def save_text_file(text, filename=None): """save_text_file(text, filename=None) Save a string to a text file Parameters: filename (str): Text will be saved here text (str): Text to be saved Returns: Tuple with directory filename is stored in and filename's location """ if filename is None or filename is False: filetypes = '*.txt' prompt = 'Save File As Txt' filename = save_file_gui(prompt, filetypes=filetypes) if filename is None: return None g.m.statusBar().showMessage('Saving Points in {}'.format( os.path.basename(filename))) file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(text) file.close() g.m.statusBar().showMessage('Successfully saved {}'.format( os.path.basename(filename))) directory = os.path.dirname(filename) return directory, filename
def savetracksjson(self): tracks = self.points.tracks if isinstance(tracks[0][0], np.int64): tracks = [[np.asscalar(a) for a in b] for b in tracks] txy_pts = self.points.txy_pts.tolist() filename = save_file_gui("Save tracks as json", filetypes='*.json') pts = {'tracks': tracks, 'txy_pts': txy_pts} json.dump(pts,, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, indent=4) ### this saves the array in .json format
def savetracks(self): tracks = self.points.tracks if isinstance(tracks[0][0], np.int64): tracks = [[np.asscalar(a) for a in b] for b in tracks] txy_pts = self.points.txy_pts.tolist() txy_intensities = self.points.intensities filename = save_file_gui("Save all tracks as json (also saves linked tracks as csv)", filetypes='*.json') base = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filename_csv = base + '.csv' pts = {'tracks': tracks, 'txy_pts': txy_pts, 'txy_intensities': txy_intensities} json.dump(pts,, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), separators=(',', ':'), sort_keys=True, indent=4) ### this saves the array in .json format self.savetrackscsv(filename_csv)
def saveInsight(self): tracks = self.points.tracks kwargs = {'pts': self.pts_refined, 'tracks': tracks} save_file_gui(write_insight_bin, '.bin', 'Save File', kwargs)
def savetracksCSV(self): self.exportIntensity = True #Intensity value export option if self.blurred_window_selector.window is None: g.alert( 'If you wish to export intensity values (mean for 3x3 pixel around x,y position) first set a Blurred Window. Otherwise just x,y coordinates exported' ) self.exportIntensity = False if self.exportIntensity: self.dataArray = self.blurred_window_selector.window.imageArray() #get intensities self.getIntensities() tracks = self.points.tracks if isinstance(tracks[0][0], np.int64): tracks = [[np.asscalar(a) for a in b] for b in tracks] txy_pts = self.points.txy_pts.tolist() if self.exportIntensity: txy_intensities = self.points.intensities filename = save_file_gui("Save tracks as CSV", filetypes='*.csv') #filter tracks list to only include linked tracks linkedTracks = [item for item in tracks if len(item) > 1] #get xy coordinates and intensities for linked tracks trackNumber = [] txy_intensitiesByTrack = [] # for i, indices in enumerate(linkedTracks): # trackNumber.append( i ) # txy_ptsByTrack.append(list(txy_pts[j] for j in indices)) # #txy_intensitiesByTrack.append(list(txy_intensities[k] for k in indices)) frameList = [] xList = [] yList = [] for i, indices in enumerate(linkedTracks): ptsList = list(txy_pts[j] for j in indices) if self.exportIntensity: intensitiesList = list(txy_intensities[k] for k in indices) for pts in ptsList: trackNumber.append(i) frameList.append(pts[0]) xList.append(pts[1]) yList.append(pts[2]) if self.exportIntensity: for intensity in intensitiesList: txy_intensitiesByTrack.append(intensity) #make dataframe of tracks, xy coordianates and intensities for linked tracks if self.exportIntensity: dict = { 'track_number': trackNumber, 'frame': frameList, 'x': xList, 'y': yList, 'intensities': txy_intensitiesByTrack } else: dict = { 'track_number': trackNumber, 'frame': frameList, 'x': xList, 'y': yList } self.linkedtrack_DF = pd.DataFrame(dict) #save df as csv self.linkedtrack_DF.to_csv(filename, index=False) print('CSV file {} saved'.format(filename))
def saveLogData(): f = save_file_gui("Save Logged Ploynomial Fit Data", filetypes="*.txt") if f: self.saveLoggedData(f)