Пример #1
def test_ufoCharacterMapping_glyphNames():
    ufoPath = getFontPath("MutatorSansBoldWideMutated.ufo")
    reader = UFOReader(ufoPath)
    cmap, revCmap, anchors = fetchCharacterMappingAndAnchors(
        reader.getGlyphSet(), ufoPath, ["A"])
    assert cmap[0x0041] == "A"
    assert revCmap["A"] == [0x0041]
    assert anchors == {"A": [("top", 645, 815)]}
Пример #2
def test_getUpdateInfo(tmpdir):
    ufoSource = getFontPath("MutatorSansBoldWideMutated.ufo")
    ufoPath = shutil.copytree(ufoSource, tmpdir / "test.ufo")
    reader = UFOReader(ufoPath, validate=False)
    glyphSet = reader.getGlyphSet()
    cmap, unicodes, anchors = fetchCharacterMappingAndAnchors(glyphSet, ufoPath)

    state = UFOState(reader, glyphSet, getUnicodesAndAnchors=lambda: (unicodes, anchors))

    feaPath = pathlib.Path(reader.fs.getsyspath("/features.fea"))

    state = state.newState()
    (needsFeaturesUpdate, needsGlyphUpdate, needsInfoUpdate, needsCmapUpdate,
     needsLibUpdate) = state.getUpdateInfo()
    assert needsFeaturesUpdate
    assert not needsGlyphUpdate
    assert not needsInfoUpdate
    assert not needsCmapUpdate

    infoPath = pathlib.Path(reader.fs.getsyspath("/fontinfo.plist"))

    state = state.newState()
    (needsFeaturesUpdate, needsGlyphUpdate, needsInfoUpdate, needsCmapUpdate,
     needsLibUpdate) = state.getUpdateInfo()
    assert not needsFeaturesUpdate
    assert not needsGlyphUpdate
    assert needsInfoUpdate
    assert not needsCmapUpdate

    glyph = Glyph("A", None)
    ppen = RecordingPointPen()
    glyphSet.readGlyph("A", glyph, ppen)
    glyph.anchors[0]["x"] = 123
    glyphSet.writeGlyph("A", glyph, ppen.replay)

    state = state.newState()
    (needsFeaturesUpdate, needsGlyphUpdate, needsInfoUpdate, needsCmapUpdate,
     needsLibUpdate) = state.getUpdateInfo()
    assert needsFeaturesUpdate
    assert needsGlyphUpdate
    assert not needsInfoUpdate
    assert not needsCmapUpdate

    glyph = Glyph("A", None)
    ppen = RecordingPointPen()
    glyphSet.readGlyph("A", glyph, ppen)
    glyph.unicodes = [123]
    glyphSet.writeGlyph("A", glyph, ppen.replay)

    state = state.newState()
    (needsFeaturesUpdate, needsGlyphUpdate, needsInfoUpdate, needsCmapUpdate,
     needsLibUpdate) = state.getUpdateInfo()
    assert not needsFeaturesUpdate
    assert needsGlyphUpdate
    assert not needsInfoUpdate
    assert needsCmapUpdate
Пример #3
def test_ufoCharacterMapping():
    ufoPath = getFontPath("MutatorSansBoldWideMutated.ufo")
    reader = UFOReader(ufoPath)
    cmap, revCmap, anchors = fetchCharacterMappingAndAnchors(
        reader.getGlyphSet(), ufoPath)
    assert cmap[0x0041] == "A"
    assert revCmap["A"] == [0x0041]
    # MutatorSansBoldWideMutated.ufo/glyphs/A_.glif contains a commented-out <unicode>
    # tag, that must not be parsed, as well as a commented-out <anchor>.
    assert 0x1234 not in cmap
    assert anchors == {
        "A": [("top", 645, 815)],
        "E": [("top", 582.5, 815)],
        "macroncmb": [("_top", 0, 815)]