Пример #1
def test_verify_hash(in_app_context):
    data = hash_data("hellö")
    assert verify_hash(data, "hellö") is True
    assert verify_hash(data, "hello") is False

    legacy_data = hashlib.md5(encode_string("hellö")).hexdigest()
    assert verify_hash(legacy_data, "hellö") is True
    assert verify_hash(legacy_data, "hello") is False
Пример #2
def get_hmac(password):

    from flask_security.utils import encode_string
    """Returns a Base64 encoded HMAC+SHA512 of the password signed with the salt specified
    by ``PASSWORD_SALT``.

    :param password: The password to sign
    salt = current_app.config.get('PASSWORD_SALT')

    if salt is None:
        raise RuntimeError('The configuration value `PASSWORD_SALT` must '
                           'not be None when the value of `PASSWORD_HASH` is '
                           'set to "%s"' % salt)

    h = hmac.new(encode_string(salt), encode_string(password), hashlib.sha512)
    return base64.b64encode(h.digest())
Пример #3
def test_verify_hash(in_app_context):
    data = hash_data(u'hellö')
    assert verify_hash(data, u'hellö') is True
    assert verify_hash(data, u'hello') is False

    legacy_data = hashlib.md5(encode_string(u'hellö')).hexdigest()
    assert verify_hash(legacy_data, u'hellö') is True
    assert verify_hash(legacy_data, u'hello') is False
Пример #4
def get_hmac(password):

    from flask_security.utils import encode_string
    """Returns a Base64 encoded HMAC+SHA512 of the password signed with the salt specified
    by ``PASSWORD_SALT``.

    :param password: The password to sign
    salt = current_app.config.get('PASSWORD_SALT')

    if salt is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'The configuration value `PASSWORD_SALT` must '
            'not be None when the value of `PASSWORD_HASH` is '
            'set to "%s"' % salt)

    h = hmac.new(encode_string(salt), encode_string(password), hashlib.sha512)
    return base64.b64encode(h.digest())
Пример #5
def test_legacy_hash(in_app_context, data):
    legacy_hash = hashlib.md5(encode_string(data)).hexdigest()
    new_hash = hash_data(data)
    assert legacy_hash == new_hash
Пример #6
def test_legacy_hash(in_app_context, data):
    legacy_hash = hashlib.md5(encode_string(data)).hexdigest()
    new_hash = hash_data(data)
    assert legacy_hash == new_hash