def damage_by_segmentation(path): """ Generate solution .png files, using a single multiclass segmentation model to do so. """ model = train.build_model(classes=6, damage=True) model = train.load_weights(model, "damage-motokimura-mobilenetv2-best.hdf5") #model.load_individual_weights()# = train.load_weights(model, S.DMG_MODELSTRING_BEST) df = flow.Dataflow(files=flow.get_test_files(), transform=False, batch_size=1, buildings_only=False, shuffle=False, return_postmask=False, return_stacked=True, return_average=False) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df)) for image, filename in df: filename = os.path.basename(filename) filename = filename.replace("pre", "localization").replace( ".png", "_prediction.png") #if os.path.exists(os.path.join("solution", filename)): # continue # localization (segmentation) pred = model.predict([image]) mask = infer.convert_prediction(pred) write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) filename = filename.replace("localization", "damage") write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) pbar.update(1)
def damage_random(path): """ Generate solution .png files using random damage. """ model = train.build_model( train=False) #, save_path="motokimura-stacked-2.hdf5") model = train.load_weights(model, S.MODELSTRING_BEST) df = flow.Dataflow(files=flow.get_test_files(), transform=False, batch_size=1, buildings_only=False, shuffle=False, return_postmask=False, return_stacked=True, return_average=False) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df)) for image, filename in df: filename = os.path.basename(filename) filename = filename.replace("pre", "localization").replace( ".png", "_prediction.png") #if os.path.exists(os.path.join("solution", filename)): # continue # localization (segmentation) pred = model.predict([image]) mask = infer.convert_prediction(pred) write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) mask = randomize_damage(mask) filename = filename.replace("localization", "damage") write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) pbar.update(1)
def damage_by_building_classification(path): """ Generate solution .png files, classifying damage using contiguous regions in the segmentation model's predicted masks in order to extract individual building polygons from pre-disaster and post-disaster images. """ # load the localization (segmentation) model S.BATCH_SIZE = 1 model = train.build_model(architecture=S.ARCHITECTURE, train=True) model = train.load_weights( model, S.MODELSTRING_BEST) #.replace(".hdf5", "-best.hdf5")) # load the damage classification model dmg_model = damage.build_model() dmg_model = damage.load_weights(dmg_model, S.DMG_MODELSTRING_BEST) # get a dataflow for the test files df = flow.Dataflow(files=flow.get_test_files(), transform=False, shuffle=False, buildings_only=False, batch_size=1, return_stacked=True) i = 0 pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=len(df)) # x = pre-disaster image, y = post-disaster image for stacked, filename in df: filename = os.path.basename(filename) x = stacked #filename = os.path.basename(df.samples[i][0].img_name) filename = filename.replace("pre", "localization").replace( ".png", "_prediction.png") #if os.path.exists(os.path.join("solution", filename)): # continue # localization (segmentation) pred = model.predict(x) mask = infer.convert_prediction(pred) write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) # damage classification filename = filename.replace("localization", "damage") pre, post = stacked[..., :3], stacked[ ..., 3:] #df.samples[i][0].image(), df.samples[i][1].image() boxes, coords = flow.Building.get_all_in(pre, post, mask) if len(boxes) > 0: labels = dmg_model.predict(boxes) for k, c in enumerate(coords): x, y, w, h = c mask[y:y + h, x:x + w] = np.argmax(labels[k]) + 1 write_solution(names=[filename], images=[mask], path=path) pbar.update(1) i += 1
def main(predict: ("Do prediction", "flag", "p"), image: ("Show this specific image", "option", "i")=""): df = flow.Dataflow(files=flow.get_validation_files(), shuffle=True, batch_size=1, buildings_only=True, return_stacked=True, transform=0.5, return_average=False, return_postmask=True) if image != "": for i in range(len(df.samples)): if image in df.samples[i][0].img_name or image in df.samples[i][1].img_name: df.samples = [df.samples[i]] show(df) if predict: predict_and_show(df) else: show(df)
def main(restore: ("Restore from checkpoint", "flag", "r"), damage: ("Train a damage classifier (default is localization)", "flag", "d"), deeplab: ("Build and train a DeeplabV3+ model", "flag", "D"), motokimura: ("Build and train a Motokimura-designed Unet", "flag", "M"), verbose: ("Keras verbosity level", "option", "v", int) = 1, epochs: ("Number of epochs", "option", "e", int) = 50, initial_epoch: ("Initial epoch to continue from", "option", "i", int) = 1, optimizer: ("Keras optimizer to use", "option", "o", str) = 'RMSprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy'): """ Train a model. """ # optimizer = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer(optimizer, 'dynamic') if deeplab:"Building DeeplabV3+ model.") model = build_deeplab_model(classes=S.N_CLASSES, damage=damage, train=True) S.ARCHITECTURE = "deeplab-xception" elif motokimura:"Building MotokimuraUnet model.") model = build_model(classes=S.N_CLASSES, damage=damage, train=True) S.ARCHITECTURE = "motokimura" else: logger.error("Use -M (motokimura) or -D (deeplab) parameter.") sys.exit(-1) S.DAMAGE = True if damage else False save_path = S.MODELSTRING = f"{S.ARCHITECTURE}.hdf5" S.DMG_MODELSTRING = f"damage-{save_path}" if restore: load_weights(model, save_path) metrics = [ 'accuracy', score.num_correct, score.recall, score.tensor_f1_score ] callbacks = [ keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(save_path.replace( ".hdf5", "-best.hdf5"), save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=True), #keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="logs"), ] model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=metrics) flowcall = flow.DamagedDataflow if damage else flow.Dataflow train_seq = flowcall(files=flow.get_training_files(), batch_size=S.BATCH_SIZE, transform=0.3, shuffle=True, buildings_only=True, return_postmask=True if damage else False, return_stacked=True if damage else True, return_post_only=False if damage else False, return_average=False) val_seq = flow.Dataflow(files=flow.get_validation_files(), batch_size=S.BATCH_SIZE, buildings_only=True, shuffle=True, return_postmask=True if damage else False, return_stacked=True if damage else True, return_post_only=False if damage else False, return_average=False) "Training and saving best weights after each epoch (CTRL+C to interrupt)." ) train_stepper(model, train_seq, verbose, epochs, callbacks, save_path, val_seq, initial_epoch) save_model(model, save_path)