Пример #1
def adder():

    form = Forms(request.form)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        con = sql.connect("studentdb.db")
        cur = con.cursor()

        idnumNew = form.idnumNew.data
        fnameNew = form.fnameNew.data
        mnameNew = form.mnameNew.data
        lnameNew = form.lnameNew.data
        sexNew = form.sexNew.data
        courseidNew = form.courseidNew.data

        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM students WHERE idnum = ?", (idnumNew,))

        if cur.fetchone() is not None:
            flash('Id number already taken', 'error')
            return render_template("add.html", form=form)
        elif not form.validate():
            flash("Please don't leave any blank", 'error')
            return render_template("add.html", form=form)

        elif form.validate():
            student = models.Student(idnum = idnumNew, fname = fnameNew, mname =  mnameNew, lname = lnameNew, sex = sexNew,courseid = courseidNew)
            flash('Student successfully added', 'success')
            return render_template("studentDatabase.html")
        return render_template("add.html", form=form)
Пример #2
def signup():
    form = Forms()
    error = ""
    if (request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit()):

        username = request.form['username']
        hash_password = make_pw_hash(request.form['password1'])
        user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
        if (not user):  #create new user
            session['username'] = username
            user = User(username, hash_password)
            return redirect('/post')
        else:  #duplicated user
            error = "Duplicated user!"

    return render_template('signup.html', form=form, error=error)
Пример #3
def login():
    form = Forms()
    error = ""
    if (request.method == 'POST'):
        username = request.form['username']
        user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
        password = request.form['password1']
        if (user):
            if (check_pw_hash(password, user.password)):
                session['username'] = username
                return redirect('/post')
                flash("Invalid password!")
                error = "Invalid Password!"
                #return render_template('login.html',form=form,error=error)
            flash("Username does not exist!")
            error = "Username does not exist!"
            #return redirect('/login')

    return render_template('login.html', form=form, error=error)
Пример #4
def fenics(sim_params, file_inputs, output_params, passive_params, hs_params,
           cell_ion_params, monodomain_params, windkessel_params, pso):
    i, j = indices(2)
    #global i
    #global j

    # We don't do pressure control simulations, probably will get rid of this.
    ispressurectrl = False

    #------------------## Load in all information and set up simulation --------

    ## Assign input/output parameters
    output_path = output_params["output_path"][0]
    casename = file_inputs["casename"][0]

    # Assign parameters for Windkessel
    # will be moving circulatory to its own module and pass in dictionary
    # similar to cell_ion module
    Cao = windkessel_params["Cao"][0]
    Cven = windkessel_params["Cven"][0]
    Vart0 = windkessel_params["Vart0"][0]
    Vven0 = windkessel_params["Vven0"][0]
    Rao = windkessel_params["Rao"][0]
    Rven = windkessel_params["Rven"][0]
    Rper = windkessel_params["Rper"][0]
    V_ven = windkessel_params["V_ven"][0]
    V_art = windkessel_params["V_art"][0]

    # --------  Assign parameters for active force calculation  ----------------

    filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0]
    no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    no_of_detached_states = no_of_states - no_of_attached_states
    no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][
    state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0]
    cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0]
    k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0]
    k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0]
    k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0]
    cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0]
    alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0]
    x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0]
    x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0]
    x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0]
    hsl_min_threshold = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["passive_l_slack"][
    hsl_max_threshold = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    xfiber_fraction = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["xfiber_fraction"][0]

    ## ---------  Set up information for active force calculation --------------

    # Create x interval for cross-bridges
    xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment)

    # Define number of intervals cross-bridges are defined over
    no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0]

    # Define the length of the populations vector
    n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2  # +2 for binding sites on/off

    # Need to work out a general way to set this based on the scheme
    n_vector_indices = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2 + no_of_x_bins - 1]]

    #------------  Start setting up simulation ---------------------------------
    sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0]
    save_output = sim_params["save_output"][0]
    step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0]
    loading_number = sim_params["loading_number"][0]
    if sim_params["sim_geometry"][0] == "ventricle" or sim_params[
            "sim_geometry"][0] == "ventricle_lclee_2" or sim_params[
                "sim_geometry"][0] == "ventricle_physloop":
        # For ventricle for now, specify number of cardiac cycles
        cycles = sim_params["sim_type"][1]
        meshfilename = sim_params["sim_type"][2]
    # Cardiac cycle length and number of cycles will be general
    # For now, just including this info in the input file
    BCL = sim_duration  # ms

    hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][
        0]  # this is now set when creating mesh
    no_of_time_steps = int(cycles * BCL / step_size)
    no_of_cell_time_steps = int(BCL / step_size)

    deg = 4
    parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = deg
    parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

    # Clear out any old results files
    os.system("rm " + output_path + "*.pvd")
    os.system("rm " + output_path + "*.vtu")

    #--------------- Load in mesh, initialize things from it -------------------

    mesh = Mesh()
    f = HDF5File(mpi_comm_world(), meshfilename, 'r')
    f.read(mesh, casename, False)

    if casename == "ellipsoidal":
        #loading_number = 25;
        ugrid = vtk_py.convertXMLMeshToUGrid(mesh)
        ugrid = vtk_py.rotateUGrid(ugrid, sx=0.11, sy=0.11, sz=0.11)
        mesh = vtk_py.convertUGridToXMLMesh(ugrid)

        #don't need to do the vtk_py mesh stuff
    else:  #assuming we are using a patient specific mesh
        ugrid = vtk_py.convertXMLMeshToUGrid(mesh)
        ugrid = vtk_py.rotateUGrid(ugrid, sx=0.1, sy=0.1, sz=0.1)
        mesh = vtk_py.convertUGridToXMLMesh(ugrid)

    no_of_int_points = 14 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0]
    print "num_int_points" + str(no_of_int_points)

    facetboundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 2)
    edgeboundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 1)

    # set surface id numbers:
    topid = 4
    LVendoid = 2
    epiid = 1

    # Define referential facet normal
    N = FacetNormal(mesh)

    # Define spatial coordinate system used in rigid motion constraint
    X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    # ---------  Initialize finite elements  -----------------------------------

    # Vector element at gauss points (for fibers)
    VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature",
    VQuadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # General quadrature element whose points we will evaluate myosim at
    Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature",
    Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Vector element for displacement
    Velem = VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2, quad_scheme="default")
    Velem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Quadrature element for pressure
    Qelem = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1, quad_scheme="default")
    Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Real element for rigid body motion boundary condition
    Relem = FiniteElement("Real", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0, quad_scheme="default")
    Relem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Mixed element for rigid body motion. One each for x, y displacement. One each for
    # x, y, z rotation
    VRelem = MixedElement([Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem])

    # ------- Define function spaces on mesh using above elements --------------

    # Quadrature space for information needed at gauss points, such as
    # hsl, cb_force, passive forces, etc.
    Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem)

    # Function space for myosim populations
    Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(
        mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length * [Quadelem]))

    # Function space for local coordinate system (fiber, sheet, sheet-normal)
    fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem)

    # Mixed function space for displacement, pressure, rigid body constraint
    if (ispressurectrl):
        W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem, Qelem, VRelem]))
        W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem, Qelem, Relem, VRelem]))

    # V isn't used? Could define function spaces V: Velem, Q:Qelem,VR: VRelem, then W = V*W*VR
    # but below W is explicitly defined using the elements?
    # could define these once and use them for all projections
    #V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    #TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)
    #Q = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)

    # ------ Initalize functions on above spaces -------------------------------

    # fiber, sheet, and sheet-normal functions
    f0 = Function(fiberFS)
    print f0.vector().array()
    print np.shape(f0.vector())
    #print "free indices of f0 " + str(f0.free_indices())
    s0 = Function(fiberFS)
    n0 = Function(fiberFS)

    # function for original hsl distribution
    hsl0_transmural = Function(Quad)

    # These are now functions because they don't have to be uniform
    c_param = Function(Quad)
    c2_param = Function(Quad)
    c3_param = Function(Quad)

    # Setting the value of the passive functions
    c_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c"][0]
    c2_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c2"][0]
    c3_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c3"][0]

    # Go ahead and read in rest of info from mesh file and close
    # mesh lclee created doesn't have hsl0 variation
    f.read(hsl0_transmural, casename + "/" + "hsl0")
    f.read(f0, casename + "/" + "eF")
    f.read(s0, casename + "/" + "eS")
    f.read(n0, casename + "/" + "eN")

    # read in more mesh info, using MeshFunction for these
    f.read(facetboundaries, casename + "/" + "facetboundaries")
    f.read(edgeboundaries, casename + "/" + "edgeboundaries")

    # finished with the mesh file, close it
    #print f0[0]
    #print np.shape(f0.vector().array())

    # define rest of needed functions
    # mixed function for solver
    w = Function(W)

    # define trial function
    dw = TrialFunction(W)

    # define test function
    wtest = TestFunction(W)

    # separate out individual functions for displacement, pressure, bdry
    if (ispressurectrl):
        du, dp, dc11 = TrialFunctions(W)
        (u, p, c11) = split(w)
        (v, q, v11) = TestFunctions(W)
        du, dp, dpendo, dc11 = TrialFunctions(W)
        (u, p, pendo, c11) = split(w)
        #(u,p, pendo,c11,lm11) = w.split(True)
        (v, q, qendo, v11) = TestFunctions(W)

    # function for myosim populations
    y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace)

    # not explicitly defined as a function, but product
    #hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0_transmural

    # Store old hsl and use for calculation of delta_hsl
    hsl_old = Function(Quad)

    # ------- Set up files for saving information -----------------------------

    # save initial mesh information
    File(output_path + "facetboundaries.pvd") << facetboundaries
    File(output_path + "edgeboundaries.pvd") << edgeboundaries
    File(output_path + "fiber.pvd") << project(
        f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
    File(output_path + "sheet.pvd") << project(
        s0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
    File(output_path + "sheet-normal.pvd") << project(
        n0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))

    # Define paraview files to visualize on mesh
    displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd")
    pk1file = File(output_path + "pk1_act_on_f0.pvd")
    hsl_file = File(output_path + "hsl_mesh.pvd")
    alpha_file = File(output_path + "alpha_mesh.pvd")

    # Instead, initialize file for each of these arrays, and append each time step?
    """calcium_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    active_stress_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    myofiber_passive_stress_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    gucc_fiber_pstress_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    gucc_trans_pstress_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    gucc_shear_pstress_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    alpha_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    filament_overlap_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')
    delta_hsl_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)),dtype='f8')"""

    calcium = np.zeros(no_of_time_steps)
    calcium_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    calcium_ds = calcium_ds.transpose()

    active_stress_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose()

    dumped_populations_ds = pd.DataFrame(
        np.zeros((no_of_int_points, n_array_length)))

    tarray_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_time_steps + 1), index=None)
    tarray_ds = tarray_ds.transpose()
    tarray = np.zeros(no_of_time_steps)

    p_f_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    p_f_array_ds = p_f_array_ds.transpose()

    pgf_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    pgf_array_ds = pgf_array_ds.transpose()

    pgt_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    pgt_array_ds = pgt_array_ds.transpose()

    pgs_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    pgs_array_ds = pgs_array_ds.transpose()

    #overlaparray = np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1,no_of_int_points)) # need from previous step
    temp_overlap_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    temp_overlap_ds = temp_overlap_ds.transpose()

    alpha_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    alpha_array_ds = alpha_array_ds.transpose()

    hsl_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    hsl_array_ds = hsl_array_ds.transpose()

    delta_hsl_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points), index=None)
    delta_hsl_array_ds = delta_hsl_array_ds.transpose()

    temp_overlap = np.zeros((no_of_int_points))
    y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(((no_of_int_points) * n_array_length))
    j3_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points, no_of_time_steps))
    j4_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points, no_of_time_steps))
    y_interp = np.zeros((no_of_int_points + 1) * n_array_length)

    #test_cbf_storage = pd.Series(np.zeros(no_of_int_points))

    # Saving pressure/volume data
    # define communicator
    comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

    if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):
        fdataPV = open(output_path + "PV_.txt", "w", 0)
        """hsl_data_file = open(output_path + "hsl_file.txt", "w", 0)
        cbforce_file = open(output_path + "cbforce.txt", "w", 0)
        calcium_data_file = open(output_path + "calcium.txt", "w", 0)
        myosim_fiber_passive_file = open(output_path + "fiber_passive.txt", "w", 0)
        guccione_fiber_pstress_file = open(output_path + "gucc_fiber.txt", "w", 0)
        guccione_trans_pstress_file = open(output_path + "gucc_trans.txt", "w", 0)
        guccione_shear_pstress_file = open(output_path + "gucc_shear.txt", "w", 0)
        alpha_txt_file = open(output_path + "alpha.txt", "w", 0)
        overlap_file = open(output_path + "overlap.txt", "w", 0)"""

    #--------- some miscellaneous definitions ----------------------------------
    isincomp = True  #False

    # initialize LV cavity volume
    LVCavityvol = Expression(("vol"), vol=0.0, degree=2)

    y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(no_of_int_points * n_array_length)

    #Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    #Kspring = Constant(100)

    if (ispressurectrl):
        pendo = []

    # ------- Dirichlet bdry for fixing base in z ------------------------------
    bctop = DirichletBC(
        W.sub(0).sub(2), Expression(("0.0"), degree=2), facetboundaries, topid)
    bcs = [bctop]

    # ------- Set parameters for forms file, where stresses and things are calculated
    params = {
        "mesh": mesh,
        "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
        "facet_normal": N,
        "mixedfunctionspace": W,
        "mixedfunction": w,
        "displacement_variable": u,
        "pressure_variable": p,
        "lv_volconst_variable": pendo,
        "lv_constrained_vol": LVCavityvol,
        "LVendoid": LVendoid,
        "LVendo_comp": 2,
        "fiber": f0,
        "sheet": s0,
        "sheet-normal": n0,
        "incompressible": isincomp,
        "Kappa": Constant(1e5)

    # Update params from loaded in parameters from json file
    params["c"] = c_param
    params["c2"] = c2_param
    params["c3"] = c3_param

    # initialize the forms module
    uflforms = Forms(params)

    # --------- Calculate quantities from form file used in weak form ----------

    LVCavityvol.vol = uflforms.LVcavityvol()
    print("cavity-vol = ", LVCavityvol.vol)

    # Get deformation gradient
    Fmat = uflforms.Fmat()

    # Get right cauchy stretch tensor
    Cmat = (Fmat.T * Fmat)

    # Get Green strain tensor
    Emat = uflforms.Emat()

    # jacobian of deformation gradient
    J = uflforms.J()

    # facet normal in current config
    n = J * inv(Fmat.T) * N

    # integration measure
    dx = dolfin.dx(mesh, metadata={"integration_order": 2})

    # get passive material strain energy function
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF()

    #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------
    # can we move this to the forms file?
    # define 'active_params' as dict and send to forms?
    #hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0_transmural # must project if want to set directly
    hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0
    #f0 = 1/k(U(f0) - f0)
    delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old
    cb_force = Constant(0.0)
    y_vec_split = split(y_vec)
    print "shape of y_vec_split is " + str(np.shape(y_vec_split))

    for jj in range(no_of_states):

        f_holder = Constant(0.0)

        if state_attached[jj] == 1:

            cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj]

            for k in range(no_of_x_bins):
                temp_holder = Constant(0.0)

                dxx = xx[k] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor

                n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + k]

                temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (
                    dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext, 0.0),
                                                k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg)
                #temp_holder = temp_holder * conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0)
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder
                #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0)

            f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9

            f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    cb_force = cb_force * conditional(gt(cb_force, 0.0), 1.0, 0.0)

    # use cb_force to form active stress tensor
    print np.shape(f0)
    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(
        f0[i] * f0[j], (i, j)) + xfiber_fraction * cb_force * as_tensor(
            s0[i] * s0[j], (i, j)) + xfiber_fraction * cb_force * as_tensor(
                n0[i] * n0[j], (i, j))

    # -------- pre-allocation and initialization -------------------------------

    tstep = 0
    #t = 0

    LVcav_array = np.zeros(no_of_time_steps + 1)
    LVcav_array[0] = uflforms.LVcavityvol()
    Pcav_array = np.zeros(no_of_time_steps + 1)
    Pcav_array[0] = uflforms.LVcavitypressure() * 0.0075

    # Contraction phase
    #tarray = []

    # Get array of cross-bridge populations
    y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:]

    hsl_array = project(sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0,

    #delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points)

    for init_counter in range(0, n_array_length * no_of_int_points,
        # Initializing myosin heads in the off state
        y_vec_array[init_counter] = 1
        # Initialize all binding sites to off state
        y_vec_array[init_counter - 2] = 1

    Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress()
    # Pg is guccione stress tensor as first Piola-Kirchhoff

    # Magnitude of bulk passive stress in fiber direction
    Pg_fiber = inner(f0, Pg * f0)
    Pg_transverse = inner(n0, Pg * n0)
    Pg_shear = inner(n0, Pg * f0)

    temp_DG = project(Pff,
                      FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                      form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_1 = project(alpha,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
    alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_2 = project(Pg_fiber,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    pgf = interpolate(temp_DG_2, Quad)
    pgf_array = pgf.vector().get_local()[:]
    temp_DG_3 = project(Pg_transverse,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    pgt = interpolate(temp_DG_3, Quad)
    pgt_array = pgt.vector().get_local()[:]
    temp_DG_4 = project(Pg_shear,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    pgs = interpolate(temp_DG_4, Quad)
    pgs_array = pgs.vector().get_local()[:]

    cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    # ------ Define terms for variational problem ------------------------------

    # passive material contribution
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest) * dx

    # active stress contribution (Pactive is PK1, transform to PK2)
    F2 = inner(Fmat * Pactive, grad(v)) * dx

    # volumetric stress
    if (ispressurectrl):
        pressure = Expression(("p"), p=0.0, degree=2)
        F3 = inner(pressure * n, v) * ds(LVendoid)
        Wvol = uflforms.LVV0constrainedE()
        F3 = derivative(Wvol, w, wtest)

    # constrain rigid body motion
    L4 = inner(as_vector([c11[0], c11[1], 0.0]), u)*dx + \
      inner(as_vector([0.0, 0.0, c11[2]]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
      inner(as_vector([c11[3], 0.0, 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
      inner(as_vector([0.0, c11[4], 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx
    F4 = derivative(L4, w, wtest)

    Ftotal = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac4 = derivative(F4, w, dw)

    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 + Jac3 + Jac4

    # ----- Set up solver, using default but can use LCLee nsolver -------------
    solverparams = {
        "Jacobian": Jac,
        "F": Ftotal,
        "w": w,
        "boundary_conditions": bcs,
        "Type": 0,
        "mesh": mesh,
        "mode": 0

    solver = NSolver(solverparams)

    # -----------------------------

    # Loading phase
    #print "memory growth before loading:"

    print("cavity-vol = ", LVCavityvol.vol)
    for lmbda_value in range(0, loading_number):

        print "Loading phase step = ", lmbda_value

        LVCavityvol.vol += 0.004  #LCL change to smaller value

        p_cav = uflforms.LVcavitypressure()
        V_cav = uflforms.LVcavityvol()

        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        solve(Ftotal == 0,
              form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for Myosim

        temp_DG = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        for ii in range(np.shape(hsl_array)[0]):
            if p_f_array[ii] < 0.0:
                p_f_array[ii] = 0.0

        delta_hsl_array = hsl_array - hsl_array_old

        temp_DG_1 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
        alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]

        temp_DG_2 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgf = interpolate(temp_DG_2, Quad)
        pgf_array = pgf.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_3 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgt = interpolate(temp_DG_3, Quad)
        pgt_array = pgt.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_4 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgs = interpolate(temp_DG_4, Quad)
        pgs_array = pgs.vector().get_local()[:]

        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):

            print >> fdataPV, 0.0, p_cav * 0.0075, 0.0, 0.0, V_cav, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            displacementfile << w.sub(0)
            pk1temp = project(inner(f0, Pactive * f0),
                              FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1))
            pk1temp.rename("pk1temp", "pk1temp")
            pk1file << pk1temp
            hsl_temp = project(hsl, FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1))
            hsl_temp.rename("hsl_temp", "hsl")
            hsl_file << hsl_temp
            alpha_temp = project(alphas, FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0))
            alpha_temp.rename("alpha_temp", "alpha_temp")
            alpha_file << alpha_temp

        print("cavity-vol = ", LVCavityvol.vol)
        print("p_cav = ", uflforms.LVcavitypressure())

    # Closed-loop phase

    # Initialize the half-sarcomere class. Its methods will be used to solve for cell populations
    hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params, 1)

    # Need to create a list of dictionaries for parameters for each gauss point
    hs_params_list = [{}] * no_of_int_points
    passive_params_list = [{}] * no_of_int_points

    # For now, uniform properties
    for jj in np.arange(np.shape(hs_params_list)[0]):
        hs_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(hs_params)
        passive_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(passive_params)

    # Initialize cell ion module
    cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params)

    # Initialize calcium
    calcium[0] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(0, 0)

    #dumped_populations = np.zeros((no_of_time_steps+1, no_of_int_points, n_array_length))
    dumped_populations = np.zeros((no_of_int_points, n_array_length))

    counter = 0
    cell_counter = 0
    cycle = 0
    AV_old = 0
    MV_old = 1
    systole = 0

    #print "memory growth before closed loop"
    while (cycle < cycles):

        p_cav = uflforms.LVcavitypressure()
        V_cav = uflforms.LVcavityvol()

        tstep = tstep + step_size
        cycle = math.floor(tstep / BCL)
        cell_time = tstep - cycle * BCL

        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):

            print "Cycle number = ", cycle, " cell time = ", cell_time, " tstep = ", tstep, " step_size = ", step_size
            #print >>fdataPV, tstep, p_cav*0.0075 , V_cav, Myosim.Get_Ca()

        Part = 1.0 / Cao * (V_art - Vart0)
        Pven = 1.0 / Cven * (V_ven - Vven0)
        PLV = p_cav

        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):
            print "P_ven = ", Pven
            print "P_LV = ", PLV
            print "P_art = ", Part

        if (PLV <= Part):

            Qao = 0.0
            AV_new = 0


            Qao = 1.0 / Rao * (PLV - Part)
            AV_new = 1

        if (PLV >= Pven):

            Qmv = 0.0
            MV_new = 0


            Qmv = 1.0 / Rven * (Pven - PLV)
            MV_new = 1

        Qper = 1.0 / Rper * (Part - Pven)

        if (MV_old == 1 and MV_new == 0):
            systole = 1
        if (AV_old == 1 and AV_new == 0):
            systole = 0

        MV_old = MV_new
        AV_old = AV_new

        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):

            print "Q_mv = ", Qmv
            print "Q_ao = ", Qao
            print "Q_per = ", Qper
            if (systole == 1):
                print "********systole**********"
                print "***diastole***"
        """V_cav_prev = V_cav
        V_art_prev = V_art
        V_ven_prev = V_ven
        p_cav_prev = p_cav"""

        V_cav = V_cav + step_size * (Qmv - Qao)
        V_art = V_art + step_size * (Qao - Qper)
        V_ven = V_ven + step_size * (Qper - Qmv)

        LVCavityvol.vol = V_cav

        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):

            print "V_ven = ", V_ven
            print "V_LV = ", V_cav
            print "V_art = ", V_art

        LVcav_array[counter] = V_cav
        Pcav_array[counter] = p_cav * 0.0075

        if (counter > 0 and (int(counter / no_of_cell_time_steps)
                             == (counter / no_of_cell_time_steps))):
            cell_counter = 0

        cell_counter += 1

        print "cell_counter = ", cell_counter
        """for  i in range(no_of_int_points):

            for j in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[counter, i, j] = y_vec_array[i * n_array_length + j]"""

        # Initialize MyoSim solution holder
        #y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(no_of_int_points*n_array_length)

        # Update calcium
        calcium[counter] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(
            cycle, tstep)  #LCL Commented off

        # Now print out volumes, pressures, calcium
        if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):
            print >> fdataPV, tstep, p_cav * 0.0075, Part * .0075, Pven * .0075, V_cav, V_ven, V_art, calcium[

        # Quick hack
        if counter == 0:
            overlap_counter = 1
            overlap_counter = counter
    # Going to try to loop through integration points in python, not in fenics script
    #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[counter], n_array_length, cell_time, overlaparray[overlap_counter,:])
    #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[counter], n_array_length, cell_time)
        for mm in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
            #print hsl_array[mm]
            temp_overlap[mm], y_interp[mm * n_array_length:(
                mm +
                1) * n_array_length], y_vec_array_new[mm * n_array_length:(
                    mm + 1) * n_array_length] = implement.update_simulation(
                        hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[mm], hsl_array[mm],
                        y_vec_array[mm * n_array_length:(mm + 1) *
                                    n_array_length], p_f_array[mm],
                        cb_f_array[mm], calcium[counter], n_array_length,
                        tstep, hs_params_list[mm])
        for i in range(no_of_int_points):

            for j in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[i, j] = y_interp[i * n_array_length + j]

        y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new  # for Myosim

        #Kurtis moved to here
        y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array  # for PDE

        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        #print hsl_array_old
        # Kurtis assigning hsl_old function for newton iteration
        hsl_old.vector()[:] = hsl_array_old[:]


        solve(Ftotal == 0,
              form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
            solve(Ftotal == 0, w, bcs, J = Jac, form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
            print "Newton Iteration non-convergence, saving myosim info"
            np.save(output_path +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
            np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
            np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
            np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
            np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
            np.save(output_path + "gucc_fiber", gucc_fiber)
            np.save(output_path + "gucc_trans", gucc_trans)
            np.save(output_path + "gucc_shear", gucc_shear)
            np.save(output_path + "deltahsl", deltahslarray)
            np.save(output_path + "pstress_array",pstrarray)
            #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
            np.save(output_path + "calcium",calarray)"""
        cb_f_array[:] = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for Myosim

        delta_hsl_array = hsl_array - hsl_array_old

        temp_DG = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        for ii in range(np.shape(hsl_array)[0]):
            if p_f_array[ii] < 0.0:
                p_f_array[ii] = 0.0

        temp_DG_1 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
        alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]

        temp_DG_2 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgf = interpolate(temp_DG_2, Quad)
        pgf_array = pgf.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_3 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgt = interpolate(temp_DG_3, Quad)
        pgt_array = pgt.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_4 = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        pgs = interpolate(temp_DG_4, Quad)
        pgs_array = pgs.vector().get_local()[:]

        displacementfile << w.sub(0)
        pk1temp = project(inner(f0, Pactive * f0),
                          FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1))
        pk1temp.rename("pk1temp", "pk1temp")
        pk1file << pk1temp
        hsl_temp = project(hsl, FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1))
        hsl_temp.rename("hsl_temp", "hsl")
        hsl_file << hsl_temp
        alpha_temp = project(alphas, FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0))
        alpha_temp.rename("alpha_temp", "alpha_temp")
        alpha_file << alpha_temp

        print "shape of time array" + str(np.shape(tarray))
        tarray[counter] = tstep
        counter += 1

        if save_output:

            active_stress_ds.iloc[0, :] = cb_f_array[:]
            active_stress_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'active_stress.csv',

            #active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose()
            hsl_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = hsl_array[:]
            hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'half_sarcomere_lengths.csv',

            calcium_ds.iloc[0, :] = calcium[counter]
            calcium_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'calcium.csv',

            for i in range(no_of_int_points):
                dumped_populations_ds.iloc[i, :] = dumped_populations[i, :]
            dumped_populations_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'populations.csv',

            tarray_ds[counter] = tarray[counter]
            tarray_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'time.csv', mode='a', header=False)

            p_f_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = p_f_array[:]
            p_f_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'myofiber_passive.csv',

            pgf_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = pgf_array[:]
            pgf_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_fiber_pstress.csv',

            pgt_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = pgt_array[:]
            pgt_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_trans_pstress.csv',

            pgs_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = pgs_array[:]
            pgs_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_shear_pstress.csv',

            temp_overlap_ds.iloc[0, :] = temp_overlap[:]
            temp_overlap_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'overlap.csv',

            alpha_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = alpha_array[:]
            alpha_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'alpha.csv',

            delta_hsl_array_ds.iloc[0, :] = delta_hsl_array[:]
            delta_hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'delta_hsl.csv',

        #overlaparray[counter,:] = temp_overlap

    if (MPI.rank(comm) == 0):

    #fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)

    # Generate dictionary for output
    """outputs = {
    "rates": rates,
    "dumped_populations": dumped_populations,
    "tarray": tarray,
    "strarray": strarray,
    "pstrarray": pstrarray,
    "gucc_fiber": gucc_fiber,
    "gucc_trans": gucc_trans,
    "gucc_shear": gucc_shear,
    "alphaarray": alphaarray,
    "calarray": calarray,
    "hsl": hslarray,
    "overlap": overlaparray

    success = 1
    return (success)
def fenics(sim_params,file_inputs,output_params,passive_params,hs_params,cell_ion_params,monodomain_params,windkessel_params,pso):
    i,j = indices(2)
    m,k = indices(2)

    output_path = output_params["output_path"][0]
    displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd")

    filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["filament_compliance_factor"][0]
#    filament_compliance_factor = 0.5

    no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0]
    #no_of_states = 3
    #no_of_attached_states = 1
    #no_of_detached_states = 2
    no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_attached_states"][0]
    no_of_detached_states = no_of_states-no_of_attached_states
    no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][0]
    state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0]
    cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0]
    k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0]
    k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0]
    k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0]
    cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0]
    alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0]
    x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0]
    x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0]
    x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0]
    #no_of_transitions = 4
    #state_attached = [0, 0, 1]
    #cb_extensions = [ 0, 0, 4.75642]
    #k_cb_multiplier = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    #k_cb_pos = 0.001
    #k_cb_neg = 0.001
    #cb_number_density = 7.67e16
    #alpha_value = 1.0

    #x_bin_min = -12
    #x_bin_max = +12
    #x_bin_increment = 0.5
    xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment)
    no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0]
    n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2
    n_vector_indices = [[0,0], [1,1], [2,2+no_of_x_bins-1]]

    #hsl0 = 1000
    hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][0]
    #time_steps = 401
    #time_steps = 2
    #step_size = 0.5
    step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0]
    sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0]
    time_steps = int(sim_duration/step_size +1)
    Ca_flag = 4
    constant_pCa = 6.5

    fdataCa = open(output_path + "calcium_.txt", "w", 0)

    fx_rxn = np.zeros((time_steps))

    #prev_ca = np.load("calcium_10.npy")
    #prev_ca = prev_ca[:,0]

    #xml_struct = ut.parse('pm_test10.xml')
    #hs_params = xml_struct.single_circulation_simulation.half_sarcomere
    hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params,1)
    cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params)
    calcium = np.zeros(time_steps)
    calcium[0] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(0,0)
    parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"
    #os.system("rm *.pvd")
    #os.system("rm *.vtu")
    # defining parts of the model where the boundary condition should be applied later
    #  where x[0] = 0
    class Left(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol
    #  where x[0] = 10
    class Right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]-1.0) < tol
    #  where x[2] = 0
    class Lower(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[2]) < tol
    #  where x[1] = 0
    class Front(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[1]) < tol
    #  where x[0], x[1] and x[2] = 0
    class Fix(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol and abs(x[1]) < tol and abs(x[2]) < tol
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(1,1,1)
    no_of_int_points = 4 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0]

    temp_overlap = np.zeros((no_of_int_points))
    y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(((no_of_int_points)*n_array_length))
    hs_params_list = [{}]*no_of_int_points
    for jj in np.arange(np.shape(hs_params_list)[0]):
        hs_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(hs_params)

    #f0 = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    s0 = Constant((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    n0 = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))

    facetboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1)
    left = Left()
    right = Right()
    fix = Fix()
    lower = Lower()
    front = Front()
    left.mark(facetboundaries, 1)
    right.mark(facetboundaries, 2)
    fix.mark(facetboundaries, 3)
    lower.mark(facetboundaries, 4)
    front.mark(facetboundaries, 5)

    File(output_path + "facetboundaries.pvd") << facetboundaries

    ds = dolfin.ds(subdomain_data = facetboundaries)
    isincomp = True#False
    N = FacetNormal (mesh)
    #Cparam = Constant(1.0e2)                                                        #??

    TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)

    Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 2, quad_scheme="default")
    Velem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Qelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1, quad_scheme="default")
    Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature", tetrahedron, degree=2, quad_scheme="default")
    Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Vector element at gauss points (for fibers)
    VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=2, quad_scheme="default")
    VQuadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem,Qelem]))
    x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs()

    Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem)

    c_param = Function(Quad)
    c2_param = Function(Quad)
    c3_param = Function(Quad)

    c_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c"][0]
    c2_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c2"][0]
    c3_param.vector()[:] = passive_params["c3"][0]

    # Putting them back in the "passive_params" dictionary so that when
    # the dictionary is updated below, it reflects these changes
    passive_params["c"] = c_param
    passive_params["c2"] = c2_param
    passive_params["c3"] = c3_param

    Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length*[Quadelem]))

    # Assigning initial fiber angles
    fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem)
    f0 = Function(fiberFS)
    #s0 = Function(fiberFS)
    #n0 = Function(fiberFS)

    for i in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
        f0.vector()[i*3] = 1./sqrt(2.)
        #f0.vector()[i*3] = 1.
        #f0.vector()[i*3+1] = 0.
        f0.vector()[i*3+1] = 1./sqrt(2.)
        f0.vector()[i*3+2] = 0.

    File(output_path + "fiber_init.pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

    #print f0.type()

    #f0 = f0/sqrt(inner(f0,f0))

    temp_f = Function(fiberFS)
    f = Function(fiberFS)
    f_diff = Function(fiberFS)
    scaled_fdiff = Function(fiberFS)

    # assigning BCs
    u_D = Expression(("u_D"), u_D = 0.0, degree = 2)
    bcleft= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 1)         # u1 = 0 on left face
    bcright= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), u_D, facetboundaries, 2)
    bcfix = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fix, method="pointwise") # at one vertex u = v = w = 0
    bclower= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 4)        # u3 = 0 on lower face
    bcfront= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 5)        # u2 = 0 on front face
    bcs = [bcleft, bclower, bcfront, bcright,bcfix]

    du,dp = TrialFunctions(W)
    w = Function(W)
    dw = TrialFunction(W)
    (u,p) = split(w)
    (v,q) = TestFunctions(W)
    wtest = TestFunction(W)

    params= {"mesh": mesh,
         "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
         "facet_normal": N,
    	 "mixedfunctionspace": W,
    	 "mixedfunction": w,
         "displacement_variable": u,
         "pressure_variable": p,
    	 "fiber": f0,
         "sheet": s0,
         "sheet-normal": n0,
         #"C_param": Cparam,
    	 "incompressible": isincomp,

    uflforms = Forms(params)

    Fmat = uflforms.Fmat()
    Cmat = (Fmat.T*Fmat)
    Emat = uflforms.Emat()
    Umat = uflforms.Umat()
    kappa = 1.0
    J = uflforms.J()

    n = J*inv(Fmat.T)*N
    dx = dolfin.dx(mesh,metadata = {"integration_order":2})

    #Ematrix = project(Emat, TF)
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF()

    #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------
    y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace)
    hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0
    hsl_old = Function(Quad)
    #hsl_old = hsl
    delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old
    #delta_hsl = 0.0

    #f_holder = Constant(0.0)
    cb_force = Constant(0.0)

    y_vec_split = split(y_vec)

    for jj in range(no_of_states):

        f_holder = Constant(0.0)
        temp_holder = Constant(0.0)

        if state_attached[jj] == 1:

            cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj]

            for kk in range(no_of_x_bins):

                dxx = xx[kk] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor

                n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + kk]

                temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext,0.0), k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg)
                #temp_holder = temp_holder*conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0)
                #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0)
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder

            f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9

            f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(f0[m]*f0[k], (m,k))
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    # Automatic differentiation  #####################################################################################################
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest)*dx
    F2 = inner(Fmat*Pactive, grad(v))*dx
    F3 = inner(Press*N, v)*ds(2, domain=mesh)
    Ftotal = F1 + F2 - F3

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 - Jac3

    # Contraction phase
    '''header_file = open("./C++/hs.h","r")
    code = header_file.read()

    ext_module = compile_extension_module(code=code, source_directory="C++", sources=["hs.cpp", "mf.cpp", "Ca.cpp", "base_parameters.cpp"],
         include_dirs=[".", os.path.abspath("C++"),"/usr/include", "./C++"],
         library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'],
         libraries = ['libgsl.a'])

    Myosim = ext_module.hs()

    _FE_params = {"step_size": step_size};

    _Ca_params = {"Ca_flag": Ca_flag};

    _Ca_params = {"constant_pCa": constant_pCa};

    darray = []
    tarray = []
    hslarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    calarray = []
    strarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    pstrarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    overlaparray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))

    y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:]

    hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    #hsl_array = np.ones(no_of_int_points)*hsl0
    delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points)

    for counter in range(0,n_array_length * no_of_int_points,n_array_length):
        #y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        # Starting all in on state for Debugging
        y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        y_vec_array[counter-2] = 1

    Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress()

    temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_1 = project(alpha, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
    alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]

    '''P,S,T = uflforms.stress()
    Pff =  inner(f0,P*f0)
    p_f = project(Pff, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]'''

    #p_f = np.load("/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10/passive_forces.npy")

    cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    dumped_populations = np.zeros((time_steps, no_of_int_points, n_array_length))
    y_interp = np.zeros(no_of_int_points*n_array_length)

    t = 0.0
    #delta_hsls = np.zeros((time_steps,24))
    for l in range(time_steps):

        for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_interp[m * n_array_length + k]


    #    _Ca_params = {"time_point": l};
    #    Myosim.Ca_params.update(_Ca_params)

        #print p_f[l]

        #for k in range(no_of_int_points):
        #    pop_holder = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[k], hsl_array[k], y_vec_array[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length],p_f_array[k], cb_f_array[k], prev_ca[l])
    #    y_vec_array_new = Myosim.apply_time_step(y_vec_array, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array)
        #y_vec_array_new[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length] = pop_holder

        # Right now, not general. The calcium depends on cycle number, just saying 0
        cycle = 0
        calcium[l] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(step_size,l)

        #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model.calculate_concentrations(0,t)

        # Looping through integration points within Python Myosim, not here
        # Debugging, checking if y_input matches y_output between steps
        #print y_vec_array[0:53]
        # Quick hack
        if l == 0:
            overlap_counter = 1
            overlap_counter = l

        #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[l], n_array_length, t,hs_params_list)
        for mm in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
            #print hsl_array[mm]
            temp_overlap[mm], y_interp[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], y_vec_array_new[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length] = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[mm], hsl_array[mm], y_vec_array[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], p_f_array[mm], cb_f_array[mm], calcium[l], n_array_length, t,hs_params_list[mm])
    #    print y_vec_array_new[0:53]
        y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new # for Myosim
        y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array # for PDE

    #    print y_vec_array[0:53]
        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        solve(Ftotal == 0, w, bcs, J = Jac, form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"},solver_parameters={"newton_solver":{"relative_tolerance":1e-8},"newton_solver":{"maximum_iterations":50},"newton_solver":{"absolute_tolerance":1e-8}})

        np.save(output_path +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
        np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
        np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
        np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
        np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
        np.save(output_path + "pstress_array",pstrarray)
        #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
        np.save(output_path + "calcium",calarray)

        displacementfile << w.sub(0)

        hsl_old.vector()[:] = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] # for PDE

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]           # for Myosim

        delta_hsl_array = project(sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] - hsl_array_old # for Myosim

        #delta_hsls[l] = delta_hsl_array
        temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]
        strarray[l,:] = cb_f_array[:]
        pstrarray[l,:] = p_f_array[:]
        hslarray[l,:] = hsl_array[:] + delta_hsl_array[:]
        overlaparray[l,:] = temp_overlap

        # Calculate reaction force at right end
        b = assemble(Ftotal,form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})

        f_int_total = b.copy()
        for kk in x_dofs:
            fx_rxn[l] += f_int_total[kk]

        np.save(output_path + "fx",fx_rxn)


        """if t <= 100: # stretch to 1300
            u_D.u_D += .003
        if t < 500 and t > 100:
            u_D.u_D =u_D.u_D
        if t < 600 and t >= 500:
            u_D.u_D += .0005
        if t < 800 and t >=600:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        if t < 900 and t >= 800:
            u_D.u_D -= .0005
        if t >= 900:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 170 and t > 150:
            u_D.u_D -= 0.005
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 20:
            u_D.u_D += 0.001
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        if t <= 5.0:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        if t > 5.0 and t <= 10.0:
            u_D.u_D += 0.03
        if t > 10.0:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        t = t + step_size


        """for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_vec_array[m * n_array_length + k]"""

        #f0 += uflforms.kroon_law(fiberFS)[0] * step_size
        #temp_f = project(Umat*f0,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        #temp_f_2 = interpolate(temp_f, fiberFS)
        temp_f = Umat*f0
        f_mag = sqrt(inner(temp_f,temp_f))
        f = temp_f/f_mag
        f_diff = f-f0
        scaled_fdiff = f_diff * (step_size/kappa)
        scaled_f_assign = project(scaled_fdiff,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        scaled_f_2 = interpolate(scaled_f_assign, fiberFS)
        #print temp_f.type()

        f0.vector()[:] += scaled_f_2.vector()[:]
        File(output_path + "fiber_" + str(l) + ".pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

        #    f0.vector()[abc] += scaled_fdiff.vector()[abc]
        #f0 += scaled_fdiff"""
        #f0 += scaled_fdiff

        #f0 = f0 + new_f_diff*step_size
        #f = Umat*f0/sqrt(inner(Umat*f0,Umat*f0))
        #df0 = (1.0/kappa) * (f - f0)
        #f0 += df0*step_size

    #    File(output_path + "fiber_" + str(t) +".pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1))

    rate_constants = np.zeros((no_of_x_bins,no_of_transitions + 1))

    #for l in range(no_of_x_bins):

    #    for m in range(no_of_transitions + 1):

    #        rate_constants[l,m] = Myosim.dump_rate_constants(l, m, 0)
    fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)









    outputs = {
    "rates": rates,
    "dumped_populations": dumped_populations,
    "tarray": tarray,
    "strarray": strarray,
    "pstrarray": pstrarray,
    "alphaarray": darray,
    "calarray": calarray,
    "hsl": hslarray,
    "overlap": overlaparray


    np.save(output_path +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
    np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
    np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
    np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
    np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
    np.save(output_path + "pstress_array",pstrarray)
    #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
    np.save(output_path + "calcium",calarray)

Пример #6
def fenics(sim_params, file_inputs, output_params, passive_params, hs_params,
           cell_ion_params, monodomain_params, windkessel_params):
    global i
    global j

    output_path = output_params["output_path"][0]
    displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd")

    filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    #    filament_compliance_factor = 0.5

    no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0]
    #no_of_states = 3
    #no_of_attached_states = 1
    #no_of_detached_states = 2
    no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    no_of_detached_states = no_of_states - no_of_attached_states
    no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][
    state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0]
    cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0]
    k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0]
    k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0]
    k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0]
    cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0]
    alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0]
    x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0]
    x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0]
    x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0]
    #no_of_transitions = 4
    #state_attached = [0, 0, 1]
    #cb_extensions = [ 0, 0, 4.75642]
    #k_cb_multiplier = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    #k_cb_pos = 0.001
    #k_cb_neg = 0.001
    #cb_number_density = 7.67e16
    #alpha_value = 1.0

    #x_bin_min = -12
    #x_bin_max = +12
    #x_bin_increment = 0.5
    xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment)
    no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0]
    n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2
    n_vector_indices = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2 + no_of_x_bins - 1]]

    #hsl0 = 1000
    hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][0]
    #time_steps = 401
    #time_steps = 2
    #step_size = 0.5
    step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0]
    sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0]
    time_steps = int(sim_duration / step_size + 1)
    Ca_flag = 4
    constant_pCa = 6.5

    fdataCa = open(output_path + "calcium_.txt", "w", 0)

    #prev_ca = np.load("calcium_10.npy")
    #prev_ca = prev_ca[:,0]

    #xml_struct = ut.parse('pm_test10.xml')
    #hs_params = xml_struct.single_circulation_simulation.half_sarcomere
    hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params, 1)
    cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params)
    calcium = np.zeros(time_steps)
    calcium[0] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(0, 0)
    parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 2
    parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

    #os.system("rm *.pvd")
    #os.system("rm *.vtu")
    # defining parts of the model where the boundary condition should be applied later
    #  where x[0] = 0
    class Left(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol

    #  where x[0] = 10
    class Right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0] - 10.) < tol

    #  where x[2] = 0
    class FixY(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1e-1
            return near(x[0], 0., tol) and near(x[1], 0., tol)

    class FixZ(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1e-1
            return near(x[0], 0., tol) and near(x[2], 0., tol)

    class FixY_right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1e-1
            return near(x[0], 10., tol) and near(x[1], 0., tol)

    class FixZ_right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1e-1
            return near(x[0], 10., tol) and near(x[2], 0., tol)

    x = 10.0
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0

    cyl_top = Point(x, y, z)
    cyl_bottom = Point(0, 0, 0)
    top_radius = 1.0
    bottom_radius = 1.0
    segments = 20

    geometry = mshr.Cylinder(cyl_top, cyl_bottom, top_radius, bottom_radius,
    mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(geometry, 30)
    no_of_int_points = 4 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0]


    VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature",
    fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem)

    f0 = Function(fiberFS)
    s0 = Function(fiberFS)
    n0 = Function(fiberFS)

    counter = 0
    """for m in np.arange(np.shape(f0.vector().array())[0]/3):
        m = int(m)
        #f0.vector()[m*3] = np.random.normal(1.,.3)
        f0.vector()[m*3] = np.random.normal(1.,0.0)
        #s0.vector()[m*3] = f0.vector().array()[m*3] - 1.   #sheet vector in plane with fiber vector
        s0.vector()[m*3] = 0.0
        #f0.vector()[m*3+1] = np.random.normal(0.,.3)
        f0.vector()[m*3+1] = np.random.normal(0.,0.0)
        f0.vector()[m*3+2] = 0.0

        #s0.vector()[m*3+1] = f0.vector().array()[m*3+1]
        s0.vector()[m*3+1] = 1.0
        s0.vector()[m*3+2] = 0.0
        n0.vector()[m*3] = 0.0
        n0.vector()[m*3+1] = 0.0
        n0.vector()[m*3+2] = 1.0
        # z component would look like
        # f0.vector()[m*3+2] = something
        # s0.vector()[m*3+2] = f0.vector().array()[int(m)*3+2]
        #n0_holder = np.cross(f0.vector().array()[m*3:m*3+3],s0.vector().array()[m*3:m*3+3])
        #n0_holder /= sqrt(np.inner(n0_holder,n0_holder))

        #for n in range(3):
        #    n0.vector()[m*3+n] = n0_holder[n]
        #s0_holder = np.cross(f0.vector().array()[m*3:m*3+3],n0.vector().array()[m*3:m*3+3])
        #s0_holder /= sqrt(np.inner(s0_holder,s0_holder))
        #for n in range(3):
        #    s0.vector()[m*3+n] = s0_holder[n]
        #f0_holder = f0.vector().array()[m*3:m*3+3]
        #f0_holder /= sqrt(np.inner(f0_holder,f0_holder))
        #for n in range(3):
        #    f0.vector()[m*3+n] = f0_holder[n]"""

    f0 = Constant([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    s0 = Constant([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
    n0 = Constant([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

    File(output_path + "sheet_normal.pvd") << project(
        n0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    File(output_path + "fiber.pvd") << project(
        f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
    File(output_path + "sheet.pvd") << project(
        s0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

    facetboundaries = MeshFunction(
        'size_t', mesh,
        mesh.topology().dim() -
        1)  # fcn that can be evaluated at the mesh entities of 'mesh'
    facetboundaries.set_all(0)  #sets all values in facetboundaries to 0
    left = Left()
    right = Right()
    fixy = FixY()
    fixyright = FixY_right()
    fixzright = FixZ_right()
    fixz = FixZ()
    left.mark(facetboundaries, 1)
    right.mark(facetboundaries, 2)
    fixy.mark(facetboundaries, 3)
    fixz.mark(facetboundaries, 4)
    ds = dolfin.ds(subdomain_data=facetboundaries)
    isincomp = True  #False
    N = FacetNormal(mesh)
    #Cparam = Constant(1.0e2)                                                        #??

    TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)

    Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 2, quad_scheme="default")
    Velem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Qelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1, quad_scheme="default")
    Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature",
    Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem, Qelem]))
    Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem)

    Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(
        mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length * [Quadelem]))

    # assigning BCs
    u_D = Expression(("u_D"), u_D=0.0, degree=2)
    # BCs specified for subdomain by index
    bcleft = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0, 0, 0)), facetboundaries,
                         1)  # u1 = 0 on left face
    bcright = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0, 0, 0)), facetboundaries, 2)
    bcfixy = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1),
    bcfixz = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2),
    bcfixyright = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1),
    bcfixzright = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2),
    bcs = [bcleft, bcright]

    du, dp = TrialFunctions(W)
    w = Function(W)
    dw = TrialFunction(W)
    (u, p) = split(w)
    (v, q) = TestFunctions(W)
    wtest = TestFunction(W)

    params = {
        "mesh": mesh,
        "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
        "facet_normal": N,
        "mixedfunctionspace": W,
        "mixedfunction": w,
        "displacement_variable": u,
        "pressure_variable": p,
        "fiber": f0,
        "sheet": s0,
        "sheet-normal": n0,
        #"C_param": Cparam,
        "incompressible": isincomp,
        "Kappa": Constant(1e5)

    uflforms = Forms(params)

    Fmat = uflforms.Fmat()
    Cmat = (Fmat.T * Fmat)
    Emat = uflforms.Emat()
    J = uflforms.J()

    n = J * inv(Fmat.T) * N
    dx = dolfin.dx(mesh, metadata={"integration_order": 2})

    #Ematrix = project(Emat, TF)
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF()

    #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------
    y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace)
    hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0
    hsl_old = Function(Quad)
    #hsl_old = hsl
    delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old
    #delta_hsl = 0.0

    #f_holder = Constant(0.0)
    cb_force = Constant(0.0)

    y_vec_split = split(y_vec)

    for jj in range(no_of_states):

        f_holder = Constant(0.0)
        temp_holder = Constant(0.0)

        if state_attached[jj] == 1:

            cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj]

            for kk in range(no_of_x_bins):

                dxx = xx[kk] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor

                n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + kk]

                temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (
                    dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext, 0.0),
                                                k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg)
                #temp_holder = temp_holder*conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0)
                #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0)
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder

            f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9

            f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(f0[i] * f0[j], (i, j))
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    # Automatic differentiation  #####################################################################################################
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest) * dx
    F2 = inner(Fmat * Pactive, grad(v)) * dx
    F3 = inner(Press * N, v) * ds(2, domain=mesh)
    Ftotal = F1 + F2 - F3

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 - Jac3

    # Contraction phase
    '''header_file = open("./C++/hs.h","r")
    code = header_file.read()

    ext_module = compile_extension_module(code=code, source_directory="C++", sources=["hs.cpp", "mf.cpp", "Ca.cpp", "base_parameters.cpp"],
         include_dirs=[".", os.path.abspath("C++"),"/usr/include", "./C++"],
         library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'],
         libraries = ['libgsl.a'])

    Myosim = ext_module.hs()

    _FE_params = {"step_size": step_size};

    _Ca_params = {"Ca_flag": Ca_flag};

    _Ca_params = {"constant_pCa": constant_pCa};

    darray = []
    tarray = []
    hslarray = []
    calarray = []
    strarray = []
    pstrarray = []
    overlaparray = np.zeros((time_steps + 1, no_of_int_points))

    y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:]

    hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    #hsl_array = np.ones(no_of_int_points)*hsl0
    delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points)

    for counter in range(0, n_array_length * no_of_int_points, n_array_length):
        #y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        # Starting all in on state for Debugging
        y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        y_vec_array[counter - 2] = 1

    Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress()

    temp_DG = project(Pff,
                      FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                      form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_1 = project(alpha,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
    alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]
    '''P,S,T = uflforms.stress()
    Pff =  inner(f0,P*f0)
    p_f = project(Pff, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]'''

    #p_f = np.load("/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10/passive_forces.npy")

    cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    dumped_populations = np.zeros(
        (time_steps, no_of_int_points, n_array_length))
    y_interp = np.zeros(no_of_int_points * n_array_length)
    # Need to create a list of dictionaries for parameters for each gauss point
    hs_params_list = [{}] * no_of_int_points
    temp_overlap = np.zeros((no_of_int_points))
    y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(((no_of_int_points) * n_array_length))

    for jj in np.arange(np.shape(hs_params_list)[0]):
        hs_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(hs_params)
    t = 0.0
    #delta_hsls = np.zeros((time_steps,24))
    for l in range(time_steps):

        for m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_interp[m * n_array_length + k]


    #    _Ca_params = {"time_point": l};
    #    Myosim.Ca_params.update(_Ca_params)

    #print p_f[l]

    #for k in range(no_of_int_points):
    #    pop_holder = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[k], hsl_array[k], y_vec_array[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length],p_f_array[k], cb_f_array[k], prev_ca[l])
    #    y_vec_array_new = Myosim.apply_time_step(y_vec_array, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array)
    #y_vec_array_new[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length] = pop_holder

    # Right now, not general. The calcium depends on cycle number, just saying 0
        cycle = 0
        calcium[l] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(cycle, t)

        #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model.calculate_concentrations(0,t)

        # Looping through integration points within Python Myosim, not here
        # Debugging, checking if y_input matches y_output between steps
        #print y_vec_array[0:53]
        # Quick hack
        if l == 0:
            overlap_counter = 1
            overlap_counter = l

        for mm in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
            #print hsl_array[mm]
            temp_overlap[mm], y_interp[mm * n_array_length:(
                mm +
                1) * n_array_length], y_vec_array_new[mm * n_array_length:(
                    mm + 1) * n_array_length] = implement.update_simulation(
                        hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[mm], hsl_array[mm],
                        y_vec_array[mm * n_array_length:(mm + 1) *
                                    n_array_length], p_f_array[mm],
                        cb_f_array[mm], calcium[l], n_array_length, t,
                        overlaparray[overlap_counter, mm], hs_params_list[mm])
        #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[l], n_array_length, t,overlaparray[overlap_counter,:])
        #print y_vec_array_new[0:53]
        y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new  # for Myosim
        y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array  # for PDE

        #    print y_vec_array[0:53]
        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        solve(Ftotal == 0,
              form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"},
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "relative_tolerance": 1e-8
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "maximum_iterations": 50
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "absolute_tolerance": 1e-8

        np.save(output_path + "dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
        np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
        np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
        np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
        np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
        np.save(output_path + "pstress_array", pstrarray)
        #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
        np.save(output_path + "calcium", calarray)

        displacementfile << w.sub(0)

        hsl_old.vector()[:] = project(hsl,
                                      Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for PDE

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for Myosim

        delta_hsl_array = project(
            sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0,
            Quad).vector().get_local()[:] - hsl_array_old  # for Myosim

        #delta_hsls[l] = delta_hsl_array
        temp_DG = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]
        hslarray.append(hsl_array[0] + delta_hsl_array[0])
        overlaparray[l, :] = temp_overlap

        """if t <= 100: # stretch to 1300
            u_D.u_D += .003
        if t < 500 and t > 100:
            u_D.u_D =u_D.u_D
        if t < 600 and t >= 500:
            u_D.u_D += .0005
        if t < 800 and t >=600:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        if t < 900 and t >= 800:
            u_D.u_D -= .0005
        if t >= 900:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 170 and t > 150:
            u_D.u_D -= 0.005
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        t = t + step_size

        calarray.append(hs.Ca_conc * np.ones(no_of_int_points))
        """for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_vec_array[m * n_array_length + k]"""

    rate_constants = np.zeros((no_of_x_bins, no_of_transitions + 1))

    #for l in range(no_of_x_bins):

    #    for m in range(no_of_transitions + 1):

    #        rate_constants[l,m] = Myosim.dump_rate_constants(l, m, 0)
    fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)









    outputs = {
        "rates": rates,
        "dumped_populations": dumped_populations,
        "tarray": tarray,
        "strarray": strarray,
        "pstrarray": pstrarray,
        "alphaarray": darray,
        "calarray": calarray,
        "hsl": hslarray,
        "overlap": overlaparray

    np.save(output_path + "dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
    np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
    np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
    np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
    np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
    np.save(output_path + "pstress_array", pstrarray)
    #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
    np.save(output_path + "calcium", calarray)

    return (outputs)
Пример #7
def create_weak_form(mesh, fcn_spaces, functions):

    # Need to set up the strain energy functions and cavity volume info
    # from the forms file:

    # Load in all of our relevant functions and function spaces
    facetboundaries = functions["facetboundaries"]
    subdomains = MeshFunction('int', mesh, 3)
    X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    N = FacetNormal(mesh)
    W = fcn_spaces["solution_space"]
    w = functions["w"]
    u = functions["u"]
    v = functions["v"]
    p = functions["p"]
    f0 = functions["f0"]
    s0 = functions["s0"]
    n0 = functions["n0"]
    c11 = functions["c11"]
    wtest = functions["wtest"]
    dw = functions["dw"]

    # Don't really need this yet
    hsl0 = 950

    Fg = functions["Fg"]
    M1ij = functions["M1ij"]
    M2ij = functions["M2ij"]
    M3ij = functions["M3ij"]
    TF = fcn_spaces["growth_tensor_space"]
    dolfin_functions = functions["dolfin_functions"]
    pendo = functions["pendo"]
    LVendoid = functions["LVendoid"]
    print "LVendoid"
    print LVendoid

    isincomp = True

    # Define some parameters
    params = {
        "mesh": mesh,
        "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
        "facet_normal": N,
        "mixedfunctionspace": W,
        "mixedfunction": w,
        "displacement_variable": u,
        "pressure_variable": p,
        "fiber": f0,
        "sheet": s0,
        "sheet-normal": n0,
        "incompressible": isincomp,
        "hsl0": hsl0,
        "Kappa": Constant(1e5),
        "growth_tensor": Fg,
        "M1": M1ij,
        "M2": M2ij,
        "M3": M3ij,
        "TF": TF

    # update with the passive parameter functions

    # Need to tack on some other stuff, including an expression to keep track of
    # and manipulate the cavity volume
    LVCavityvol = Expression(("vol"), vol=0.0, degree=2)
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    functions["LVCavityvol"] = LVCavityvol
    functions["Press"] = Press
    ventricle_params = {
        "lv_volconst_variable": pendo,
        "lv_constrained_vol": LVCavityvol,
        "LVendoid": LVendoid,
        "LVendo_comp": 2,

    uflforms = Forms(params)
    print "uflforms mesh"
    print uflforms.parameters["mesh"]

    # Now that the forms file is initialized, initialize specific forms

    # This is needed for the forms file, but not for what we are doing yet
    # I don't want to change the base functionality of anything, so I'm defining
    # this here
    # (there exists the capability to have hsl return to its reference length in
    # an attempt to incorporate some visoelasticity)
    d = u.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension()
    I = Identity(d)
    Fmat = I + grad(u)
    J = det(Fmat)
    Cmat = Fmat.T * Fmat
    alpha_f = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0))
    hsl = alpha_f * hsl0
    functions["hsl"] = hsl
    n = J * inv(Fmat.T) * N

    # Passive stress contribution
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF(hsl)

    # passive material contribution
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest) * dx

    # active stress contribution (Pactive is PK2, transform to PK1)
    # temporary active stress
    Pactive, cbforce = uflforms.TempActiveStress(0.0)
    functions["Pactive"] = Pactive
    functions["cbforce"] = cbforce
    F2 = inner(Fmat * Pactive, grad(v)) * dx

    # LV volume increase
    Wvol = uflforms.LVV0constrainedE()
    F3 = derivative(Wvol, w, wtest)

    # For pressure on endo instead of volume bdry condition
    F3_p = Press * inner(n, v) * ds(LVendoid)

    # constrain rigid body motion
    L4 = inner(as_vector([c11[0], c11[1], 0.0]), u)*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([0.0, 0.0, c11[2]]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([c11[3], 0.0, 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([0.0, c11[4], 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx

    F4 = derivative(L4, w, wtest)

    Ftotal = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

    Ftotal_growth = F1 + F3_p + F4

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac3_p = derivative(F3_p, w, dw)
    Jac4 = derivative(F4, w, dw)

    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 + Jac3 + Jac4
    Jac_growth = Jac1 + Jac3_p + Jac4

    return Ftotal, Jac, Ftotal_growth, Jac_growth, uflforms, functions, Pactive
def fenics(sim_params, file_inputs, output_params, passive_params, hs_params,
           cell_ion_params, monodomain_params, windkessel_params):
    i, j = indices(2)

    output_path = output_params["output_path"][0]
    displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd")

    filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    #    filament_compliance_factor = 0.5

    no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0]
    #no_of_states = 3
    #no_of_attached_states = 1
    #no_of_detached_states = 2
    no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"][
    no_of_detached_states = no_of_states - no_of_attached_states
    no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][
    state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0]
    cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0]
    k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0]
    k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0]
    k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0]
    cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0]
    alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0]
    x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0]
    x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0]
    x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0]
    #no_of_transitions = 4
    #state_attached = [0, 0, 1]
    #cb_extensions = [ 0, 0, 4.75642]
    #k_cb_multiplier = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    #k_cb_pos = 0.001
    #k_cb_neg = 0.001
    #cb_number_density = 7.67e16
    #alpha_value = 1.0

    #x_bin_min = -12
    #x_bin_max = +12
    #x_bin_increment = 0.5
    xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment)
    no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0]
    n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2
    n_vector_indices = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 2 + no_of_x_bins - 1]]

    #hsl0 = 1000
    hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][0]
    #time_steps = 401
    #time_steps = 2
    #step_size = 0.5
    step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0]
    sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0]
    time_steps = int(sim_duration / step_size + 1)
    Ca_flag = 4
    constant_pCa = 6.5

    fdataCa = open(output_path + "calcium_.txt", "w", 0)

    #prev_ca = np.load("calcium_10.npy")
    #prev_ca = prev_ca[:,0]

    #xml_struct = ut.parse('pm_test10.xml')
    #hs_params = xml_struct.single_circulation_simulation.half_sarcomere
    hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params, 1)
    cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params)
    calcium = np.zeros(time_steps)
    calcium[0] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(0, 0)
    parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 2
    parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

    #os.system("rm *.pvd")
    #os.system("rm *.vtu")
    # defining parts of the model where the boundary condition should be applied later
    #  where x[0] = 0
    class Left(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol

    #  where x[0] = 10
    class Right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0] - 1.0) < tol

    #  where x[2] = 0
    class Lower(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[2]) < tol

    #  where x[1] = 0
    class Front(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[1]) < tol

    #  where x[0], x[1] and x[2] = 0
    class Fix(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol and abs(x[1]) < tol and abs(
                x[2]) < tol

    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(1, 1, 1)

    # Vector element at gauss points (for fibers)
    VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature",
    VQuadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    no_of_int_points = 4 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0]
    #print no_of_int_points

    # Function space for local coordinate system (fiber, sheet, sheet-normal)

    #f0.vector().array()[:] = [1.0,0.0,0.0]

    #f0 = Constant((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    s0 = Constant((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    n0 = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
    facetboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    left = Left()
    right = Right()
    fix = Fix()
    lower = Lower()
    front = Front()
    left.mark(facetboundaries, 1)
    right.mark(facetboundaries, 2)
    fix.mark(facetboundaries, 3)
    lower.mark(facetboundaries, 4)
    front.mark(facetboundaries, 5)
    ds = dolfin.ds(subdomain_data=facetboundaries)
    isincomp = True  #False
    N = FacetNormal(mesh)
    #Cparam = Constant(1.0e2)                                                        #??

    TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)

    Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 2, quad_scheme="default")
    Velem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Qelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1, quad_scheme="default")
    Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature",
    Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem, Qelem]))
    Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem)

    Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(
        mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length * [Quadelem]))

    # Kurtis trying to initialize vectors
    fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem)
    f0 = Function(fiberFS)

    File(output_path + "fiber1.pvd") << project(
        f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))

    ugrid = vtk_py.convertXMLMeshToUGrid(mesh)

    File(output_path + "fiber2.pvd") << project(
        f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))

    gdim = mesh.geometry().dim()
    xdofmap = fiberFS.sub(0).dofmap().dofs()
    ydofmap = fiberFS.sub(1).dofmap().dofs()
    zdofmap = fiberFS.sub(2).dofmap().dofs()

    xq = fiberFS.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape((-1, gdim))
    xq0 = xq[xdofmap]
    print "xq0 shape " + str(np.shape(xq0))

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray()
    #ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()

    nb_cells = ugrid.GetNumberOfCells()
    print "num cells = " + str(nb_cells)
    fvecs = vtk_py.createFloatArray("fvecs", 3, 24)

    for i in np.arange(24):
        fvecs.InsertTuple(i, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    cnt = 0

    for pt in xq0:
        points.InsertNextPoint([pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]])
        vertex = vtk.vtkVertex()
        vertex.GetPointIds().SetId(0, cnt)
        cnt += 1

    ugrid.SetCells(0, vertices)


    #fvecs[:] = f0.vector()[:]

    vtk_py.writeXMLUGrid(ugrid, output_path + "fiber_ugrid.vtu")

    cnt = 0
    for pt in xq0:
        print cnt
        fvec = fvecs.GetTuple(cnt)
        f0.vector()[xdofmap[cnt]] = fvec[0]
        f0.vector()[ydofmap[cnt]] = fvec[1]
        f0.vector()[zdofmap[cnt]] = fvec[2]
        cnt += 1

    mesh = vtk_py.convertUGridToXMLMesh(ugrid)
    """cnt =0

    for pt in xq0:
        print "assigning vector"
        f0.vector()[xdofmap[cnt]] = 1.0*cnt; f0.vector()[ydofmap[cnt]] = 0.0; f0.vector()[zdofmap[cnt]] = 0.0;
        cnt +=1"""

    print f0[0]
    print "shape of f0 " + str(np.shape(f0.vector().array()))

    #print "free indices of f0 " + str(f0.free_indices())

    #f0.vector()[:] = 1.0

    File(output_path + "fiber.pvd") << project(
        f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
    #test_tensor = as_tensor(f0*f0)

    # assigning BCs
    u_D = Expression(("u_D"), u_D=0.0, degree=2)
    bcleft = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries,
                         1)  # u1 = 0 on left face
    bcright = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), u_D, facetboundaries, 2)
    bcfix = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),
                        Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
                        method="pointwise")  # at one vertex u = v = w = 0
    bclower = DirichletBC(
        W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries,
        4)  # u3 = 0 on lower face
    bcfront = DirichletBC(
        W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries,
        5)  # u2 = 0 on front face
    bcs = [bcleft, bclower, bcfront, bcright, bcfix]

    du, dp = TrialFunctions(W)
    w = Function(W)
    dw = TrialFunction(W)
    (u, p) = split(w)
    (v, q) = TestFunctions(W)
    wtest = TestFunction(W)

    params = {
        "mesh": mesh,
        "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
        "facet_normal": N,
        "mixedfunctionspace": W,
        "mixedfunction": w,
        "displacement_variable": u,
        "pressure_variable": p,
        "fiber": f0,
        "sheet": s0,
        "sheet-normal": n0,
        #"C_param": Cparam,
        "incompressible": isincomp,
        "Kappa": Constant(1e5)

    uflforms = Forms(params)

    Fmat = uflforms.Fmat()
    Cmat = (Fmat.T * Fmat)
    Emat = uflforms.Emat()
    J = uflforms.J()

    n = J * inv(Fmat.T) * N
    dx = dolfin.dx(mesh, metadata={"integration_order": 2})

    #Ematrix = project(Emat, TF)
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF()

    #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------
    y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace)
    hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0
    hsl_old = Function(Quad)
    #hsl_old = hsl
    delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old
    #delta_hsl = 0.0

    #f_holder = Constant(0.0)
    cb_force = Constant(0.0)

    y_vec_split = split(y_vec)
    print "shape of yvecsplit " + str(np.shape(y_vec_split))

    for jj in range(no_of_states):

        f_holder = Constant(0.0)
        temp_holder = Constant(0.0)

        if state_attached[jj] == 1:

            cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj]

            for kk in range(no_of_x_bins):

                dxx = xx[kk] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor

                n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + kk]

                temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (
                    dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext, 0.0),
                                                k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg)
                #temp_holder = temp_holder*conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0)
                #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0)
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder

            f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9

            f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    #print "rank" + str(f0.rank())
    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(s0[i] * s0[j], (i, j))
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    # Automatic differentiation  #####################################################################################################
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest) * dx
    F2 = inner(Fmat * Pactive, grad(v)) * dx
    F3 = inner(Press * N, v) * ds(2, domain=mesh)
    Ftotal = F1 + F2 - F3

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 - Jac3

    # Contraction phase
    '''header_file = open("./C++/hs.h","r")
    code = header_file.read()

    ext_module = compile_extension_module(code=code, source_directory="C++", sources=["hs.cpp", "mf.cpp", "Ca.cpp", "base_parameters.cpp"],
         include_dirs=[".", os.path.abspath("C++"),"/usr/include", "./C++"],
         library_dirs = ['/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'],
         libraries = ['libgsl.a'])

    Myosim = ext_module.hs()

    _FE_params = {"step_size": step_size};

    _Ca_params = {"Ca_flag": Ca_flag};

    _Ca_params = {"constant_pCa": constant_pCa};

    darray = []
    tarray = []
    hslarray = []
    calarray = []
    strarray = []
    pstrarray = []
    overlaparray = np.zeros((time_steps + 1, no_of_int_points))

    y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:]

    hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    #hsl_array = np.ones(no_of_int_points)*hsl0
    delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points)

    for counter in range(0, n_array_length * no_of_int_points, n_array_length):
        #y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        # Starting all in on state for Debugging
        y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        y_vec_array[counter - 2] = 1

    Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress()

    temp_DG = project(Pff,
                      FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                      form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_1 = project(alpha,
                        FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                        form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
    alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]
    '''P,S,T = uflforms.stress()
    Pff =  inner(f0,P*f0)
    p_f = project(Pff, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]'''

    #p_f = np.load("/home/fenics/shared/python_dev/test_10/passive_forces.npy")

    cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    dumped_populations = np.zeros(
        (time_steps, no_of_int_points, n_array_length))
    y_interp = np.zeros(no_of_int_points * n_array_length)

    t = 0.0
    #delta_hsls = np.zeros((time_steps,24))
    for l in range(time_steps):

        for m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_interp[m * n_array_length + k]


    #    _Ca_params = {"time_point": l};
    #    Myosim.Ca_params.update(_Ca_params)

    #print p_f[l]

    #for k in range(no_of_int_points):
    #    pop_holder = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[k], hsl_array[k], y_vec_array[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length],p_f_array[k], cb_f_array[k], prev_ca[l])
    #    y_vec_array_new = Myosim.apply_time_step(y_vec_array, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array)
    #y_vec_array_new[k*n_array_length:(k+1)*n_array_length] = pop_holder

    # Right now, not general. The calcium depends on cycle number, just saying 0
        cycle = 0
        calcium[l] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(cycle, t)

        #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model.calculate_concentrations(0,t)

        # Looping through integration points within Python Myosim, not here
        # Debugging, checking if y_input matches y_output between steps
        #print y_vec_array[0:53]
        # Quick hack
        if l == 0:
            overlap_counter = 1
            overlap_counter = l

        temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(
            hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array,
            cb_f_array, calcium[l], n_array_length, t,
            overlaparray[overlap_counter, :])
        #    print y_vec_array_new[0:53]
        y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new  # for Myosim
        y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array  # for PDE

        #    print y_vec_array[0:53]
        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        solve(Ftotal == 0,
              form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"},
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "relative_tolerance": 1e-8
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "maximum_iterations": 50
                  "newton_solver": {
                      "absolute_tolerance": 1e-8

        np.save(output_path + "dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
        np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
        np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
        np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
        np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
        np.save(output_path + "pstress_array", pstrarray)
        #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
        np.save(output_path + "calcium", calarray)

        displacementfile << w.sub(0)

        hsl_old.vector()[:] = project(hsl,
                                      Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for PDE

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]  # for Myosim

        delta_hsl_array = project(
            sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0)) * hsl0,
            Quad).vector().get_local()[:] - hsl_array_old  # for Myosim

        #delta_hsls[l] = delta_hsl_array
        temp_DG = project(
            FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
            form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]
        hslarray.append(hsl_array[0] + delta_hsl_array[0])
        overlaparray[l, :] = temp_overlap

        """if t <= 100: # stretch to 1300
            u_D.u_D += .003
        if t < 500 and t > 100:
            u_D.u_D =u_D.u_D
        if t < 600 and t >= 500:
            u_D.u_D += .0005
        if t < 800 and t >=600:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        if t < 900 and t >= 800:
            u_D.u_D -= .0005
        if t >= 900:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 170 and t > 150:
            u_D.u_D -= 0.005
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        if t < 20:
            u_D.u_D += 0.001
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        t = t + step_size

        calarray.append(hs.Ca_conc * np.ones(no_of_int_points))

        # Update Fiber orientation
        #f0 = f0+step_size*(Cmat*f0-f0)/sqrt(inner(Cmat*f0-f0,Cmat*f0-f0))
        target_vec = Cmat * f0
        #print target_vec.type()
        #target_diff = target_vec - f0
        #target_diff = target_diff/sqrt(inner(target_diff,target_diff))
        #f0 = f0 + step_size*target_diff
        #File(output_path + "fiber_" +str(t)+ ".pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
        """for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_vec_array[m * n_array_length + k]"""

    rate_constants = np.zeros((no_of_x_bins, no_of_transitions + 1))

    #for l in range(no_of_x_bins):

    #    for m in range(no_of_transitions + 1):

    #        rate_constants[l,m] = Myosim.dump_rate_constants(l, m, 0)
    fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)









    outputs = {
        "rates": rates,
        "dumped_populations": dumped_populations,
        "tarray": tarray,
        "strarray": strarray,
        "pstrarray": pstrarray,
        "alphaarray": darray,
        "calarray": calarray,
        "hsl": hslarray,
        "overlap": overlaparray

    np.save(output_path + "dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
    np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
    np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
    np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
    np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
    np.save(output_path + "pstress_array", pstrarray)
    #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
    np.save(output_path + "calcium", calarray)

    return (outputs)
Пример #9
def fenics(sim_params,file_inputs,output_params,passive_params,hs_params,cell_ion_params,monodomain_params,windkessel_params,pso):

    # marking these as indices because this is a function called from fenics_driver
    i,j = indices(2)

    #------------------## Load in all information and set up simulation --------
    output_path = output_params["output_path"][0]
    displacementfile = File(output_path + "u_disp.pvd")
    save_output = sim_params["save_output"][0]

    filament_compliance_factor = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["filament_compliance_factor"][0]
    no_of_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_states"][0]
    no_of_attached_states = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_attached_states"][0]
    no_of_detached_states = no_of_states-no_of_attached_states
    no_of_transitions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["num_transitions"][0]
    state_attached = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["state_attached"][0]
    cb_extensions = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["cb_extensions"][0]
    k_cb_multiplier = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_multiplier"][0]
    k_cb_pos = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_pos"][0]
    k_cb_neg = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["k_cb_neg"][0]
    cb_number_density = hs_params["cb_number_density"][0]
    alpha_value = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["alpha"][0]
    x_bin_min = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_min"][0]
    x_bin_max = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_max"][0]
    x_bin_increment = hs_params["myofilament_parameters"]["bin_width"][0]
    work_loop = sim_params["work_loop"][0]

## ---------  Set up information for active force calculation ------------------

    # Create x interval for cross-bridges
    xx = np.arange(x_bin_min, x_bin_max + x_bin_increment, x_bin_increment)

    # Define number of intervals cross-bridges are defined over
    no_of_x_bins = np.shape(xx)[0]

    # Define the length of the populations vector
    n_array_length = no_of_attached_states * no_of_x_bins + no_of_detached_states + 2
    print "n array length = " + str(n_array_length)
    n_vector_indices = [[0,0], [1,1], [2,2+no_of_x_bins-1]]

    hsl0 = hs_params["initial_hs_length"][0]
    step_size = sim_params["sim_timestep"][0]
    sim_duration = sim_params["sim_duration"][0]
    time_steps = int(sim_duration/step_size +1)
    Ca_flag = 4
    constant_pCa = 6.5

    fdataCa = open(output_path + "calcium_.txt", "w", 0)
    pk1file = File(output_path + "pk1_act_on_f0.pvd")
    hsl_file = File(output_path + "hsl_mesh.pvd")

    # holder for reaction force at right end
    fx_rxn = np.zeros((time_steps))

    shorten_flag = 0 # switches to one if shortening begins

    # Define the cylinder
    x = 10.0
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0
    cyl_top = Point(x,y,z)
    cyl_bottom = Point(0,0,0)
    top_radius = 1.0
    bottom_radius = 1.0
    segments = 4
    geometry = mshr.Cylinder(cyl_top,cyl_bottom,top_radius,bottom_radius,segments)

    # Create the mesh
    mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(geometry,20)
    # Save the mesh
    File('cylinder_3.pvd') << mesh

    no_of_int_points = 4 * np.shape(mesh.cells())[0]

    # General quadrature element whose points we will evaluate myosim at
    Quadelem = FiniteElement("Quadrature", tetrahedron, degree=2, quad_scheme="default")
    Quadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Vector element at gauss points (for fibers)
    VQuadelem = VectorElement("Quadrature", mesh.ufl_cell(), degree=2, quad_scheme="default")
    VQuadelem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Real element for rigid body motion boundary condition
    Relem = FiniteElement("Real", mesh.ufl_cell(), 0, quad_scheme="default")
    Relem._quad_scheme = 'default'

    # Quadrature space for information needed at gauss points, such as
    # hsl, cb_force, passive forces, etc.
    Quad = FunctionSpace(mesh, Quadelem)

    # Initialize the half-sarcomere class. Its methods will be used to solve for cell populations
    hs = half_sarcomere.half_sarcomere(hs_params,1)

    # Need to create a list of dictionaries for parameters for each gauss point
    hs_params_list = [{}]*no_of_int_points
    passive_params_list = [{}]*no_of_int_points

    # Initialize ion class (get calcium transient from here)
    cell_ion = cell_ion_driver.cell_ion_driver(cell_ion_params)
    calcium = np.zeros(time_steps)
    calcium[0] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(0,0)

    for jj in np.arange(np.shape(hs_params_list)[0]):
        hs_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(hs_params)
        passive_params_list[jj] = copy.deepcopy(passive_params)

    # Create a simple expression to test if x_coord is > 9.0
    # making last 10% of cylinder spring elements
    tester = Expression("x[0]",degree=1)
    digitation = Expression("pow(x[1],2) + pow(x[2],2) + 0.5",degree=1)
    point_radius = Expression("sqrt(pow(x[1],2)+pow(x[2],2))",degree=1)

    # Project the expression onto the mesh
    temp_tester_values = project(tester,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    dig_values = project(digitation,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    point_rad_values = project(point_radius,FunctionSpace(mesh,"DG",1),form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})

    # Interpolate onto the FunctionSpace for quadrature points
    temp_tester = interpolate(temp_tester_values,Quad)
    dig = interpolate(dig_values,Quad)
    point_rad = interpolate(point_rad_values,Quad)

    # Create array of the expression values
    temp_tester_array = temp_tester.vector().get_local()
    dig_array = dig.vector().get_local()
    point_rad_array = point_rad.vector().get_local()

    parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

    # defining parts of the model where the boundary condition should be applied later
    #  where x[0] = 0
    class Left(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]) < tol
    #  where x[0] = 10
    class Right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return on_boundary and abs(x[0]-10.0) < tol
    class Fix_y(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-1
            return near(x[0],0.0,tol) and near(x[1],0.0,tol)
    class Fix_y_right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return near(x[0],10.0,tol) and near(x[1],0.0,tol)
    class Fix_z_right(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return near(x[0],10.0,tol) and near(x[2],0.0,tol)
    class Fix_z(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14
            return (near(x[0],0.0,tol) and near(x[2],0.0,tol))

    # now test_marker_fcn has value of 1 on right boundary always

    # Define spatial coordinate system used in rigid motion constraint
    X = SpatialCoordinate (mesh)
    facetboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1)
    edgeboundaries = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-2)

    left = Left()
    right = Right()
    fix_y = Fix_y()
    fix_y_right = Fix_y_right()
    fix_z = Fix_z()
    fix_z_right = Fix_z_right()
    #horizontal = Horizontal()
    #lower = Lower()
    #front = Front()
    left.mark(facetboundaries, 1)
    right.mark(facetboundaries, 2)
    fix_y.mark(facetboundaries, 3)

    marker_space = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)
    bc_right_test = DirichletBC(marker_space,Constant(1),facetboundaries,2)
    test_marker_fcn = Function(marker_space)

    File(output_path + "facetboundaries.pvd") << facetboundaries

    #lower.mark(facetboundaries, 4)
    #front.mark(facetboundaries, 5)
    ds = dolfin.ds(subdomain_data = facetboundaries)

    isincomp = True#False
    N = FacetNormal (mesh)
    #Cparam = Constant(1.0e2)

    TF = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)

    Velem = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 2, quad_scheme="default")
    Velem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    Qelem = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1, quad_scheme="default")
    Qelem._quad_scheme = 'default'
    # Mixed element for rigid body motion. One each for x, y displacement. One each for
    # x, y, z rotation
    VRelem = MixedElement([Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem, Relem])

    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([Velem,Qelem,VRelem]))
    x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs()

    Quad_vectorized_Fspace = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement(n_array_length*[Quadelem]))

    # Kurtis trying to initialize vectors
    fiberFS = FunctionSpace(mesh, VQuadelem)
    f0 = Function(fiberFS)
    s0 = Function(fiberFS)
    n0 = Function(fiberFS)
    f0_diff = Function(fiberFS)

    c_param = Function(Quad)
    c2_param = Function(Quad)
    c3_param = Function(Quad)

    File(output_path + "fiber1.pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

    m_x = 1.0
    m_y = 0.0
    m_z = 0.0
    width = sim_params["width"][0]
    #x_comps = r.normal(m_x,width,no_of_int_points)
    #y_comps = r.normal(m_y,width,no_of_int_points)
    #z_comps = r.normal(m_z,width,no_of_int_points)
    for jj in np.arange(no_of_int_points):

        #if (temp_tester_array[jj] < dig_array[jj]) or (temp_tester_array[jj] > -dig_array[jj] + 10.0):
        if (temp_tester_array[jj] > 9.0) or (temp_tester_array[jj] < 1.0):
            # inside left end
            f0.vector()[jj*3] = 1.0
            f0.vector()[jj*3+1] = 0.0
            f0.vector()[jj*3+2] = 0.0
            hs_params_list[jj]["myofilament_parameters"]["k_3"][0] = 0.0
            #passive_params_list[jj]["c"][0] = 2000
            c_param.vector()[jj] = 400
            c2_param.vector()[jj] = 250
            c3_param.vector()[jj] = 10


            # In middle region, assign fiber vector
            # find radius of point
            temp_radius = point_rad_array[jj]
            if np.abs(temp_radius - top_radius) < 0.01:
                temp_width = 0.0
                temp_width = width*(1.0-(temp_radius*temp_radius/(top_radius*top_radius)))
            f0.vector()[jj*3] = r.normal(m_x,temp_width,1)[0]
            f0.vector()[jj*3+1] = r.normal(m_y,temp_width,1)[0]
            f0.vector()[jj*3+2] = r.normal(m_z,temp_width,1)[0]
            c_param.vector()[jj] = 1000
            c2_param.vector()[jj] = 250
            c3_param.vector()[jj] = 15
        """f0.vector()[kk*3] = x_comps[kk]
        # assign y component
        f0.vector()[kk*3+1] = y_comps[kk]
        # z component would look like
        f0.vector()[kk*3+2] = z_comps[kk]"""

    f0 = f0/sqrt(inner(f0,f0))

    #f0_norm = project(sqrt(inner(f0,f0)),FunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",1))
    #print "norm is " + str(f0_norm.vector().array())

    f0_diff = f0 - Constant((1.,0.,0.))
    long_axis = Function(fiberFS)

    for nn in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
        long_axis.vector()[nn*3] = 0.0
        long_axis.vector()[nn*3+1] = 0.0
        long_axis.vector()[nn*3+2] = 1.0

    #s0 = f0 + f0_diff # sum object
    #n0 = cross(f0,s0) # cross object

    #s0  = project(Constant((0,1,0))+f0_diff,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    s0 = cross(long_axis,f0)
    s0 = s0/sqrt(inner(s0,s0))
    File(output_path + "sheet.pvd") << project(s0,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))

    n0 = project(cross(f0,s0),VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    n0 = n0/sqrt(inner(n0,n0))
    File(output_path + "sheet_normal.pvd") << project(n0,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
    File(output_path + "fiber.pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))
    #test_tensor = as_tensor(f0*f0)

    # assigning BCs
    u_D = Expression(("u_D"), u_D = 0.0, degree = 2)
    bcleft= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 1)         # u1 = 0 on left face
    bcright= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), u_D, facetboundaries, 2)
    bcfix_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), fix_y, method="pointwise")
    bcfix_z = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), fix_z, method="pointwise") # at one vertex u = v = w = 0
    bcfix_y_right = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)),fix_y_right, method="pointwise")
    bcfix_z_right = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)),fix_z_right, method="pointwise")
    #bchorizontal = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), horizontal, method="pointwise")
    #bclower= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(2), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 4)        # u3 = 0 on lower face
    #bcfront= DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant((0.0)), facetboundaries, 5)        # u2 = 0 on front face
    #bcs = [bcleft, bclower, bcfront, bcright,bcfix]

    bcs = [bcleft, bcright,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right]

    du,dp,dc11 = TrialFunctions(W)
    w = Function(W)
    dw = TrialFunction(W)
    (u,p,c11) = split(w)
    (v,q,v11) = TestFunctions(W)
    wtest = TestFunction(W)

    params= {"mesh": mesh,
         "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
         "facet_normal": N,
    	 "mixedfunctionspace": W,
    	 "mixedfunction": w,
         "displacement_variable": u,
         "pressure_variable": p,
    	 "fiber": f0,
         "sheet": s0,
         "sheet-normal": n0,
         #"C_param": Cparam,
    	 "incompressible": isincomp,
    params["c"] = c_param
    params["c2"] = c2_param
    params["c3"] = c3_param

    uflforms = Forms(params)

    Fmat = uflforms.Fmat()
    Cmat = (Fmat.T*Fmat)
    Emat = uflforms.Emat()
    J = uflforms.J()

    n = J*inv(Fmat.T)*N
    dx = dolfin.dx(mesh,metadata = {"integration_order":2})

    #Ematrix = project(Emat, TF)
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF()

    #Active force calculation------------------------------------------------------
    y_vec = Function(Quad_vectorized_Fspace)
    hsl = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0
    hsl_old = Function(Quad)
    #hsl_old = hsl
    delta_hsl = hsl - hsl_old
    #delta_hsl = 0.0

    #f_holder = Constant(0.0)
    cb_force = Constant(0.0)

    y_vec_split = split(y_vec)
    #print "shape of yvecsplit " + str(np.shape(y_vec_split))

    for jj in range(no_of_states):

        f_holder = Constant(0.0)
        temp_holder = Constant(0.0)

        if state_attached[jj] == 1:

            cb_ext = cb_extensions[jj]

            for kk in range(no_of_x_bins):

                dxx = xx[kk] + delta_hsl * filament_compliance_factor

                n_pop = y_vec_split[n_vector_indices[jj][0] + kk]

                temp_holder = n_pop * k_cb_multiplier[jj] * (dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(gt(dxx + cb_ext,0.0), k_cb_pos, k_cb_neg)
                #temp_holder = temp_holder*conditional(gt(abs(dxx),x_bin_max),0.0,1.0)
                #f_holder = f_holder + conditional(gt(temp_holder,0.0),temp_holder,0.0)
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder

            f_holder = f_holder * cb_number_density * 1e-9

            f_holder = f_holder * alpha_value

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    #print "rank" + str(f0.rank())
    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(f0[i]*f0[j], (i,j))
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    # Automatic differentiation  #####################################################################################################
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest)*dx
    F2 = inner(Fmat*Pactive, grad(v))*dx
    F3 = inner(Press*N, v)*ds(2, domain=mesh)
    # constrain rigid body motion
    """L4 = inner(as_vector([c11[0], c11[1], 0.0]), u)*dx + \
    	 inner(as_vector([0.0, 0.0, c11[2]]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
    	 inner(as_vector([c11[3], 0.0, 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
    	 inner(as_vector([0.0, c11[4], 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx
    F4 = derivative(L4, w, wtest)"""
    Ftotal = F1 + F2 - F3 #+ F4

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    #Jac4 = derivative(F4, w, dw)
    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 - Jac3 #+ Jac4

    darray = []
    """hslarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    calarray = []
    strarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    pstrarray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))
    overlaparray = np.zeros((time_steps+1,no_of_int_points))"""

    calcium_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    calcium_ds = calcium_ds.transpose()
    calcium = np.zeros(time_steps)

    active_stress_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose()

    dumped_populations_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((no_of_int_points,n_array_length)))

    tarray_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(time_steps+1),index=None)
    tarray_ds = tarray_ds.transpose()
    tarray = np.zeros(time_steps)

    p_f_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    p_f_array_ds = p_f_array_ds.transpose()

    pgf_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    pgf_array_ds = pgf_array_ds.transpose()

    pgt_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    pgt_array_ds = pgt_array_ds.transpose()

    pgs_array_ds =pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    pgs_array_ds = pgs_array_ds.transpose()

    temp_overlap_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    temp_overlap_ds = temp_overlap_ds.transpose()

    alpha_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    alpha_array_ds = alpha_array_ds.transpose()

    hsl_array_ds =pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    hsl_array_ds = hsl_array_ds.transpose()

    delta_hsl_array_ds = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(no_of_int_points),index=None)
    delta_hsl_array_ds = delta_hsl_array_ds.transpose()

    y_vec_array = y_vec.vector().get_local()[:]

    hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    #hsl_array = np.ones(no_of_int_points)*hsl0
    delta_hsl_array = np.zeros(no_of_int_points)

    for counter in range(0,n_array_length * no_of_int_points,n_array_length):
        y_vec_array[counter] = 1
        y_vec_array[counter-2] = 1

    Pg, Pff, alpha = uflforms.stress()

    # Magnitude of bulk passive stress in fiber direction
    Pg_fiber = inner(f0,Pg*f0)
    Pg_transverse = inner(n0,Pg*n0)
    Pg_shear = inner(n0,Pg*f0)

    temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
    p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    temp_DG_1 = project(alpha, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
    alphas = interpolate(temp_DG_1, Quad)
    alpha_array = alphas.vector().get_local()[:]

    cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]

    dumped_populations = np.zeros((no_of_int_points, n_array_length))
    y_interp = np.zeros((no_of_int_points)*n_array_length)

    x_dofs = W.sub(0).sub(0).dofmap().dofs()

    temp_overlap = np.zeros((no_of_int_points))
    y_vec_array_new = np.zeros(((no_of_int_points)*n_array_length))
    j3_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points,time_steps))
    j4_fluxes = np.zeros((no_of_int_points,time_steps))
    #print "shapes of stuff"
    #print np.shape(temp_overlap)
    #print np.shape(y_vec_array_new)
    temp_astress = np.ones(no_of_int_points)
    t = 0.0
    #delta_hsls = np.zeros((time_steps,24))
    for l in range(time_steps):


        # Right now, not general. The calcium depends on cycle number, just saying 0
        cycle = 0
        #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model_class.calculate_concentrations(cycle,t)
        calcium[l] = cell_ion.calculate_concentrations(step_size,l)

        #calcium[l] = cell_ion.model.calculate_concentrations(0,t)

        # Looping through integration points within Python Myosim, not here

        # Quick hack
        if l == 0:
            overlap_counter = 1
            overlap_counter = l

        # Because we want to be able to change contractility parameters for each
        # gauss point, we need to loop through the gauss points here

        #temp_overlap, y_interp, y_vec_array_new = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array, hsl_array, y_vec_array, p_f_array, cb_f_array, calcium[l], n_array_length, t,overlaparray[overlap_counter,:])
        #print "hs list dict " + str(hs_params_list
        #print "y_vec_new " + str(y_vec_array_new)
        for mm in np.arange(no_of_int_points):
            #print hsl_array[mm]
            temp_overlap[mm], y_interp[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], y_vec_array_new[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length] = implement.update_simulation(hs, step_size, delta_hsl_array[mm], hsl_array[mm], y_vec_array[mm*n_array_length:(mm+1)*n_array_length], p_f_array[mm], cb_f_array[mm], calcium[l], n_array_length, t,hs_params_list[mm])
            temp_flux_dict, temp_rate_dict = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)
            #print temp_flux_dict["J3"]
            j3_fluxes[mm,l] = sum(temp_flux_dict["J3"])
            j4_fluxes[mm,l] = sum(temp_flux_dict["J4"])
    #    print y_vec_array_new[0:53]
        y_vec_array = y_vec_array_new # for Myosim
        print " num gauss points " + str(no_of_int_points)
        print "y_vec shape" + str(np.shape(y_vec_array))
        print "y_interp shape"  + str(np.shape(y_interp))

        for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[m, k] = y_interp[m * n_array_length + k]

        #print "shapes of stuff"
        #print np.shape(y_vec.vector())
        #print np.shape(y_vec_array)
        y_vec.vector()[:] = y_vec_array # for PDE

    #    print y_vec_array[0:53]
        hsl_array_old = hsl_array

        # trying to implement a work loop

        if work_loop:

            if l>0:
                temp_astress = cb_f_array[:]
                temp_astress = temp_astress[temp_astress > 0.0]
                if np.shape(temp_astress)[0] == 0:
            """if l > 2:
                u_check = project(u,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",2))
                disp_value = u_check.vector()[test_marker_fcn.vector()==1]
                print "displacement after shortening on right is = " + str(disp_value[0])
            if np.average(temp_astress>=50000):
                bcs = [bcleft,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right]
                shorten_flag = 1
                if shorten_flag < 0:
                    u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D

                if shorten_flag > 0:
                    u_check = project(u,VectorFunctionSpace(mesh,"CG",2))
                    disp_value = u_check.vector()[test_marker_fcn.vector()==1]
                    print "displacement after shortening on right is = " + str(disp_value[0])
                    shorten_flag = -1

                bcs = [bcleft,bcright,bcfix_y,bcfix_z,bcfix_y_right,bcfix_z_right]

        solve(Ftotal == 0, w, bcs, J = Jac, form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"},solver_parameters={"newton_solver":{"relative_tolerance":1e-8},"newton_solver":{"maximum_iterations":50},"newton_solver":{"absolute_tolerance":1e-8}})

        """np.save(output_path +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
        np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
        np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
        np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
        np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
        np.save(output_path + "pstress_array",pstrarray)
        #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
        np.save(output_path + "calcium",calarray)"""

        displacementfile << w.sub(0)
        pk1temp = project(inner(f0,Pactive*f0),FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1))
        pk1file << pk1temp
        hsl_temp = project(hsl,FunctionSpace(mesh,'DG',1))
        #hsl_file << hsl_temp

        hsl_old.vector()[:] = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] # for PDE

        hsl_array = project(hsl, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]           # for Myosim

        delta_hsl_array = project(sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))*hsl0, Quad).vector().get_local()[:] - hsl_array_old # for Myosim

        #delta_hsls[l] = delta_hsl_array
        temp_DG = project(Pff, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, Quad)
        p_f_array = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

        for ii in range(np.shape(hsl_array)[0]):
            if p_f_array[ii] < 0.0:
                p_f_array[ii] = 0.0

        temp_DG_2 = project(Pg_fiber, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        pgf = interpolate(temp_DG_2, Quad)
        pgf_array = pgf.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_3 = project(Pg_transverse, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        pgt = interpolate(temp_DG_3, Quad)
        pgt_array = pgt.vector().get_local()[:]
        temp_DG_4 = project(Pg_shear, FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1), form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})
        pgs = interpolate(temp_DG_4, Quad)
        pgs_array = pgs.vector().get_local()[:]

        cb_f_array = project(cb_force, Quad).vector().get_local()[:]
        #strarray[l,:] = cb_f_array[:]
        #pstrarray[l,:] = p_f_array[:]
        #hslarray[l,:] = hsl_array[:] + delta_hsl_array[:]
        #overlaparray[l,:] = temp_overlap

        # Calculate reaction force at right end
        b = assemble(Ftotal,form_compiler_parameters={"representation":"uflacs"})

        f_int_total = b.copy()
        for kk in x_dofs:
            fx_rxn[l] += f_int_total[kk]
        #FX = 0
        #for kk in x_dofs:
        #    FX += f_int_total[i]

        #fx_rxn[l] = Fx
        np.save(output_path + "fx",fx_rxn)

        if t <= 5:
            u_D.u_D += .14
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D


        """if t <= 100: # stretch to 1300
            u_D.u_D += .003
        if t < 500 and t > 100:
            u_D.u_D =u_D.u_D
        if t < 600 and t >= 500:
            u_D.u_D += .0005
        if t < 800 and t >=600:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D
        if t < 900 and t >= 800:
            u_D.u_D -= .0005
        if t >= 900:
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 170 and t > 150:
            u_D.u_D -= 0.005
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        """if t < 5:
            u_D.u_D += 0.03
            u_D.u_D = u_D.u_D"""
        t = t + step_size

        #calcium[] = hs.Ca_conc*
        if save_output:

            active_stress_ds.iloc[0,:] = cb_f_array[:]
            active_stress_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'active_stress.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #active_stress_ds = active_stress_ds.transpose()
            #hsl_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = hsl_array[:]
            #hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'half_sarcomere_lengths.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            calcium_ds.iloc[0,:] = calcium[l]
            calcium_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'calcium.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #for i in range(no_of_int_points):
            #    dumped_populations_ds.iloc[i,:] = dumped_populations[i,:]
            #dumped_populations_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'populations.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            tarray_ds[l] = tarray[l]
            tarray_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'time.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #p_f_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = p_f_array[:]
            #p_f_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'myofiber_passive.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #pgf_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgf_array[:]
            #pgf_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_fiber_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #pgt_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgt_array[:]
            #pgt_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_trans_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #pgs_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = pgs_array[:]
            #pgs_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'gucc_shear_pstress.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #temp_overlap_ds.iloc[0,:] = temp_overlap[:]
            #temp_overlap_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'overlap.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #alpha_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = alpha_array[:]
            #alpha_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'alpha.csv',mode='a',header=False)

            #delta_hsl_array_ds.iloc[0,:] = delta_hsl_array[:]
            #delta_hsl_array_ds.to_csv(output_path + 'delta_hsl.csv',mode='a',header=False)

        # Update Fiber orientation
        #f0 = f0+step_size*(Cmat*f0-f0)/sqrt(inner(Cmat*f0-f0,Cmat*f0-f0))
        #target_vec = Cmat*f0
        #print target_vec.type()
        #target_diff = target_vec - f0
        #target_diff = target_diff/sqrt(inner(target_diff,target_diff))
        #f0 = f0 + step_size*target_diff
        #File(output_path + "fiber_" +str(t)+ ".pvd") << project(f0, VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1))

        """for  m in range(no_of_int_points):

            for k in range(n_array_length):

                dumped_populations[l, m, k] = y_vec_array[m * n_array_length + k]"""

    rate_constants = np.zeros((no_of_x_bins,no_of_transitions + 1))

    #for l in range(no_of_x_bins):

    #    for m in range(no_of_transitions + 1):

    #        rate_constants[l,m] = Myosim.dump_rate_constants(l, m, 0)
    fluxes, rates = implement.return_rates_fenics(hs)









    """outputs = {
    "rates": rates,
    "dumped_populations": dumped_populations,
    "tarray": tarray,
    "strarray": strarray,
    "pstrarray": pstrarray,
    "alphaarray": darray,
    "calarray": calarray,
    "hsl": hslarray,
    #"overlap": overlaparray

    outputs = {}

    """np.save(output_path +"dumped_populations", dumped_populations)
    np.save(output_path + "tarray", tarray)
    np.save(output_path + "stress_array", strarray)
    np.save(output_path + "hsl", hslarray)
    np.save(output_path + "overlap", overlaparray)
    np.save(output_path + "pstress_array",pstrarray)
    np.save(output_path + "j3",j3_fluxes)
    np.save(output_path + "j4",j4_fluxes)
    #np.save(output_path + "alpha_array",alphaarray)
    np.save(output_path + "calcium",calarray)"""

Пример #10
def create_weak_form(mesh, fcn_spaces, functions, arrays_and_values):

    m, k = indices(2)

    # Need to set up the strain energy functions and cavity volume info
    # from the forms file:

    # Load in all of our relevant functions and function spaces
    facetboundaries = functions["facetboundaries"]
    subdomains = MeshFunction('int', mesh, 3)
    X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    N = FacetNormal(mesh)
    W = fcn_spaces["solution_space"]
    w = functions["w"]
    u = functions["u"]
    v = functions["v"]
    p = functions["p"]
    f0 = functions["f0"]
    s0 = functions["s0"]
    n0 = functions["n0"]
    c11 = functions["c11"]
    wtest = functions["wtest"]
    dw = functions["dw"]

    # Don't really need this yet
    #hsl0 = 950
    hsl0 = functions["hsl0"]

    Fg = functions["Fg"]
    M1ij = functions["M1ij"]
    M2ij = functions["M2ij"]
    M3ij = functions["M3ij"]
    TF = fcn_spaces["growth_tensor_space"]
    dolfin_functions = functions["dolfin_functions"]
    pendo = functions["pendo"]
    LVendoid = functions["LVendoid"]

    isincomp = True

    # Define some parameters
    params = {
        "mesh": mesh,
        "facetboundaries": facetboundaries,
        "facet_normal": N,
        "mixedfunctionspace": W,
        "mixedfunction": w,
        "displacement_variable": u,
        "pressure_variable": p,
        "fiber": f0,
        "sheet": s0,
        "sheet-normal": n0,
        "incompressible": isincomp,
        "hsl0": hsl0,
        "Kappa": Constant(1e5),
        "growth_tensor": Fg,
        "M1": M1ij,
        "M2": M2ij,
        "M3": M3ij,
        "TF": TF

    # update with the passive parameter functions

    # Need to tack on some other stuff, including an expression to keep track of
    # and manipulate the cavity volume
    LVCavityvol = Expression(("vol"), vol=0.0, degree=2)
    Press = Expression(("P"), P=0.0, degree=0)
    functions["LVCavityvol"] = LVCavityvol
    functions["Press"] = Press
    ventricle_params = {
        "lv_volconst_variable": pendo,
        "lv_constrained_vol": LVCavityvol,
        "LVendoid": LVendoid,
        "LVendo_comp": 2,

    uflforms = Forms(params)

    # Now that the forms file is initialized, initialize specific forms

    # This is needed for the forms file, but not for what we are doing yet
    # I don't want to change the base functionality of anything, so I'm defining
    # this here
    # (there exists the capability to have hsl return to its reference length in
    # an attempt to incorporate some visoelasticity)
    #d = u.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension()
    #I = Identity(d)
    #Fmat = I + grad(u)
    #J = det(Fmat)
    #Cmat = Fmat.T*Fmat
    #alpha_f = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat*f0))
    #hsl = alpha_f*hsl0
    #functions["hsl"] = hsl
    Fmat = uflforms.Fe()
    Cmat = uflforms.Cmat()
    J = uflforms.J()
    n = J * inv(Fmat.T) * N
    alpha_f = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat * f0))
    hsl = alpha_f * functions["hsl0"]
    print "hsl initial"
    print project(hsl, fcn_spaces["quadrature_space"]).vector().get_local()

    # Passive stress contribution
    Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF(hsl)

    # passive material contribution
    F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest) * dx

    # active stress contribution (Pactive is PK2, transform to PK1)
    # temporary active stress
    #Pactive, cbforce = uflforms.TempActiveStress(0.0)

    functions["hsl_old"].vector()[:] = functions["hsl0"].vector()[:]
    functions["hsl_diff_from_reference"] = (
        functions["hsl_old"] - functions["hsl0"]) / functions["hsl0"]
    functions["pseudo_alpha"] = functions["pseudo_old"] * (
        1. - (arrays_and_values["k_myo_damp"] *
    alpha_f = sqrt(dot(f0, Cmat *
                       f0))  # actual stretch based on deformation gradient
    print "checking pseudo_alpha"
    print functions["pseudo_alpha"].vector().get_local()
    functions["hsl"] = functions["pseudo_alpha"] * alpha_f * functions["hsl0"]
    functions["delta_hsl"] = functions["hsl"] - functions["hsl_old"]

    cb_force = Constant(0.0)

    y_vec_split = split(functions["y_vec"])
    #Wp = uflforms.PassiveMatSEF(functions["hsl"])
    #F1 = derivative(Wp, w, wtest)*dx
    for jj in range(arrays_and_values["no_of_states"]):
        f_holder = Constant(0.0)
        temp_holder = 0.0

        if arrays_and_values["state_attached"][jj] == 1:
            cb_ext = arrays_and_values["cb_extensions"][jj]

            for kk in range(arrays_and_values["no_of_x_bins"]):
                dxx = arrays_and_values["xx"][
                    kk] + functions["delta_hsl"] * arrays_and_values[
                n_pop = y_vec_split[
                    arrays_and_values["n_vector_indices"][jj][0] + kk]
                temp_holder = n_pop * arrays_and_values["k_cb_multiplier"][
                    jj] * (dxx + cb_ext) * conditional(
                        gt(dxx + cb_ext, 0.0), arrays_and_values["k_cb_pos"],
                f_holder = f_holder + temp_holder

            f_holder = f_holder * dolfin_functions["cb_number_density"][
                -1] * 1e-9
            f_holder = f_holder * arrays_and_values["alpha_value"]

        cb_force = cb_force + f_holder

    Pactive = cb_force * as_tensor(
        functions["f0"][m] * functions["f0"][k],
        (m, k)) + arrays_and_values["xfiber_fraction"] * cb_force * as_tensor(
            functions["s0"][m] * functions["s0"][k],
             k)) + arrays_and_values["xfiber_fraction"] * cb_force * as_tensor(
                 functions["n0"][m] * functions["n0"][k], (m, k))

    functions["cb_force"] = cb_force
    arrays_and_values["cb_f_array"] = project(
    arrays_and_values["hsl_array"] = project(

    # calculate myofiber passive stress along f0, set negatives to zero (no compressive stress born by fibers)
    total_passive_PK2, functions["Sff"] = uflforms.stress(functions["hsl"])
    temp_DG = project(functions["Sff"],
                      FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1),
                      form_compiler_parameters={"representation": "uflacs"})
    p_f = interpolate(temp_DG, fcn_spaces["quadrature_space"])
    arrays_and_values["p_f_array"] = p_f.vector().get_local()[:]

    functions["Pactive"] = Pactive
    #functions["cbforce"] = cbforce
    F2 = inner(Fmat * Pactive, grad(v)) * dx

    # LV volume increase
    Wvol = uflforms.LVV0constrainedE()
    F3 = derivative(Wvol, w, wtest)

    # For pressure on endo instead of volume bdry condition
    F3_p = Press * inner(n, v) * ds(LVendoid)

    # constrain rigid body motion
    L4 = inner(as_vector([c11[0], c11[1], 0.0]), u)*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([0.0, 0.0, c11[2]]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([c11[3], 0.0, 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx + \
  inner(as_vector([0.0, c11[4], 0.0]), cross(X, u))*dx

    F4 = derivative(L4, w, wtest)

    Ftotal = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

    Ftotal_growth = F1 + F3_p + F4

    Jac1 = derivative(F1, w, dw)
    Jac2 = derivative(F2, w, dw)
    Jac3 = derivative(F3, w, dw)
    Jac3_p = derivative(F3_p, w, dw)
    Jac4 = derivative(F4, w, dw)

    Jac = Jac1 + Jac2 + Jac3 + Jac4
    Jac_growth = Jac1 + Jac3_p + Jac4

    return Ftotal, Jac, Ftotal_growth, Jac_growth, uflforms, functions, Pactive, arrays_and_values
Пример #11
import os
import sys
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from const import Const
from forms import Forms
from games import Games
from updater import Updater
from settings import Settings

updater = Updater(Const.updateurl, Const.version)
games = Games(Const.gamesjsonpath)
settings = Settings(Const.settingsjsonpath)
forms = Forms(updater=updater, games=games, settings=settings)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--noui', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--host', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if args.name is not None and args.path is not None:
        if args.host is not None:
            games.addgame(args.name, args.path, args.host)
            games.addgame(args.name, args.path)
Пример #12
def _get_forms(inf_desc, req_infinitive):

    forms = []
    verb_types = ['M', 'A', 'S']

    for verb_type in verb_types:

        descriptors = inf_desc[req_infinitive]
        form = 'V{0}N00000'.format(verb_type)

        if form not in descriptors:

        forms.append(Forms('Indicatiu', 'Present', 'V' + verb_type + 'IP'))
        forms.append(Forms('Indicatiu', 'Imperfet', 'V' + verb_type + 'II'))
            Forms('Indicatiu', 'Passat simple', 'V' + verb_type + 'IS'))
        forms.append(Forms('Indicatiu', 'Futur', 'V' + verb_type + 'IF'))
        forms.append(Forms('Indicatiu', 'Condicional', 'V' + verb_type + 'IC'))

        forms.append(Forms('Subjuntiu', 'Present', 'V' + verb_type + 'SP'))
        forms.append(Forms('Subjuntiu', 'Imperfet', 'V' + verb_type + 'SI'))

        forms.append(Forms('Imperatiu', 'Present', 'V' + verb_type + 'M0'))

        descriptors = inf_desc[req_infinitive]
        for form in forms:
            _set_plurals_singulars(form, descriptors)

            Forms('Formes no personals', 'Infinitiu', 'V' + verb_type + 'N0'))
            Forms('Formes no personals', 'Gerundi', 'V' + verb_type + 'G0'))

        for form in forms[-2:]:
            _set_plurals_singulars0(form, descriptors)

            Forms('Formes no personals', 'Participi', 'V' + verb_type + 'P0'))
        _set_plurals_singulars_gerundi(forms[len(forms) - 1], descriptors)

    return forms