Пример #1
    def _convert_import_data(self, fields, options):
        """ Extracts the input BaseModel and fields list (with
            ``False``-y placeholders for fields to *not* import) into a
            format Model.import_data can use: a fields list without holes
            and the precisely matching data matrix

            :param list(str|bool): fields
            :returns: (data, fields)
            :rtype: (list(list(str)), list(str))
            :raises ValueError: in case the import data could not be converted
        # Get indices for non-empty fields
        indices = [index for index, field in enumerate(fields) if field]
        if not indices:
            raise ValueError(_("You must configure at least one field to import"))
        # If only one index, itemgetter will return an atom rather
        # than a 1-tuple
        if len(indices) == 1:
            mapper = lambda row: [row[indices[0]]]
            mapper = operator.itemgetter(*indices)
        # Get only list of actually imported fields
        import_fields = [f for f in fields if f]

        rows_to_import = self._read_file(options)
        if options.get('headers'):
            rows_to_import = itertools.islice(rows_to_import, 1, None)
        data = [
            list(row) for row in pycompat.imap(mapper, rows_to_import)
            # don't try inserting completely empty rows (e.g. from
            # filtering out o2m fields)
            if any(row)

        return data, import_fields
Пример #2
 def _read_xls_book(self, book):
     sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
     # emulate Sheet.get_rows for pre-0.9.4
     for row in pycompat.imap(sheet.row, range(sheet.nrows)):
         values = []
         for cell in row:
             if cell.ctype is xlrd.XL_CELL_NUMBER:
                 is_float = cell.value % 1 != 0.0
                     if is_float
                     else pycompat.text_type(int(cell.value))
             elif cell.ctype is xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
                 is_datetime = cell.value % 1 != 0.0
                 # emulate xldate_as_datetime for pre-0.9.3
                 dt = datetime.datetime(*xlrd.xldate.xldate_as_tuple(cell.value, book.datemode))
                     if is_datetime
                     else dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
             elif cell.ctype is xlrd.XL_CELL_BOOLEAN:
                 values.append(u'True' if cell.value else u'False')
             elif cell.ctype is xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR:
                 raise ValueError(
                     _("Error cell found while reading XLS/XLSX file: %s") %
                         cell.value, "unknown error code %s" % cell.value)
         if any(x for x in values if x.strip()):
             yield values
Пример #3
    def record_to_html(self, record, field_name, options):
        assert options['tagName'] != 'img',\
            "Oddly enough, the root tag of an image field can not be img. " \
            "That is because the image goes into the tag, or it gets the " \
            "hose again."

        if options.get('qweb_img_raw_data', False):
            return super(Image, self).record_to_html(record, field_name,

        aclasses = ['img', 'img-responsive'] if options.get(
            'qweb_img_responsive', True) else ['img']
        aclasses += options.get('class', '').split()
        classes = ' '.join(pycompat.imap(escape, aclasses))

        max_size = None
        if options.get('resize'):
            max_size = options.get('resize')
            max_width, max_height = options.get('max_width', 0), options.get(
                'max_height', 0)
            if max_width or max_height:
                max_size = '%sx%s' % (max_width, max_height)

        sha = hashlib.sha1(getattr(
            record, '__last_update').encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[0:7]
        max_size = '' if max_size is None else '/%s' % max_size
        src = '/web/image/%s/%s/%s%s?unique=%s' % (record._name, record.id,
                                                   field_name, max_size, sha)

        alt = None
        if options.get('alt-field') and getattr(record, options['alt-field'],
            alt = escape(record[options['alt-field']])
        elif options.get('alt'):
            alt = options['alt']

        src_zoom = None
        if options.get('zoom') and getattr(record, options['zoom'], None):
            src_zoom = '/web/image/%s/%s/%s%s?unique=%s' % (
                record._name, record.id, options['zoom'], max_size, sha)
        elif options.get('zoom'):
            src_zoom = options['zoom']

        img = '<img class="%s" src="%s" style="%s"%s%s/>' % \
            (classes, src, options.get('style', ''), ' alt="%s"' % alt if alt else '', ' data-zoom="1" data-zoom-image="%s"' % src_zoom if src_zoom else '')
        return pycompat.to_text(img)
Пример #4
    def record_to_html(self, record, field_name, options):
        assert options['tagName'] != 'img',\
            "Oddly enough, the root tag of an image field can not be img. " \
            "That is because the image goes into the tag, or it gets the " \
            "hose again."

        if options.get('qweb_img_raw_data', False):
            return super(Image, self).record_to_html(record, field_name,

        aclasses = ['img', 'img-responsive'] if options.get(
            'qweb_img_responsive', True) else ['img']
        aclasses += options.get('class', '').split()
        classes = ' '.join(pycompat.imap(escape, aclasses))

        max_size = None
        if options.get('resize'):
            max_size = options.get('resize')
            max_width, max_height = options.get('max_width', 0), options.get(
                'max_height', 0)
            if max_width or max_height:
                max_size = '%sx%s' % (max_width, max_height)

        sha = hashlib.sha1(getattr(
            record, '__last_update').encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[0:7]
        max_size = '' if max_size is None else '/%s' % max_size
        src = '/web/image/%s/%s/%s%s?unique=%s' % (record._name, record.id,
                                                   field_name, max_size, sha)

        alt = None
        if options.get('alt-field') and getattr(record, options['alt-field'],
            alt = escape(record[options['alt-field']])
        elif options.get('alt'):
            alt = options['alt']

        src_zoom = None
        if options.get('zoom') and getattr(record, options['zoom'], None):
            src_zoom = '/web/image/%s/%s/%s%s?unique=%s' % (
                record._name, record.id, options['zoom'], max_size, sha)
        elif options.get('zoom'):
            src_zoom = options['zoom']

        atts = OrderedDict()
        atts["src"] = src
        atts["class"] = classes
        atts["style"] = options.get('style')
        atts["alt"] = alt
        atts["data-zoom"] = src_zoom and u'1' or None
        atts["data-zoom-image"] = src_zoom

        atts = self.env['ir.qweb']._post_processing_att(
            'img', atts, options.get('template_options'))

        img = ['<img']
        for name, value in atts.items():
            if value:
                img.append(' ')

        return u''.join(img)