Пример #1
def add_sectors_to_flowbyactivity(flowbyactivity_df,
    Add Sectors from the Activity fields and mapped them to Sector from the crosswalk.
    No allocation is performed.
    :param flowbyactivity_df: A standard flowbyactivity data frame
    :param sectorsourcename: A sector source name, using package default
    :param kwargs: option to include the parameter 'allocationmethod', which modifies function behavoir if = 'direct'
    :return: a df with activity fields mapped to 'sectors'
    # First check if source activities are NAICS like - if so make it into a mapping file

    cat = load_source_catalog()

    # for s in pd.unique(flowbyactivity_df['SourceName']):
    s = pd.unique(flowbyactivity_df['SourceName'])[0]
    # load catalog info for source
    src_info = cat[s]
    # if activities are sector-like, check if need to modify mapping
    if 'modify_sector-like_activities' in src_info:
        modify_sector_like_activities = src_info[
        modify_sector_like_activities = False
    # read the pre-determined level of sector aggregation of each crosswalk from the source catalog
    levelofSectoragg = src_info['sector_aggregation_level']
    # if the FBS activity set is 'direct', overwrite the levelofsectoragg, or if specified in fxn call
    if kwargs != {}:
        if 'allocationmethod' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['allocationmethod'] == 'direct':
                levelofSectoragg = 'disaggregated'
        if 'overwrite_sectorlevel' in kwargs:
            levelofSectoragg = kwargs['overwrite_sectorlevel']
    # if data are provided in NAICS format, use the mastercrosswalk
    if src_info[
            'sector-like_activities'] and modify_sector_like_activities is False:
        cw = load_sector_crosswalk()
        sectors = cw.loc[:, [sector_source_name]]
        # Create mapping df that's just the sectors at first
        mapping = sectors.drop_duplicates()
        # Add the sector twice as activities so mapping is identical
        mapping = mapping.assign(Activity=sectors[sector_source_name])
        mapping = mapping.rename(columns={sector_source_name: "Sector"})
        # add columns so can run expand_naics_list_fxn
        # if sector-like_activities = True, missing columns, so add
        mapping['ActivitySourceName'] = s
        # tmp assignment
        mapping['SectorType'] = None
        # Include all digits of naics in mapping, if levelofNAICSagg is specified as "aggregated"
        if levelofSectoragg == 'aggregated':
            mapping = expand_naics_list(mapping, sectorsourcename)
        # if source data activities are text strings, or sector-like activities should be modified, \
        # call on the manually created source crosswalks
        mapping = get_activitytosector_mapping(s)
        # filter by SectorSourceName of interest
        mapping = mapping[mapping['SectorSourceName'] == sectorsourcename]
        # drop SectorSourceName
        mapping = mapping.drop(columns=['SectorSourceName'])
        # Include all digits of naics in mapping, if levelofNAICSagg is specified as "aggregated"
        if levelofSectoragg == 'aggregated':
            mapping = expand_naics_list(mapping, sectorsourcename)
    # Merge in with flowbyactivity by
    flowbyactivity_wsector_df = flowbyactivity_df
    for k, v in activity_fields.items():
        sector_direction = k
        flowbyactivity_field = v[0]["flowbyactivity"]
        flowbysector_field = v[1]["flowbysector"]
        sector_type_field = sector_direction + 'SectorType'
        mappings_df_tmp = mapping.rename(
                'Activity': flowbyactivity_field,
                'Sector': flowbysector_field,
                'SectorType': sector_type_field
        # column doesn't exist for sector-like activities, so ignore if error occurs
        mappings_df_tmp = mappings_df_tmp.drop(columns=['ActivitySourceName'],
        # Merge them in. Critical this is a left merge to preserve all unmapped rows
        flowbyactivity_wsector_df = pd.merge(flowbyactivity_wsector_df,
    flowbyactivity_wsector_df = flowbyactivity_wsector_df.replace(
        {np.nan: None})
    # add sector source name
    flowbyactivity_wsector_df = flowbyactivity_wsector_df.assign(

    # if activities are sector-like check that the sectors are in the crosswalk
    if src_info['sector-like_activities']:
        flowbyactivity_wsector_df = replace_naics_w_naics_2012(
            flowbyactivity_wsector_df, sectorsourcename)

    return flowbyactivity_wsector_df
Пример #2
def add_sectors_to_flowbyactivity(flowbyactivity_df,
    Add Sectors from the Activity fields and mapped them to Sector from the crosswalk.
    No allocation is performed.
    :param flowbyactivity_df: A standard flowbyactivity data frame
    :param sectorsourcename: A sector source name, using package default
    :return: a df with activity fields mapped to 'sectors'

    mappings = []

    # First check if source activities are NAICS like - if so make it into a mapping file

    cat = load_source_catalog()

    for s in pd.unique(flowbyactivity_df['SourceName']):
        src_info = cat[s]
        # read the pre-determined level of sector aggregation of each crosswalk from the source catalog
        levelofSectoragg = src_info['sector_aggregation_level']
        # if data are provided in NAICS format, use the mastercrosswalk
        if src_info['sector-like_activities']:
            cw = load_sector_crosswalk()
            sectors = cw.loc[:, [sector_source_name]]
            # Create mapping df that's just the sectors at first
            mapping = sectors.drop_duplicates()
            # Add the sector twice as activities so mapping is identical
            mapping = mapping.assign(Activity=sectors[sector_source_name])
            mapping = mapping.rename(columns={sector_source_name: "Sector"})
            # add columns so can run expand_naics_list_fxn
            # if sector-like_activities = True, missing columns, so add
            mapping['ActivitySourceName'] = s
            # tmp assignment
            mapping['SectorType'] = None
            # Include all digits of naics in mapping, if levelofNAICSagg is specified as "aggregated"
            if levelofSectoragg == 'aggregated':
                mapping = expand_naics_list(mapping, sectorsourcename)
            # if source data activities are text strings, call on the manually created source crosswalks
            mapping = get_activitytosector_mapping(s)
            # filter by SectorSourceName of interest
            mapping = mapping[mapping['SectorSourceName'] == sectorsourcename]
            # drop SectorSourceName
            mapping = mapping.drop(columns=['SectorSourceName'])
            # Include all digits of naics in mapping, if levelofNAICSagg is specified as "aggregated"
            if levelofSectoragg == 'aggregated':
                mapping = expand_naics_list(mapping, sectorsourcename)
    mappings_df = pd.concat(mappings, sort=False)
    # Merge in with flowbyactivity by
    flowbyactivity_wsector_df = flowbyactivity_df
    for k, v in activity_fields.items():
        sector_direction = k
        flowbyactivity_field = v[0]["flowbyactivity"]
        flowbysector_field = v[1]["flowbysector"]
        sector_type_field = sector_direction + 'SectorType'
        mappings_df_tmp = mappings_df.rename(
                'Activity': flowbyactivity_field,
                'Sector': flowbysector_field,
                'SectorType': sector_type_field
        # column doesn't exist for sector-like activities, so ignore if error occurs
        mappings_df_tmp = mappings_df_tmp.drop(columns=['ActivitySourceName'],
        # Merge them in. Critical this is a left merge to preserve all unmapped rows
        flowbyactivity_wsector_df = pd.merge(flowbyactivity_wsector_df,
    flowbyactivity_wsector_df = flowbyactivity_wsector_df.replace(
        {np.nan: None})

    return flowbyactivity_wsector_df
Пример #3
def dataset_allocation_method(flow_subset_mapped, attr, names, method,
                              k, v, aset, method_name, aset_names):
    Method of allocation using a specified data source
    :param flow_subset_mapped: FBA subset mapped using federal elementary flow list
    :param attr: dictionary, attribute data from method yaml for activity set
    :param names: list, activity names in activity set
    :param method: dictionary, FBS method yaml
    :param k: str, the datasource name
    :param v: dictionary, the datasource parameters
    :param aset: dictionary items for FBS method yaml
    :param method_name: str, method ame
    :param aset_names: list, activity set names
    :return: df, allocated activity names

    from flowsa.validation import compare_df_units

    # add parameters to dictionary if exist in method yaml
    fba_dict = {}
    if 'allocation_flow' in attr:
        fba_dict['flowname_subset'] = attr['allocation_flow']
    if 'allocation_compartment' in attr:
        fba_dict['compartment_subset'] = attr['allocation_compartment']
    if 'clean_allocation_fba' in attr:
        fba_dict['clean_fba'] = attr['clean_allocation_fba']
    if 'clean_allocation_fba_w_sec' in attr:
        fba_dict['clean_fba_w_sec'] = attr['clean_allocation_fba_w_sec']

    # load the allocation FBA
    fba_allocation_wsec = load_map_clean_fba(method, attr, fba_sourcename=attr['allocation_source'],
                                             geoscale_to=v['geoscale_to_use'], **fba_dict)

    # subset fba datasets to only keep the sectors associated with activity subset
    log.info("Subsetting %s for sectors in %s", attr['allocation_source'], k)
    fba_allocation_subset = get_fba_allocation_subset(fba_allocation_wsec, k, names,

    # if there is an allocation helper dataset, modify allocation df
    if 'helper_source' in attr:
        log.info("Using the specified allocation help for subset of %s", attr['allocation_source'])
        fba_allocation_subset = allocation_helper(fba_allocation_subset, attr, method, v)

    # create flow allocation ratios for each activity
    # if load_source_catalog()[k]['sector-like_activities']
    flow_alloc_list = []
    group_cols = fba_wsec_default_grouping_fields
    group_cols = [e for e in group_cols if e not in ('ActivityProducedBy', 'ActivityConsumedBy')]
    for n in names:
        log.debug("Creating allocation ratios for %s", n)
        fba_allocation_subset_2 = get_fba_allocation_subset(fba_allocation_subset, k, [n],
        if len(fba_allocation_subset_2) == 0:
            log.info("No data found to allocate %s", n)
            flow_alloc = allocate_by_sector(fba_allocation_subset_2,
                                            attr['allocation_method'], group_cols,
            flow_alloc = flow_alloc.assign(FBA_Activity=n)
    flow_allocation = pd.concat(flow_alloc_list, ignore_index=True)

    # generalize activity field names to enable link to main fba source
    log.info("Generalizing activity columns in subset of %s", attr['allocation_source'])
    flow_allocation = collapse_activity_fields(flow_allocation)

    # check for issues with allocation ratios
    check_allocation_ratios(flow_allocation, aset, method)

    # create list of sectors in the flow allocation df, drop any rows of data in the flow df that \
    # aren't in list
    sector_list = flow_allocation['Sector'].unique().tolist()

    # subset fba allocation table to the values in the activity list, based on overlapping sectors
    flow_subset_mapped = flow_subset_mapped.loc[
        (flow_subset_mapped[fbs_activity_fields[0]].isin(sector_list)) |

    # check if fba and allocation dfs have the same LocationSystem
    log.info("Checking if flowbyactivity and allocation dataframes use the same location systems")
    check_if_location_systems_match(flow_subset_mapped, flow_allocation)

    # merge fba df w/flow allocation dataset
    log.info("Merge %s and subset of %s", k, attr['allocation_source'])
    for i, j in activity_fields.items():
        # check units
        compare_df_units(flow_subset_mapped, flow_allocation)
        flow_subset_mapped = flow_subset_mapped.merge(
            flow_allocation[['Location', 'Sector', 'FlowAmountRatio', 'FBA_Activity']],
            left_on=['Location', j[1]["flowbysector"], j[0]["flowbyactivity"]],
            right_on=['Location', 'Sector', 'FBA_Activity'], how='left')

    # merge the flowamount columns
    flow_subset_mapped.loc[:, 'FlowAmountRatio'] =\
    # fill null rows with 0 because no allocation info
    flow_subset_mapped['FlowAmountRatio'] = flow_subset_mapped['FlowAmountRatio'].fillna(0)

    # drop rows where there is no allocation data
    fbs = flow_subset_mapped.dropna(subset=['Sector_x', 'Sector_y'], how='all').reset_index()

    # calculate flow amounts for each sector
    log.info("Calculating new flow amounts using flow ratios")
    fbs.loc[:, 'FlowAmount'] = fbs['FlowAmount'] * fbs['FlowAmountRatio']

    # drop columns
    log.info("Cleaning up new flow by sector")
    fbs = fbs.drop(columns=['Sector_x', 'FlowAmountRatio_x', 'Sector_y', 'FlowAmountRatio_y',
                            'FlowAmountRatio', 'FBA_Activity_x', 'FBA_Activity_y'])
    return fbs