Пример #1
    def write_shapefile(self, endpoint_data=None,
                        direction='ending', sr=None, epsg=None,
        """Write particle starting / ending locations to shapefile.

        endpoint_data : np.recarry
            Record array of same form as that returned by EndpointFile.get_alldata.
            (if none, EndpointFile.get_alldata() is exported).
        shpname : str
            File path for shapefile
        direction : str
            String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be
            considered. (default is 'ending')
        sr : flopy.utils.reference.SpatialReference instance
            Used to scale and rotate Global x,y,z values in MODPATH Endpoint file
        epsg : int
            EPSG code for writing projection (.prj) file. If this is not supplied,
            the proj4 string or epgs code associated with sr will be used.
        kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp
        from flopy.utils.reference import SpatialReference
        from flopy.utils.geometry import Point
        from flopy.export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp

        epd = endpoint_data.copy()
        if epd is None:
            epd = self.get_alldata()

        if direction.lower() == 'ending':
            xcol, ycol, zcol = 'x', 'y', 'z'
        elif direction.lower() == 'starting':
            xcol, ycol, zcol = 'x0', 'y0', 'z0'
            errmsg = 'flopy.map.plot_endpoint direction must be "ending" ' + \
                     'or "starting".'
            raise Exception(errmsg)
        if sr is None:
            sr = SpatialReference()
        x, y = sr.transform(epd[xcol], epd[ycol])
        z = epd[zcol]

        geoms = [Point(x[i], y[i], z[i]) for i in range(len(epd))]
        # convert back to one-based
        for n in self.kijnames:
            epd[n] += 1
        recarray2shp(epd, geoms, shpname=shpname, epsg=epsg, **kwargs)
Пример #2
    def write_shapefile(self, pathline_data=None,
                        sr=None, epsg=None,
        """Write pathlines to shapefile.

        pathline_data : np.recarry
            Record array of same form as that returned by EndpointFile.get_alldata.
            (if none, EndpointFile.get_alldata() is exported).
        one_per_particle : boolean (default True)
            True writes a single LineString with a single set of attribute data for each
            particle. False writes a record/geometry for each pathline segment
            (each row in the PathLine file). This option can be used to visualize
            attribute information (time, model layer, etc.) across a pathline in a GIS.
        direction : str
            String defining if starting or ending particle locations should be
            included in shapefile attribute information. Only used if one_per_particle=False.
            (default is 'ending')
        shpname : str
            File path for shapefile
        sr : flopy.utils.reference.SpatialReference instance
            Used to scale and rotate Global x,y,z values in MODPATH Endpoint file
        epsg : int
            EPSG code for writing projection (.prj) file. If this is not supplied,
            the proj4 string or epgs code associated with sr will be used.
        kwargs : keyword arguments to flopy.export.shapefile_utils.recarray2shp
        from flopy.utils.reference import SpatialReference
        from flopy.utils.geometry import LineString
        from flopy.export.shapefile_utils import recarray2shp

        pth = pathline_data
        if pth is None:
            pth = self._data.view(np.recarray)
        pth = pth.copy()
        pth.sort(order=['particleid', 'time'])

        if sr is None:
            sr = SpatialReference()

        particles = np.unique(pth.particleid)
        geoms = []

        # 1 geometry for each path
        if one_per_particle:

            loc_inds = 0
            if direction == 'ending':
                loc_inds = -1

            pthdata = []
            for pid in particles:
                ra = pth[pth.particleid == pid]

                x, y = sr.transform(ra.x, ra.y)
                z = ra.z
                geoms.append(LineString(list(zip(x, y, z))))
            pthdata = np.array(pthdata, dtype=[('particleid', np.int),
                                               ('particlegroup', np.int),
                                               ('time', np.float),
                                               ('k', np.int),
                                               ('i', np.int),
                                               ('j', np.int)
        # geometry for each row in PathLine file
            dtype = pth.dtype
            #pthdata = np.empty((0, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray)
            pthdata = []
            for pid in particles:
                ra = pth[pth.particleid == pid]
                x, y = sr.transform(ra.x, ra.y)
                z = ra.z
                geoms += [LineString([(x[i-1], y[i-1], z[i-1]),
                                          (x[i], y[i], z[i])])
                             for i in np.arange(1, (len(ra)))]
                #pthdata = np.append(pthdata, ra[1:]).view(np.recarray)
                pthdata += ra[1:].tolist()
            pthdata = np.array(pthdata, dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray)
        # convert back to one-based
        for n in set(self.kijnames).intersection(set(pthdata.dtype.names)):
            pthdata[n] += 1
        recarray2shp(pthdata, geoms, shpname=shpname, epsg=sr.epsg, **kwargs)