Пример #1
    def get(self, show_id, session):
        """ Get episodes by show ID """
        args = episode_parser.parse_args()

        # Pagination and sorting params
        page = args['page']
        per_page = args['per_page']
        sort_order = args['order']

        # Handle max size limit
        if per_page > 100:
            per_page = 100

        descending = sort_order == 'desc'

        start = per_page * (page - 1)
        stop = start + per_page

        kwargs = {
            'start': start,
            'stop': stop,
            'descending': descending,
            'session': session

            show = series.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NotFoundError('show with ID %s not found' % show_id)

        total_items = series.show_episodes(show, count=True, session=session)

        if not total_items:
            return jsonify([])

        episodes = [episode.to_dict() for episode in series.show_episodes(show, **kwargs)]

        total_pages = int(ceil(total_items / float(per_page)))

        if total_pages < page and total_pages != 0:
            raise NotFoundError('page %s does not exist' % page)

        # Actual results in page
        actual_size = min(per_page, len(episodes))

        # Get pagination headers
        pagination = pagination_headers(total_pages, total_items, actual_size, request)

        # Created response
        rsp = jsonify(episodes)

        # Add link header to response

        # Add series ID header
        rsp.headers.extend({'Series-ID': show_id})
        return rsp
Пример #2
    def get(self, show_id, session):
        """ Get episodes by show ID """
        args = episode_parser.parse_args()
        page = args['page']
        page_size = args['page_size']

        # Handle max size limit
        if page_size > 100:
            page_size = 100

        order = args['order']
        # In case the default 'desc' order was received
        if order == 'desc':
            order = True
            order = False

        start = page_size * (page - 1)
        stop = start + page_size

        kwargs = {
            'start': start,
            'stop': stop,
            'descending': order,
            'session': session

            show = series.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            return {
                'status': 'error',
                'message': 'Show with ID %s not found' % show_id
            }, 404
        count = series.show_episodes(show, count=True, session=session)
        episodes = [
            for episode in series.show_episodes(show, **kwargs)
        pages = int(ceil(count / float(page_size)))

        if page > pages and pages != 0:
            return {
                'status': 'error',
                'message': 'page does not exist' % show_id
            }, 500

        return jsonify({
            'show': show.name,
            'show_id': show_id,
            'number_of_episodes': len(episodes),
            'episodes': episodes,
            'total_number_of_episodes': count,
            'page': page,
            'total_number_of_pages': pages
Пример #3
    def get(self, show_id, session):
        """ Get episodes by show ID """
        args = episode_parser.parse_args()
        page = args['page']
        page_size = args['page_size']

        # Handle max size limit
        if page_size > 100:
            page_size = 100

        order = args['order']
        # In case the default 'desc' order was received
        if order == 'desc':
            order = True
            order = False

        start = page_size * (page - 1)
        stop = start + page_size

        kwargs = {
            'start': start,
            'stop': stop,
            'descending': order,
            'session': session

            show = series.show_by_id(show_id, session=session)
        except NoResultFound:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Show with ID %s not found' % show_id
                    }, 404
        count = series.show_episodes(show, count=True, session=session)
        episodes = [get_episode_details(episode) for episode in series.show_episodes(show, **kwargs)]
        pages = int(ceil(count / float(page_size)))

        if page > pages and pages != 0:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'page does not exist' % show_id
                    }, 500

        return jsonify({'show': show.name,
                        'show_id': show_id,
                        'number_of_episodes': len(episodes),
                        'episodes': episodes,
                        'total_number_of_episodes': count,
                        'page': page,
                        'total_number_of_pages': pages})
Пример #4
def display_details(name):
    """Display detailed series information, ie. series show NAME"""
    with Session() as session:
        name = normalize_series_name(name)
        # Sort by length of name, so that partial matches always show shortest matching title
        matches = shows_by_name(name, session=session)
        if not matches:
            console('ERROR: Unknown series `%s`' % name)
        # Pick the best matching series
        series = matches[0]
        console('Showing results for `%s`.' % series.name)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            console('WARNING: Multiple series match to `%s`.' % name)
            console('Be more specific to see the results of other matches:')
            for s in matches[1:]:
                console(' - %s' % s.name)

        console(' %-63s%-15s' % ('Identifier, Title', 'Quality'))
        console('-' * 79)

        episodes = show_episodes(series, session=session)
        for episode in episodes:

            if episode.identifier is None:
                console(' None <--- Broken!')
                console(' %s (%s) - %s' % (episode.identifier, episode.identified_by or 'N/A', episode.age))

            for release in episode.releases:
                status = release.quality.name
                title = release.title
                if len(title) > 55:
                    title = title[:55] + '...'
                if release.proper_count > 0:
                    status += '-proper'
                    if release.proper_count > 1:
                        status += str(release.proper_count)
                if release.downloaded:
                    console('  * %-60s%-15s' % (title, status))
                    console('    %-60s%-15s' % (title, status))

        console('-' * 79)
        console(' * = downloaded')
        if not series.identified_by:
            console(' Series plugin is still learning which episode numbering mode is ')
            console(' correct for this series (identified_by: auto).')
            console(' Few duplicate downloads can happen with different numbering schemes')
            console(' during this time.')
            console(' Series uses `%s` mode to identify episode numbering (identified_by).' % series.identified_by)
        console(' See option `identified_by` for more information.')
        if series.begin:
            console(' Begin episode for this series set to `%s`.' % series.begin.identifier)
Пример #5
def display_details(name):
    """Display detailed series information, ie. series show NAME"""
    with Session() as session:
        name = normalize_series_name(name)
        # Sort by length of name, so that partial matches always show shortest matching title
        matches = shows_by_name(name, session=session)
        if not matches:
            console('ERROR: Unknown series `%s`' % name)
        # Pick the best matching series
        series = matches[0]
        console('Showing results for `%s`.' % series.name)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            console('WARNING: Multiple series match to `%s`.' % name)
            console('Be more specific to see the results of other matches:')
            for s in matches[1:]:
                console(' - %s' % s.name)

        console(' %-63s%-15s' % ('Identifier, Title', 'Quality'))
        console('-' * 79)

        episodes = show_episodes(series, session=session)
        for episode in episodes:

            if episode.identifier is None:
                console(' None <--- Broken!')
                console(' %s (%s) - %s' % (episode.identifier, episode.identified_by or 'N/A', episode.age))

            for release in episode.releases:
                status = release.quality.name
                title = release.title
                if len(title) > 55:
                    title = title[:55] + '...'
                if release.proper_count > 0:
                    status += '-proper'
                    if release.proper_count > 1:
                        status += str(release.proper_count)
                if release.downloaded:
                    console('  * %-60s%-15s' % (title, status))
                    console('    %-60s%-15s' % (title, status))

        console('-' * 79)
        console(' * = downloaded')
        if not series.identified_by:
            console(' Series plugin is still learning which episode numbering mode is ')
            console(' correct for this series (identified_by: auto).')
            console(' Few duplicate downloads can happen with different numbering schemes')
            console(' during this time.')
            console(' Series uses `%s` mode to identify episode numbering (identified_by).' % series.identified_by)
        console(' See option `identified_by` for more information.')
        if series.begin:
            console(' Begin episode for this series set to `%s`.' % series.begin.identifier)
Пример #6
def display_details(options):
    """Display detailed series information, ie. series show NAME"""
    name = options.series_name
    with Session() as session:
        name = normalize_series_name(name)
        # Sort by length of name, so that partial matches always show shortest matching title
        matches = shows_by_name(name, session=session)
        if not matches:
            console(colorize(ERROR_COLOR, 'ERROR: Unknown series `%s`' % name))
        # Pick the best matching series
        series = matches[0]
        table_title = colorize('white', series.name)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            warning = (
                colorize('red', ' WARNING: ') +
                'Multiple series match to `{}`.\n '
                'Be more specific to see the results of other matches:\n\n'
                ' {}'.format(name, ', '.join(s.name for s in matches[1:])))
            if not options.table_type == 'porcelain':
        header = [
            'Episode ID', 'Latest age', 'Release titles', 'Release Quality',
        table_data = [header]
        episodes = show_episodes(series, session=session)
        for episode in episodes:
            if episode.identifier is None:
                identifier = colorize(ERROR_COLOR, 'MISSING')
                age = ''
                identifier = episode.identifier
                age = episode.age
            ep_data = [identifier, age]
            release_titles = []
            release_qualities = []
            release_propers = []
            for release in episode.releases:
                title = release.title
                quality = release.quality.name
                if not release.downloaded:
                    title = colorize(UNDOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, title)
                    quality = quality
                    title = colorize(DOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, title)
                    quality = quality
                    'Yes' if release.proper_count > 0 else '')
        footer = (' %s %s\n' %
                  (colorize(DOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, 'Downloaded'),
                   colorize(UNDOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, 'Un-downloaded')))
        if not series.identified_by:
            footer += (
                ' Series plugin is still learning which episode numbering mode is \n'
                ' correct for this series (identified_by: auto).\n'
                ' Few duplicate downloads can happen with different numbering schemes\n'
                ' during this time.')
            footer += ' \n Series uses `%s` mode to identify episode numbering (identified_by).' % series.identified_by
        footer += ' \n See option `identified_by` for more information.\n'
        if series.begin:
            footer += ' Begin episode for this series set to `%s`.' % series.begin.identifier
    table = TerminalTable(options.table_type,
                          drop_columns=[4, 3, 1])
    except TerminalTableError as e:
        console('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
    if not options.table_type == 'porcelain':
Пример #7
def display_details(options):
    """Display detailed series information, ie. series show NAME"""
    name = options.series_name
    with Session() as session:
        name = normalize_series_name(name)
        # Sort by length of name, so that partial matches always show shortest matching title
        matches = shows_by_name(name, session=session)
        if not matches:
            console(colorize(ERROR_COLOR, 'ERROR: Unknown series `%s`' % name))
        # Pick the best matching series
        series = matches[0]
        table_title = colorize('white', series.name)
        if len(matches) > 1:
            warning = (colorize('red', ' WARNING: ') +
                       'Multiple series match to `{}`.\n '
                       'Be more specific to see the results of other matches:\n\n'
                       ' {}'.format(name, ', '.join(s.name for s in matches[1:])))
            if not options.table_type == 'porcelain':
        header = ['Episode ID', 'Latest age', 'Release titles', 'Release Quality', 'Proper']
        table_data = [header]
        episodes = show_episodes(series, session=session)
        for episode in episodes:
            if episode.identifier is None:
                identifier = colorize(ERROR_COLOR, 'MISSING')
                age = ''
                identifier = episode.identifier
                age = episode.age
            ep_data = [identifier, age]
            release_titles = []
            release_qualities = []
            release_propers = []
            for release in episode.releases:
                title = release.title
                quality = release.quality.name
                if not release.downloaded:
                    title = colorize(UNDOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, title)
                    quality = quality
                    title = colorize(DOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, title)
                    quality = quality
                release_propers.append('Yes' if release.proper_count > 0 else '')
        footer = (' %s %s\n' % (colorize(DOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, 'Downloaded'),
                                colorize(UNDOWNLOADED_RELEASE_COLOR, 'Un-downloaded')))
        if not series.identified_by:
            footer += ('\n'
                       ' Series plugin is still learning which episode numbering mode is \n'
                       ' correct for this series (identified_by: auto).\n'
                       ' Few duplicate downloads can happen with different numbering schemes\n'
                       ' during this time.')
            footer += ' \n Series uses `%s` mode to identify episode numbering (identified_by).' % series.identified_by
        footer += ' \n See option `identified_by` for more information.\n'
        if series.begin:
            footer += ' Begin episode for this series set to `%s`.' % series.begin.identifier
    table = TerminalTable(options.table_type, table_data, table_title, drop_columns=[4, 3, 1])
    except TerminalTableError as e:
        console('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
    if not options.table_type == 'porcelain':