Пример #1
    def get_cursor(self, create_session_store_db=True):
        db_name = config.get('session_store_db', 'session_store')
            con = db_connect(db_name)
            cr = con.cursor()
            if not create_session_store_db:
            with closing(db_connect('postgres').cursor()) as cr:
                cr.autocommit(True)  # avoid transaction block
                    """CREATE DATABASE "%s" ENCODING 'unicode' TEMPLATE "%s" """
                    % (db_name, config['db_template']))
            return self.get_cursor(create_session_store_db=False)

            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sessionstore (
              id varchar(40),
              data bytea

        return cr
Пример #2
    def test_00_payment_advice_flow(self):
        # I create a new Payment Advice with NEFT Transaction Enable
        payment_advice = self.Advice.create({
            'name': 'NEFT Advice',
            'bank_id': self.bank_1.id,
            'line_ids': [(0, 0, {
                    'employee_id': self.employee_fp.id,
                    'name': '90125452552',
                    'ifsc_code': 'abn45215145',
                    'bysal': 25000.00,
                }), (0, 0, {
                    'employee_id': self.employee_al.id,
                    'name': '00014521111232',
                    'ifsc_code': 'sbi45452145',
                    'bysal': 20000.00,

        # I check that the Payment Advice is in "Draft"
        self.assertEqual(payment_advice.state, 'draft')

        # Now I confirm Payment Advice

        # I check that the Payment Advice state is "Confirmed"
        self.assertEqual(payment_advice.state, 'confirm')

        # In order to test the PDF report defined on a Payment Advice, we will print a Print Advice Report when NEFT is checked
        data, data_format = self.env.ref('l10n_in_hr_payroll.payroll_advice').render(payment_advice.ids)
        if config.get('test_report_directory'):
            open(os.path.join(config['test_report_directory'], 'l10n_in_hr_payroll_summary_report' + data_format), 'wb+').write(data)
Пример #3
 def _geoip_setup_resolver(cls):
     # Lazy init of GeoIP resolver
     if flectra._geoip_resolver is not None:
     geofile = config.get('geoip_database')
         flectra._geoip_resolver = GeoIPResolver.open(geofile) or False
     except Exception as e:
         _logger.warning('Cannot load GeoIP: %s', ustr(e))
Пример #4
    def _import_image_by_url(self, url, session, field, line_number):
        """ Imports an image by URL

        :param str url: the original field value
        :param requests.Session session:
        :param str field: name of the field (for logging/debugging)
        :param int line_number: 0-indexed line number within the imported file (for logging/debugging)
        :return: the replacement value
        :rtype: bytes
        maxsize = int(config.get("import_image_maxbytes", DEFAULT_IMAGE_MAXBYTES))
        _logger.debug("Trying to import image from URL: %s into field %s, at line %s" % (url, field, line_number))
            response = session.get(url, timeout=int(config.get("import_image_timeout", DEFAULT_IMAGE_TIMEOUT)))

            if response.headers.get('Content-Length') and int(response.headers['Content-Length']) > maxsize:
                raise ValueError(_("File size exceeds configured maximum (%s bytes)", maxsize))

            content = bytearray()
            for chunk in response.iter_content(DEFAULT_IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE):
                content += chunk
                if len(content) > maxsize:
                    raise ValueError(_("File size exceeds configured maximum (%s bytes)", maxsize))

            image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(content))
            w, h = image.size
            if w * h > 42e6:  # Nokia Lumia 1020 photo resolution
                raise ValueError(
                    u"Image size excessive, imported images must be smaller "
                    u"than 42 million pixel")

            return base64.b64encode(content)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError(_("Could not retrieve URL: %(url)s [%(field_name)s: L%(line_number)d]: %(error)s") % {
                'url': url,
                'field_name': field,
                'line_number': line_number + 1,
                'error': e
Пример #5
    def _get_sys_logs(self):
        Utility method to send a publisher warranty get logs messages.
        msg = self._get_message()
        arguments = {'arg0': ustr(msg), "action": "update"}

        url = config.get("publisher_warranty_url")

        r = requests.post(url, data=arguments, timeout=30)
        return literal_eval(r.text)
Пример #6
 def registries(cls):
     """ A mapping from database names to registries. """
     size = config.get('registry_lru_size', None)
     if not size:
         # Size the LRU depending of the memory limits
         if os.name != 'posix':
             # cannot specify the memory limit soft on windows...
             size = 42
             # A registry takes 10MB of memory on average, so we reserve
             # 10Mb (registry) + 5Mb (working memory) per registry
             avgsz = 15 * 1024 * 1024
             size = int(config['limit_memory_soft'] / avgsz)
     return LRU(size)
Пример #7
 def _geoip_setup_resolver(cls):
     # Lazy init of GeoIP resolver
     if flectra._geoip_resolver is not None:
         import GeoIP
         # updated database can be downloaded on MaxMind website
         # http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/install/city/
         geofile = config.get('geoip_database')
         if os.path.exists(geofile):
             flectra._geoip_resolver = GeoIP.open(geofile, GeoIP.GEOIP_STANDARD)
             flectra._geoip_resolver = False
             _logger.warning('GeoIP database file %r does not exists, apt-get install geoip-database-contrib or download it from http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/install/city/', geofile)
     except ImportError:
         flectra._geoip_resolver = False
Пример #8
    def _parse_import_data_recursive(self, model, prefix, data, import_fields, options):
        # Get fields of type date/datetime
        all_fields = self.env[model].fields_get()
        for name, field in all_fields.items():
            name = prefix + name
            if field['type'] in ('date', 'datetime') and name in import_fields:
                index = import_fields.index(name)
                self._parse_date_from_data(data, index, name, field['type'], options)
            # Check if the field is in import_field and is a relational (followed by /)
            # Also verify that the field name exactly match the import_field at the correct level.
            elif any(name + '/' in import_field and name == import_field.split('/')[prefix.count('/')] for import_field in import_fields):
                # Recursive call with the relational as new model and add the field name to the prefix
                self._parse_import_data_recursive(field['relation'], name + '/', data, import_fields, options)
            elif field['type'] in ('float', 'monetary') and name in import_fields:
                # Parse float, sometimes float values from file have currency symbol or () to denote a negative value
                # We should be able to manage both case
                index = import_fields.index(name)
                self._parse_float_from_data(data, index, name, options)
            elif field['type'] == 'binary' and field.get('attachment') and any(f in name for f in IMAGE_FIELDS) and name in import_fields:
                index = import_fields.index(name)

                with requests.Session() as session:
                    session.stream = True

                    for num, line in enumerate(data):
                        if re.match(config.get("import_image_regex", DEFAULT_IMAGE_REGEX), line[index]):
                            if not self.env.user._can_import_remote_urls():
                                raise AccessError(_("You can not import images via URL, check with your administrator or support for the reason."))

                            line[index] = self._import_image_by_url(line[index], session, name, num)
                                base64.b64decode(line[index], validate=True)
                            except binascii.Error:
                                raise ValueError(_("Found invalid image data, images should be imported as either URLs or base64-encoded data."))

        return data
Пример #9
import uuid
import logging

from flectra import api, fields, models
from flectra.tools import config, ormcache, mute_logger, pycompat

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
A dictionary holding some configuration parameters to be initialized when the database is created.
_default_parameters = {
    "database.secret": lambda: pycompat.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
    "database.uuid": lambda: pycompat.text_type(uuid.uuid1()),
    "database.create_date": fields.Datetime.now,
    "web.base.url": lambda: "http://localhost:%s" % config.get('http_port'),
    "base_setup.send_statistics": lambda: "true",

class IrConfigParameter(models.Model):
    """Per-database storage of configuration key-value pairs."""
    _name = 'ir.config_parameter'
    _rec_name = 'key'

    key = fields.Char(required=True, index=True)
    value = fields.Text(required=True)

    _sql_constraints = [('key_uniq', 'unique (key)', 'Key must be unique.')]

Пример #10
    def test_00_payslip_flow(self):
        """ Testing payslip flow and report printing """
        # I create an employee Payslip
        richard_payslip = self.env['hr.payslip'].create({
            'Payslip of Richard',

        payslip_input = self.env['hr.payslip.input'].search([
            ('payslip_id', '=', richard_payslip.id)
        # I assign the amount to Input data
        payslip_input.write({'amount': 5.0})

        # I verify the payslip is in draft state
        self.assertEqual(richard_payslip.state, 'draft', 'State not changed!')

        context = {
            "lang": "en_US",
            "tz": False,
            "active_model": "ir.ui.menu",
            "department_id": False,
            "section_id": False,
            "active_ids": [self.ref("hr_payroll.menu_department_tree")],
            "active_id": self.ref("hr_payroll.menu_department_tree")
        # I click on 'Compute Sheet' button on payslip

        # Then I click on the 'Confirm' button on payslip

        # I verify that the payslip is in done state
        self.assertEqual(richard_payslip.state, 'done', 'State not changed!')

        # I want to check refund payslip so I click on refund button.

        # I check on new payslip Credit Note is checked or not.
        payslip_refund = self.env['hr.payslip'].search([
            ('name', 'like', 'Refund: ' + richard_payslip.name),
            ('credit_note', '=', True)
        self.assertTrue(bool(payslip_refund), "Payslip not refunded!")

        # I want to generate a payslip from Payslip run.
        payslip_run = self.env['hr.payslip.run'].create({
            'Payslip for Employee'

        # I create record for generating the payslip for this Payslip run.

        payslip_employee = self.env['hr.payslip.employees'].create(
            {'employee_ids': [(4, self.richard_emp.id)]})

        # I generate the payslip by clicking on Generat button wizard.

        # I open Contribution Register and from there I print the Payslip Lines report.

        # I print the payslip report
        data, data_format = self.env.ref(
        if config.get('test_report_directory'):
                             'hr_payroll-payslip.' + data_format),

        # I print the payslip details report
        data, data_format = self.env.ref(
        if config.get('test_report_directory'):
                             'hr_payroll-payslipdetails.' + data_format),

        # I print the contribution register report
        context = {
            'model': 'hr.contribution.register',
            'active_ids': [self.ref('hr_payroll.hr_houserent_register')]