Пример #1
def calc_oper(mdl):
    endresults_nom, resgraph, mdlhist =propagate.nominal(mdl)
    opercost = endresults_nom['classification']['expected cost']
    g_soc = 20 - mdlhist['functions']['StoreEE']['soc'][-1] 
    g_faults = any(endresults_nom['faults'])
    g_max_height = sum([i for i in mdlhist['flows']['DOFs']['elev']-122 if i>0])
    return opercost, g_soc, g_faults, g_max_height
Пример #2
def calc_oper(mdl):
    endresults_nom, resgraph, mdlhist =propagate.nominal(mdl)
    opercost = endresults_nom['classification']['expected cost']
    g_soc = 20 - mdlhist['functions']['StoreEE']['soc'][-1] 
    g_faults = any(endresults_nom['faults'])
    g_max_height = sum([i for i in mdlhist['flows']['DOFs']['elev']-122 if i>0])
    landtime = find_landtime(mdlhist)
    mdl.phases['forward'][1] = landtime
    mdl.phases['taxis'][0] = landtime
    return opercost, g_soc, g_faults, g_max_height
Пример #3
def test_model_2():
    x0 = [0.1 , 2 , 5 , 10 , 0.05 , 10 ]   
    sus_simp = result0[1]
    inf_simp = result0[2]
    rec_simp = result0[3]
    fmdmdl = PandemicModel(params={'x0':x0})
    endresults, resgraph, mdlhist_nom = nominal(fmdmdl)
    sus_mdl = mdlhist_nom['functions']['City']['Susceptible']
    inf_mdl = mdlhist_nom['functions']['City']['Infected']
    rec_mdl = mdlhist_nom['functions']['City']['Recovered']
    sus_err = np.average(abs((sus_simp-sus_mdl)/(sus_mdl+0.1)))
    inf_err = np.average(abs((inf_simp-inf_mdl)/(inf_mdl+0.1)))
    rec_err = np.average(abs((rec_simp-rec_mdl)/(rec_mdl+0.1)))
    assert sus_err < 0.06
    assert inf_err < 0.06
    assert rec_err < 0.06
Пример #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Jul  5 14:58:54 2020

@author: danie

import sys


import fmdtools.faultsim.propagate as propagate
import fmdtools.resultdisp as rd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from drone_mdl import *
import time
from drone_opt import *

mdl = x_to_mdl([0, 2, 100, 0, 0])
params = mdl.params

endresults, resgraph, mdlhist = propagate.nominal(mdl)

rd.plot.mdlhistvals(mdlhist, fxnflowvals={'StoreEE': 'soc'})

#plot_nomtraj(mdlhist, params)

#plot_xy(mdlhist, endresults)
Пример #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Sep 11 10:23:55 2020

@author: Daniel Hulse

from drone_opt import *
import fmdtools.faultsim.propagate as propagate
import fmdtools.resultdisp.graph as graph

mdl_med = x_to_mdl([1,1,80,1,1])
endresults_med, resgraph, mdlhist_med =propagate.nominal(mdl_med)
plot_xy(mdlhist_med, endresults_med, title='Flight plan at 80 m')
app_med = SampleApproach(mdl_med, faults='single-component', phases={'forward'})
faulttime_med = app_med.times
landtime_med = min([i for i,a in enumerate(mdlhist_med['functions']['Planpath']['mode']) if a=='taxi'])
rcost_med = calc_res(mdl_med)
rcost_med2 = x_to_rcost([1,1],[80],[1,1])

mdl_low = x_to_mdl([1,1,50,1,1])
endresults_low, resgraph, mdlhist_low =propagate.nominal(mdl_low)
plot_xy(mdlhist_low, endresults_low, title='Flight plan at 50 m')
app_low = SampleApproach(mdl_low, faults='single-component', phases={'forward'})
faulttime_low = app_low.times
landtime_low = min([i for i,a in enumerate(mdlhist_low['functions']['Planpath']['mode']) if a=='taxi'])
rcost_low = calc_res(mdl_low)
rcost_low2 = x_to_rcost([1,1],[50],[1,1])
Пример #6
import fmdtools.faultsim.propagate as propagate
import fmdtools.resultdisp as rd
from ex_pump import *  #required to import entire module
import time

mdl = Pump()

#Before seeing how faults propogate, it's useful to see how the model performs
#in the nominal state to check to see that the model has been defined correctly.
# Some things worth checking:
#   -are all functions on the graph?
#   -are the functions connected with the correct flows?
#   -do any faults occur in the nominal state?
#   -do all the flow states proceed as desired over time?
endresults, resgraph, mdlhist = propagate.nominal(mdl, track=True)
#plot graph
#plot the flows over time
rd.plot.mdlhist(mdlhist, 'Nominal')
#we can also look at the value of states over time with a table
nominal_state_table = rd.tabulate.hist(mdlhist)
#this table is a pandas dataframe we can export with:
# nominal_state_table.to_csv("filename.csv")

#plots can be made on the bipartite version of the graph
endresults_bip, resgraph_bip, mdlhist2 = propagate.nominal(mdl,
rd.graph.show(resgraph_bip, gtype='bipartite', scale=2)
Пример #7
def objective(x):
    dm1 = PandemicModel(x)
    endresults, resgraph, mdlhist_nom = propagate.nominal(dm1)
    return endresults['classification']['total cost']
Пример #8
import fmdtools.faultsim.propagate as propagate
import fmdtools.resultdisp as rd
import csv
import time
import numpy as np
from fmd_model import PandemicModel
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
#from disease_model import *

#x0 = np.array([0.11 , 1 , 5 , 9.27 , 0.05 , 10 ])
x0 = [0.1, 2, 5, 10, 0.05, 10]
dm1 = PandemicModel(params={'x0': x0})


endresults, resgraph, mdlhist_nom = propagate.nominal(dm1)

#rd.plot.mdlhist(mdlhist_nom, fxnflows=['Campus'])

#normal_state_table = rd.tabulate.hist(mdlhist_nom)

    fxnflowvals={'City': ['Susceptible', 'Infected', 'Recovered']})

def objective(x):
    dm1 = PandemicModel(x)
    endresults, resgraph, mdlhist_nom = propagate.nominal(dm1)