Пример #1
    def run_simulation(self, label, liq, AGrad=True):
        Submit a simulation to the Work Queue or run it locally.

        label = The name of the molecule (and hopefully the folder name that you're running in)
        liq = True/false flag indicating whether to run in liquid or gas phase
        wq = getWorkQueue()

        # Create a dictionary of MD options that the script will read.
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        md_opts['temperature'] = self.hfe_temperature
        md_opts['pressure'] = self.hfe_pressure
        md_opts['minimize'] = True
        if liq: 
            sdnm = 'liq'
            md_opts['nequil'] = self.liquid_eq_steps
            md_opts['nsteps'] = self.liquid_md_steps
            md_opts['timestep'] = self.liquid_timestep
            md_opts['sample'] = self.liquid_interval
            sdnm = 'gas'
            md_opts['nequil'] = self.gas_eq_steps
            md_opts['nsteps'] = self.gas_md_steps
            md_opts['timestep'] = self.gas_timestep
            md_opts['sample'] = self.gas_interval

        eng_opts = deepcopy(self.engine_opts)
        # Enforce implicit solvent in the liquid simulation.
        # We need to be more careful with this when running explicit solvent. 
        eng_opts['implicit_solvent'] = liq
        eng_opts['coords'] = os.path.basename(self.molecules[label])

        if not os.path.exists(sdnm):
        if not os.path.exists('md_result.p'):
            # Link in a bunch of files... what were these again?
            # Link in the scripts required to run the simulation
            for f in self.scripts:
            # Link in the coordinate file.
            LinkFile(self.molecules[label], './%s' % os.path.basename(self.molecules[label]))
            # Store names of previous trajectory files.
            self.last_traj += [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i) for i in self.extra_output]
            # Write target, engine and simulation options to disk.
            lp_dump((self.OptionDict, eng_opts, md_opts), 'simulation.p')
            # Execute the script for running molecular dynamics.
            cmdstr = '%s python md_ism_hfe.py %s' % (self.prefix, "-g" if AGrad else "")
            if wq == None:
                logger.info("Running condensed phase simulation locally.\n")
                logger.info("You may tail -f %s/npt.out in another terminal window\n" % os.getcwd())
                _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='md.out')
                queue_up(wq, command = cmdstr+' &> md.out', tag='%s:%s/%s' % (self.name, label, "liq" if liq else "gas"),
                         input_files = self.scripts + ['simulation.p', 'forcefield.p', os.path.basename(self.molecules[label])],
                         output_files = ['md_result.p', 'md.out'] + self.extra_output, tgt=self, verbose=False, print_time=3600)
Пример #2
 def npt_simulation(self, temperature, pressure, simnum):
     """ Submit a NPT simulation to the Work Queue. """
     wq = getWorkQueue()
     if not (os.path.exists('npt_result.p') or os.path.exists('npt_result.p.bz2')):
         if wq == None:
             print "Running condensed phase simulation locally."
             print "You may tail -f %s/npt.out in another terminal window" % os.getcwd()
             # if GoodStep() and (temperature, pressure) in self.DynDict_New:
             #     self.DynDict[(temperature, pressure)] = self.DynDict_New[(temperature, pressure)]
             # if (temperature, pressure) in self.DynDict:
             #     dynsrc = self.DynDict[(temperature, pressure)]
             #     dyndest = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'liquid.dyn')
             #     print "Copying .dyn file: %s to %s" % (dynsrc, dyndest)
             #     shutil.copy2(dynsrc,dyndest)
             cmdstr = 'python npt.py gromacs %i %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %s --liquid_equ_steps %i &> npt.out' % \
                 (self.liquid_prod_steps, self.liquid_timestep, self.liquid_interval, temperature, pressure, " --minimize_energy" if self.minimize_energy else "", self.liquid_equ_steps)
             # self.DynDict_New[(temperature, pressure)] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'liquid.dyn')
             # This part of the code has never been used before
             # Still need to figure out where to specify GROMACS location on each cluster
             # queue_up(wq,
             #          command = 'python npt.py liquid.xyz %.3f %.3f &> npt.out' % (temperature, pressure),
             #          input_files = ['liquid.xyz','liquid.key','mono.xyz','mono.key','forcebalance.p','npt.py'],
             #          output_files = ['npt_result.p.bz2', 'npt.py'] + self.FF.fnms,
             #          tgt=self)
             raise RuntimeError('Remote GROMACS execution is not yet enabled')
Пример #3
    def run_simulation(self, label, liq, AGrad=True):
        Submit a simulation to the Work Queue or run it locally.

        label = The name of the molecule (and hopefully the folder name that you're running in)
        liq = True/false flag indicating whether to run in liquid or gas phase
        wq = getWorkQueue()

        # Create a dictionary of MD options that the script will read.
        md_opts = OrderedDict()
        md_opts['temperature'] = self.hfe_temperature
        md_opts['pressure'] = self.hfe_pressure
        md_opts['minimize'] = True
        if liq: 
            sdnm = 'liq'
            md_opts['nequil'] = self.liquid_eq_steps
            md_opts['nsteps'] = self.liquid_md_steps
            md_opts['timestep'] = self.liquid_timestep
            md_opts['sample'] = self.liquid_interval
            sdnm = 'gas'
            md_opts['nequil'] = self.gas_eq_steps
            md_opts['nsteps'] = self.gas_md_steps
            md_opts['timestep'] = self.gas_timestep
            md_opts['sample'] = self.gas_interval

        eng_opts = deepcopy(self.engine_opts)
        # Enforce implicit solvent in the liquid simulation.
        # We need to be more careful with this when running explicit solvent. 
        eng_opts['implicit_solvent'] = liq
        eng_opts['coords'] = os.path.basename(self.molecules[label])

        if not os.path.exists(sdnm):
        if not os.path.exists('md_result.p'):
            # Link in a bunch of files... what were these again?
            # Link in the scripts required to run the simulation
            for f in self.scripts:
            # Link in the coordinate file.
            LinkFile(self.molecules[label], './%s' % os.path.basename(self.molecules[label]))
            # Store names of previous trajectory files.
            self.last_traj += [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), i) for i in self.extra_output]
            # Write target, engine and simulation options to disk.
            lp_dump((self.OptionDict, eng_opts, md_opts), 'simulation.p')
            # Execute the script for running molecular dynamics.
            cmdstr = '%s python md_ism_hfe.py %s' % (self.prefix, "-g" if AGrad else "")
            if wq is None:
                logger.info("Running condensed phase simulation locally.\n")
                logger.info("You may tail -f %s/npt.out in another terminal window\n" % os.getcwd())
                _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='md.out')
                queue_up(wq, command = cmdstr+' &> md.out', tag='%s:%s/%s' % (self.name, label, "liq" if liq else "gas"),
                         input_files = self.scripts + ['simulation.p', 'forcefield.p', os.path.basename(self.molecules[label])],
                         output_files = ['md_result.p', 'md.out'] + self.extra_output, tgt=self, verbose=False, print_time=3600)
Пример #4
    def submit_jobs(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        """This routine is called by Objective.stage() and will run before "get".
        It submits the jobs and the stage() function will wait for jobs
        to complete.

        mvals : list
            Mathematical parameter values.
        AGrad : Boolean
            Switch to turn on analytic gradient.
        AHess : Boolean
            Switch to turn on analytic Hessian.

        # Set up and run the simulation chain on all points.
        for pt in self.points:
            # Create subdir
            except OSError as exception:
                if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            # Goto subdir

            # Link dir contents from target subdir to current temp directory.
            for f in self.scripts:
                LinkFile(os.path.join(self.root, self.tempdir, f),
                         os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f))
            link_dir_contents(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir,
                                           str(pt.idnr)), os.getcwd())
            # Dump the force field to a pickle file
            with wopen('forcebalance.p') as f:
                lp_dump((self.FF, mvals, self.OptionDict, AGrad), f)
            # Run the simulation chain for point.        
            cmdstr = ("%s python md_chain.py " % self.mdpfx +
                      " ".join(self.quantities) + " " +
                      "--engine %s " % self.engname +
                      "--length %d " % self.n_sim_chain + 
                      "--name %s " % self.simpfx +
                      "--temperature %f " % pt.temperature +
                      "--pressure %f " % pt.pressure +
                      "--nequil %d " % self.eq_steps +
                      "--nsteps %d " % self.md_steps)
            _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='md_chain.out')
Пример #5
    def submit_jobs(self, mvals, AGrad=True, AHess=True):
        """This routine is called by Objective.stage() and will run before "get".
        It submits the jobs and the stage() function will wait for jobs
        to complete.

        mvals : list
            Mathematical parameter values.
        AGrad : Boolean
            Switch to turn on analytic gradient.
        AHess : Boolean
            Switch to turn on analytic Hessian.

        # Set up and run the simulation chain on all points.
        for pt in self.points:
            # Create subdir
            except OSError as exception:
                if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            # Goto subdir

            # Link dir contents from target subdir to current temp directory.
            for f in self.scripts:
                LinkFile(os.path.join(self.root, self.tempdir, f),
                         os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f))
            link_dir_contents(os.path.join(self.root, self.tgtdir,
                                           str(pt.idnr)), os.getcwd())
            # Dump the force field to a pickle file
            lp_dump((self.FF, mvals, self.OptionDict, AGrad), 'forcebalance.p')
            # Run the simulation chain for point.        
            cmdstr = ("%s python md_chain.py " % self.mdpfx +
                      " ".join(self.quantities) + " " +
                      "--engine %s " % self.engname +
                      "--length %d " % self.n_sim_chain + 
                      "--name %s " % self.simpfx +
                      "--temperature %f " % pt.temperature +
                      "--pressure %f " % pt.pressure +
                      "--nequil %d " % self.eq_steps +
                      "--nsteps %d " % self.md_steps)
            _exec(cmdstr, copy_stderr=True, outfnm='md_chain.out')
Пример #6
 def link_from_tempdir(self, absdestdir):
     link_dir_contents(os.path.join(self.root, self.tempdir), absdestdir)
Пример #7
 def link_from_tempdir(self,absdestdir):
     link_dir_contents(os.path.join(self.root,self.tempdir), absdestdir)