Пример #1
    with open(os.path.join('out', fname), 'w') as fp:
        writer = unicodecsv.writer(fp)
        writer.writerow(['Publisher Name', 'Publisher Registry Id'] + previous_months + [assessment_label])
        for publisher, publisher_title, per_month,assessment in f():
            writer.writerow([publisher_title, publisher] + [per_month.get(x) or 0 for x in previous_months] + [assessment])

# Forward-looking CSV file
import forwardlooking

with open(os.path.join('out', 'forwardlooking.csv'), 'w') as fp:
    writer = unicodecsv.writer(fp)
    writer.writerow(['Publisher Name', 'Publisher Registry Id'] + [ '{} ({})'.format(header, year) for header in forwardlooking.column_headers for year in forwardlooking.years])
    for row in forwardlooking.table():
        writer.writerow([row['publisher_title'], row['publisher']] + [ year_column[year] for year_column in row['year_columns'] for year in forwardlooking.years])

# Comprehensiveness CSV files ('summary', 'core', 'financials' and 'valueadded')
import comprehensiveness

for tab in comprehensiveness.columns.keys():
    with open(os.path.join('out', 'comprehensiveness_{}.csv'.format(tab)), 'w') as fp:
        writer = unicodecsv.writer(fp)
        writer.writerow(['Publisher Name', 'Publisher Registry Id'] +
                [ x+' (with valid data)' for x in comprehensiveness.column_headers[tab] ] +
                [ x+' (with any data)' for x in comprehensiveness.column_headers[tab] ])
        for row in comprehensiveness.table():
            writer.writerow([row['publisher_title'], row['publisher']]
Пример #2
        for publisher, publisher_title, per_month, assessment in f():
            writer.writerow([publisher_title, publisher] +
                            [per_month.get(x) or 0
                             for x in previous_months] + [assessment])

# Forward-looking CSV file
import forwardlooking

with open(os.path.join('out', 'forwardlooking.csv'), 'w') as fp:
    writer = unicodecsv.writer(fp)
    writer.writerow(['Publisher Name', 'Publisher Registry Id'] + [
        '{} ({})'.format(header, year)
        for header in forwardlooking.column_headers
        for year in forwardlooking.years
    for row in forwardlooking.table():
        writer.writerow([row['publisher_title'], row['publisher']] + [
            year_column[year] for year_column in row['year_columns']
            for year in forwardlooking.years

# Comprehensiveness CSV files ('summary', 'core', 'financials' and 'valueadded')
import comprehensiveness

for tab in comprehensiveness.columns.keys():
    with open(os.path.join('out', 'comprehensiveness_{}.csv'.format(tab)),
              'w') as fp:
        writer = unicodecsv.writer(fp)
        writer.writerow(['Publisher Name', 'Publisher Registry Id'] + [
            x + ' (with valid data)'
            for x in comprehensiveness.column_headers[tab]
def table():
    """Generate data for the publisher forward-looking table

    # Store timeliness data in variable
    timeliness_frequency_data = timeliness.publisher_frequency_dict()
    timeliness_timelag_data = timeliness.publisher_timelag_dict()

    # Store generator objects for the data that we are receiving
    forwardlooking_data = forwardlooking.table()
    comprehensiveness_data = comprehensiveness.table()
    coverage_data = coverage.table()

    # Loop over each publisher
    for publisher_title, publisher in publishers_ordered_by_title:

        # Store the data for this publisher as a new variable
        publisher_stats = get_publisher_stats(publisher)
        # Create a list for publisher data, and populate it with basic data
        row = {}
        row['publisher'] = publisher
        row['publisher_title'] = publisher_title
        row['publisher_type'] = common.get_publisher_type(publisher)

        # Compute timeliness statistic
        # Assign frequency score
        if timeliness_frequency_data[publisher][3] == 'Monthly':
            frequency_score = 4
        elif timeliness_frequency_data[publisher][3] == 'Quarterly':
            frequency_score = 3
        elif timeliness_frequency_data[publisher][3] == 'Six-Monthly':
            frequency_score = 2
        elif timeliness_frequency_data[publisher][3] == 'Annual':
            frequency_score = 1
        else: # timeliness_frequency_data[publisher][3] == 'Less than Annual' or something else!
            frequency_score = 0

        # Assign timelag score
        if timeliness_timelag_data[publisher][3] == 'One month':
            timelag_score = 4
        elif timeliness_timelag_data[publisher][3] == 'A quarter':
            timelag_score = 3
        elif timeliness_timelag_data[publisher][3] == 'Six months':
            timelag_score = 2
        elif timeliness_timelag_data[publisher][3] == 'One year':
            timelag_score = 1
        else: # timeliness_timelag_data[publisher][3] == 'More than one year' or something else!
            timelag_score = 0

        # Compute the percentage
        row['timeliness'] = int( (float(frequency_score + timelag_score) / 8) * 100 )

        # Compute forward looking statistic
        # Get the forward looking data for this publisher 
        publisher_forwardlooking_data = forwardlooking_data.next()

        # Convert the data for this publishers 'Percentage of current activities with budgets' fields into integers
        numbers = [ int(x) for x in publisher_forwardlooking_data['year_columns'][2].itervalues() if is_number(x) ]
        # Compute and store the mean average for these fields
        row['forwardlooking'] = sum(int(y) for y in numbers) / len(publisher_forwardlooking_data['year_columns'][2])

        # Compute comprehensive statistic
        # Get the comprehensiveness data for this publisher 
        publisher_comprehensiveness_data = comprehensiveness_data.next()

        # Set the comprehensive value to be the summary average for valid data
        row['comprehensive'] = convert_to_int(publisher_comprehensiveness_data['summary_average_valid'])

        # Compute score
        row['score'] = int( (row['timeliness'] + row['forwardlooking'] + row['comprehensive']) / 3 )

        # Get coverage statistic
        # Get the coverage data for this publisher 
        publisher_coverage_data = coverage_data.next()

        # Store the coverage data
        row['coverage_adjustment'] = int(publisher_coverage_data['coverage_adjustment'])

        # Compute Coverage-adjusted score
        row['score_coverage_adjusted'] = int( row['score'] * int(row['coverage_adjustment'] / 100) ) 

        # Return a generator object
        yield row