Пример #1
    def set_password(self,
        """Set a password with the raw password string, or the pre-hashed password.
        If using the raw string, """
        assert hashed_password is None or settings.DEBUG, "Only use hashed_password in debug mode."
        assert raw_password is not None or hashed_password is not None, "Must be passing in raw or hashed password"
        assert not (raw_password is not None and hashed_password
                    is not None), "Must be specifying only one--not both."

        if raw_password:

        if hashed_password:
            self.password = hashed_password

            # Can't save a cached password from a hash, so just make sure there is none.
            # Note: Need to do this, even if they're not enabled--we don't want to risk
            #   being out of sync (if people turn on/off/on the feature

            n_iters = settings.PASSWORD_ITERATIONS_TEACHER_SYNCED if self.is_teacher else settings.PASSWORD_ITERATIONS_STUDENT_SYNCED
            self.password = crypt(raw_password, iterations=n_iters)

            if self.id:
                CachedPassword.set_cached_password(self, raw_password)
Пример #2
    def clean(self):
        facility = self.cleaned_data.get('facility')
        username = self.cleaned_data.get('username', '')
        zone = self.cleaned_data.get('zone_fallback')

        # Don't allow (only through the form) the same username within the same facility, or conflicting with the admin.
        users_with_same_username = FacilityUser.objects.filter(username__iexact=username, facility=facility)
        username_taken = users_with_same_username.count() > 0
        username_changed = not self.instance or self.instance.username != username
        if username_taken and username_changed or User.objects.filter(username__iexact=username).count() > 0:
            self.set_field_error(field_name='username', message=_("A user with this username already exists. Please choose a new username and try again."))

        ## Check password
        password_first = self.cleaned_data.get('password_first', "")
        password_recheck = self.cleaned_data.get('password_recheck', "")
        # If they have put anything in the new password field, it must match the password check field
        if password_first != password_recheck:
            self.set_field_error(field_name='password_recheck', message=_("The passwords didn't match. Please re-enter the passwords."))

        # Next, enforce length if they submitted a password
        if password_first:
            except ValidationError as ve:
                # MUST: The ValidationError constructor sets the error message into a list with
                # `self.messages = [message]` so we get the first message from the list.  It
                # should have assigned the value to `self.message = message` too but maybe on
                # newer Django versions this is fixed.
                message = ''
                if hasattr(ve, 'messages') and isinstance(ve.messages, list) and ve.messages:
                    message = ve.messages[0]
                self.set_field_error(field_name='password_first', message=message)

        elif (self.instance and not self.instance.password) or password_first or password_recheck:
            # Only perform check on a new user or a password change
            if password_first != password_recheck:
                self.set_field_error(field_name='password_recheck', message=_("The passwords didn't match. Please re-enter the passwords."))

        ## Warn the user during sign up or adding user if a user with this first and last name already exists in the facility
        if not self.cleaned_data.get("warned", False) and (self.cleaned_data["first_name"] or self.cleaned_data["last_name"]):
            users_with_same_name = FacilityUser.objects.filter(first_name__iexact=self.cleaned_data["first_name"], last_name__iexact=self.cleaned_data["last_name"]) \
                .filter(Q(signed_by__devicezone__zone=zone) | Q(zone_fallback=zone))  # within the same facility
            if users_with_same_name and (not self.instance or self.instance not in users_with_same_name):
                self.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
                self.data["warned"] = self.cleaned_data["warned"] = True
                msg = "%s %s" % (_("%(num_users)d user(s) with first name '%(f_name)s' and last name '%(l_name)s' already exist(s).") % {
                    "num_users": users_with_same_name.count(),
                    "f_name": self.cleaned_data["first_name"],
                    "l_name": self.cleaned_data["last_name"],
                }, _("If you are sure you want to create this user, you may re-submit the form to complete the process."))
                self.set_field_error(message=msg)  # general error, not associated with a field.

        if self.has_errors():
            return self.cleaned_data
            return super(FacilityUserForm, self).clean()
Пример #3
    def set_password(self, raw_password=None, hashed_password=None, cached_password=None):
        """Set a password with the raw password string, or the pre-hashed password.
        If using the raw string, """
        assert hashed_password is None or settings.DEBUG, "Only use hashed_password in debug mode."
        assert raw_password is not None or hashed_password is not None, "Must be passing in raw or hashed password"
        assert not (raw_password is not None and hashed_password is not None), "Must be specifying only one--not both."

        if raw_password:

        if hashed_password:
            self.password = hashed_password

            # Can't save a cached password from a hash, so just make sure there is none.
            # Note: Need to do this, even if they're not enabled--we don't want to risk
            #   being out of sync (if people turn on/off/on the feature

            n_iters = settings.PASSWORD_ITERATIONS_TEACHER_SYNCED if self.is_teacher else settings.PASSWORD_ITERATIONS_STUDENT_SYNCED
            self.password = crypt(raw_password, iterations=n_iters)

            if self.id:
                CachedPassword.set_cached_password(self, raw_password)
Пример #4
    def clean(self):
        facility = self.cleaned_data.get('facility')
        username = self.cleaned_data.get('username', '')
        zone = self.cleaned_data.get('zone_fallback')

        # Don't allow (only through the form) the same username within the same facility, or conflicting with the admin.
        users_with_same_username = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            username__iexact=username, facility=facility)
        username_taken = users_with_same_username.count() > 0
        username_changed = not self.instance or self.instance.username != username
        if username_taken and username_changed or User.objects.filter(
                username__iexact=username).count() > 0:
                _("A user with this username already exists. Please choose a new username and try again."

        ## Check password
        password_first = self.cleaned_data.get('password_first', "")
        password_recheck = self.cleaned_data.get('password_recheck', "")
        # If they have put anything in the new password field, it must match the password check field
        if password_first != password_recheck:
                    "The passwords didn't match. Please re-enter the passwords."

        # Next, enforce length if they submitted a password
        if password_first:
            except ValidationError as ve:
                # MUST: The ValidationError constructor sets the error message into a list with
                # `self.messages = [message]` so we get the first message from the list.  It
                # should have assigned the value to `self.message = message` too but maybe on
                # newer Django versions this is fixed.
                message = ''
                if hasattr(ve, 'messages') and isinstance(
                        ve.messages, list) and ve.messages:
                    message = ve.messages[0]

        elif (self.instance and not self.instance.password
              ) or password_first or password_recheck:
            # Only perform check on a new user or a password change
            if password_first != password_recheck:
                    _("The passwords didn't match. Please re-enter the passwords."

        ## Warn the user during sign up or adding user if a user with this first and last name already exists in the facility
        if not self.cleaned_data.get(
                "warned", False) and (self.cleaned_data["first_name"]
                                      or self.cleaned_data["last_name"]):
            users_with_same_name = FacilityUser.objects.filter(first_name__iexact=self.cleaned_data["first_name"], last_name__iexact=self.cleaned_data["last_name"]) \
                .filter(Q(signed_by__devicezone__zone=zone) | Q(zone_fallback=zone))  # within the same facility
            if users_with_same_name and (not self.instance or self.instance
                                         not in users_with_same_name):
                self.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
                self.data["warned"] = self.cleaned_data["warned"] = True
                msg = "%s %s" % (
                    _("%(num_users)d user(s) with first name '%(f_name)s' and last name '%(l_name)s' already exist(s)."
                      ) % {
                          "num_users": users_with_same_name.count(),
                          "f_name": self.cleaned_data["first_name"],
                          "l_name": self.cleaned_data["last_name"],
                    _("If you are sure you want to create this user, you may re-submit the form to complete the process."
                    message=msg)  # general error, not associated with a field.

        if self.has_errors():
            return self.cleaned_data
            return super(FacilityUserForm, self).clean()