Пример #1
def test_proj_to_tp():
    # Identity process is trace preserving, so no change
    state = vec(kraus2choi(np.eye(2)))
    assert np.allclose(state, proj_to_tp(state))

    # Bit flip process is trace preserving, so no change
    state = vec(kraus2choi(sigma_x))
    assert np.allclose(state, proj_to_tp(state))
Пример #2
def pgdb_process_estimate(results: List[ExperimentResult],
                          qubits: List[int],
                          trace_preserving=True) -> np.ndarray:
    Provide an estimate of the process via Projected Gradient Descent with Backtracking.

        [PGD] Maximum-likelihood quantum process tomography via projected gradient descent
        Knee, Bolduc, Leach, and Gauger. (2018)

    :param results: A tomographically complete list of ExperimentResults
    :param qubits: A list of qubits giving the tensor order of the resulting Choi matrix.
    :param trace_preserving: Whether to project the estimate to a trace-preserving process. If
        set to False, we ensure trace non-increasing.
    :return: an estimate of the process in the Choi matrix representation.
    # construct the matrix A and vector n from the data for vectorized calculations of
    # the cost function and its gradient
    A, n = _extract_from_results(results, qubits[::-1])

    dim = 2**len(qubits)
    est = np.eye(dim**2, dim**2, dtype=complex) / dim  # initial estimate
    old_cost = _cost(A, n, est)  # initial cost, which we want to decrease
    mu = 3 / (2 * dim**2)  # inverse learning rate
    gamma = .3  # tolerance of letting the constrained update deviate from true gradient; larger is more demanding
    while True:
        gradient = _grad_cost(A, n, est)
        update = _constraint_project(est - gradient / mu,
                                     trace_preserving) - est

        # determine step size factor, alpha
        alpha = 1
        new_cost = _cost(A, n, est + alpha * update)
        change = gamma * alpha * np.dot(vec(update).conj().T, vec(gradient))
        while new_cost > old_cost + change:
            alpha = .5 * alpha
            change = .5 * change  # directly update change, corresponding to update of alpha
            new_cost = _cost(A, n, est + alpha * update)

            # small alpha stopgap
            if alpha < 1e-15:

        # update estimate
        est += alpha * update
        if old_cost - new_cost < 1e-10:
        # store current cost
        old_cost = new_cost

    return est
Пример #3
def _constraint_project(choi_mat, trace_preserving=True):
    Projects the given Choi matrix into the subspace of Completetly Positive and either Trace Perserving (TP) or
    Trace-Non-Increasing maps.
    Uses Dykstra's algorithm witht the stopping criterion presented in
        E. G. Birgin and M. Raydan, Dykstra’s algorithm and robust
        stopping criteria (Springer US, Boston, MA, 2009),
        pp. 828–833, ISBN 978-0-387-74759-0.
    This method is suggested in [PGD]

    :param choi_mat: A density matrix corresponding to the Choi representation estimate of a quantum process.
    :param trace_preserving: Default project the estimate to a trace-preserving process. False for trace non-increasing
    :return: The choi representation of CPTP map that is closest to the given state.
    shape = choi_mat.shape
    old_CP_change = vec(np.zeros(shape))
    old_TP_change = vec(np.zeros(shape))
    last_CP_projection = vec(np.zeros(shape))
    last_state = vec(choi_mat)

    while True:
        # Dykstra's algorithm
        pre_CP = last_state - old_CP_change
        CP_projection = proj_to_cp(pre_CP)
        new_CP_change = CP_projection - pre_CP

        pre_TP = CP_projection - old_TP_change
        if trace_preserving:
            new_state = proj_to_tp(pre_TP)
            new_state = proj_to_tni(pre_TP)
        new_TP_change = new_state - pre_TP

        CP_change_change = new_CP_change - old_CP_change
        TP_change_change = new_TP_change - old_TP_change
        state_change = new_state - last_state

        # stopping criterion
        if np.linalg.norm(CP_change_change, ord=2) ** 2 + np.linalg.norm(TP_change_change, ord=2) ** 2 \
                + 2 * abs(np.dot(old_TP_change.conj().T, state_change)) \
                + 2 * abs(np.dot(old_CP_change.conj().T, (CP_projection - last_CP_projection))) < 1e-4:

        # store results from this iteration
        old_CP_change = new_CP_change
        old_TP_change = new_TP_change
        last_CP_projection = CP_projection
        last_state = new_state

    return unvec(new_state)
Пример #4
def linear_inv_state_estimate(results: List[ExperimentResult],
                              qubits: List[int]) -> np.ndarray:
    Estimate a quantum state using linear inversion.

    This is the simplest state tomography post processing. To use this function,
    collect state tomography data with :py:func:`generate_state_tomography_experiment`
    and :py:func:`~pyquil.operator_estimation.measure_observables`.

    For more details on this post-processing technique,
    see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_tomography#Linear_inversion or
    see section 3.4 of

        Initialization and characterization of open quantum systems
        C. Wood, PhD thesis from University of Waterloo, (2015).

    :param results: A tomographically complete list of results.
    :param qubits: All qubits that were tomographized. This specifies the order in
        which qubits will be kron'ed together.
    :return: A point estimate of the quantum state rho.
    measurement_matrix = np.vstack([
        vec(lifted_pauli(result.setting.out_operator, qubits=qubits)).T.conj()
        for result in results
    expectations = np.array([result.expectation for result in results])
    rho = pinv(measurement_matrix) @ expectations
    return unvec(rho)
Пример #5
def _extract_from_results(results: List[ExperimentResult], qubits: List[int]):
    Construct the matrix A such that the probabilities p_ij of outcomes n_ij given an estimate E
    can be cast in a vectorized form.


        p = vec(p_ij) = A x vec(E)

    This yields convenient vectorized calculations of the cost and its gradient, in terms of A, n,
    and E.
    A = []
    n = []
    grand_total_shots = 0

    for result in results:
        in_state_matrix = lifted_state_operator(result.setting.in_state,
        operator = lifted_pauli(result.setting.out_operator, qubits=qubits)
        proj_plus = (np.eye(2**len(qubits)) + operator) / 2
        proj_minus = (np.eye(2**len(qubits)) - operator) / 2

        # Constructing A per eq. (22)
        # TODO: figure out if we can avoid re-splitting into Pi+ and Pi- counts
        A += [
            # vec() turns into a column vector; transpose to a row vector; index into the
            # 1 row to avoid an extra tensor dimension when we call np.asarray(A).
            vec(np.kron(in_state_matrix, proj_plus.T)).T[0],
            vec(np.kron(in_state_matrix, proj_minus.T)).T[0],

        expected_plus_ones = (1 + result.expectation) / 2
        n += [
            result.total_counts * expected_plus_ones,
            result.total_counts * (1 - expected_plus_ones)
        grand_total_shots += result.total_counts

    n_qubits = len(qubits)
    dimension = 2**n_qubits
    A = np.asarray(A) / dimension**2
    n = np.asarray(n)[:, np.newaxis] / grand_total_shots
    return A, n
Пример #6
def proj_to_cp(choi_vec):
    Projects the vectorized Choi representation of a process, into the nearest vectorized choi matrix in the space of
    completely positive maps. Equation 9 of [PGD]
    :param choi_vec: vectorized density matrix or Choi representation of a process
    :return: closest vectorized choi matrix in the space of completely positive maps
    matrix = unvec(choi_vec)
    hermitian = (matrix + matrix.conj().T) / 2  # enforce Hermiticity
    d, v = np.linalg.eigh(hermitian)
    d[d <
      0] = 0  # enforce completely positive by removing negative eigenvalues
    D = np.diag(d)
    return vec(v @ D @ v.conj().T)
Пример #7
def test_proj_to_cp():
    state = vec(np.array([[1., 0], [0, 1.]]))
    assert np.allclose(state, proj_to_cp(state))

    state = vec(np.array([[1.5, 0], [0, 10]]))
    assert np.allclose(state, proj_to_cp(state))

    state = vec(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1.]]))
    cp_state = vec(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.]]))
    assert np.allclose(cp_state, proj_to_cp(state))

    state = vec(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]))
    cp_state = vec(np.array([[.5, .5], [.5, .5]]))
    assert np.allclose(cp_state, proj_to_cp(state))

    state = vec(np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]))
    cp_state = vec(np.array([[.5, -.5j], [.5j, .5]]))
    assert np.allclose(cp_state, proj_to_cp(state))
Пример #8
def _grad_cost(A, n, estimate, eps=1e-6):
    Computes the gradient of the cost, leveraging the vectorized calculation given in the
    appendix of [PGD]

    :param A: a matrix constructed from the input states and POVM elements (eq. 22) that aids
        in calculating the model probabilities p.
    :param n: vectorized form of the observed counts n_ij
    :param estimate: the current model Choi representation of an estimated process for which we
        compute the gradient.
    :return: Gradient of the cost of the estimate given the data, n
    p = A @ vec(estimate)
    # see appendix on "stalling"
    p = np.clip(p, a_min=eps, a_max=None)
    eta = n / p
    return unvec(-A.conj().T @ eta)
Пример #9
def proj_to_tp(choi_vec):
    Projects the vectorized Choi representation of a process into the closest processes in the space of trace preserving
    maps. Equation 13 of [PGD]
    :param choi_vec: vectorized Choi representation of a process
    :return: The vectorized Choi representation of the projected TP process
    dim = int(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(choi_vec.size)))
    b = vec(np.eye(dim, dim))
    # construct M, which acts as partial trace over output Hilbert space
    M = np.zeros((dim**2, dim**4))
    for i in range(dim):
        e = np.zeros((dim, 1))
        e[i] = 1
        B = np.kron(np.eye(dim, dim), e.T)
        M = M + np.kron(B, B)
    return choi_vec + 1 / dim * (M.conj().T @ b - M.conj().T @ M @ choi_vec)
Пример #10
def _cost(A, n, estimate, eps=1e-6):
    Computes the cost (negative log likelihood) of the estimated process using the vectorized
    version of equation 4 of [PGD].

    See the appendix of [PGD].

    :param A: a matrix constructed from the input states and POVM elements (eq. 22) that aids
        in calculating the model probabilities p.
    :param n: vectorized form of the observed counts n_ij
    :param estimate: the current model Choi representation of an estimated process for which we
        report the cost.
    :return: Cost of the estimate given the data, n
    p = A @ vec(
        estimate)  # vectorized form of the probabilities of outcomes, p_ij
    # see appendix on "stalling"
    p = np.clip(p, a_min=eps, a_max=None)
    return -n.T @ np.log(p)
Пример #11
def proj_to_tni(choi_vec):
    Projects the vectorized Choi matrix of a process into the space of trace non-increasing maps. Equation 33 of [PGD]
    :param choi_vec: vectorized Choi representation of a process
    :return: The vectorized Choi representation of the projected TNI process
    dim = int(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(choi_vec.size)))

    # trace out the output Hilbert space
    pt = partial_trace(unvec(choi_vec), dims=[dim, dim], keep=[0])

    hermitian = (pt + pt.conj().T) / 2  # enforce Hermiticity
    d, v = np.linalg.eigh(hermitian)
    d[d > 1] = 1  # enforce trace preserving
    D = np.diag(d)
    projection = v @ D @ v.conj().T

    trace_increasing_part = np.kron((pt - projection) / dim, np.eye(dim))

    return choi_vec - vec(trace_increasing_part)
Пример #12
def test_proj_to_tni():
    state = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1.01, 1.01, 0.], [0., 1., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]])
    trace_non_increasing = unvec(proj_to_tni(vec(state)))
    pt = partial_trace(trace_non_increasing, dims=[2, 2], keep=[0])
    assert np.allclose(pt, np.eye(2))