Пример #1
class User(db.Model, UserMixin, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    _password = db.Column('password', db.String(120), nullable=False)
    date_joined = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True),
    lastseen = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True),
    birthday = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True)
    gender = db.Column(db.String(10), nullable=True)
    website = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=True)
    location = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=True)
    signature = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True)
    avatar = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=True)
    notes = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True)

    last_failed_login = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
    login_attempts = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False)
    activated = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)

    theme = db.Column(db.String(15), nullable=True)
    language = db.Column(db.String(15), default="en", nullable=True)

    post_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

    primary_group_id = db.Column(db.Integer,

    posts = db.relationship("Post",
                            primaryjoin="User.id == Post.user_id",

    topics = db.relationship("Topic",
                             primaryjoin="User.id == Topic.user_id",

    primary_group = db.relationship("Group",

    secondary_groups = db.relationship(
        primaryjoin=(groups_users.c.user_id == id),
        backref=db.backref("users", lazy="dynamic"),

    tracked_topics = db.relationship(
        primaryjoin=(topictracker.c.user_id == id),
        backref=db.backref("topicstracked", lazy="dynamic"),

    # Properties
    def is_active(self):
        """Returns the state of the account.
        If the ``ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT`` option has been disabled, it will always
        return ``True``. Is the option activated, it will, depending on the
        state of the account, either return ``True`` or ``False``.
        if flaskbb_config["ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT"]:
            if self.activated:
                return True
            return False

        return True

    def last_post(self):
        """Returns the latest post from the user."""
        return Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == self.id).\

    def url(self):
        """Returns the url for the user."""
        return url_for("user.profile", username=self.username)

    def permissions(self):
        """Returns the permissions for the user."""
        return self.get_permissions()

    def groups(self):
        """Returns the user groups."""
        return self.get_groups()

    def days_registered(self):
        """Returns the amount of days the user is registered."""
        days_registered = (time_utcnow() - self.date_joined).days
        if not days_registered:
            return 1
        return days_registered

    def topic_count(self):
        """Returns the thread count."""
        return Topic.query.filter(Topic.user_id == self.id).count()

    def posts_per_day(self):
        """Returns the posts per day count."""
        return round((float(self.post_count) / float(self.days_registered)), 1)

    def topics_per_day(self):
        """Returns the topics per day count."""
        return round((float(self.topic_count) / float(self.days_registered)),

    # Methods
    def __repr__(self):
        """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database.
        Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests.
        return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.username)

    def _get_password(self):
        """Returns the hashed password."""
        return self._password

    def _set_password(self, password):
        """Generates a password hash for the provided password."""
        if not password:
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password)

    # Hide password encryption by exposing password field only.
    password = db.synonym('_password',
                          descriptor=property(_get_password, _set_password))

    def check_password(self, password):
        """Check passwords. If passwords match it returns true, else false."""

        if self.password is None:
            return False
        return check_password_hash(self.password, password)

    @deprecated("Use authentication services instead.")
    def authenticate(cls, login, password):
        """A classmethod for authenticating users.
        It returns the user object if the user/password combination is ok.
        If the user has entered too often a wrong password, he will be locked
        out of his account for a specified time.

        :param login: This can be either a username or a email address.
        :param password: The password that is connected to username and email.
        user = cls.query.filter(
            db.or_(User.username == login, User.email == login)).first()

        if user is not None:
            if user.check_password(password):
                # reset them after a successful login attempt
                user.login_attempts = 0
                return user

            # user exists, wrong password
            # never had a bad login before
            if user.login_attempts is None:
                user.login_attempts = 1
                user.login_attempts += 1
            user.last_failed_login = time_utcnow()

        # protection against account enumeration timing attacks
        check_password_hash("dummy password", password)

        raise AuthenticationError

    def recalculate(self):
        """Recalculates the post count from the user."""
        self.post_count = Post.query.filter_by(user_id=self.id).count()
        return self

    def all_topics(self, page, viewer):
        """Topics made by a given user, most recent first.

        :param page: The page which should be displayed.
        :param viewer: The user who is viewing the page. Only posts
                       accessible to the viewer will be returned.
        :rtype: flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination
        group_ids = [g.id for g in viewer.groups]
        topics = Topic.query.\
            filter(Topic.user_id == self.id,
                   Forum.id == Topic.forum_id,
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)
        return topics

    def all_posts(self, page, viewer):
        """Posts made by a given user, most recent first.

        :param page: The page which should be displayed.
        :param viewer: The user who is viewing the page. Only posts
                       accessible to the viewer will be returned.
        :rtype: flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination
        group_ids = [g.id for g in viewer.groups]
        posts = Post.query.\
            filter(Post.user_id == self.id,
                   Post.topic_id == Topic.id,
                   Topic.forum_id == Forum.id,
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)
        return posts

    def track_topic(self, topic):
        """Tracks the specified topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be added to the topic tracker.
        if not self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def untrack_topic(self, topic):
        """Untracks the specified topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be removed from the
                      topic tracker.
        if self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def is_tracking_topic(self, topic):
        """Checks if the user is already tracking this topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be checked.
        return self.tracked_topics.filter(
            topictracker.c.topic_id == topic.id).count() > 0

    def add_to_group(self, group):
        """Adds the user to the `group` if he isn't in it.

        :param group: The group which should be added to the user.
        if not self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def remove_from_group(self, group):
        """Removes the user from the `group` if he is in it.

        :param group: The group which should be removed from the user.
        if self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def in_group(self, group):
        """Returns True if the user is in the specified group.

        :param group: The group which should be checked.
        return self.secondary_groups.filter(
            groups_users.c.group_id == group.id).count() > 0

    def get_groups(self):
        """Returns all the groups the user is in."""
        return [self.primary_group] + list(self.secondary_groups)

    def get_permissions(self, exclude=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with all permissions the user has"""
        if exclude:
            exclude = set(exclude)
            exclude = set()
        exclude.update(['id', 'name', 'description'])

        perms = {}
        # Get the Guest group
        for group in self.groups:
            columns = set(group.__table__.columns.keys()) - set(exclude)
            for c in columns:
                perms[c] = getattr(group, c) or perms.get(c, False)
        return perms

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        """Invalidates this objects cached metadata."""
        cache.delete_memoized(self.get_permissions, self)
        cache.delete_memoized(self.get_groups, self)

    def ban(self):
        """Bans the user. Returns True upon success."""
        if not self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            banned_group = Group.query.filter(Group.banned == True).first()

            self.primary_group = banned_group
            return True
        return False

    def unban(self):
        """Unbans the user. Returns True upon success."""
        if self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            member_group = Group.query.filter(Group.admin == False,
                                              Group.super_mod == False,
                                              Group.mod == False,
                                              Group.guest == False,
                                              Group.banned == False).first()

            self.primary_group = member_group
            return True
        return False

    def save(self, groups=None):
        """Saves a user. If a list with groups is provided, it will add those
        to the secondary groups from the user.

        :param groups: A list with groups that should be added to the
                       secondary groups from user.
        if groups is not None:
            # TODO: Only remove/add groups that are selected
            with db.session.no_autoflush:
                secondary_groups = self.secondary_groups.all()
                for group in secondary_groups:

            for group in groups:
                # Do not add the primary group to the secondary groups
                if group == self.primary_group:


        return self

    def delete(self):
        """Deletes the User."""

        return self
Пример #2
class User(db.Model, UserMixin, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "users"
    __searchable__ = ['username', 'email']

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    _password = db.Column('password', db.String(120), nullable=False)
    date_joined = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow())
    lastseen = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow())
    birthday = db.Column(db.DateTime)
    gender = db.Column(db.String(10))
    website = db.Column(db.String(200))
    location = db.Column(db.String(100))
    signature = db.Column(db.Text)
    avatar = db.Column(db.String(200))
    notes = db.Column(db.Text)

    last_failed_login = db.Column(db.DateTime)
    login_attempts = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    activated = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)

    theme = db.Column(db.String(15))
    language = db.Column(db.String(15), default="en")

    posts = db.relationship("Post", backref="user", lazy="dynamic")
    topics = db.relationship("Topic", backref="user", lazy="dynamic")

    post_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

    primary_group_id = db.Column(db.Integer,

    primary_group = db.relationship('Group',

    secondary_groups = \
                        primaryjoin=(groups_users.c.user_id == id),
                        backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'),

    tracked_topics = \
        db.relationship("Topic", secondary=topictracker,
                        primaryjoin=(topictracker.c.user_id == id),
                        backref=db.backref("topicstracked", lazy="dynamic"),

    # Properties
    def is_active(self):
        """Returns the state of the account.
        If the ``ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT`` option has been disabled, it will always
        return ``True``. Is the option activated, it will, depending on the
        state of the account, either return ``True`` or ``False``.
        if flaskbb_config["ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT"]:
            if self.activated:
                return True
            return False

        return True

    def last_post(self):
        """Returns the latest post from the user."""

        return Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == self.id).\

    def url(self):
        """Returns the url for the user."""
        return url_for("user.profile", username=self.username)

    def permissions(self):
        """Returns the permissions for the user."""
        return self.get_permissions()

    def groups(self):
        """Returns the user groups."""
        return self.get_groups()

    def unread_messages(self):
        """Returns the unread messages for the user."""
        return self.get_unread_messages()

    def unread_count(self):
        """Returns the unread message count for the user."""
        return len(self.unread_messages)

    def days_registered(self):
        """Returns the amount of days the user is registered."""
        days_registered = (datetime.utcnow() - self.date_joined).days
        if not days_registered:
            return 1
        return days_registered

    def topic_count(self):
        """Returns the thread count."""
        return Topic.query.filter(Topic.user_id == self.id).count()

    def posts_per_day(self):
        """Returns the posts per day count."""
        return round((float(self.post_count) / float(self.days_registered)), 1)

    def topics_per_day(self):
        """Returns the topics per day count."""
        return round((float(self.topic_count) / float(self.days_registered)),

    # Methods
    def __repr__(self):
        """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database.
        Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests.
        return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.username)

    def _get_password(self):
        """Returns the hashed password."""
        return self._password

    def _set_password(self, password):
        """Generates a password hash for the provided password."""
        if not password:
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password)

    # Hide password encryption by exposing password field only.
    password = db.synonym('_password',
                          descriptor=property(_get_password, _set_password))

    def check_password(self, password):
        """Check passwords. If passwords match it returns true, else false."""

        if self.password is None:
            return False
        return check_password_hash(self.password, password)

    def authenticate(cls, login, password):
        """A classmethod for authenticating users.
        It returns the user object if the user/password combination is ok.
        If the user has entered too often a wrong password, he will be locked
        out of his account for a specified time.

        :param login: This can be either a username or a email address.
        :param password: The password that is connected to username and email.
        user = cls.query.filter(
            db.or_(User.username == login, User.email == login)).first()

        if user:
            if user.check_password(password):
                # reset them after a successful login attempt
                user.login_attempts = 0
                return user

            # user exists, wrong password
            user.login_attempts += 1
            user.last_failed_login = datetime.utcnow()

        # protection against account enumeration timing attacks
        dummy_password = os.urandom(15).encode("base-64")
        check_password_hash(dummy_password, password)

        raise AuthenticationError

    def recalculate(self):
        """Recalculates the post count from the user."""
        post_count = Post.query.filter_by(user_id=self.id).count()
        self.post_count = post_count
        return self

    def all_topics(self, page):
        """Returns a paginated result with all topics the user has created."""

        return Topic.query.filter(Topic.user_id == self.id).\
            filter(Post.topic_id == Topic.id).\
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)

    def all_posts(self, page):
        """Returns a paginated result with all posts the user has created."""

        return Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == self.id).\
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)

    def track_topic(self, topic):
        """Tracks the specified topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be added to the topic tracker.

        if not self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def untrack_topic(self, topic):
        """Untracks the specified topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be removed from the
                      topic tracker.

        if self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def is_tracking_topic(self, topic):
        """Checks if the user is already tracking this topic.

        :param topic: The topic which should be checked.

        return self.tracked_topics.filter(
            topictracker.c.topic_id == topic.id).count() > 0

    def add_to_group(self, group):
        """Adds the user to the `group` if he isn't in it.

        :param group: The group which should be added to the user.

        if not self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def remove_from_group(self, group):
        """Removes the user from the `group` if he is in it.

        :param group: The group which should be removed from the user.

        if self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def in_group(self, group):
        """Returns True if the user is in the specified group.

        :param group: The group which should be checked.

        return self.secondary_groups.filter(
            groups_users.c.group_id == group.id).count() > 0

    def get_groups(self):
        """Returns all the groups the user is in."""
        return [self.primary_group] + list(self.secondary_groups)

    def get_permissions(self, exclude=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with all permissions the user has"""
        if exclude:
            exclude = set(exclude)
            exclude = set()
        exclude.update(['id', 'name', 'description'])

        perms = {}
        # Get the Guest group
        for group in self.groups:
            columns = set(group.__table__.columns.keys()) - set(exclude)
            for c in columns:
                perms[c] = getattr(group, c) or perms.get(c, False)
        return perms

    def get_unread_messages(self):
        """Returns all unread messages for the user."""
        unread_messages = Conversation.query.\
            filter(Conversation.unread, Conversation.user_id == self.id).all()
        return unread_messages

    def invalidate_cache(self, permissions=True, messages=True):
        """Invalidates this objects cached metadata.

        :param permissions_only: If set to ``True`` it will only invalidate
                                 the permissions cache. Otherwise it will
                                 also invalidate the user's unread message
        if messages:
            cache.delete_memoized(self.get_unread_messages, self)

        if permissions:
            cache.delete_memoized(self.get_permissions, self)
            cache.delete_memoized(self.get_groups, self)

    def ban(self):
        """Bans the user. Returns True upon success."""

        if not self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            banned_group = Group.query.filter(Group.banned == True).first()

            self.primary_group_id = banned_group.id
            return True
        return False

    def unban(self):
        """Unbans the user. Returns True upon success."""

        if self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            member_group = Group.query.filter(Group.admin == False,
                                              Group.super_mod == False,
                                              Group.mod == False,
                                              Group.guest == False,
                                              Group.banned == False).first()

            self.primary_group_id = member_group.id
            return True
        return False

    def save(self, groups=None):
        """Saves a user. If a list with groups is provided, it will add those
        to the secondary groups from the user.

        :param groups: A list with groups that should be added to the
                       secondary groups from user.

        if groups is not None:
            # TODO: Only remove/add groups that are selected
            secondary_groups = self.secondary_groups.all()
            for group in secondary_groups:

            for group in groups:
                # Do not add the primary group to the secondary groups
                if group.id == self.primary_group_id:


        return self

    def delete(self):
        """Deletes the User."""

        # This isn't done automatically...

        # This should actually be handeld by the dbms.. but dunno why it doesnt
        # work here
        from flaskbb.forum.models import Forum

        last_post_forums = Forum.query.\

        for forum in last_post_forums:
            forum.last_post_user_id = None


        return self
Пример #3
class User(db.Model, UserMixin, CRUDMixin):
    __tablename__ = "users"
    __searchable__ = ['username', 'email']

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True, nullable=False)
    _password = db.Column('password', db.String(120), nullable=False)
    date_joined = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow())
    lastseen = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow())
    birthday = db.Column(db.DateTime)
    gender = db.Column(db.String(10))
    website = db.Column(db.String(200))
    location = db.Column(db.String(100))
    signature = db.Column(db.Text)
    avatar = db.Column(db.String(200))
    notes = db.Column(db.Text)

    theme = db.Column(db.String(15))
    language = db.Column(db.String(15), default="en")

    posts = db.relationship("Post", backref="user", lazy="dynamic")
    topics = db.relationship("Topic", backref="user", lazy="dynamic")

    post_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

    primary_group_id = db.Column(db.Integer,

    primary_group = db.relationship('Group',

    secondary_groups = \
                        primaryjoin=(groups_users.c.user_id == id),
                        backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'),

    tracked_topics = \
        db.relationship("Topic", secondary=topictracker,
                        primaryjoin=(topictracker.c.user_id == id),
                        backref=db.backref("topicstracked", lazy="dynamic"),

    # Properties
    def last_post(self):
        """Returns the latest post from the user"""

        return Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == self.id).\

    def url(self):
        """Returns the url for the user"""
        return url_for("user.profile", username=self.username)

    def permissions(self):
        """Returns the permissions for the user"""
        return self.get_permissions()

    def groups(self):
        """Returns user groups"""
        return self.get_groups()

    def days_registered(self):
        """Returns the amount of days the user is registered."""
        days_registered = (datetime.utcnow() - self.date_joined).days
        if not days_registered:
            return 1
        return days_registered

    def topic_count(self):
        """Returns the thread count"""
        return Topic.query.filter(Topic.user_id == self.id).count()

    def posts_per_day(self):
        """Returns the posts per day count"""
        return round((float(self.post_count) / float(self.days_registered)), 1)

    def topics_per_day(self):
        """Returns the topics per day count"""
        return round((float(self.topic_count) / float(self.days_registered)),

    # Methods
    def __repr__(self):
        """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database.
        Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests.
        return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.username)

    def _get_password(self):
        """Returns the hashed password"""
        return self._password

    def _set_password(self, password):
        """Generates a password hash for the provided password"""
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password)

    # Hide password encryption by exposing password field only.
    password = db.synonym('_password',
                          descriptor=property(_get_password, _set_password))

    def check_password(self, password):
        """Check passwords. If passwords match it returns true, else false"""

        if self.password is None:
            return False
        return check_password_hash(self.password, password)

    def authenticate(cls, login, password):
        """A classmethod for authenticating users
        It returns true if the user exists and has entered a correct password

        :param login: This can be either a username or a email address.

        :param password: The password that is connected to username and email.

        user = cls.query.filter(
            db.or_(User.username == login, User.email == login)).first()

        if user:
            authenticated = user.check_password(password)
            authenticated = False
        return user, authenticated

    def _make_token(self, data, timeout):
        s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'], timeout)
        return s.dumps(data)

    def _verify_token(self, token):
        s = Serializer(current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
        data = None
        expired, invalid = False, False
            data = s.loads(token)
        except SignatureExpired:
            expired = True
        except Exception:
            invalid = True
        return expired, invalid, data

    def make_reset_token(self, expiration=3600):
        """Creates a reset token. The duration can be configured through the
        expiration parameter.

        :param expiration: The time in seconds how long the token is valid.
        return self._make_token({'id': self.id, 'op': 'reset'}, expiration)

    def verify_reset_token(self, token):
        """Verifies a reset token. It returns three boolean values based on
        the state of the token (expired, invalid, data)

        :param token: The reset token that should be checked.

        expired, invalid, data = self._verify_token(token)
        if data and data.get('id') == self.id and data.get('op') == 'reset':
            data = True
            data = False
        return expired, invalid, data

    def recalculate(self):
        """Recalculates the post count from the user."""
        post_count = Post.query.filter_by(user_id=self.id).count()
        self.post_count = post_count
        return self

    def all_topics(self, page):
        """Returns a paginated result with all topics the user has created."""

        return Topic.query.filter(Topic.user_id == self.id).\
            filter(Post.topic_id == Topic.id).\
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)

    def all_posts(self, page):
        """Returns a paginated result with all posts the user has created."""

        return Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == self.id).\
            paginate(page, flaskbb_config['TOPICS_PER_PAGE'], False)

    def track_topic(self, topic):
        """Tracks the specified topic

        :param topic: The topic which should be added to the topic tracker.

        if not self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def untrack_topic(self, topic):
        """Untracks the specified topic

        :param topic: The topic which should be removed from the
                      topic tracker.

        if self.is_tracking_topic(topic):
            return self

    def is_tracking_topic(self, topic):
        """Checks if the user is already tracking this topic

        :param topic: The topic which should be checked.

        return self.tracked_topics.filter(
            topictracker.c.topic_id == topic.id).count() > 0

    def add_to_group(self, group):
        """Adds the user to the `group` if he isn't in it.

        :param group: The group which should be added to the user.

        if not self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def remove_from_group(self, group):
        """Removes the user from the `group` if he is in it.

        :param group: The group which should be removed from the user.

        if self.in_group(group):
            return self

    def in_group(self, group):
        """Returns True if the user is in the specified group

        :param group: The group which should be checked.

        return self.secondary_groups.filter(
            groups_users.c.group_id == group.id).count() > 0

    def get_groups(self):
        """Returns all the groups the user is in."""
        return [self.primary_group] + list(self.secondary_groups)

    def get_permissions(self, exclude=None):
        """Returns a dictionary with all the permissions the user has.

        :param exclude: a list with excluded permissions. default is None.

        exclude = exclude or []
        exclude.extend(['id', 'name', 'description'])

        perms = {}
        groups = self.secondary_groups.all()
        for group in groups:
            for c in group.__table__.columns:
                # try if the permission already exists in the dictionary
                # and if the permission is true, set it to True
                    if not perms[c.name] and getattr(group, c.name):
                        perms[c.name] = True

                # if the permission doesn't exist in the dictionary
                # add it to the dictionary
                except KeyError:
                    # if the permission is in the exclude list,
                    # skip to the next permission
                    if c.name in exclude:
                    perms[c.name] = getattr(group, c.name)
        return perms

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        """Invalidates this objects cached metadata."""

        cache.delete_memoized(self.get_permissions, self)
        cache.delete_memoized(self.get_groups, self)

    def ban(self):
        """Bans the user. Returns True upon success."""

        if not self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            banned_group = Group.query.filter(Group.banned == True).first()

            self.primary_group_id = banned_group.id
            return True
        return False

    def unban(self):
        """Unbans the user. Returns True upon success."""

        if self.get_permissions()['banned']:
            member_group = Group.query.filter(Group.admin == False,
                                              Group.super_mod == False,
                                              Group.mod == False,
                                              Group.guest == False,
                                              Group.banned == False).first()

            self.primary_group_id = member_group.id
            return True
        return False

    def save(self, groups=None):
        """Saves a user. If a list with groups is provided, it will add those
        to the secondary groups from the user.

        :param groups: A list with groups that should be added to the
                       secondary groups from user.

        if groups is not None:
            # TODO: Only remove/add groups that are selected
            secondary_groups = self.secondary_groups.all()
            for group in secondary_groups:

            for group in groups:
                # Do not add the primary group to the secondary groups
                if group.id == self.primary_group_id:


        return self

    def delete(self):
        """Deletes the User."""

        # This isn't done automatically...

        # This should actually be handeld by the dbms.. but dunno why it doesnt
        # work here
        from flaskbb.forum.models import Forum

        last_post_forums = Forum.query.\

        for forum in last_post_forums:
            forum.last_post_user_id = None


        return self