Пример #1
def test_io(tmpdir, parametrized_pl):
    pl, use_builtin_types = parametrized_pl
    testpath = tmpdir / "test.plist"
    with testpath.open("wb") as fp:
        plistlib.dump(pl, fp, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)

    with testpath.open("rb") as fp:
        pl2 = plistlib.load(fp, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)

    assert pl == pl2

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        plistlib.dump(pl, "filename")

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Пример #2
def cleanupContentsList(glyphDirPath, doWarning=True):
    contentsFilePath = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, kContentsName)
    # maps glyph names to files.

    with open(contentsFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        contentsDict = plistlib.load(fp)

    fileDict = {}
    fileList = os.listdir(glyphDirPath)
    for fileName in fileList:
        fileDict[fileName] = 1
    changed = 0

    # now update and write the processed processedGlyphDirPath
    # contents.plist file.
    itemList = list(contentsDict.items())
    for glyphName, fileName in itemList:
        if fileName not in fileDict:
            del contentsDict[glyphName]
            changed = 1
            if doWarning:
                print("Removing contents.plist entry where glif was missing: "
                      "%s, %s, %s" % (glyphName, fileName, glyphDirPath))

    if changed:
        with open(contentsFilePath, 'wb') as fp:
            plistlib.dump(contentsDict, fp)
Пример #3
def test_io(tmpdir, parametrized_pl):
    pl, use_builtin_types = parametrized_pl
    testpath = tmpdir / "test.plist"
    with testpath.open("wb") as fp:
        plistlib.dump(pl, fp, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)

    with testpath.open("rb") as fp:
        pl2 = plistlib.load(fp, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)

    assert pl == pl2

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        plistlib.dump(pl, "filename")

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Пример #4
def test_writePlist_to_file(tmpdir, pl_no_builtin_types):
    testpath = tmpdir / "test.plist"
    with testpath.open("wb") as fp:
        writePlist(pl_no_builtin_types, fp)
    with testpath.open("rb") as fp:
        pl2 = plistlib.load(fp, use_builtin_types=False)
    assert pl2 == pl_no_builtin_types
Пример #5
def test_writePlist_to_file(tmpdir, pl_no_builtin_types):
    testpath = tmpdir / "test.plist"
    with testpath.open("wb") as fp:
        writePlist(pl_no_builtin_types, fp)
    with testpath.open("rb") as fp:
        pl2 = plistlib.load(fp, use_builtin_types=False)
    assert pl2 == pl_no_builtin_types
Пример #6
def test_bytesio(parametrized_pl):
    pl, use_builtin_types = parametrized_pl
    b = BytesIO()
    plistlib.dump(pl, b, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)
    pl2 = plistlib.load(BytesIO(b.getvalue()),
    assert pl == pl2
Пример #7
def test_bytesio(parametrized_pl):
    pl, use_builtin_types = parametrized_pl
    b = BytesIO()
    plistlib.dump(pl, b, use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types)
    pl2 = plistlib.load(
        BytesIO(b.getvalue()), use_builtin_types=use_builtin_types
    assert pl == pl2
Пример #8
def readPlist(path_or_file):
    did_open = False
    if isinstance(path_or_file, str):
        path_or_file = open(path_or_file, "rb")
        did_open = True
        return load(path_or_file, use_builtin_types=False)
        if did_open:
Пример #9
def getUFOVersion(ufoPath):
    # Peek into a ufo to read its format version.
            # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            # <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
            # <plist version="1.0">
            # <dict>
            #   <key>creator</key>
            #   <string>org.robofab.ufoLib</string>
            #   <key>formatVersion</key>
            #   <integer>2</integer>
            # </dict>
            # </plist>
    metaInfoPath = os.path.join(ufoPath, "metainfo.plist")
    with open(metaInfoPath, 'rb') as f:
        p = plistlib.load(f)
        return p.get('formatVersion')
Пример #10
def test_keysort_bytesio(sort_keys):
    pl = collections.OrderedDict()
    pl["b"] = 1
    pl["a"] = 2
    pl["c"] = 3

    b = BytesIO()

    plistlib.dump(pl, b, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    pl2 = plistlib.load(BytesIO(b.getvalue()),

    assert dict(pl) == dict(pl2)
    if sort_keys:
        assert list(pl2.keys()) == ["a", "b", "c"]
        assert list(pl2.keys()) == ["b", "a", "c"]
Пример #11
def test_keysort_bytesio(sort_keys):
    pl = collections.OrderedDict()
    pl["b"] = 1
    pl["a"] = 2
    pl["c"] = 3

    b = BytesIO()

    plistlib.dump(pl, b, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    pl2 = plistlib.load(
        BytesIO(b.getvalue()), dict_type=collections.OrderedDict

    assert dict(pl) == dict(pl2)
    if sort_keys:
        assert list(pl2.keys()) == ["a", "b", "c"]
        assert list(pl2.keys()) == ["b", "a", "c"]
Пример #12
def parsePList(filePath, dictKey=None):
    # If dictKey is defined, parse and return only the data for that key.
    # Updates July 2019:
    #  - use fontTools.misc.plistlib instead of ET to parse
    #  - use built-in OrderedDict as the dict_type to preserve ordering
    #  - use simpler filtering for non-None dictKey

    plistDict = {}
    plistKeys = []

    with open(filePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        plistDict = plistlib.load(fp, dict_type=OrderedDict)

    if dictKey is not None:
        if dictKey in plistDict:
            plistDict = {dictKey: plistDict[dictKey]}
            plistDict = None

    if plistDict is not None:
        plistKeys = list(plistDict.keys())

    return plistDict, plistKeys
Пример #13
def cleanUpGLIFFiles(defaultContentsFilePath, glyphDirPath, doWarning=True):
    changed = 0
    contentsFilePath = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, kContentsName)
    # maps glyph names to files.

    with open(contentsFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        contentsDict = plistlib.load(fp)

    # First, delete glyph files that are not in the contents.plist file in
    # the glyphDirPath. In some UFOfont files, we end up with case errors,
    # so we need to check for a lower-case version of the file name.
    fileDict = {}
    for glyphName, fileName in contentsDict.items():
        fileDict[fileName] = glyphName
        lcFileName = fileName.lower()
        if lcFileName != fileName:
            fileDict[lcFileName + kAdobeLCALtSuffix] = glyphName

    fileList = os.listdir(glyphDirPath)
    for fileName in fileList:
        if not fileName.endswith(".glif"):
        if fileName in fileDict:
        lcFileName = fileName.lower()
        if (lcFileName + kAdobeLCALtSuffix) in fileDict:
            # glif file exists which has a case-insensitive match to file name
            # entry in the contents.plist file; assume latter is intended, and
            # change the file name to match.
            glyphFilePathOld = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, fileName)
            glyphFilePathNew = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, lcFileName)
            os.rename(glyphFilePathOld, glyphFilePathNew)

        glyphFilePath = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, fileName)
        if doWarning:
            print("Removing glif file %s that was not in the contents.plist "
                  "file: %s" % (glyphDirPath, contentsFilePath))
        changed = 1

    if defaultContentsFilePath == contentsFilePath:
        return changed

    # Now remove glyphs that are not referenced in the defaultContentsFilePath.
    # Since the processed glyph layer is written with the defcon module,
    # and the default layer may be written by anything, the actual glyph file
    # names may be different for the same UFO glyph. We need to compare by UFO
    # glyph name, not file name.

    with open(defaultContentsFilePath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
        defaultContentsDict = plistlib.load(fp)

    fileList = os.listdir(glyphDirPath)
    for fileName in fileList:
        if not fileName.endswith(".glif"):
            glyphName = fileDict[fileName]
            if glyphName not in defaultContentsDict:
                glyphFilePath = os.path.join(glyphDirPath, fileName)
                if doWarning:
                    print("Removing glif %s that was not in the "
                          "contents.plist file: %s" %
                          (glyphName, defaultContentsFilePath))
                changed = 1

        except KeyError:
            print("Shouldn't happen %s %s" %
                  (glyphName, defaultContentsFilePath))

    return changed