Пример #1
    def tst_undistort_orig(self, distorted_xys, helper_args):
        helper = reconstruct_utils.ReconstructHelper(*helper_args)
        for xy in distorted_xys:
            undistorted_xy = helper.undistort(*xy, n_iterations=50)
            redistorted_xy = helper.distort(*undistorted_xy)

            assert numpy.allclose(xy, redistorted_xy)
Пример #2
 def tst_roundtrip(self, xys_orig_distorted, helper_args):
     helper = reconstruct_utils.ReconstructHelper(*helper_args)
     for xy_orig_distorted in xys_orig_distorted:
         xy_undistorted = helper.undistort(
             xy_orig_distorted[0], xy_orig_distorted[1], n_iterations=50
         xy_distorted = helper.distort(xy_undistorted[0], xy_undistorted[1])
         assert numpy.allclose(xy_distorted, xy_orig_distorted)
Пример #3
    def tst_distort(self, pinhole_xys, helper_args):
        helper = reconstruct_utils.ReconstructHelper(*helper_args)
        for xy in pinhole_xys:
            xd, yd = self._distort(helper_args, xy)
            test_x, test_y = helper.distort(*xy)

            rtol = 1e-4  # float32 not very accurate
            assert numpy.allclose([xd, yd], [test_x, test_y], rtol=rtol)
def generate_calibration(
    pi = numpy.pi

    sccs = []

    # 1. extrinsic parameters:
    if 1:
        # method 1:
        #  arrange cameras in circle around common point
        common_point = numpy.array((0, 0, 0), dtype=numpy.float64)
        r = 10.0

        theta = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * pi, n_cameras, endpoint=False)
        x = numpy.cos(theta)
        y = numpy.sin(theta)
        z = numpy.zeros(y.shape)

        cc = numpy.c_[x, y, z]
        #cam_up = numpy.array((0,0,1))

        #cam_ups = numpy.resize(cam_up,cc.shape)
        #cam_forwads = -cc
        cam_centers = r * cc + common_point

        # Convert up/forward into rotation matrix.
        if 1:
            Rs = []
            for i, th in enumerate(theta):
                pos = cam_centers[i]
                target = common_point
                up = (0, 0, 1)
                if 0:
                    print 'pos', pos
                    print 'target', target
                    print 'up', up
                R = cgtypes.mat4().lookAt(pos, target, up)
                #print 'R4',R
                R = R.getMat3()
                #print 'R3',R
                R = numpy.asarray(R).T
                #print 'R',R

            # (Camera coords: looking forward -z, up +y, right +x)
            R = cgtypes.mat3().identity()

            if 1:
                # (looking forward -z, up +x, right -y)
                R = R.rotation(-pi / 2, (0, 0, 1))

                # (looking forward +x, up +z, right -y)
                R = R.rotation(-pi / 2, (0, 1, 0))

                # rotate to point -theta (with up +z)
                Rs = [R.rotation(float(th) + pi, (0, 0, 1)) for th in theta]
                #Rs = [ R for th in theta ]
                Rs = [R.rotation(pi / 2.0, (1, 0, 0)) for th in theta]
                #Rs = [ R for th in theta ]
            Rs = [numpy.asarray(R).T for R in Rs]
            print 'Rs', Rs

    # 2. intrinsic parameters

    resolutions = {}
    for cam_no in range(n_cameras):
        cam_id = 'fake_%d' % (cam_no + 1)

        # resolution of image
        res = (1600, 1200)
        resolutions[cam_id] = res

        # principal point
        cc1 = res[0] / 2.0
        cc2 = res[1] / 2.0

        # focal length
        fc1 = 1.0
        fc2 = 1.0
        alpha_c = 0.0
        #        R = numpy.asarray(Rs[cam_no]).T # conversion between cgkit and numpy
        R = Rs[cam_no]
        C = cam_centers[cam_no][:, numpy.newaxis]

        K = numpy.array(((fc1, alpha_c * fc1, cc1), (0, fc2, cc2), (0, 0, 1)))
        t = numpy.dot(-R, C)
        Rt = numpy.concatenate((R, t), axis=1)
        P = numpy.dot(K, Rt)
        if 0:
            print 'cam_id', cam_id
            print 'P'
            print P
            print 'K'
            print K
            print 'Rt'
            print Rt
            KR = numpy.dot(K, R)
            print 'KR', KR
            K3, R3 = reconstruct.my_rq(KR)
            print 'K3'
            print K3
            print 'R3'
            print R3
            K3R3 = numpy.dot(K3, R3)
            print 'K3R3', K3R3

            print '*' * 60

        if radial_distortion:
            f = 1000.0
            r1 = 0.8
            r2 = -0.2

            helper = reconstruct_utils.ReconstructHelper(
                f,  # focal length
                cc2,  # image center
                r2,  # radial distortion
                0)  # tangential distortion

        scc = reconstruct.SingleCameraCalibration_from_basic_pmat(
        if 1:
            # XXX test
            K2, R2 = scc.get_KR()
            if 0:
                print 'C', C
                print 't', t
                print 'K', K
                print 'K2', K2
                print 'R', R
                print 'R2', R2
                print 'P', P
                print 'KR|t', numpy.dot(K, Rt)
                t2 = scc.get_t()
                print 't2', t2
                Rt2 = numpy.concatenate((R2, t2), axis=1)
                print 'KR2|t', numpy.dot(K2, Rt2)
            KR2 = numpy.dot(K2, R2)
            KR = numpy.dot(K, R)
            if not numpy.allclose(KR2, KR):
                if not numpy.allclose(KR2, -KR):
                    raise ValueError('expected KR2 and KR to be identical')
                    print 'WARNING: weird sign error in calibration math FIXME!'
    recon = reconstruct.Reconstructor(sccs)

    full_info = {
        'reconstructor': recon,
        'center': common_point,  # where all the cameras are looking
        'camera_dist_from_center': r,
        'resolutions': resolutions,
    if return_full_info:
        return full_info
    return recon