Пример #1
def api_nexus_hashes_hash(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    message_hash = matchdict["hash"]
    message = NexusMessage.getByMessageHash(message_hash)

    if (message is not None):
        return {"result": True}
        return {"result": False}
Пример #2
def api_nexus_messages_hash(request):
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    message_hash = matchdict["hash"]
    message = NexusMessage.getByMessageHash(message_hash)
    if (message is not None):
        result = {"message": {}}
        result["message"]["title"] = message.title
        result["message"]["content"] = message.content
        result["message"]["message_hash"] = message.message_hash
        result["message"]["created_time"] = message.created_time
        result["message"]["attachment_path"] = message.attachment_path
        result["message"]["attachment_original_filename"] = message.attachment_original_filename
        result["message"]["username"] = message.user.username

        return result
        return {"error": "No message found for hash %s" % message_hash}
Пример #3
def api_nexus_message_update(request):
    # TODO
    # add signed API call to request a nonce
    # and then in this call, check for nonce and for nonce time < 2 hours
    session = DBSession()

    if ("message" not in request.params):
        return {"error": _("No 'message' parameter found")}
        message = simplejson.loads(request.params["message"], encoding="utf-8")

        # Get the nonce
            nonce = message["message_nonce"]
        except KeyError:
            return {"error": "You think you can get in without following the rules?  No cookie for you!"}

        # Check the nonce
        if (not ConsumerNonce.checkNonce(nonce)):
            return {"error": "Nonce not correct."}
        # Get the consumer key
        consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(message["message_key"])
        if ("message_title" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_title' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_content" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_content' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_hash" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_hash' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_time" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_time' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_type" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_type' found in POSTed message.")}

        computed_hash = hashlib.sha256(unicode(message["message_title"]).encode("utf-8") + unicode(message["message_content"]).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

        if (computed_hash != message["message_hash"]):
            return {"error": _("The computed hash (%s) does not match the hash sent with the POST (%s)." % (computed_hash, message["message_hash"]))}

        if (NexusMessage.getByMessageHash(computed_hash)):
            return {"error": "The message with hash '%s' already exists in the Nexus" % message["message_hash"]}

        m = NexusMessage()
        m.title = message["message_title"]

        # Strip any potential HTML tags in the content
        m.content = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', message["message_content"]) 
        m.message_hash = message["message_hash"]
        m.message_type = message["message_type"]
        m.created_time = message["message_time"]
        m.priority = message["message_priority"]

        if (request.params.has_key("message_attachment")):
            attachment = request.params.get("message_attachment")

            if not hasattr(attachment, 'file'):
                raise TypeError("Not a valid file field")

            attachmentsDir = request.registry.settings["attachments.data_dir"]

            #attachmentDataBase64 = message["message_attachment"]
            #attachmentData = base64.b64decode(attachmentDataBase64)
            message_attachment_path = os.path.join(attachmentsDir, message["message_hash"])
            attachment_original_filename = message["message_attachment_original_filename"]

            fullPath, extension = os.path.splitext(attachment_original_filename)
            fp = open(message_attachment_path + extension, "wb")
            while True:
                data = attachment.file.read(8192)
                if not data:


            # Resize if an image
            if (m.message_type == 2):
                size = 200, 200
                    # Probably needs some validation here...
                    im = Image.open(message_attachment_path + extension)
                    im.save(message_attachment_path + "_tn" + extension)
                except IOError, e:

            m.attachment_original_filename = attachment_original_filename
            m.attachment_path = message_attachment_path