Пример #1
def test_swap(parser):
LoadPlugin Swap;
Feature liga {
  Swap A B;
    buf = Buffer(parser.font, unicodes="CABD")
    shaper = Shaper(parser.fontfeatures, parser.font)
    assert buf.serialize(position=False) == "C|B|A|D"
Пример #2
def test_swap2(parser):
LoadPlugin Swap;
Feature liga {
  Swap C ( A B ) E;
    buf = Buffer(parser.font, unicodes="XABDCABDCABE")
    shaper = Shaper(parser.fontfeatures, parser.font)
    assert buf.serialize(position=False) == "X|A|B|D|C|A|B|D|C|B|A|E"
Пример #3
def test_shaping(request, fontname, hb_args, input_string, expectation):
    font = TTFont(fontname)
    ff = unparse(font)
    bbf = Babelfont.load(fontname)
    if not bbf:
        return pytest.skip("Font too busted to use")
    buf = Buffer(bbf, unicodes=tounicode(input_string))
    shaper = Shaper(ff, bbf)
    feature_string = ""
    if "[" in hb_args:
        return pytest.skip("Partial application not supported yet")

    if "variations" in hb_args:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support variations")
    if "ttb" in hb_args:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support top-to-bottom")

    if "rand" in request.node.name:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support rand feature")
    if "aat" in request.node.name:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support Apple Advanced Typography")
    if "kern-format2" in request.node.name:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support kern table")
    if "fraction" in request.node.name:
        return pytest.skip("Not planning to support automatic fractions")

    m = re.search(r'--features="([^"]+)"', hb_args)
    if m:
        feature_string = m[1]

    if "--script" in hb_args:
        m = re.search(r"--script=(\w+)", hb_args)
        buf.script = script_map[m[1]]

    shaper.execute(buf, features=feature_string)
    serialize_options = {}
    if "--no-glyph-names" in hb_args:
        serialize_options["names"] = False
    if "--ned" in hb_args:
        serialize_options["ned"] = True
    if "--no-position" in hb_args:
        serialize_options["position"] = False
    if "post" not in font or font["post"].formatType != 2.0:
        serialize_options["names"] = False
        expectation = re.sub("gid", "", expectation)
    serialized = buf.serialize(**serialize_options)

    # Finesse cluster information
    serialized = re.sub(r"=\d+", "", serialized)
    expectation = re.sub(r"=\d+", "", expectation)
    assert "[" + serialized + "]" == expectation
def test_double_application():
    font = load("tests/data/acbe26ce904463c690fb67f70679447059d13ee4.otf")
    buf = Buffer(font, glyphs=["dvKA", "dvVirama", "dvKA", "dvVirama", "dvKA"])
    rule = Substitution([["dvKA"], ["dvVirama"]], [["dvK"]])
    assert buf.serialize(position=False) == "dvK|dvK|dvKA"