Пример #1
def test_contraction_conical_Miller_coefficients():
    from fluids.fittings import contraction_conical_Miller_tck
    path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir,
                        'Miller 2E 1990 conical contractions K part 1.csv')
    Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios = Engauge_2d_parser(open(path).readlines())
    path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir,
                        'Miller 2E 1990 conical contractions K part 2.csv')
    Kd2, l_ratio2, A_ratio2 = Engauge_2d_parser(open(path).readlines())
    A_ratios = [[i + 1.0 for i in j] for j in A_ratios]

    #    # The second set of data obviously looks terirble when plotted
    #    # Normally the data should be smoothed, but, well, the smoothing
    #    # function also requires smooth functions.
    #    for K, ls, As in zip(Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios):
    #        plt.loglog(ls, np.array(As)-1, label=str(K))
    #    plt.legend()
    #    plt.show()

    all_zs = []
    all_xs = []
    all_ys = []
    for z, xs, ys in zip(Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios):
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):

    tck = bisplrep(np.log(all_xs), np.log(all_ys), all_zs, kx=3, ky=1, s=.0001)
        assert_allclose(i, j)
        for i, j in zip(contraction_conical_Miller_tck, tck)
Пример #2
def test_bend_rounded_Miller_K_coefficients():
    from fluids import fluids_data_dir
    from fluids.core import Engauge_2d_parser
    from fluids.fittings import tck_bend_rounded_Miller
    Kb_curve_path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir,
                                 'Miller 2E 1990 smooth bends Kb.csv')
    lines = open(Kb_curve_path).readlines()
    all_zs, all_xs, all_ys = Engauge_2d_parser(lines, flat=True)

    tck_recalc = bisplrep(all_xs, all_ys, all_zs, kx=3, ky=3, s=.001)
Пример #3
def test_bend_miter_Miller_coefficients():
    from fluids.optional.pychebfun import chebfun, chebfun_to_poly
    curve_path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir, 'Miller 2E 1990 Kb mitre bend.csv')
    text = open(curve_path).readlines()
    zs, x_lists, y_lists = Engauge_2d_parser(text)
    x_raw, y_raw = x_lists[0], y_lists[0]
    univar = UnivariateSpline(x_raw, y_raw, s=1e-4)
    fun = chebfun(f=univar, domain=[0,120], N=15) # 15 max for many coeffs

    recalc_coeffs = chebfun_to_poly(fun)
    from fluids.fittings import bend_miter_Miller_coeffs
    assert_allclose(bend_miter_Miller_coeffs, recalc_coeffs)
Пример #4
def test_diffuser_conical_Miller_coefficients():
    from fluids.fittings import tck_diffuser_conical_Miller
    path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir,
                        'Miller 2E 1990 conical diffuser Kd.csv')
    Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios = Engauge_2d_parser(open(path).readlines())
    # Fixup stupidity
    A_ratios = [[i + 1.0 for i in j] for j in A_ratios]
    #    for K, ls, As in zip(Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios):
    #        plt.loglog(ls, np.array(As)-1)
    #    plt.show()

    interp_objs = []
    for K, ls, As in zip(Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios):
        univar = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(ls), np.log10(As), s=4e-5)

    # Extrapolation to the left and right looks bad
    # Extrapolation upwards looks bad too
    ls_full = np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(20))
    ls_stored = []
    As_stored = []
    for i, (K, ls, As) in enumerate(zip(Kds, l_ratios, A_ratios)):
        #        plt.loglog(ls, As)
        univar = interp_objs[i]
        As_full = 10**univar(np.log10(ls_full))
        #     plt.loglog(ls_full, As_full)
        #     print(len(univar.get_coeffs()), len(univar.get_knots()))
        ls_smoothed = np.logspace(np.log10(ls[0]), np.log10(ls[-1]), 100)
        As_smoothed = 10**univar(np.log10(ls_smoothed))
        #     plt.loglog(ls_smoothed, As_smoothed)

    # plt.show()
    all_zs = []
    all_xs = []
    all_ys = []
    for z, xs, ys in zip(Kds, ls_stored, As_stored):
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):

    tck_recalc = bisplrep(np.log(all_xs), np.log(all_ys), all_zs, s=.002)
        assert_allclose(i, j, rtol=1e-2)
        for i, j in zip(tck_diffuser_conical_Miller, tck_recalc)
Пример #5
def test_contraction_abrupt_Miller_coefficients():
    from fluids.fittings import tck_contraction_abrupt_Miller
    curve_path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir,
                              'Miller 2E 1990 abrupt contraction K.csv')
    text = open(curve_path).readlines()

    zs, x_lists, y_lists = Engauge_2d_parser(text)
    for xs, values in zip(x_lists, y_lists):
        values[-1] = 0
        low = 1e-8
        for i in range(2):
            low = low / 10
            values.insert(-1, low)
            xs.insert(-1, 1 - low)
        xs[-1] = 1

    inter_objs = []
    for rd, As, Ks in zip(zs, x_lists, y_lists):
        univar = UnivariateSpline(As, Ks, s=1e-5)

    # make a rectangular grid
    As = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
    Ks_stored = []
    for obj in inter_objs:
        Ks_smoothed = obj(As)
        Ks_smoothed[Ks_smoothed < 0] = 0  # Avoid zeros

    # Flatten the data to the form used in creating the spline
    all_zs = []
    all_xs = []
    all_ys = []
    for z, x, ys in zip(zs, As, Ks_stored):
        for x, y in zip(As, ys):
    tck_recalc = bisplrep(all_xs, all_zs, all_ys, s=5e-4)
        assert_allclose(i, j, rtol=1e-2)
        for i, j in zip(tck_contraction_abrupt_Miller, tck_recalc)
Пример #6
def test_entrance_rounded_Miller_coefficients():
    from fluids.fittings import entrance_rounded_Miller_coeffs
    path = os.path.join(fluids_data_dir, 'Miller 2E 1990 entrances rounded beveled K.csv')
    lines = open(path).readlines()
    _, ratios, Ks = Engauge_2d_parser(lines)
    ratios_45, ratios_30, ratios_round = ratios
    Ks_45, Ks_30, Ks_round = Ks

#    plt.plot(ratios_round, Ks_round)
    t_ds2 = np.linspace(ratios_round[0], ratios_round[1], 1000)
#    Ks_Rennels = [entrance_rounded(Di=1, rc=t) for t in t_ds2]
#    plt.plot(t_ds2, Ks_Rennels)
    obj = UnivariateSpline(ratios_round, Ks_round, s=6e-5)
#    plt.plot(t_ds2, obj(t_ds2))
    fun = chebfun(f=obj, domain=[0,.3], N=8)
#    plt.plot(t_ds2, fun(t_ds2), '--')
#    plt.show()
    coeffs = chebfun_to_poly(fun)
    assert_allclose(coeffs, entrance_rounded_Miller_coeffs)
Пример #7
def test_bend_rounded_Miller_outlet_tangent_correction():
    from fluids.fittings import tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re
    Re_curve_path = os.path.join(
        'Miller 2E 1990 smooth bends outlet tangent length correction.csv')
    text = open(Re_curve_path).readlines()

    Kbs, length_ratio_lists, Co_lists = Engauge_2d_parser(text)

    def BioScience_GeneralizedSubstrateDepletion_model(x_in):
        '''Fit created using zunzun.com, comparing the non-linear,
        non-logarithmic plot values with pixel positions on the graph.
        0	0.00
        1	311
        2	493
        4	721
        6	872
        10	1074
        20	1365
        30	1641
        40	1661
        temp = 0.0
        a = 1.0796070184265327E+03
        b = 2.7557612059844967E+00
        c = -2.1529870432577212E+01
        d = 4.1229208061974096E-03
        temp = (a * x_in) / (b + x_in) - (c * x_in) - d
        return temp

    def fix(y):
        # Reverse the plot
        # Convert input "y" to between 0 and 1661
        y = y / 30  # 0-1 linear
        y *= 1641  # to max
        err = lambda x: BioScience_GeneralizedSubstrateDepletion_model(x) - y
        return float(fsolve(err, 1))

    for values in length_ratio_lists:
        for i in range(len(values)):
            x = min(values[i], 30)  # Do not allow values over 30
            values[i] = fix(x)

#     Plotting code
#    inter_objs = []
#    for Kb, lrs, Cos in zip(Kbs, length_ratio_lists, Co_lists):
#        univar = UnivariateSpline(lrs, Cos, s=4e-4) # Default smoothing is great!
#        inter_objs.append(univar)
#    for i, (Kb, lrs, Cos) in enumerate(zip(Kbs, length_ratio_lists, Co_lists)):
#        plt.semilogx(lrs, Cos, 'x')
#        univar = inter_objs[i]
#        Cs_smoothed = univar(lrs)
#        plt.semilogx(lrs, Cs_smoothed)
# plt.ylim([0.3, 3])
# plt.xlim([0.1, 30])
# plt.show()

#   Code to literally write the code
    min_vals = []
    tcks = []
    for Kb, lrs, Cos in zip(Kbs, length_ratio_lists, Co_lists):
        univar = splrep(lrs, Cos, s=4e-4)  # Default smoothing is great!
        s = ('tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_o_%s = ' % str(Kb).replace('.', '_'))
        template = 'np.array(%s),\n'
        t1 = template % str(univar[0].tolist())
        t2 = template % str(univar[1].tolist())
        s = s + '[%s%s3]' % (t1, t2)
        #        print(s)
        min_vals.append(float(splev(0.01, univar)))

    # Check the fixed constants above the function
    from fluids.fittings import tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_os
    for tck, tck_recalc in zip(tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_os, tcks):
        [assert_allclose(i, j) for i, j in zip(tck, tck_recalc)]

    from fluids.fittings import bend_rounded_Miller_C_o_limit_0_01
    assert_allclose(min_vals, bend_rounded_Miller_C_o_limit_0_01)

    from fluids.fittings import bend_rounded_Miller_C_o_limits
    max_ratios = [i[-1] for i in length_ratio_lists]
    assert_allclose(max_ratios, bend_rounded_Miller_C_o_limits)
Пример #8
def test_bend_rounded_Miller_Re_correction():
    from fluids import fluids_data_dir
    from fluids.core import Engauge_2d_parser
    from fluids.fittings import tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re
    Re_curve_path = os.path.join(
        fluids_data_dir, 'Miller 2E 1990 smooth bends Re correction.csv')
    text = open(Re_curve_path).readlines()
    rds, Re_lists, C_lists = Engauge_2d_parser(text)

    inter_objs = []
    for rd, Res, Cs in zip(rds, Re_lists, C_lists):
        univar = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(Res),
                                  Cs)  # Default smoothing is great!

    for i, (rd, Res, Cs) in enumerate(zip(rds, Re_lists, C_lists)):
        #     plt.semilogx(Res, Cs)
        univar = inter_objs[i]
        Cs_smoothed = univar(np.log10(Res))
    #     plt.semilogx(Res, Cs_smoothed)
    #     print(univar.get_coeffs(), univar.get_knots())
    # plt.show()

    # make a rectangular grid
    Res = np.logspace(np.log10(1E4), np.log10(1E8), 100)
    Cs_stored = []
    for obj in inter_objs:
        Cs_smoothed = obj(np.log10(Res))
        #        plt.semilogx(Res, Cs_smoothed)
#    plt.show()

# Flatten the data to the form used in creating the spline
    all_zs = []
    all_xs = []
    all_ys = []
    for z, x, ys in zip(rds, Res, Cs_stored):
        for x, y in zip(Res, ys):

    tck_recalc = bisplrep(np.log10(all_xs), all_zs, all_ys)
        assert_allclose(i, j)
        for i, j in zip(tck_bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re, tck_recalc)

    spline_obj = lambda Re, r_D: bisplev(np.log10(Re), r_D, tck_recalc)
    Res = np.logspace(np.log10(1E4), np.log10(1E8), 100)
    for obj, r_d in zip(inter_objs, rds):
        Cs_smoothed = obj(np.log10(Res))
#        plt.semilogx(Res, Cs_smoothed)
#     Cs_spline = spline_obj(Res, r_d)
#     plt.semilogx(Res, Cs_spline, '--')
    for r in np.linspace(1, 2, 10):
        Cs_spline = spline_obj(Res, r)

#        plt.semilogx(Res, Cs_spline, '-')
#    plt.show()

    from fluids.fittings import bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re_limit_1
    from fluids.fittings import bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re
    ps = np.linspace(1, 2)
    qs = [
        newton(lambda x: bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re(x, i) - 1, 2e5) for i in ps
    rs = np.polyfit(ps, qs, 4).tolist()
    assert_allclose(rs, bend_rounded_Miller_C_Re_limit_1)