Пример #1
def test_get_secrets_default(monkeypatch):
    Test getting a secret falls back to provided default with the file being there.
    the_secret = "Shhhh"
    the_secret_name = "SECRET"
    secret = getsecret(the_secret_name, the_secret)
    assert the_secret == secret
Пример #2
def test_get_secrets(monkeypatch):
    """Test getting a secret from the special /run/secrets directory."""
    the_secret = "Shhhh"
    the_secret_name = "SECRET"
    open_mock = unittest.mock.mock_open(read_data=the_secret)
    monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.open", open_mock)
    secret = getsecret(the_secret_name, "Not the secret")
    assert the_secret == secret
    open_mock.assert_called_once_with(Path("/run/secrets") / the_secret_name, "r")
Пример #3
def connect(
    log_level: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_port: Union[int, None] = None,
    db_user: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_pass: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_host: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_connection_pool_size: Union[int, None] = None,
    db_connection_pool_overflow: Union[int, None] = None,
    redis_host: Union[str, None] = None,
    redis_port: Union[int, None] = None,
    redis_password: Union[str, None] = None,
    conn: Union[Connection, None] = None,
) -> Connection:
    Connects flowmachine to a database, and performs initial set-up routines.
    You may provide a Settings object here, which can specify the database
    you wish to connect to, logging behaviour, available tables and so on.

    log_level : str, default "error"
        Level to log at
    db_port : int, default 9000
        Port number to connect to flowdb
    db_user : str, default "analyst"
        Name of user to connect to flowdb as
    db_pass : str, default "foo"
        Password to connect to flowdb
    db_host : str, default "localhost"
        Hostname of flowdb server
    db_connection_pool_size : int, default 5
        Default number of database connections to use
    db_connection_pool_overflow : int, default 1
        Number of extra database connections to allow
    redis_host : str, default "localhost"
        Hostname for redis server.
    redis_port : int, default 6379
        Port the redis server is available on
    redis_password : str, default "fm_redis"
        Password for the redis instance
    conn : flowmachine.core.Connection
        Optionally provide an existing Connection object to use, overriding any the db options specified here.


    All parameters can also be provided as environment variables, named the same
    but in uppercase, e.g. `env LOG_LEVEL=error` instead of `connect(log_level="error")`.
    If a parameter is provided, and an environment variable is set,
    then the provided value is used. If neither is provided, the defaults as given
    in the docstring are used.

    Parameters can _also_ be set using Docker secrets, in which case a file with the name
    of the parameter in upper case should be present at /run/secrets/THE_PARAM.
    If a secret is available, the secret takes precedence over both the environment variable, and
    the default.

    log_level = (getsecret("LOG_LEVEL", os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "error"))
                 if log_level is None else log_level)
    db_port = int(
        getsecret("FLOWDB_PORT", os.getenv("FLOWDB_PORT", 9000)
                  ) if db_port is None else db_port)
    db_user = (getsecret("FLOWDB_USER", os.getenv("FLOWDB_USER", "analyst"))
               if db_user is None else db_user)
    db_pass = (getsecret("FLOWDB_PASS", os.getenv("FLOWDB_PASS"))
               if db_pass is None else db_pass)
    db_host = (getsecret("FLOWDB_HOST", os.getenv("FLOWDB_HOST", "localhost"))
               if db_host is None else db_host)
    db_connection_pool_size = (int(
                  os.getenv("DB_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE", 5)))
                               if db_connection_pool_size is None else
    db_connection_pool_overflow = int(
                  os.getenv("DB_CONNECTION_POOL_OVERFLOW", 1)) if
        db_connection_pool_overflow is None else db_connection_pool_overflow)

    redis_host = (getsecret("REDIS_HOST", os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "localhost"))
                  if redis_host is None else redis_host)
    redis_port = int(
        getsecret("REDIS_PORT", os.getenv("REDIS_PORT", 6379)
                  ) if redis_port is None else redis_port)
    redis_pw = (getsecret("REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE", os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD"))
                if redis_password is None else redis_password)

    if db_pass is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "You must provide a secret named FLOWDB_PASS, set an environment variable named FLOWDB_PASS, or provide a db_pass argument."

    if redis_pw is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "You must provide a secret named REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE, set an environment variable named REDIS_PASSWORD, or provide a redis_password argument."

        warnings.warn("FlowMachine already started. Ignoring.")
    except AttributeError:
        if conn is None:
            conn = Connection(
        Query.connection = conn

        Query.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_host,

        print(f"FlowMachine version: {flowmachine.__version__}")

            f"Flowdb running on: {db_host}:{db_port}/flowdb (connecting user: {db_user})"
    return Query.connection
Пример #4
def connect(
    log_level: Union[str, None] = None,
    write_log_file: Union[bool, None] = None,
    db_port: Union[int, None] = None,
    db_user: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_pw: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_host: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_name: Union[str, None] = None,
    db_connection_pool_size: Union[int, None] = None,
    db_connection_pool_overflow: Union[int, None] = None,
    redis_host: Union[str, None] = None,
    redis_port: Union[int, None] = None,
    redis_password: Union[str, None] = None,
    conn: Union[Connection, None] = None,
) -> Connection:
    Connects flowmachine to a database, and performs initial set-up routines.
    You may provide a Settings object here, which can specify the database
    you wish to connect to, logging behaviour, available tables and so on.

    log_level : str, default "error"
        Level to log at
    write_log_file : bool, default False
        If True, logging output will be written to the file 'flowmachine-debug.log'
        in the directory '/var/log/flowmachine/' (or the directory given by the
        environment variable 'LOG_DIRECTORY' if it is set). Log files are rotated
        at midnight.
    db_port : int, default 9000
        Port number to connect to flowdb
    db_user : str, default "analyst"
        Name of user to connect to flowdb as
    db_pw : str, default "foo"
        Password to connect to flowdb
    db_host : str, default "localhost"
        Hostname of flowdb server
    db_name : str, default "flowdb"
        Name of database to connect to.
    db_connection_pool_size : int, default 5
        Default number of database connections to use
    db_connection_pool_overflow : int, default 1
        Number of extra database connections to allow
    redis_host : str, default "localhost"
        Hostname for redis server.
    redis_port : int, default 6379
        Port the redis server is available on
    conn : flowmachine.core.Connection
        Optionally provide an existing Connection object to use, overriding any the db options specified here.


    All parameters can also be provided as environment variables, named the same
    but in uppercase, e.g. `env LOG_LEVEL=error` instead of `connect(log_level="error")`.
    If a parameter is provided, and an environment variable is set,
    then the provided value is used. If neither is provided, the defaults as given
    in the docstring are used.

    Parameters can _also_ be set using Docker secrets, in which case a file with the name
    of the parameter in upper case should be present at /run/secrets/THE_PARAM.
    If a secret is available, the secret takes precedence over both the environment variable, and
    the default.

    log_level = (getsecret("LOG_LEVEL", os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "error"))
                 if log_level is None else log_level)
    write_log_file = (("TRUE" == getsecret(
        "WRITE_LOG_FILE", os.getenv("WRITE_LOG_FILE", "FALSE")).upper())
                      if write_log_file is None else write_log_file)
    db_port = int(
        getsecret("FLOWDB_PORT", os.getenv("FLOWDB_PORT", 9000)
                  ) if db_port is None else db_port)
    db_user = (getsecret("DB_USER", os.getenv("DB_USER", "analyst"))
               if db_user is None else db_user)
    db_pw = getsecret("DB_PW", os.getenv("DB_PW",
                                         "foo")) if db_pw is None else db_pw
    db_host = (getsecret("DB_HOST", os.getenv("DB_HOST", "localhost"))
               if db_host is None else db_host)
    db_name = (getsecret("DB_NAME", os.getenv("DB_NAME", "flowdb"))
               if db_name is None else db_name)
    db_connection_pool_size = (int(
                  os.getenv("DB_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE", 5)))
                               if db_connection_pool_size is None else
    db_connection_pool_overflow = int(
                  os.getenv("DB_CONNECTION_POOL_OVERFLOW", 1)) if
        db_connection_pool_overflow is None else db_connection_pool_overflow)

    redis_host = (getsecret("REDIS_HOST", os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "localhost"))
                  if redis_host is None else redis_host)
    redis_port = int(
        getsecret("REDIS_PORT", os.getenv("REDIS_PORT", 6379)
                  ) if redis_port is None else redis_port)
    redis_pw = (getsecret("REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE",
                          os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD", "fm_redis"))
                if redis_password is None else redis_password)

        warnings.warn("FlowMachine already started. Ignoring.")
    except AttributeError:
        _init_logging(log_level, write_log_file)
        if conn is None:
            conn = Connection(
        Query.connection = conn

        Query.redis = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_host,

        print(f"FlowMachine version: {flowmachine.__version__}")

            f"Flowdb running on: {db_host}:{db_port}/{db_name} (connecting user: {db_user})"
    return Query.connection