Пример #1
    def customSubsetting(self, font, text):
        options = Options()
        options.layout_features = "*"  # keep all GSUB/GPOS features
        options.glyph_names = False  # keep post glyph names
        options.legacy_cmap = True  # keep non-Unicode cmaps
        options.name_legacy = True  # keep non-Unicode names
        options.name_IDs = ["*"]  # keep all nameIDs
        options.name_languages = ["*"]  # keep all name languages
        options.notdef_outline = True
        options.ignore_missing_glyphs = False
        options.recommended_glyphs = True
        options.prune_unicode_ranges = True
        subsetter = Subsetter(options=options)
        subsetter.populate(text=text, unicodes=[0, 13, 32])

        return font
Пример #2
    def _subset(self, otf, fmt):
        from fontTools.subset import Options, Subsetter

        for name, subset in self.subsets.items():
            logger.info(f"Creating {name}.{fmt.value} subset")
            new = deepcopy(otf)
            options = Options()
            options.name_IDs = ["*"]
            options.name_legacy = True
            options.name_languages = ["*"]
            options.recommended_glyphs = True
            options.layout_features = ["*"]
            options.notdef_outline = True
            options.notdef_glyph = True
            options.glyph_names = True
            options.hinting = True
            options.legacy_kern = True
            options.symbol_cmap = True
            options.layout_closure = False
            options.prune_unicode_ranges = False
            options.passthrough_tables = False
            options.recalc_average_width = True
            options.ignore_missing_glyphs = True
            options.layout_scripts = subset["langsys"]

            options.no_subset_tables += ["DSIG"]

            subsetter = Subsetter(options=options)

            with TemporaryLogLevel(logging.WARNING):

            new = self._optimize(new, name, fmt)
            names = subset.get("names")
            if names:
                    f"Adding name entries to {name}.{fmt.value} susbet")
                self._setnames(new, names)
            self._buildwoff(new, name, fmt)
            self._save(new, name, fmt)
Пример #3
    def subsetter(self, font, subset):
        """ use the noto fonts glyphsnames
            to subset fonts with premade subsettings
        options = Options()
        options.layout_features = "*"  # keep all GSUB/GPOS features
        # options.no_layout_closure = True # TESTING
        options.glyph_names = False  # keep post glyph names
        options.legacy_cmap = True  # keep non-Unicode cmaps
        options.name_legacy = True  # keep non-Unicode names
        options.name_IDs = ["*"]  # keep all nameIDs
        options.name_languages = ["*"]  # keep all name languages
        options.notdef_outline = False
        options.ignore_missing_glyphs = True
        options.prune_unicode_ranges = True
        options.recommended_glyphs = True
        subsetter = Subsetter(options=options)

        return font
def subsetFonts(family,
                familyNewName=" ",
                jsonpath=" ",
    # if len(flavor) == 0:
    flavor = ["ttf"]
    latinProCodePageRange = [0, 1, 4, 7, 8]
    cyrProCodePageRange = [2]
    greekProCodePageRange = [3]
    ASCII = [0, 1]
    SecureSet = [0]
    coreArabicCodePageRange = [0, 6]
    unicodePageRangeDict = {
        "Cyrillic": latinProCodePageRange,
        "CyrillicPro": latinProCodePageRange,
        "Greek": greekProCodePageRange,
        "Latin": latinProCodePageRange,
        "ASCII": ASCII,
        "SecureSet": SecureSet,
        "Core_Arabic": coreArabicCodePageRange
    pageRangeToApply = []
    subsetFolder = ""
    for i in writingSystem:
        subsetFolder += i
    formats = ["ttf", "woff", "woff2"]
    toKeep = list()
    folder = getFolder(family)
    folderFonts = os.path.join(folder, "fonts")
    options = Options()
    options.layout_features = '*'  # keep all GSUB/GPOS features
    # options.legacy_kern = True  # keep kern table
    options.glyph_names = False  # keep post glyph names
    options.legacy_cmap = True  # keep non-Unicode cmaps
    options.symbol_cmap = True  # keep Symbol cmaps
    options.name_legacy = True  # keep non-Unicode names
    options.name_IDs = ['*']  # keep all nameIDs
    options.name_languages = ['*']  # keep all name languages
    options.notdef_outline = True  # keep outline of .notdef
    options.ignore_missing_glyphs = True
    options.prune_unicode_ranges = True
    keep = []
    if family in pan_european_fonts:
        jsonpath = "subsets/lgc_glyphset.json"
    elif family in arabic_fonts:
        jsonpath = "subsets/arabic_glyphset.json"
    keep, pageRangeToApply = readJsonStoredSubset(jsonpath, writingSystem)
    for i in flavor:
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folderFonts, i.upper())):
            print(">> Make {} fonts.".format(family))
            designSpace2Instances(family, i, secureSet=False)
    for i in flavor:
        fontspath = [os.path.join(folderFonts, i.upper(), font) \
                    for font in os.listdir(folder + "/fonts/" + i.upper())]
        for f in fontspath:
            if f.split(".")[-1] in formats:
                newfont = TTFont(f)
                for namerecord in newfont['name'].names:
                    namerecord.string = namerecord.toUnicode()
                    if namerecord.nameID == 2:
                        WeightName = namerecord.string
                    if namerecord.nameID == 17:
                        WeightName = "".join(namerecord.string.split(" "))
                        # print(family, WeightName)
                subsetter = Subsetter(options=options)
                destination = os.path.join(folder, "fonts",
                                           subsetFolder + "_subset", "fonts")
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, i.upper())):
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(destination, i.upper()))
                subsetName = family + subsetFolder + "-" + WeightName + "." + i
                newfont.save(os.path.join(destination, i.upper(), subsetName))
    folder = family + "/fonts/" + subsetFolder + "_subset"
    if familyNewName != " ":
        renameFonts(folder, familyNewName, codePageRange=pageRangeToApply)
        familyNewName = family + subsetFolder
        renameFonts(folder, familyNewName, codePageRange=pageRangeToApply)