Пример #1
 def compute_sol(self, stop, monitors):
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.eulermodel,
     finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0., 1.])  # rho, u, p
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.mesh50, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, self.cfl, stop=stop, monitors=monitors)
     return fsol
Пример #2
def test_numscheme():
    curmesh = mesh50
    endtime = 1
    cfl     = .5
    tnum    = rk3ssp
    for xnum in [ extrapol1(), extrapol2(), extrapol3(), muscl(minmod), muscl(vanalbada) ]:
        finit = field.fdata(mymodel, curmesh, [ init_sinperk(curmesh, k=5) ] )
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
        solver = tnum(curmesh, rhs)
        solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert 1
Пример #3
def test_wavelength(k):
    curmesh = mesh50
    endtime = 5
    cfl     = .8
    # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
    xnum = extrapol1()
    # explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
    tnum  = explicit
    finit = field.fdata(mymodel, curmesh, [ init_sinperk(curmesh, k=k) ] )
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
    solver = tnum(curmesh, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #4
def test_integrators(tnum):
    curmesh = mesh50
    endtime = 1
    cfl     = .8
    # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
    xnum = extrapol1()
    # explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
    finit = field.fdata(mymodel, curmesh, [ init_sinperk(curmesh, k=2) ] )
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
    solver = tnum(curmesh, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
    assert fsol[-1].average('q') < 1.e-12
Пример #5
 def test_checkend_maxit_noendtime(self):
     endtime = 5.
     cfl = .5
     maxit = 100
     stop_directive = {'maxit': maxit}
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, self.xsch)
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.curmesh, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, stop=stop_directive)
     assert len(fsol) == 1  # end before expected by tsave
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     assert solver.nit() == 100
Пример #6
def test_mesh_refined(lratio):
    lmesh = mesh.refinedmesh(ncell=50, length=1., ratio=2., nratioa=lratio)
    endtime = 5
    cfl = 1.
    # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
    xnum = extrapol3()
    # explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
    tnum = rk3ssp
    finit = field.fdata(mymodel, lmesh, [init_sinperk(lmesh, k=2)])
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, lmesh, xnum)
    solver = tnum(lmesh, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #7
def test_integrators():
    curmesh = mesh50
    endtime = 1
    cfl     = .8
    # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
    xnum = extrapol1()
    # explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
    for tnum in [ explicit,rk2, rk3ssp, implicit, cranknicolson ]:
        finit = field.fdata(mymodel, curmesh, [ init_sinperk(curmesh, k=2) ] )
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
        solver = tnum(curmesh, rhs)
        solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert 1
Пример #8
 def test_checkend_tottime(self):
     endtime = 5.
     cfl = .5
     stop_directive = {'tottime': endtime}
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, self.xsch)
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.curmesh, rhs)
     nsol = 11
     tsave = np.linspace(0, 2 * endtime, nsol, endpoint=True)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, tsave, stop=stop_directive)
     assert len(fsol) < nsol  # end before expected by tsave
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     assert fsol[-1].time < 2 * endtime
Пример #9
def test_compression_centered():
    endtime = 2.
    cfl     = .5
    xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
    tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
    thismesh = mesh100
    thisprim = [init_step(thismesh, 2, -1.)]
    thiscons = field.fdata(mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
    bcL = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[0]  }
    bcR = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[-1] }
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
    solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
    assert 1
Пример #10
def test_sin_bcper():
    endtime = 2.
    cfl     = 0.5
    xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
    tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
    thismesh = mesh100
    thisprim = [ init_sin(thismesh) ]
    thiscons = field.fdata(mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
    bcL = { 'type': 'per' }
    bcR = { 'type': 'per' }
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
    solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
    assert 1
Пример #11
 def test_conv_it_perf(self, tmeth):
     endtime = 5
     cfl = .8
     xsch = xnum.extrapol3()
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, xsch)
     solver = tmeth(self.curmesh, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
     assert solver.nit() > 300
     assert solver.nit() < 400
     maxperf = 40. if tmeth in tnum.List_Explicit_Integrators else 100.
     assert solver.perf_micros() < maxperf
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #12
def test_acousticpacket_sym(flux):
    endtime = 2.
    cfl = 0.6
    xnum = muscl(minmod)
    tnum = integ.rk3ssp
    meshsim = mesh100
    xc = meshsim.centers()
    bcL = {'type': 'sym'}
    bcR = {'type': 'sym'}
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, xnum, numflux=flux, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    finit = rhs.fdata(model.prim2cons([frho(xc), fu(xc), fp(xc)]))  # rho, u, p
    solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #13
 def test_sin_bcper(self):
     endtime = 2.
     cfl     = 0.5
     xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
     tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
     thismesh = self.mesh100
     thisprim = [ self.init_sin(thismesh) ]
     thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
     bcL = { 'type': 'per' }
     bcR = { 'type': 'per' }
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
     solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #14
 def test_expansion(self):
     endtime = 2.
     cfl     = 0.5
     xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
     tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
     thismesh = self.mesh100
     thisprim = [self.init_step(thismesh, 1., 2.)]
     thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
     bcL = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[0]  }
     bcR = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[-1] }
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
     solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #15
 def test_muscl_limiters(self, limiter):
     curmesh = self.mesh50
     endtime = 5
     cfl = .8
     # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
     xnum = muscl(limiter)
     finit = field.fdata(self.mymodel, curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
     solver = rk3ssp(curmesh, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     avg, var = fsol[-1].stats('q')
     #varref = { }
     assert avg == pytest.approx(0., abs=1.e-12)
Пример #16
 def test_rayleigh(self):
     endtime = 100.
     cfl = 1.2
     xnum = muscl(minmod)
     tnum = integ.rk4
     meshsim = self.mesh20
     modelrayleigh = euler.model(source=[None, None, lambda x, q: 2.])
     bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': 1.4, 'rttot': 1.}
     bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(modelrayleigh, meshsim, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
     finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0., 1.])  # rho, u, p
     solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     avg, var = fsol[-1].stats('rttot')
     assert avg == pytest.approx(1.6139, rel=1.e-4)
     assert var == pytest.approx(0.1242, rel=1.e-2)
Пример #17
 def test_interpol_t(self):
     endtime = 1. / self.curmesh.ncell
     cfl = 5.  # unstable but no risk with 1 it
     maxit = 1
     stop_directive = {'maxit': maxit}
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, self.xsch)
     solver = tnum.explicit(self.curmesh, rhs)
     fsol2 = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [2 * endtime], stop=stop_directive)
     fsol1 = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime], stop=stop_directive)
     assert not fsol2[-1].isnan()
     assert 2 * fsol1[-1].time == pytest.approx(fsol2[-1].time, abs=1.e-12)
     fi = finit.interpol_t(fsol2[-1], endtime)
     diff = fi.diff(fsol1[-1])
     for d in diff.data:
         assert np.average(np.abs(d)) == pytest.approx(0., abs=1.e-6)
Пример #18
 def test_flow_sub(self, bcin, bcout):
     endtime = 100.
     cfl = 1.2
     xnum = muscl(minmod)
     tnum = integ.rk4
     meshsim = self.mesh20
     bcL = {'type': bcin, 'ptot': 1.4, 'rttot': 1.}
     bcR = {'type': bcout, 'p': 1.}
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.model, meshsim, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
     finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0., 1.])  # rho, u, p
     solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     mach_th = np.sqrt(((bcL['ptot'] / bcR['p'])**(1. / 3.5) - 1.) / .2)
     error = np.sqrt(
         np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata('mach') - mach_th)**2) /
         meshsim.ncell) / mach_th
     assert error < 1.e-8
Пример #19
def test_shocktube_sodsup(flux):
    model = euler.model()
    sod   = solR.Sod_supersonic(model) # sol.Sod_supersonic(model) # 
    bcL  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcL() }
    bcR  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcR() }
    xnum = muscl(minmod) # 
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshref, xnum, numflux=flux, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshref, rhs)
    # computation
    endtime = 2.
    cfl     = 1.
    finit = sod.fdata(meshref)
    fsol  = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    fref  = sod.fdata(meshref, endtime)
    for name in ['density', 'pressure', 'mach']:
        error = np.sqrt(np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata(name)-fref.phydata(name))**2))/np.sum(np.abs(fref.phydata(name)))
        assert error < 5.e-3
Пример #20
def test_sym_flux(flux):
    endtime = 1.
    cfl     = 0.6
    xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
    tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
    xc      = meshsim.centers()
    bcL = { 'type': 'sym'}
    bcR = { 'type': 'sym'}
    model  = shw.shallowwater1d()
    model10 = shw.shallowwater1d(g=10.)
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, xnum, numflux=flux,  bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    finit   = rhs.fdata(model.prim2cons(waterdrop(xc, .01))) # rho, u, p
    solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
    avg, var = fsol[-1].stats('height')
    assert avg == pytest.approx(0.098232, rel=1.e-4)
    assert var >= 6.5e-6
Пример #21
 def test_interpolation_regression(self):
     endtime = 5
     cfl = .5
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, self.xsch)
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.curmesh, rhs)
     nsol = 5
     tsave = np.linspace(0, endtime, nsol, endpoint=True)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, tsave)
     fleg = solver.solve_legacy(finit, cfl, tsave)
     assert len(fsol) == nsol
     assert len(fleg) == nsol
     for fs, fl in zip(fsol, fleg):
         assert not fs.isnan()
         diff = fs.diff(fl)
         assert diff.time == pytest.approx(0., abs=1.e-12)
         for d in diff.data:
             assert np.average(np.abs(d)) == pytest.approx(0., abs=1.e-6)
Пример #22
 def test_frequency(self, montype):
     endtime = 5.
     cfl = .5
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.mesh50,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.mesh50, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.mesh50, self.xsch)
     maxit = 500
     stop_directive = {'maxit': maxit}
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.mesh50, rhs)
     mondict = {}
     for f in 1, 2, 10, 50, 100:
         monitors = {montype: {'frequency': f}}
         fsol = solver.solve(finit,
                             cfl, [endtime],
         mondict[f] = monitors[montype]['output']
         assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
         assert mondict[f]._it[-1] == maxit
         assert (len(mondict[f]._it) - 1) * f == maxit
Пример #23
 def test_restart(self):
     tottime = 10.
     breaktime = 5.
     cfl = .5
     finit = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                         [self.init_sinperk(self.curmesh, k=4)])
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, self.xsch)
     solver = tnum.rk4(self.curmesh, rhs)
     nsol = 10 + 1  # every second
     tsave = np.linspace(0, tottime, nsol, endpoint=True)
     stop_directive = {'tottime': breaktime}
     fsol0 = solver.solve(finit, cfl, tsave, stop=stop_directive)
     assert len(fsol0) == 6  # end before expected by tsave
     assert not fsol0[-1].isnan()
     assert fsol0[-1].time == breaktime
     fsol = solver.restart(fsol0[-1], cfl, tsave)
     assert len(fsol) == 6  # only last snapshots ; time 5. is saved again
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
     assert fsol[-1].time == tottime
Пример #24
 def test_acousticpacket_bcout(self, bcout):
     endtime = 2.
     cfl = 0.6
     xnum = muscl(minmod)
     tnum = integ.rk3ssp
     meshsim = self.mesh100
     xc = meshsim.centers()
     bcL = {'type': 'sym'}
     bcR = {'type': bcout, 'p': 1.}  # 'p' will be ignored if unused
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.model,
     finit = rhs.fdata(
                               self.fp(xc)]))  # rho, u, p
     solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
     fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
     assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
Пример #25
def test_nozzle(NPR):
    def S(x):  # section law, throat is at x=5
        return 1. - .5 * np.exp(-.5 * (x - 5.)**2)

    model = euler.nozzle(sectionlaw=S)
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=10.)
    nozz = solN.nozzle(model, S(meshsim.centers()), NPR=NPR)
    fref = nozz.fdata(meshsim)
    # BC
    bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': NPR, 'rttot': 1.}
    bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(vanleer), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
    # computation
    endtime = 100.
    cfl = .8
    finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0.1, 1.])  # rho, u, p
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    # error
    error = np.sqrt(
        np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata('mach') - fref.phydata('mach'))**2)) / np.sum(
    assert error < 5.e-2
Пример #26
 def test_variables(self):
     bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': 1.4, 'rttot': 1.}
     bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}
     meshsim = self.mesh100
     rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.model, meshsim, extrapol1(), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
     xc = meshsim.centers()
     finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([self.frho(xc),
                                 self.fp(xc)])  # rho, u, p
     data = finit.phydata('asound') * finit.phydata('mach') - finit.phydata(
     error = np.sum(np.abs(data))
     assert error < 1.e-12
     data = finit.phydata('velocity') * finit.phydata(
         'density') - finit.phydata('massflow')
     error = np.sum(np.abs(data))
     assert error < 1.e-12
     data = finit.phydata('htot') - finit.phydata(
         'enthalpy') - finit.phydata('kinetic-energy') - finit.phydata(
     error = np.sum(np.abs(data))
     # entropy should be constant (variance = 0)
     __, error = finit.stats('entropy')
     assert error < 1.e-12
Пример #27
def init_rupturebarrage(mesh):
    h0_vect = np.zeros(len(mesh.centers())) + 0.5
    for i in range(len(mesh.centers())):
        if mesh.centers()[i] < 1:
            h0_vect[i] = 1
    return h0_vect

#h0_vect = init_rupturebarrage(mesh)

u0_vect = .5 + np.zeros((ncell))
w_init = [h0_vect, u0_vect * h0_vect]

# Define RHS
rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, mesh, xmeth, numflux=numflux, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
field0 = rhs.fdata_fromprim(w_init)
# Define the solver
solver = tmeth(mesh, rhs)
# Solution
w_sol = solver.solve(field0, cfl, tsave)
# VERIFIED : w_sol contains solutions in conservative variables [h,q=h*u]

fig2, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 7))
ax1.set_xlabel('$x$'), ax1.set_ylabel('$h(t,x)$'), ax1.set_title(
    'Hauteur de fluide au temps t = ' + str(endtime) + '\n (CFL ' + str(cfl) +
    ', flux : ' + numflux + ', ' + xmethstr + ', ' + tmethstr + ')')
ax1.set(xlim=(-0.1, mesh.centers()[-1] + 0.1), ylim=(-0.0, .2))
ax1.grid(linestyle='--', color='0.5')
line1, = ax1.plot(mesh.centers(), w_sol[-1].data[0])
Пример #28
import flowdyn.integration as integ

#meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=10., x0=-4.)
#meshref = mesh.unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10., x0=-4.)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("case, endtime", [(solR.Sod_subsonic, 2.8),
                                           (solR.Sod_supersonic, 2.)])
def test_shocktube(case, endtime):
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=10., x0=-4.)
    model = euler.euler1d()
    sod = case(model)  # sol.Sod_supersonic(model) #
    bcL = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcL()}
    bcR = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcR()}
    xnum = muscl(minmod)  #
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, xnum, numflux='hllc', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
    # computation
    cfl = 1.
    finit = sod.fdata(meshsim)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    fref = sod.fdata(meshsim, endtime)
    for name in ['density', 'pressure', 'mach']:
        error = np.sqrt(
            np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata(name) - fref.phydata(name))**2)) / np.sum(
        assert error < 1.e-2

Пример #29
import flowdyn.modeldisc      as modeldisc
import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as sol

meshsim  = unimesh(ncell=200,  length=10., x0=-4.)
meshref  = unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10., x0=-4.)

model1 = euler.model()
model2 = euler.model()
sod   = sol.Sod_subsonic(model1) # sol.Sod_supersonic(model1) # 

bcL  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcL() }
bcR  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcR() }
xnum1 = muscl(minmod) # 
xnum2 = muscl(vanalbada) # 

rhs1 = modeldisc.fvm(model1, meshsim, xnum1, numflux='hlle', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver1 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs1)
rhs2 = modeldisc.fvm(model2, meshsim, xnum2, numflux='hlle', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver2 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs2)

# computation
endtime = 2.8 # 2.8 for subsonic, 2.8 for supersonic
cfl     = 1.

finit = sod.fdata(meshsim)

fsol1 = solver1.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
fsol2 = solver2.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
Пример #30
#from flowdyn.field import *
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
#import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as sol

nx = 50

meshsim = unimesh(ncell=nx, length=10.)

model = euler.model()
bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': 1.4, 'rttot': 1.}
bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}

rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(minmod), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)

solver1 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
solver2 = tnum.gear(meshsim, rhs)

# computation
endtime = 100.
cfl1 = .8
cfl2 = 20.

finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0.1, 1.])  # rho, u, p

fsol1 = solver1.solve(finit, cfl1, [endtime])