip()
                # read the git-version
                version_file = os.path.join(git, git_file)
                if os.path.exists(version_file):
                    version = open(version_file).read()
                    # cut version to at most 6 chars
                    return version[:6]
                # Return "dummy" version in case of no git version file found
                log("Folder {} not found, using dummy version: {}".format(
                    git_head, version))
                return version
        except IOError:
            log("Error reading one of the files to retrieve the current git-version."
    return version
def bind(app, schedule=True, include_dashboard=True):
    """Binding the app to this object should happen before importing the routing-
    methods below. Thus, the importing statement is part of this function.

    :param app: the app for which the performance has to be tracked
    :param schedule: flag telling if the background scheduler should be started
    :param include_dashboard: flag telling if the views should be added or not.
    blueprint.name = config.blueprint_name
    config.app = app
    # Provide a secret-key for using WTF-forms
    if not app.secret_key:
        log('WARNING: You should provide a security key.')
        app.secret_key = 'my-secret-key'

    # Add all route-functions to the blueprint
    if include_dashboard:
        from flask_monitoringdashboard.views import (
        import flask_monitoringdashboard.views

    # Add wrappers to the endpoints that have to be monitored
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.measurement import init_measurement
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.cache import init_cache
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core import custom_graph

    if schedule:

    # register the blueprint to the app
    app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/' + config.link)

    # flush cache to db before shutdown
    import atexit
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.cache import flush_cache


    if not include_dashboard:

        def teardown(_):
def get_ip():
    :return: the ip address associated with the current request context
    if config.get_ip:
            return config.get_ip()
        except Exception as e:
            log('Failed to execute provided get_ip function: {}'.format(e))
    # This is a reasonable fallback, but will not work for clients behind proxies.
    return request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
def get_group_by():
    :return: a string with the value
    group_by = None
        if config.group_by:
            group_by = recursive_group_by(config.group_by)
    except Exception as e:
        log('Can\'t execute group_by function: {}'.format(e))
    return str(group_by)
Пример #9
def get_outlier_table(session, endpoint_id, offset, per_page):
    :param session: session for the database
    :param endpoint_id: id of the endpoint
    :param offset: number of items to be skipped
    :param per_page: maximum number of items to be returned
    :return: a list of length at most 'per_page' with data about each outlier
    table = get_outliers_sorted(session, endpoint_id, offset, per_page)
    for idx, row in enumerate(table):
        row.request.time_requested = to_local_datetime(row.request.time_requested)
            row.request_url = row.request_url.decode('utf-8')
        except Exception as e:
        dict_request = row2dict(row.request)
        table[idx] = row2dict(row)
        table[idx]['request'] = dict_request
    return table
Пример #10
    def run(self):
        Continuously takes a snapshot from the stacktrace (only the main-thread). Filters everything before the
        endpoint has been called (i.e. the Flask library).
        Directly computes the histogram, since this is more efficient for performance
        current_time = time.time()
        while self._keeprunning:
            newcurrent_time = time.time()
            duration = newcurrent_time - current_time
            current_time = newcurrent_time

                frame = sys._current_frames()[self._thread_to_monitor]
            except KeyError:
                log('Can\'t get the stacktrace of the main thread. Stopping StacktraceProfiler'
            in_endpoint_code = False
            # filename, line number, function name, source code line
            for fn, ln, fun, line in traceback.extract_stack(frame):
                if self._endpoint.name == fun:
                    in_endpoint_code = True
                if in_endpoint_code:
                    key = (self._path_hash.get_path(fn, ln), fun, line)
                    self._histogram[key] += duration
                if len(fn) > FILENAME_LEN and fn[
                        -FILENAME_LEN:] == FILENAME and fun == "wrapper":
                    in_endpoint_code = True
            if in_endpoint_code:
                self._total += duration

            elapsed = time.time() - current_time
            if config.sampling_period > elapsed:
                time.sleep(config.sampling_period - elapsed)

Пример #11
def bind(app):
        Binding the app to this object should happen before importing the routing-
        methods below. Thus, the importing statement is part of this function.
        :param app: the app for which the performance has to be tracked
    from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.logger import log
    assert app is not None
    global user_app, blueprint
    user_app = app

    # Provide a secret-key for using WTF-forms
    if not user_app.secret_key:
        log('WARNING: You should provide a security key.')
        user_app.secret_key = 'my-secret-key'

    import os
    # Only initialize unit test logging when running on Travis.
    if 'TRAVIS' in os.environ:
        import datetime
        from flask import request

        def log_current_version():
            Logs the version of the user app that is currently being tested.
            home = os.path.expanduser("~")
            with open(home + '/app_version.log', 'w') as app_log:

        def log_start_endpoint_hit():
            Add log_start_endpoint_hit as before_request function that logs the start of the endpoint hit.
            hit_time_stamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            home = os.path.expanduser("~")
            with open(home + '/start_endpoint_hits.log', 'a') as hits_log:

        def log_finish_endpoint_hit(response):
            Add log_finish_endpoint_hit as after_request function that logs the finish of the endpoint hit.
            :param response: the response object that the actual endpoint returns
            :return: the unchanged response of the original endpoint
            hit_time_stamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
            home = os.path.expanduser("~")
            with open(home + '/finish_endpoint_hits.log', 'a') as hits2_log:

            return response
        # Add all route-functions to the blueprint
        import flask_monitoringdashboard.views

        # Add wrappers to the endpoints that have to be monitored
        from flask_monitoringdashboard.core.measurement import init_measurement

    # register the blueprint to the app
    app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix='/' + config.link)
Пример #12
    def init_from(self, file=None, envvar=None, log_verbose=False):
            The config_file must at least contains the following variables in section 'dashboard':
            - APP_VERSION: the version of the app that you use. Updating the version helps in
                showing differences in execution times of a function over a period of time.
            - GIT = If you're using git, then it is easier to set the location to the .git-folder,
                The location is relative to the config-file.
            - CUSTOM_LINK: The dashboard can be visited at localhost:5000/{CUSTOM_LINK}.
            - MONITOR_LEVEL: The level for monitoring your endpoints. The default value is 3.
            - OUTLIER_DETECTION_CONSTANT: When the execution time is more than this constant *
                average, extra information is logged into the database. A default value for this
                variable is 2.5.
            - SAMPLING_PERIOD: Time between two profiler-samples. The time must be specified in ms.
                If this value is not set, the profiler continuously monitors.
            - ENABLE_LOGGING: Boolean if you want additional logs to be printed to the console. Default
            value is False

            The config_file must at least contains the following variables in section 'authentication':
            - USERNAME: for logging into the dashboard, a username and password is required. The
                username can be set using this variable.
            - PASSWORD: same as for the username, but this is the password variable.
            - GUEST_USERNAME: A guest can only see the results, but cannot configure/download data.
            - GUEST_PASSWORD: A guest can only see the results, but cannot configure/download data.
            - SECURITY_TOKEN: Used for getting the data in /get_json_data

            The config_file must at least contains the following variables in section 'database':
            - DATABASE: Suppose you have multiple projects where you're working on and want to
                separate the results. Then you can specify different database_names, such that the
                result of each project is stored in its own database.
            - TABLE_PREFIX: A prefix to every table that the Flask-MonitoringDashboard uses, to ensure
                that there are no conflicts with the user of the dashboard.

            The config_file must at least contains the following variables in section 'visualization':
            - TIMEZONE: The timezone for converting a UTC timestamp to a local timestamp.
                for a list of all timezones, use the following:

                >>> import pytz  # pip install pytz
                >>> print(pytz.all_timezones)

            - COLORS: A dictionary to override the colors used per endpoint.

            :param file: a string pointing to the location of the config-file.
            :param envvar: a string specifying which environment variable holds the config file location

        if envvar:
            file = os.getenv(envvar)
            if log_verbose:
                log("Running with config from: " + (str(file)))
        if not file:
            # Travis does not need a config file.
            if '/home/travis/build/' in os.getcwd():
            log("No configuration file specified. Please do so.")
            parser = configparser.RawConfigParser()

            # parse 'dashboard'
            self.version = parse_version(parser, 'dashboard', self.version)
            self.link = parse_string(parser, 'dashboard', 'CUSTOM_LINK', self.link)
            self.monitor_level = parse_literal(parser, 'dashboard', 'MONITOR_LEVEL', self.monitor_level)
            self.outlier_detection_constant = parse_literal(parser, 'dashboard', 'OUTlIER_DETECTION_CONSTANT',
            self.sampling_period = parse_literal(parser, 'dashboard', 'SAMPLING_RATE', self.sampling_period) / 1000
            self.enable_logging = parse_bool(parser, 'dashboard', 'ENABLE_LOGGING', self.enable_logging)

            # parse 'authentication'
            self.username = parse_string(parser, 'authentication', 'USERNAME', self.username)
            self.password = parse_string(parser, 'authentication', 'PASSWORD', self.password)
            self.security_token = parse_string(parser, 'authentication', 'SECURITY_TOKEN', self.security_token)
            self.guest_username = parse_string(parser, 'authentication', 'GUEST_USERNAME', self.guest_username)
            self.guest_password = parse_literal(parser, 'authentication', 'GUEST_PASSWORD', self.guest_password)

            # database
            self.database_name = parse_string(parser, 'database', 'DATABASE', self.database_name)
            self.table_prefix = parse_string(parser, 'database', 'TABLE_PREFIX', self.table_prefix)

            # visualization
            self.colors = parse_literal(parser, 'visualization', 'COLORS', self.colors)
            self.timezone = pytz.timezone(parse_string(parser, 'visualization', 'TIMEZONE', self.timezone.zone))
            if log_verbose:
                log("version: " + self.version)
                log("username: " + self.username)
        except AttributeError:
            log('Cannot use configparser in python2.7')