Пример #1
def posting(request):
    # A HTTP POST?
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = PostingForm(request.POST)
        # Have we been provided with a valid form?
        if form.is_valid():
            if possible_ranks:
              print "Rank Error!";

            # Now call the index() view.
            # The user will be shown the homepage.
            return index(request)
          # The supplied form contained errors - just print them to the terminal.
            print form.errors
        # If the request was not a POST, display the form to enter details.
        form = PostingForm()

    # Bad form (or form details), no form supplied...
    # Render the form with error messages (if any).
    return render(request, 'admin_portal/[Temp] templates and css/change_posting.html', {'form': form})
Пример #2
def create(request):
	if request.POST:
		form = PostingForm(request.POST)
		if form.is_valid() and request.user.is_authenticated():
			obj = form.save(commit=False)
			obj.username = request.user
	return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
Пример #3
def new_posting(request, template_name="jobs/new_posting.html"):
    Interface to create a new job posting.  A GET request will present
    an empty form.  A POST request will allow previewing and submitting
    the job posting.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = PostingForm(request.POST)
        if 'submit' in request.POST and form.is_valid():
            posting = form.save()
            return HttpResponseRedirect(posting.get_edit_url())

        if form.is_valid():
            preview = form.save(commit=False) # create a dummy posting instance
            return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form,
                'preview': preview}) 
        form = PostingForm()

    return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form})
Пример #4
def post(request):
    if request.POST:
        form = PostingForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            posting = form.save(request.user)
            return render_to_response("postings/posting_form_reply.html",{
                "posting": posting,
                "content_type": form.cleaned_data["content_type"],
                "object_id": form.cleaned_data["object_id"],
            }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
            return HttpResponse(status=400, content="Form was not valid")
    return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER','/'))
Пример #5
def edit_posting_handler(request, posting_type, pk):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = PostingForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

        #since existing posting objects passed validation at time of creation,
        #image/file upload fields and their alt descriptions should be optional
        form.fields['colored_icon'].required = False
        form.fields['uncolored_icon'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_one'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_two'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_three'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_one_alt_text'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_two_alt_text'].required = False
        form.fields['photo_three_alt_text'].required = False

        #although the field was deleted in the GET request,
        #it must be nonrequired to pass validation when adding a role type
        if posting_type == "role_type":
            form.fields['short_project_description'].required = False
            #del form.fields['short_project_description']

        if form.is_valid():
            project = get_object_or_404(Posting, pk=pk)

            #TODO: Remove deprecated check
            if not project:
                print "edit_posting_handler: primary key for editing project does not point to an existing project"
                return render(request, 'generic_error.html', {error_text: 'You have tried to edit a nonexistent posting.'})
                #return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin")

            project.posting_type = posting_type
            project.name = form.cleaned_data['name']
            #TODO(lpei): Remove this, only for testing purposes
            if not project.short_name:
              project.short_name = generate_short_name(project.name)
              print project.short_name
            project.tagline = form.cleaned_data['tagline']
            project.icon_color = form.cleaned_data['icon_color']

            #since file uploads may be optional,
            #we have to check that they exist!
            if 'colored_icon' in request.FILES:
                project.colored_icon = request.FILES['colored_icon']
            if 'uncolored_icon' in request.FILES:
                project.uncolored_icon = request.FILES['uncolored_icon']
            if 'photo_one' in request.FILES:
                project.photo_one = request.FILES['photo_one']
            if 'photo_two' in request.FILES:
                project.photo_two = request.FILES['photo_two']
            if 'photo_three' in request.FILES:
                project.photo_three = request.FILES['photo_three']

            project.photo_one_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_one_alt_text']
            project.photo_two_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_two_alt_text']
            project.photo_three_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_three_alt_text']

            project.description = form.cleaned_data['description']
            if posting_type == "project":
                project.short_project_description = form.cleaned_data['short_project_description']
                project.short_project_description = ""

            #add each role to the many set
            for role_pk_val in form.cleaned_data['role_multiselect']:
                role = Opening.objects.get(pk=role_pk_val)
                if role:
                    print "edit_posting_handler: role specified by primary key does not exist"

            #save the role updates
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin")
            print "edit_posting_handler: form was not valid"
            #print form.errors

            #since the form is only created with request.POST and request.FILES
            #any empty nonrequired fields must be filled in with the existing
            #object in the database before we redisplay it, else we get errors
            #like nonattached files for nonedited photos
            posting = get_object_or_404(Posting, pk=pk)

            #TODO: remove deprecated check
            if not posting:
                return render(request, 'generic_error.html', {error_text: 'You have tried to edit a nonexistent posting.'})

            form.instance = posting

            form_submit_action_url = "/admin/edit_" + posting_type + "/" + pk + "/"
            return render(request, 'edit_posting.html', {'form': form, 'form_submit_action_url':form_submit_action_url, 'posting_type': posting_type})

    elif request.method == "GET":
        posting_object = get_object_or_404(Posting, pk=pk)
        #TODO: revise check condition
        if posting_object and posting_object.posting_type == posting_type:
            form = PostingForm(instance = posting_object)

            if posting_type == "role_type":
               del form.fields['short_project_description']

            #IMPORTANT: the submit action url must be set correctly!
            form_submit_action_url = "/admin/edit_" + posting_type + "/" + pk + "/"

            #additionally, since there is no direct mapping from
            #the model's openings set to the form's MultipleChoiceField,
            #we'll need to generate the initial checked choices
            initial_choices = []
            for role in posting_object.openings.all():
                form.fields['role_multiselect'].initial = initial_choices
                all_role_choices = [(role.pk, role.title) for role in Opening.objects.all()]
                form.fields['role_multiselect'].choices = all_role_choices

            return render(request, 'edit_posting.html', {'form': form, 'form_submit_action_url':form_submit_action_url, 'posting_type': posting_type})

            print "edit_posting_handler: pk points to a nonexistent object"
            return render(request, 'generic_error.html', {error_text: 'You have tried to edit a nonexistent posting.'})
            #return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin")
        #impossible case
        return HttpResponse(response)
Пример #6
def add_posting_handler(request, posting_type):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = PostingForm(request.POST, request.FILES)

        #although the field was deleted in the GET request,
        #it must be nonrequired to pass validation when adding a role type
        if posting_type == "role_type":
            form.fields['short_project_description'].required = False
            #del form.fields['short_project_description']

        if form.is_valid():
            project = Posting()

            project.posting_type = posting_type
            project.name = form.cleaned_data['name']
            project.short_name = generate_short_name(project.name)
            project.tagline = form.cleaned_data['tagline']
            project.icon_color = form.cleaned_data['icon_color']
            #internally assigned to be the last!
            project.rank = len(Posting.objects.all())

            #passing validation guarantees existence of these files (their required attribute is set)
            project.colored_icon = request.FILES['colored_icon']
            project.uncolored_icon = request.FILES['uncolored_icon']
            project.photo_one = request.FILES['photo_one']
            project.photo_two = request.FILES['photo_two']
            project.photo_three = request.FILES['photo_three']

            project.photo_one_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_one_alt_text']
            project.photo_two_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_two_alt_text']
            project.photo_three_alt_text = form.cleaned_data['photo_three_alt_text']

            project.description = form.cleaned_data['description']
            if posting_type == "project":
                project.short_project_description = form.cleaned_data['short_project_description']
                project.short_project_description = ""

            #because this is a new addition, we'll need to save the object first so that the many to many field can be used

            #add each role to the many set
            for role_pk_val in form.cleaned_data['role_multiselect']:
                role = Opening.objects.get(pk=role_pk_val)
                if role:
                    print "add_posting_handler: role specified by primary key does not exist"

            #save the role updates
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/admin")
            print "add_posting_handler: invalid form"
            #form_url = "/admin/add_" + posting_type + "/"
            #return HttpResponseRedirect(form_url)
            form_submit_action_url = "/admin/add_" + posting_type + "/"
            return render(request, 'add_posting.html', {'form': form, 'form_submit_action_url':form_submit_action_url, 'posting_type': posting_type})
    elif request.method == "GET":
        form = PostingForm()

        if posting_type == "role_type":
           del form.fields['short_project_description']

        form_submit_action_url = "/admin/add_" + posting_type + "/"
        return render(request, 'add_posting.html', {'form': form, 'form_submit_action_url':form_submit_action_url, 'posting_type': posting_type})
        #impossible case
        return HttpResponse(response)