def test_request_uri_changing_works(self): # The request URI is automatically detected, # but could be changed to something else on each request # Changes should not be preserved throughout different requests though app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() js = helper.get_js() self.assertTrue('Sijax.setRequestUri("/");' in js) helper.set_request_uri('http://something.else/') js = helper.get_js() self.assertFalse('Sijax.setRequestUri("/");' in js) self.assertTrue('Sijax.setRequestUri("http://something.else/");' in js) # Ensure that the changed request uri was valid for the previous request only with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() js = helper.get_js() self.assertTrue('Sijax.setRequestUri("/");' in js) self.assertFalse('Sijax.setRequestUri("http://something.else/");' in js) # Test that a more complex request url (with query string, etc) works with app.test_request_context('/relative/url?query=string&is=here'): app.preprocess_request() js = helper.get_js() self.assertTrue('Sijax.setRequestUri("/relative/url?query=string&is=here");' in js)
def test_upload_callbacks_receive_the_expected_arguments(self): # Upload callbacks should have the following signature: # def function(obj_response, flask_request_files, form_values) # The extension should ensure that the proper arguments are passed import sijax from types import GeneratorType app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) call_history = [] def callback(obj_response, files, form_values): call_history.append(form_values) call_history.append(id(files)) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() helper.register_upload_callback('form_id', callback) func_name = sijax.plugin.upload.func_name_by_form_id('form_id') cls_sijax = helper._sijax.__class__ post = {cls_sijax.PARAM_REQUEST: func_name, cls_sijax.PARAM_ARGS: '["form_id"]', 'post_key': 'val'} helper._sijax.set_data(post) self.assertTrue(helper.is_sijax_request) response = helper._sijax.process_request() self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, GeneratorType)) for r in response: pass expected_history = [{'post_key': 'val'}, id(flask.request.files)] self.assertEqual(expected_history, call_history)
def test_register_callback_works(self): call_history = [] def callback(obj_response): call_history.append('callback') obj_response.alert('test') app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() helper.register_callback('test', callback) # no data, cannot determine request as a sijax request self.assertFalse(helper.is_sijax_request) cls_sijax = helper._sijax.__class__ helper._sijax.set_data({cls_sijax.PARAM_REQUEST: 'test', cls_sijax.PARAM_ARGS: '[]'}) self.assertTrue(helper.is_sijax_request) response = helper.process_request() self.assertEqual(['callback'], call_history) _assert_response_json(self, response)
def test_registering_callbacks_in_a_non_request_context_fails(self): app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) try: helper.register_callback('test', lambda r: r)'Callback registered, but failure was expected!') except AttributeError: # helper._sijax (and flask.g.sijax) pass
def test_json_uri_config_is_used(self): uri = '/some/' app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config['SIJAX_JSON_URI'] = uri helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() js = helper.get_js() self.assertTrue(uri in js)
def test_sijax_helper_passes_correct_post_data(self): # It's expected that SijaxHelper passes `flask.request.form` as post data # in the "on before request" stage app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() self.assertEqual(id(helper._sijax.get_data()), id(flask.request.form))
def test_sijax_helper_object_is_only_bound_to_g_in_a_request_context(self): # Test that not only is the helper object returned # by `init_sijax`, but that during a request, # it's available from `flask.g.sijax` app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() self.assertEqual(id(helper), id(flask.g.sijax)) try: flask.g.sijax'Bound to g in a non-request context!') except AttributeError: pass
def test_process_request_returns_a_string_or_a_flask_response_object(self): # SijaxHelper.process_request should return a string for regular functions # and a Flask.Response object for functions that use a generator (streaming functions) from sijax.response import StreamingIframeResponse app = flask.Flask(__name__) helper = init_sijax(app) with app.test_request_context(): app.preprocess_request() cls_sijax = helper._sijax.__class__ post = {cls_sijax.PARAM_REQUEST: 'callback', cls_sijax.PARAM_ARGS: '[]'} helper._sijax.set_data(post) helper.register_callback('callback', lambda r: r) response = helper.process_request() self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, type('string'))) helper.register_callback('callback', lambda r: r, response_class=StreamingIframeResponse) response = helper.process_request() self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, flask.Response))
sys.path.append(path) from flask import Flask, g, render_template from flaskext.sijax import init_sijax, route app = Flask(__name__) # The path where you want the extension to create the needed javascript files # DON'T put any of your files in this directory, because they'll be deleted! app.config["SIJAX_STATIC_PATH"] = os.path.join('.', os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/js/sijax/') # You need to point Sijax to the json2.js library if you want to support # browsers that don't support JSON natively (like IE <= 7) app.config["SIJAX_JSON_URI"] = '/static/js/sijax/json2.js' init_sijax(app) class SijaxHandler(object): """A container class for all Sijax handlers. Grouping all Sijax handler functions in a class (or a Python module) allows them all to be registered with a single line of code. """ @staticmethod def save_message(obj_response, message): message = message.strip() if message == '': return obj_response.alert("Empty messages are not allowed!")