Пример #1
    def rotate(self, axis, theta):
        '''Rotate this vector around an axis by a specified angle.

           See U{Rotation matrix from axis and angle
           and U{Quaternion-derived rotation matrix

           @param axis: The axis being rotated around (L{Vector3d}).
           @param theta: The angle of rotation (C{radians}).

           @return: New, rotated vector (L{Vector3d}).

           @JSname: I{rotateAround}.
        self.others(axis, name='axis')

        c = cos(theta)
        a = axis.unit()  # axis being rotated around
        b = a.times(1 - c)
        s = a.times(sin(theta))

        p = self.unit().to3xyz()  # point being rotated

        # multiply p by a quaternion-derived rotation matrix
        return self.classof(
            fdot(p, a.x * b.x + c, a.x * b.y - s.z, a.x * b.z + s.y),
            fdot(p, a.y * b.x + s.z, a.y * b.y + c, a.y * b.z - s.x),
            fdot(p, a.z * b.x - s.y, a.z * b.y + s.x, a.z * b.z + c))
Пример #2
def toOsgr(latlon, lon=None, datum=Datums.WGS84, Osgr=Osgr):
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to an OSGR coordinate.

       @param latlon: Latitude (degrees) or an (ellipsoidal)
                      geodetic I{LatLon} point.
       @keyword lon: Optional longitude in degrees (scalar or None).
       @keyword datum: Optional datum to convert (I{Datum}).
       @keyword Osgr: Optional Osgr class to use for the
                      OSGR coordinate (L{Osgr}).

       @return: The OSGR coordinate (L{Osgr}).

       @raise TypeError: If I{latlon} is not ellipsoidal or if
                         I{datum} conversion failed.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid I{latlon} or I{lon}.


       >>> p = LatLon(52.65798, 1.71605)
       >>> r = toOsgr(p)  # TG 51409 13177
       >>> # for conversion of (historical) OSGB36 lat-/longitude:
       >>> r = toOsgr(52.65757, 1.71791, datum=Datums.OSGB36)
    if not isinstance(latlon, _eLLb):
        # XXX fix failing _eLLb.convertDatum()
        latlon = _eLLb(*parseDMS2(latlon, lon), datum=datum)
    elif lon is not None:
        raise ValueError('%s not %s: %r' % ('lon', None, lon))

    E = _OSGB36.ellipsoid

    ll = _ll2datum(latlon, _OSGB36, 'latlon')
    a, b = map1(radians, ll.lat, ll.lon)

    ca, sa, ta = cos(a), sin(a), tan(a)

    s = E.e2s2(sa)
    v = E.a * _F0 / sqrt(s)  # nu
    r = s / E.e12  # nu / rho == v / (v * E.e12 / s)

    x2 = r - 1  # η2

    ca3, ca5 = fpowers(ca, 5, 3)  # PYCHOK false!
    ta2, ta4 = fpowers(ta, 4, 2)  # PYCHOK false!

    vsa = v * sa
    I4 = (E.b * _F0 * _M(E.Mabcd, a) + _N0, (vsa / 2) * ca,
          (vsa / 24) * ca3 * fsum_(5, -ta2, 9 * x2),
          (vsa / 720) * ca5 * fsum_(61, ta4, -58 * ta2))

    V4 = (_E0, (v * ca), (v / 6) * ca3 * (r - ta2), (v / 120) * ca5 * fdot(
        (-18, 1, 14, -58), ta2, 5 + ta4, x2, ta2 * x2))

    d, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 = fpowers(b - _B0, 6)  # PYCHOK false!
    n = fdot(I4, 1, d2, d4, d6)
    e = fdot(V4, 1, d, d3, d5)

    return Osgr(e, n)
Пример #3
def _rsT(T):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for C{_RD}, C{_RF} and C{_RJ}.
    s = map2(sqrt, T[1:])
    r = fdot(s[:3], s[1], s[2], s[0])
    T[:] = [(t + r) * 0.25 for t in T]
    return r, s, T
Пример #4
def _M(Mabcd, a):
    '''(INTERNAL) Compute meridional arc.
    a_ = a - _A0
    _a = a + _A0
    return fdot(Mabcd, a_, -sin(a_) * cos(_a),
                sin(a_ * 2) * cos(_a * 2), -sin(a_ * 3) * cos(_a * 3))
Пример #5
 def _hIDW(self, x, y):
     # interpolate height at (x, y) radians
     ws = tuple(self._distances(x, y))
     w, h = min(zip(ws, self._hs))
     if w > EPS:
         ws = tuple(w**self._b for w in ws)
         h = fdot(ws, *self._hs) / fsum(ws)
     return h
Пример #6
    def dot(self, other):
        '''Compute the dot (scalar) product of this and an other vector.

           @param other: The other vector (L{Vector3d}).

           @return: Dot product (C{float}).

           @raise TypeError: Incompatible I{other} C{type}.

        return fdot(self.to3xyz(), *other.to3xyz())
Пример #7
    def destinationNed(self, delta):
        '''Calculate the destination point using the supplied NED delta
           from this point.

           @param delta: Delta from this to the other point in the
                         local tangent plane (LTP) of this point (L{Ned}).

           @return: Destination point (L{Cartesian}).

           @raise TypeError: If {delta} is not L{Ned}.


           >>> a = LatLon(49.66618, 3.45063)
           >>> delta = toNed(116807.681, 222.493, -0.5245)  # [N:-86126, E:-78900, D:1069]
           >>> b = a.destinationNed(delta)  # 48.88667°N, 002.37472°E

           @JSname: I{destinationPoint}.
        if not isinstance(delta, Ned):
            raise TypeError('type(%s) not %s.%s' %
                            ('delta', Ned.__module__, Ned.__name__))

        n, e, d = self._rotation3()
        # convert NED delta to standard Vector3d in coordinate frame of n-vector
        dn = delta.toVector3d().to3xyz()
        # rotate dn to get delta in cartesian (ECEF) coordinate
        # reference frame using the rotation matrix column vectors
        dc = Cartesian(fdot(dn, n.x, e.x, d.x), fdot(dn, n.y, e.y, d.y),
                       fdot(dn, n.z, e.z, d.z))

        # apply (cartesian) delta to this Cartesian to
        # obtain destination point as cartesian
        v = self.toCartesian().plus(dc)  # the plus() gives a plain vector

        return v.toLatLon(
            LatLon=self.classof)  # Cartesian(v.x, v.y, v.z).toLatLon(...)
Пример #8
def isconvex_(points, adjust=False, wrap=True):
    '''Determine whether a polygon is convex and clockwise.

       @param points: The polygon points (C{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword adjust: Adjust the wrapped, unrolled longitudinal delta
                        by the cosine of the mean latitude (C{bool}).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap lat-, wrap and unroll longitudes (C{bool}).

       @return: C{+1} if I{points} are convex clockwise, C{-1} for
                convex counter-clockwise I{points}, C{0} otherwise.

       @raise CrossError: Some I{points} are colinear.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not C{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.


       >>> t = LatLon(45,1), LatLon(46,1), LatLon(46,2)
       >>> isconvex_(t)  # +1

       >>> f = LatLon(45,1), LatLon(46,2), LatLon(45,2), LatLon(46,1)
       >>> isconvex_(f)  # 0
    def _unroll_adjust(x1, y1, x2, y2, wrap):
        x21, x2 = unroll180(x1, x2, wrap=wrap)
        if adjust:
            x21 *= cos(radians(y1 + y2) * 0.5)
        return x21, x2

    pts = LatLon2psxy(points, closed=True, radius=None, wrap=wrap)
    c, n, s = crosserrors(), len(pts), 0

    x1, y1, _ = pts[n - 2]
    x2, y2, _ = pts[n - 1]
    x21, x2 = _unroll_adjust(x1, y1, x2, y2, False)

    for i in range(n):
        x3, y3, ll = pts[i]
        x32, x3 = _unroll_adjust(x2, y2, x3, y3, wrap if i <
                                 (n - 2) else False)

        # get the sign of the distance from point
        # x3, y3 to the line from x1, y1 to x2, y2
        # <http://WikiPedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line>
        s3 = fdot((x3, y3, x1, y1), y2 - y1, -x21, -y2, x2)
        if s3 > 0:  # x3, y3 on the right
            if s < 0:  # non-convex
                return 0
            s = +1

        elif s3 < 0:  # x3, y3 on the left
            if s > 0:  # non-convex
                return 0
            s = -1

        elif c and fdot((x32, y1 - y2), y3 - y2, -x21) < 0:
            # colinear u-turn: x3, y3 not on the
            # opposite side of x2, y2 as x1, y1
            raise CrossError('%s %s: %r' % ('colinear', 'point', ll))

        x1, y1, x2, y2, x21 = x2, y2, x3, y3, x32

    return s  # all points on the same side
Пример #9
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, datum=Datums.WGS84):
        '''Convert this OSGR coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic

           I{Note formulation implemented here due to Thomas, Redfearn,
           etc. is as published by OS, but is inferior to Krüger as
           used by e.g. Karney 2011.}

           @keyword LatLon: Optional ellipsoidal LatLon class to use
                            for the point (I{LatLon}).
           @keyword datum: Optional datum to use (I{Datum}).

           @return: The geodetic point (I{LatLon}) or 3-tuple (lat,
                    lon, datum) if I{LatLon} is None.

           @raise TypeError: If I{LatLon} is not ellipsoidal or if
                             I{datum} conversion failed.


           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV
           >>> g = Osgr(651409.903, 313177.270)
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 52°39′28.723″N, 001°42′57.787″E
           >>> # to obtain (historical) OSGB36 lat-/longitude point
           >>> p = g.toLatLon(eV.LatLon, datum=Datums.OSGB36)  # 52°39′27.253″N, 001°43′04.518″E
        if self._latlon:
            return self._latlon3(LatLon, datum)

        E = _OSGB36.ellipsoid  # Airy130
        a_F0 = E.a * _F0
        b_F0 = E.b * _F0

        e, n = self._easting, self._northing
        n_N0 = n - _N0

        a, M = _A0, 0
        sa = Fsum(a)
        while True:
            t = n_N0 - M
            if t < _10um:
            sa.fadd(t / a_F0)
            a = sa.fsum()
            M = b_F0 * _M(E.Mabcd, a)

        ca, sa, ta = cos(a), sin(a), tan(a)

        s = E.e2s2(sa)
        v = a_F0 / sqrt(s)  # nu
        r = v * E.e12 / s  # rho

        vr = v / r  # == s / E.e12
        x2 = vr - 1  # η2

        v3, v5, v7 = fpowers(v, 7, 3)  # PYCHOK false!
        ta2, ta4, ta6 = fpowers(ta**2, 3)  # PYCHOK false!

        tar = ta / r
        V4 = (a, tar / (2 * v), tar / (24 * v3) * fdot(
            (1, 3, -9), 5 + x2, ta2, ta2 * x2), tar / (720 * v5) * fdot(
                (61, 90, 45), 1, ta2, ta4))

        csa = 1.0 / ca
        X5 = (_B0, csa / v, csa / (6 * v3) * fsum_(vr, ta, ta),
              csa / (120 * v5) * fdot(
                  (5, 28, 24), 1, ta2, ta4), csa / (5040 * v7) * fdot(
                      (61, 662, 1320, 720), ta, ta2, ta4, ta6))

        d, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = fpowers(e - _E0, 7)  # PYCHOK false!
        a = fdot(V4, 1, -d2, d4, -d6)
        b = fdot(X5, 1, d, -d3, d5, -d7)

        self._latlon = _eLLb(degrees90(a), degrees180(b), datum=_OSGB36)
        return self._latlon3(LatLon, datum)
Пример #10
def toOsgr(latlon, lon=None, datum=Datums.WGS84, Osgr=Osgr, name=''):
    '''Convert a lat-/longitude point to an OSGR coordinate.

       @param latlon: Latitude (C{degrees}) or an (ellipsoidal)
                      geodetic C{LatLon} point.
       @keyword lon: Optional longitude in degrees (scalar or C{None}).
       @keyword datum: Optional datum to convert (C{Datum}).
       @keyword Osgr: Optional (sub-)class to return the OSGR
                      coordinate (L{Osgr}) or C{None}.
       @keyword name: Optional I{Osgr} name (C{str}).

       @return: The OSGR coordinate (L{Osgr}) or 2-tuple (easting,
                northing) if I{Osgr} is C{None}.

       @raise TypeError: Non-ellipsoidal I{latlon} or I{datum}
                         conversion failed.

       @raise ValueError: Invalid I{latlon} or I{lon}.


       >>> p = LatLon(52.65798, 1.71605)
       >>> r = toOsgr(p)  # TG 51409 13177
       >>> # for conversion of (historical) OSGB36 lat-/longitude:
       >>> r = toOsgr(52.65757, 1.71791, datum=Datums.OSGB36)
    if not isinstance(latlon, _LLEB):
        # XXX fix failing _LLEB.convertDatum()
        latlon = _LLEB(*parseDMS2(latlon, lon), datum=datum)
    elif lon is not None:
        raise ValueError('%s not %s: %r' % ('lon', None, lon))
    elif not name:  # use latlon.name
        name = _nameof(latlon) or name  # PYCHOK no effect

    E = _OSGB36.ellipsoid

    ll = _ll2datum(latlon, _OSGB36, 'latlon')
    a, b = map1(radians, ll.lat, ll.lon)

    sa, ca = sincos2(a)

    s = E.e2s2(sa)
    v = E.a * _F0 / sqrt(s)  # nu
    r = s / E.e12  # nu / rho == v / (v * E.e12 / s)

    x2 = r - 1  # η2
    ta = tan(a)

    ca3, ca5 = fpowers(ca, 5, 3)  # PYCHOK false!
    ta2, ta4 = fpowers(ta, 4, 2)  # PYCHOK false!

    vsa = v * sa
    I4 = (E.b * _F0 * _M(E.Mabcd, a) + _N0, (vsa / 2) * ca,
          (vsa / 24) * ca3 * fsum_(5, -ta2, 9 * x2),
          (vsa / 720) * ca5 * fsum_(61, ta4, -58 * ta2))

    V4 = (_E0, (v * ca), (v / 6) * ca3 * (r - ta2), (v / 120) * ca5 * fdot(
        (-18, 1, 14, -58), ta2, 5 + ta4, x2, ta2 * x2))

    d, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 = fpowers(b - _B0, 6)  # PYCHOK false!
    n = fdot(I4, 1, d2, d4, d6)
    e = fdot(V4, 1, d, d3, d5)

    return (e, n) if Osgr is None else _xnamed(Osgr(e, n), name)
Пример #11
def _xdot(d, a1, b1, a, b, wrap):
    # compute dot product d . (-b + b1, a - a1)
    db, _ = unrollPI(b1, radians(b), wrap=wrap)
    return fdot(d, db, radians(a) - a1)
Пример #12
def isconvex(points, adjust=False, wrap=True):
    '''Determine whether a polygon defined by an array, list, sequence,
       set or tuple of points is convex.

       @param points: The points defining the polygon (I{LatLon}[]).
       @keyword adjust: Adjust the wrapped, unrolled longitudinal delta
                        by the cosine of the mean latitude (bool).
       @keyword wrap: Wrap lat-, wrap and unroll longitudes (bool).

       @return: True if convex, False otherwise.

       @raise CrossError: Colinear point.

       @raise TypeError: Some I{points} are not I{LatLon}.

       @raise ValueError: Insufficient number of I{points}.


       >>> t = LatLon(45,1), LatLon(46,1), LatLon(46,2)
       >>> isconvex(t)  # True

       >>> f = LatLon(45,1), LatLon(46,2), LatLon(45,2), LatLon(46,1)
       >>> isconvex(f)  # False
    def _unroll_adjust(x1, y1, x2, y2):
        x21, x2 = unroll180(x1, x2, wrap=wrap)
        if adjust:
            x21 *= cos(radians(y1 + y2) * 0.5)
        return x21, x2

    pts = LatLon2psxy(points, closed=True, radius=None, wrap=wrap)
    c, n, s = crosserrors(), len(pts), None

    x1, y1, _ = pts[n - 2]
    x2, y2, _ = pts[n - 1]
    x21, x2 = _unroll_adjust(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    for i in range(n):
        x3, y3, ll = pts[i]
        x32, x3 = _unroll_adjust(x2, y2, x3, y3)

        # get the sign of the distance from point
        # x3, y3 to the line from x1, y1 to x2, y2
        # <http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line>
        s3 = fdot((x3, y3, x1, y1), y2 - y1, -x21, -y2, x2)
        if s3 > 0:  # x3, y3 on the left
            if s is None:
                s = True
            elif not s:  # different side
                return False

        elif s3 < 0:  # x3, y3 on the right
            if s is None:
                s = False
            elif s:  # different side
                return False

        elif c and fdot((x32, y1 - y2), y3 - y2, -x21) < 0:
            # colinear u-turn: x3, y3 not on the
            # opposite side of x2, y2 as x1, y1
            raise CrossError('%s %s: %r' % ('colinear', 'point', ll))

        x1, y1, x2, y2, x21 = x2, y2, x3, y3, x32

    return True  # all points on the same side